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[동방신기] Dbsg, Dbsk, Tvxq...


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Sorry, it's 12:50am and I can't see right. BUT DID I SEE JAEHO IN THE BEGINNING? And gahh if my ears heard right too, their last performance was Babo and that's one of my favourite songs T_T<3 All the fancams have killed/exhausted me~

I thought it was Jaemin!! :lol:

Is this the 'surprise' the boys had for changmin?

cuz they said they didn't give him presents [except for jaejoong] right? :sweatingbullets:[


oh no!

i own a page!

but I don't have any pictures to share! :tears:


I have uploaded 2 chn subbed files of their concert

one of them is tvN concert live news & the other should be the Mnet wide news.

I also have upped the chn subbed files for the popjam step by step perf+interview

If you guys want these files, u can click on my signature --> *my uploaded files*

or just pm me directly for the links if u can't find them :sweatingbullets:

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Guest jun;MON

I've always wanted to ask two questions

1. Do all of them attend University? I hear them say, "You (referring to a member) are a third-year university student.... etc". What do they study and where do they find the TIME to study??

2. I know the boys said that they are going to based in Japan this year, are these boys going to release a 4th Korean album this year? I am so demanding :sweatingbullets: but I don't know what I would do if they didn't release a 4th Korean album in 2007. Just because I like Korean music better than the bubbly/fruity image Jpop gives me.

3. Yunho's yellow hoodie, and Micky's black hoodie, they seem to be from the same brand. Does anybody know where to find these styles of clothes? They are so adorkable =D

to everyone who said that yunho looked good in yellow or in caps, I second that thought =d

1. :x I don't remember clearly but Junsu and Yunho took their university entrance exam around miduhyo days and passed. :D <3 Changmin recently got into university with Lee YeonHee(? correct me if I'm wrong), so far I'm not sure about Jaejoong and Yoochun. LOL Changmin hates studying :x!

2. Usually they release their Korean album around September-October. <3

3. NOOO T_T I want all his caps <3 Yunho looks good in any colour cap. hsoidhsoa pink :] <3

Holy smokes, we grew so much pages over the night. :o

:( I feel the same popoyo, all those fancams--I stayed up watching them. Each time I watch them, I feel jealous even more. -sigh- no more... no more... Psh, like I can resist it -_-;

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I was reading comments from Page 1 just now and suddenly, the topic of their wealth status and income surfaced up. And I really really can't help but think why are there such underestimation of their income? Really, there are many ways how an artist could be rich and this does not only come from album sales. The whole music industry does not work that way. Granted, yes they're probably not as rich as most artists from the US. But I really think it's safe to say that they're on their way on being one of the riches artists in Korea. Their activities, does not stop in Korea only. On the contrary, it's going all around Asia. China, Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan are their biggest market. Appearance fee, endorser's fee, concert tickets which prices are sky rocketing at the moment, album sales from Japan, commercial's fees, products bearing their names like those Lego toys thingies, and then you also have singles. So you see, I really do think they're making a lot of money here. In the next 2 years or so, they are already millionaires. I seriously don't think that SM entertainment are ripping of the money that they are supposed to get or else law suits would flying everywhere and similar things to other artists too. Bussiness doesn't run that way. All of this crap about they're not getting enough are just simply rumours. Untill someone could provide me a black and white showing that they are indeed underpaid, then I'll take your word for it. Right now, I shall just judge things the way I see it. Now this whole Boa and JRI thingy, just leave it alone. It's not anyone's place to say if she should or she shouldn't. It's her freakin job, we're not the ones who pay her so just let her do whatever she's supposed to do. And how did Boa have the worst celeb life? She might not have the best childhood but hearing from "unbiased sources' really doesn't prove much. There was one article stating opinions from her fellow friends and co workers from the same industry and EVERYONE has high regards and respect for her so I think we should too. So what if she's cold to us? She doesnt know us, she's just human like us. We don't hug strangers right? The same concept applies.I think I went a lil bit side tracked. Let's go back to DBSG, as I've said, even though they appear humble and is into this 'saving money mode' I really really think we should look deeper than that and view the situation as a wholesome rather than just the sidelines.


