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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest sujungx3

is it my fault that i feel bad about my self but i like to take pictures? ---funny line hihi. coz you know people who REALLY think that don't usually like to POSE. :rolleyes: Geez, DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE...you said in your picture thread that you look BETTER before, 'better' is a comparison so it means you feel like you look 'good' now. There's no harm in admitting that you know.

people like you make me sick too. :lol:

oh oh...you're only 14, no wonder. o__O;

how old are you? i know that u must be older than me....why are you so immature?....u'll never know everything u know.....

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Guest miyaviyo

how old are you? i know that u must be older than me....why are you so immature?....u'll never know everything u know.....

You're the one to talk you know. I'm 20+ and uhh...i didn't say that I know everything. o__O;

It's just your thread gave away everything, pretty much contradicts what you've said in this thread. Oh please, take a look a yourself, you're the one who's immature, saying one thing there, another thing here, you're very inconsistent. C'mon make-up your mind, you don't even know what you think of yourself! :rolleyes: If you've just been honest from the start, I would've shut my mouth a long time ago, and I'll be happy to, do you think I find enjoyment in this? Haha! :lol:

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i think im attractive

with makeup i think i loook pretty good.. a 8.5 maybe 9

with out makeup umm ill say 5/6

yeah.. make up is a bigg thing in my life

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Guest j'dore*

hmmm...depends on my mood

a lot of ppl say that i'm cute

&the adults say i'm pretty

so i'll say 7 (cute/pretty) somewhere in the middle x]

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On most days I'm in the 4-5 range (jeans/t-shirt days & no makeup). The random days that I dress up (skirts/boots combos & a little blush) I feel like a 5-6. The day of junior prom (hair done, makeup, beautiful dress, high heel shoes) I felt like a definite 8-9. :P

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Guest Nathalie

I don't think I look good at all. I give myself a 7.. without make-up I would say 4-5 with makeup maybe 7-8. My friend say I'm okai.. my cousins says I look "hot"? I think low of myself. So pretty much to sum up 7.

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Guest Shortyyy126

hey i might not have big eyes, flawless skin, small nose, cute lips, nor an oval head, but i'm still average when it comes to looks. others might see me differently, but this is how i see myself.

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Guest KuteDragonBabe

Honestly, yes I think I'm pretty attractive. I guess my best features are my eyes and my smile. Everything else is just OKAY, nothing out of the ordinary. I would rate myself an 8. Everyone has their own different opinions on things and how they look, hopefully, no one would have a low enough self esteem to call themselves ugly. *sigh*

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hmm... i try to like the way i look. I have been told I'm pretty/cute by family and friends and just people, but i'm still unsure of myself haha. i guess a lot of people are kinda hard on themselves. I am VERY hard on myself sometimes. i have good points I'm proud of like my skin, hair, and such, but i always see something wrong everytime I look at myself. which explains why i dont take many pictures. Friends always tell me to take more pics for myspace, but I'm really hard on myself when it comes to that. When I take a pic, I'm like "oh, no that doesn't look good" and I always delete it.

well... i guess kinda trust the opinions of others, but i'm just not sure of myself. It's getting better, but my self-esteem is not exactly the highest ^^;

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Guest luzCONTROL_7

I think I'm really cute and pretty up-close. And I'm quite skinny and tall.

But when I look myself in the mirror at school I think I look worse.

My whole family and relatives (except my brother) think I'm really pretty and all my parents friends plus my friends that are 4-10 years older than me thinks so but I've never heard from a girl or boy at my age that I'm pretty or cute.

I think I look cute but I don't got the nice clothes.

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Guest Minnie J_*

i put 3, but most of the time i

look like crap so..lol

but now i'm trying to accept

the fact that i look like a typical asian..


i've heard people say i'm pretty but the people

that have said it are my family members and friends, etc..

and no guy has said i was pretty..

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hmm... i try to like the way i look. I have been told I'm pretty/cute by family and friends and just people, but i'm still unsure of myself haha. i guess a lot of people are kinda hard on themselves. I am VERY hard on myself sometimes. i have good points I'm proud of like my skin, hair, and such, but i always see something wrong everytime I look at myself. which explains why i dont take many pictures. Friends always tell me to take more pics for myspace, but I'm really hard on myself when it comes to that. When I take a pic, I'm like "oh, no that doesn't look good" and I always delete it.

well... i guess kinda trust the opinions of others, but i'm just not sure of myself. It's getting better, but my self-esteem is not exactly the highest ^^;

yeah, same.

I like looking at myself in the mirror, I get compliments from family, friends, guys, even strangers.

but when when somebody takes my pics, I dont like the results,

or when I take self-pictures, rarely they look good, so I just delete them.

Which is why I like having my pics are professionally taken, since those photographers have the proper lighting equipments, the skills, they know how to capture your good sides. :ph34r:

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Guest SatinDoll

ugh hell no. so disgusting..not even being modest or anything. if only my waist was smaller, or thighs were less chunkier, face less ugly...ewww why am i such a monster. so i'd say 2, because i guess im not the worst in teh world, but im still pretty bad

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Guest yamaki_LOVE

HONESTLY I think im ugly...i have pimples....and i gave myself a 1 on that :D but life is life if you're born pretty your pretty right?...maybe if i didnt have so much pimples i would rate myself a 5....lol not to try to be coinceited or anything but everything about me i like im unique and i like how i am supposedly the face ....

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HONESTLY I think im ugly...i have pimples....and i gave myself a 1 on that :D but life is life if you're born pretty your pretty right?...maybe if i didnt have so much pimples i would rate myself a 5....lol not to try to be conceited or anything but everything about me i like im unique and i like how i am supposedly the face ....

i used to have pimples on my forehead too... but drink a lot of water and eat more vegetables will help you stay away from the pimples :D

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