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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Just finished my last test, TT

on(?) ira ace leur presentation orale --> umh I'm actually not sure how to translate "ace" (is it slang?) but between young people we would say "quelqun va cartonner sa présentation orale" but if I'm talking with a teacher or what else I would say "quelqun va totalement réussir sa présentation orale"

en français on utilise "on" surtout pour remplacer "nous" ("nous sommes partis à la mer" --> "on est parti à la mer") le "on" est plus familier donc si tu dois écrire une dissertation, n'itulise surtout pas le "on". C'est aussi un pronom indéfini.

Well, a little reading test ^^

PS: I'm first^^

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Guest ng0cnguy3n

I wish I had aced it but unfortunately, I didn't. .___. I feel bad to everyone who helped me out. Dx I should have gotten an A- at least though because the way she grades is all sfjsfljs. She gave me a 9/10 on effort when what I wrote was 10x more complicated than everyone else. People who got 10 wrote less than half of what I did. x_x Also, I only got a 8 for grammar and vocabulary. I know I should have gotten a 10 on both of those because I had so many people read over my oral and I used tons of vocabulary. Blah, oh well. There's nothing that can be changed now. x3

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^she probably thought you were talking gibberish because she couldn't understand your advance french.

en français on utilise "on" surtout pour remplacer "nous" ("nous sommes partis à la mer" --> "on est parti à la mer") le "on" est plus familier donc si tu dois écrire une dissertation, n'itulise surtout pas le "on". C'est aussi un pronom indéfini.

Well, a little reading test ^^

so in general 'on' can be used instead of 'nous', but in essays you shouldn't use 'on'?

i'm guessing 'on' is a less formal way of using 'nous'?

i'm going to try and type that out in francais later :).

edit: scrap that. i have no idea where to start...

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Guest mellowmellow

I ace in french, although I'm chinese. I even won a contest! 1st place among what.. 200 students? :P If anyone has questions, don't hesitate!

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so in general 'on' can be used instead of 'nous', but in essays you shouldn't use 'on'?

i'm guessing 'on' is a less formal way of using 'nous'?

i'm going to try and type that out in francais later :).

edit: scrap that. i have no idea where to start...

yep exactly^^

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  • 4 months later...

Enfoiré de Soompi, il a tout foiré les accents aigus dans les anciens posts depuis sa "métamorphose" (en autre mot, depuis son "upgrade")...

� = é

y a-t-il des websites qui aide avec des phrases?

en anglais - i'm trying to ask if there are websites that help with structuring sentences?

I really don't know... But one thing I know is that my French version of Microsoft Word likes to correct everything into some beautiful text... even though it screws up the whole context (not always, fortunately)...

I think your best bet is to get a human who's very good in French to help you out... But good luck finding an unlazy one if it's about a 15-pages essay... :w00t: (This means... count me out)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Leopoldine

Aaaaaahhh ce topic est tellement mort xD Même le Spanish thread est un chouilla plus actif. :lol:

Je le ranime juste pour le fun et au cas où... Un peu de frenchie dans le monde anglais ne fait pas de mal hein?

Je m'ennuie c'est pour ça ^^

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haha merci pour la correction. j'ai su que c'est va etre incorrect (probably this as well).

with devenu, what tense is that in? i have no idea how to transribe -ing ending words to french.

"devenu" = "has become" :)

Oui, vivement que cette thread reprenne un peu vie. :)

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Guest Leopoldine

haha merci pour la correction. j'ai su que c'est va etre incorrect (probably this as well).

with devenu, what tense is that in? i have no idea how to transribe -ing ending words to french.

Yep, it's incorrect.But I know grammar in French is a pain in the richard simmons.

=> Je savais que cela (=ça (it's more familiar)) allait être incorrecte.

Generally, you can translate verbs in be + -ing by: en train de.

For example: I'm eating chicken.

=> Je suis en train de manger du poulet. ('En train de' implies the action is right now.)

But it's also correct to say: Je mange du poulet.

Though "je mange du poulet" is very general (= I eat chicken), depending of the context, it can mean that you are eating chicken right now.

I'm sorry, I don't know if my explanation isn't more confusing for you than anything else :S

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je parle francais casse avec une australie accent.

Enchantée, Zantac_2. Je parle français avec un accent français. Depuis combien de temps apprenez-vous le français?

*translating for our non-French-speaking friends* Nice to meet you, Zantac_2. I speak French with a French accent. How long have you been learning French? :)

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haha enchantee. j'apprend le francais pour environ une annee et demie. j'ai une lecon chaque semaine.

un an et demi? Mais c'est très bien! J'espère que vous aimez et que vous continuerez. Bravo pour le chemin parcouru. :)

A year and half? That's very good! I hope that you're enjoying it and that you will keep going. Congratulations for how far you've come. :) (note: literally the last sentence means, ' congratulations for the distance/the path covered'

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