My rant stops here.

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Guest shaaaron

dianaj1985: HAHAHA The third picture of JunSu and YooChun, with JunSu "singing" to YooChun just totally made me smile. YOOSU YOOSU! :OO ChangMin's hair looks.... awkward. It's probably cause I'm not use to it yet. XD

Seriously, this thread is alive and grows so much every time I'm absent from it. XD

HAHAHAHA THE FANS WERE HECKA SCREAMING once JaeJoong ran after YunHo. XD I remember seeing a picture of ChangMin a few pages back, and he had icing on his face.. but I didn't know they had cake, so I was like.. "WHAT IS THAT?!?! O_O" Hahahaha. <3 You can see JunSu's S line when he talks. Standing like that just makes him look awesome. LOL... [shuttingup]

I totally can't wait to see more performance clips. But 14 concerts!? That's going to bring on so much stress.

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Tell me my eyes are not playing tricks. DID I REALLY SEE SINGAPORE?!?!?!?!?!?!? RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

// runs around in the room

WHEEEEEE! I'm still in a high. I did not post the articles.. deppstar did..

um... I'm pretty sure that they are headin to: Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur are confirm to be hold their concert. I never heard them mention about Singapore yet. But from wat my cousin told me that they will be staying in the city or country for at least two days and leave for their next destination. He said that if they have time they will stop at Malaysia once more to perform but its not confirm yet. I read that they won't be opening a concert in Singapore due to the high price the country demand for the concert I'm not sure if its true cuz I read it at different dbsk source. So don't jump me about it

1. How did they ruin HOT and Shinhwa?

2. DBSK's contracts, how are the different length? You mean each member has a different length than the other members? or the entire DBSK contract is different from HOT and Shinhwa?

I really don't get her question either...but when she said they ruin HOT and Shinhwa... I think she meant SM because they did indeed cause alot of pain toward those two groups and she doesn't want DBSK to go through it. The incident with HOT is that LSM wanted to give raise to Kangta and Hee Jun [i think its him] and the others got mad and wanted to disband and with Shinhwa, he made them overwork so hard, they cannot stand it anymore and left right after their contract ended. So she's worry that SM is gonna do that to DBSK like give certain ones raise and higher amount of money or overwork them like Shinhwa.

and for ur second question, their contract are the same... I think on their contract, they have to work with SM for amount of years say... 5-10 years [i'm not quite sure on that] and the amount of album they have to release before the contract ended. I remember HOT release about 5-6 album b4 they disband and Shinhwa had 6 albums before they left... that's all I can think of wat can be on the contract but I'm pretty sure the contract are all the same. but probably after the HOT and Shinhwa incident. SM decided to change the contract so they can keep DBSK longer to make more money for them because right now DBSK is their big money making group ;)

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Guest heretoc

Wow... ok about them earning so little... thats shocking.

Anyway I spent some time translating this interview of Junsu's... its from a Japan Radio station...broadcasted on 15th feb 07. Coming up next would be Max's... I would find time to translate too when I see it. lol

[DBSK’s secret! Working hard Step by Step…] series

*Scoop is the DJ.

Junsu: Hi, everyone. I’m Junsu from DBSK. Please listen to our new single, Step by Step.

Snoop: [DBSK’s secret! Working hard Step by Step…] series. First up here on this show is Junsu.

Junsu: Yes, I’m Junsu.

Snoop: Xiah ah, the joke I cracked last week was a bit too much, so sorry.

Junsu: Its ok, that’s your hosting style all along.

Snoop: You don’t mind, really?

Junsu: Yeah, I’m used to it.

Snoop: DBSK’s new single is called ‘Step by Step”, therefore I thought of this “Working hard Step by Step” series, asking all sorts of questions. What are you very enthusiastic about lately, Junsu?

Junsu: It’s a… it’s a target…The target is…

Snoop: Yeah?

Junsu: I would like to compose about 30 melodies before going back to Korea…

Snoop: What? Really?

Junsu: That’s my target now.

Snoop: 30?

Junsu: So I’m very into composing melodies lately.

Snoop: What musical instrument do you use to compose your melodies then?

Junsu: Piano, and composing music procedures. (?)

Snoop: Ah, so you’re using the procedures. Do remember to lend me the CD (composed songs)!

Junsu: Yeah, haha.

Snoop: Besides work, what are the things you are very focused on when it comes to doing them?

Junsu: Even though I’m no longer practising it… taekwando.

Snoop: Oh

Junsu: Do you know? I practised for like 6, 7 years.

Snoop: Everyday?

Junsu: Yeah.

Snoop: Wow! So a fight shouldn’t be a problem? Good at it?

Junsu: Never been in a fight before.

Snoop: Yeah fighting is wrong.

Junsu: When duelling…

Snoop: Ah, during competition?

Junsu: I got 3rd place before in a competition.

Snoop: That’s good! Why didn’t you carry on? Too busy?

Junsu: Taekwando is separated into 3 levels: 1, 2 and 3. I got my 2nd level and never practised since then. Cos my dream wasn’t to be a specialist in Taekwando.

Snoop: Ah, soccer player?

Junsu: Yeah, cos I wanted to be either a soccer player or singer.

Snoop: Now you’re already a singer. So you practised very hard for Taekwando before?

Junsu: Yes.

Snoop: In March there would be another single coming out called “Choosey Lover”. “Choosey” refers to those difficult to please kind of women. But in your opinion, what kind of woman’s considered a “choosey lover”?

Junsu: This question is difficult to answer. Hmm… Its whereby the guy ask: “This or that better?” and the woman goes “This”, and a while later she says “No, I don’t like. That one’s better.” But then again, she would say “I don’t like that either.”

Snoop: Simply means a person that beat about the bush?

Junsu: If that’s the case, the one listening would be tired.

Snoop: Ah, so you prefer people to tell you straight where they want to go?

Junsu: Not really. Yeah they can do so at times, but sometimes it can be me making the decisions. It’s better this way. If she keeps on disagreeing with what I say, that would be tiring for me.

Snoop: Then would you get angry?

Junsu: I don’t know…haha

Snoop: You wouldn’t want to meet that kind of girl again isn’t it?

Junsu: I would try to give in to her…

Snoop: So kind, giving in to her…

Junsu: Should be so, but it might be tiring for me.

Snoop: Oh so this is what we call ‘Choosey lover”.

Junsu: Yeah.

Snoop: The following are “IF” questions. The first one’s interesting. Let’s begin.

Junsu: Ok.

Snoop: This question would be asked to all members of DBSK. If the answer is interesting, points would go up. If not it goes down. It goes like this usually.

Junsu: Ok, I get it now.

Snoop: It’s during the holidays. You woke up one morning and found that you’ve become a 38yr old uncle. How would you spend that day? It’s during the holidays…

Junsu: Ah..

Snoop: If you become an uncle.

Junsu: Hmm.. what would I do?

Snoop: You wake up, look into the mirror and saw the face of a 38yrs old uncle… although 38yrs old is still considered young.

Junsu: I would first go to the beauty salon and try to make myself look as good as possible.

Snoop: Followed by facial! Hehe

Junsu: Go and watch baseball.

Snoop: Sports again? Hehe

Junsu: or soccer.

Snoop: That’s uncle… Uncle’s point going up. That’s what a 38years old uncle said exactly.

Junsu: Yeah.

Snoop: Another question. During your working days, you wake up one morning to find yourself becoming a 17yr old young girl. What would you do? Panick?

Junsu: Then I won’t go to work. I will…

Snoop: Would you call anyone?

Junsu: I would call up mum and dad and say: “I’ve become a girl!”.

Snoop: You would say that? They would most probably reply: “Dear, what are you talking about?”.

Junsu: Haha… what kind of question is this? I would like to go out as a girl.

Snoop: Out of the door?

Junsu: Go out.

Snoop: Go outside?

Junsu: Yeah out of course.

Snoop: In a skirt?

Junsu: I got no choice then… haha

Snoop: Like a girl?

Junsu: I would wear very girly clothes and walk about.

Snoop: Ah walk about. Yeah, can’t possibly stay home all day. What hairstyle do you like then?

Junsu: Hairstyle? A little bit…

Snoop: Permed?

Junsu: Bit permed. Yeah…should be that.

Snoop: That should be Junsu’s ideal…

Junsu: Yeah. How nice would it be if it’s my ideal type of girl.

Snoop: Haha. So where would you go? Walking around or shopping?

Junsu: Shopping I guess. Girls like that. Buy the things I want to buy, then try wearing and using.

Snoop: Ah, if you ever experienced this once, you would understand a girl more right?

Junsu: Yes. I’d like to know more.

Snoop: Not bad.

Junsu: Yeah I’d like to try.

Snoop: Ok. Why didn’t I hear any response from other members? Haha they aren’t listening. Are they?

Junsu: They are at home now.

Snoop: Oh, so not listening.

Junsu: Listening at home.

Snoop: Oh is it? Haha I know now.

Junsu: What?

Snoop: Junsu’s so attentive today.

Junsu: Interesting right?

Snoop: Not interesting regarding those you said after you become a girl.

Junsu: Hahaha…

Snoop: I wonder how the points gonna be. There are still some things that can’t be told to Junsu.

Junsu: What is it?

Snoop: Sports~

Junsu: Sports.

Snoop: When we talk about sports, points usually go down.

Junsu: Why? Sports is a good topic.

Snoop: Yeah its good…

Junsu: So the points should be going up!

Snoop: Usually going up…Ok evaluation for Junsu now. Hmm…kinda difficult. 82pts!

Junsu: Wow!

Snoop: Quite high ah?

Junsu: It’s very high!

Snoop: It’s only normal… 82pts.

Junsu: Really?

Snoop: So now let’s listen to the last song, new single Choosey Lover.

Junsu: Ok.

Snoop: Right. Do an intro would you?

Junsu: This is DBSK’s “Choosey Lover”. Please enjoy.

Snoop: Who’s coming up next week?

Junsu: Changmin.

Snoop: Then, please.

Junsu: Please too.

Snoop: Now, DBSK’s “Choosey Lover”.

Snoop: How’s Junsu’s interview today? It would be Changmin’s turn next week. Do tune in. I gave the points. Members have been looking very much into the points lately. When I play the tape, I would receive letters saying “Please give me a higher score.” So I gave 82points…This is the cute interview of Junsu’s. Stay tune next week.

Credits: sundom77@Baidu ShenQi Bar + toto112@tvxqfamily + heretoc@soompi forum

PS: Somehow I don't like the DJ... he sounds bit of arrogant i don't know... like someone not so nice. And our Xiah was being so nice in the interview.

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Guest misz.perfect.

OMG, the interview was so fun to read. =] But I like how Junsu was so excited after getting 82 points. Hehe. :D I would've given him a hundreeed. So his idea of a "choosey lover" is one who is indecisive? I guess that does make sense. =) Lol...if he became a girl, I'd be so sad. xD

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^ thanks so much for the detailed translation, heretoc! :w00t: i enjoyed reading it even though i haven't had time to listen to his or changmin's yet. i love the answers he gave. like how he would call up his parents if he changed into a girl. :P heehee... and what he would do. he gave a lot of interesting answers even though it seems the DJ was trying to make things difficult for him. =P

thanks for the news articles, michelle. ^_^

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Guest miz_luvabl3

Congrats on the new thread!anywhoo i know i'm kinda off subject but i was wondering where i could get the 2007 wall calendar pictures, specifically hero's..i'm planning to have one of the pics made into a shirt and the guy said he couldn't scan my calendar because it was too big so i'm looking for the picture online. THANKS in advance!!!!!!!!

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The concerts are finally done in Seoul. My impression? a huge success. The boys seemed like they had a lot of fun despite being really tired. I hope the boys get at least a complete day's rest before heading to Japan. (I forgot their schedule though :sweatingbullets: ). Anyway, congratulations to our dear dongbang boys for a job well done.

the boys are really not rich at all >.< they only get like 2 cents for each album sold and spread b/w the five (boa gets 50 cents/album). and that's their only source of income. It doesn't really add up expecially with the increasing internet downloading and decreasing sales. anyways the point is they don't make much for the effort they put into it. What they get instead is fame and exposure and ofcourse love <3

It's not like I want to start an argument or something, but to boldly state the amount of their earnings from the album just like that, is there proof/evidence? or is this mere deduction? It's just that we all have to be careful when writing something even on forums as well. New DBSK fans visit this thread and we dont want them giving wrong info.

I should know. When I was really new to DBSK, I read info/facts about them. Some of the things I've read were quite far-fetched but I quite believed them. Later I realized those things just couldn't be true at all. All I'm saying is let's be careful of what we write.

does anybody have an actual artical about the boys getting lexus? I have a strong suspicion that that the sources may not be reliable. Remember the clip about the boys crashing cars in the junkyard? Well, they visited a brand new car centre in the clip as well. That might have been where fans started saying how they got lexus.

The reason I why I don't believe they EACH got a lexus is that some of them haven't learned how to drive yet. (AND they have no TIME to learn how to drive)

BY THE TIME YUNHO GETS A LICENSE, he still won't have the time to drive around, these boys' schedules are PACKED from Jan to December each YEAR, save for the 10-day vacations around mid-January...

hmm... if I'm not mistaken I think the Lexus-info was related to us by tama. She's more qualified to "defend" her claim than me; but i just want to say she went to the concert [all three days I believe]. I see no reason why she would tell all of us something not quite factual.

anyway, I feel that all four boys can drive and have a license. (I'm not sure about Changmin...) I mean, Yunho did "drive" a taxi right, during the break? I remember that picture! but for sure, JJ, Junsu and Yoochun drive. Also, if you remember, when JaeChun got involved in a minor accident around New Year's time, an article mentioned a BMW car. hmm... maybe that tell us the boys have a fairly good amount of income.

just my two cents...

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Oh my goodness! What did I see?? Total Jaeho!! Haha Jaejoong was totally attacking Yunho :w00t: lol I can't stop watching the clip over and over. xD Who was it that fell down? I couldn't tell because the cam kind of zoomed away to something -.- Was it Yunho or was it Jaejoong? Anyways, I love this fancam. <3 -- Er, you guys see Jaemin? Where? :unsure: Are you guys watching the same fancam I am? I could've sworn that it was Jaejoong running after Yunho... the body built and the hair... it was screaming Jaeho... =/ Ok wait, the one that fell down was Changmin. Hm, how did that happen? lol, chaos. :P

heretoc, thank you for the translation! lol, I'd be crying if Junsu turned into a girl though, hah that would end all my fantasies!

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Guest emiza sakura
can u direct me to the page???

cos i cant seem to find it~~

their five in black events in japan~~

can someone pls translate it??

omg anyone have the idea how they let ppl in???

where do u purchase the entry tickets to this???haiz now iam sooo loving their japan concert~~~

so iam thinking tht going to their japan concert is one of my dream

other than going to their korea one~~

changmin is easily happy with yummy food but he nevers eat them alone~~

unless he is super hungry~~~ hahahah

hahaha....thanx for the picces ya!!!

hehehe....eventhough its quite late but......still wanna wish...

:lol: thanx sanbi for the new thread YAY!!!!! :lol:

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Guest jun;MON

OH EM GEEE <3 Junsu is so cute. I'll tap his cherry butt if he was a girl :x!!!!! <33 -blush- Lol me and my friend were talking about how we would tap that hahahahah omg we're not pervs. :) If Junsu was a girl, I'll go lesbian for him. :|!!!!! Hey hey, if he's a 38 year old uncle he should spend time with his WIFE :) me memememe. -spazz-

Thank you for the translation! It was fun to read <3

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I heard the concert in China will be in August, but no dates are confirmed yet.

Oh SNAP! Is that true? Where'd you here this? xD THAT'S DURING SUMMER HOLIDAYSSSSSSS!!

...MUST. GO. BACK. >__________>!!!!

Idol Concert Marred by Excessive Screening

Dong Bang Shin Ki, starts Asia Tour with Seoul performance

TVXQ!, 2006's no. 1 in album sales


2nd Asia Live Tour Concert 'O'-正.反.合 - Dong Bang Shin Ki

Wahhhh~ Thanks for all the articles, deppstar! xD <3


Sorry, it's 12:50am and I can't see right. BUT DID I SEE JAEHO IN THE BEGINNING? And gahh if my ears heard right too, their last performance was Babo and that's one of my favourite songs T_T<3 All the fancams have killed/exhausted me~

Haha, I think it's Jaemin... *_____________* BUT WAHHHHHH~~ I'm so glad that Minnie had a mini-bash on stage, too, like Yoochun did on their HMS tour. :lol: Thanks for posting this up! ^________^

And to everyone else who posted stuff up, thanks to you guys too. ^_____^ You guys are the awesome'est<3

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Guest goongS-girl
What is that white thing on his face?

^judisz-It's cake! hehe...I was confused too when I saw that picture of him...but they had cake at the concert....the members were putting the cake cream on Changmin's face because of his birthday!!! How sweet! It's so cute Jaejoong was like chasing him! :lol:

OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE NEWS AND NEW CLIPS EVERY ONE!!!!!! Um....wow this thread is already at page 12! It was at 4 yesterday! hehehe.....^_^

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Oh my goodness! What did I see?? Total Jaeho!! Haha Jaejoong was totally attacking Yunho :w00t: lol I can't stop watching the clip over and over. xD Who was it that fell down? I couldn't tell because the cam kind of zoomed away to something -.- Was it Yunho or was it Jaejoong? Anyways, I love this fancam. <3 -- Er, you guys see Jaemin? Where? :unsure: Are you guys watching the same fancam I am? I could've sworn that it was Jaejoong running after Yunho... the body built and the hair... it was screaming Jaeho... =/ Ok wait, the one that fell down was Changmin. Hm, how did that happen? lol, chaos. :P

I see Changmin also. :lol:

It looks like Yunho ran after them.


Or wait, now that I watched it again.. it does look like Yunho. :blink:

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Guest hyeminnie

Sorry, it's 12:50am and I can't see right. BUT DID I SEE JAEHO IN THE BEGINNING? And gahh if my ears heard right too, their last performance was Babo and that's one of my favourite songs T_T<3 All the fancams have killed/exhausted me~

i looked at it and i think it's junsu.

changmin and yoochun are on the left and yunho's back is turned to the camera. and junsu's running from jae joong. XD dorks.

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Oh SNAP! Is that true? Where'd you here this? xD THAT'S DURING SUMMER HOLIDAYSSSSSSS!!

...MUST. GO. BACK. >__________>!!!!

Wahhhh~ Thanks for all the articles, deppstar! xD <3

Haha, I think it's Jaemin... *_____________* BUT WAHHHHHH~~ I'm so glad that Minnie had a mini-bash on stage, too, like Yoochun did on their HMS tour. :lol: Thanks for posting this up! ^________^

And to everyone else who posted stuff up, thanks to you guys too. ^_____^ You guys are the awesome'est<3

i think it was Jaeho cause the fans that left the replies are saying that it was yoonho and jaejoong and jj was the one to fall. i think junsoo and changmin were just watching.

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Guest shaaaron

Yeah, I think it was YunHo and JaeJoong? Like JaeJoong ran after YunHo. YooChun came afterwards, but I'm not sure if it was JaeJoong or YunHo who fell. I knew it wasn't YooChun cause the person who fell had long hair. XD

It wasn't ChangMin, cause the guy running had his hair down while ChangMin's hair was all in cornrows. And I think it was JunSu's back who was facing us.


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