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Guest Inconnu

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Inconnu hahaha! i agree, that was the funniest part of it. i hope he blogs more :rolleyes:. he does seem like the male version of paris hilton (intelligence wise, sighs)

Rowie has an goodlooking fiancee? i wanna see lolz

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Guest Jenni.Pho

^ That third picture und Freestyler is so cute haha. Couldn't help but laugh at it, so adorkable.

I've seen her fiance's hi5 page from hers, he is pretty good looking.

Inconnu: Yea I know. Me and my sister had a big discussion [well...not discussion exactly] about how vietnamese people you can't really tell them apart that well. Like whenever you'd say something about someone else in Viet thinking they can't understand you, you turn around and boom they're talking in viet. Sometimes I'm pretty sure that my one sister is white, and my other is like hispanic or something...and I've actually mistaken them for being white//hispanic I must say lol.

dotjini:Hehe. I don't know. I'm talking about at a first glance kind of. You know how if you take a look at someone you can just tell what their ethnicity is? Like that, like how you can usually tell if someone is chinese or korean. When you look at someone who is vietnamese you can't really tell by one look, you have to keep looking back and forth you know?

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Guest Chiperaholic

Lol. I didn't know Bernie Bin is a girl. But she does look like a little boy. Plus, she got the same hair style as Rain.

Bun X Whale is cute! Look at those muscles :)

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Guest Trinnie


i never knew so many pretty asians existed

let alone VIET

the ones that i go to church and school with are so fobby! or fobby gangster wiggers or w/e

okay well that girl up there is pretty cute

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Guest Trinnie

again...i say pretty vietttss!!


its off

hahaha im such a noobie


i feel like a speck amongst all the pretty viets here :(


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Guest Inconnu

^ Wait... so shes 17 in some pictures but 20 in other pictures?

im confused... LOL. Either way, she looks like shes 13... doesnt

look her age at all.

Trinnie ^^ I dont think you knew but we dont post pictures of ourselves on here..

its a net idol thread... just wanted to tell you. Not that you're bad-looking or

anything, but I think you probably thought this is where all Vietnamese girls/guys

post their pictures, right? But nope, that's in the Members 411 section so you

should post your picture there instead. :D


I just realized something... we seem to never post pictures of the Vietnamese

net idol contest winners except for BimBim and Andy and some of Lisa. o_o

haha, no one has pictures of Quoc Tran or the other girls?

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Guest yuyugirl009

^ I'm not sure if that's her or not.

^ Wait... so shes 17 in some pictures but 20 in other pictures?

im confused... LOL. Either way, she looks like shes 13... doesnt

look her age at all.

Trinnie ^^ I dont think you knew but we dont post pictures of ourselves on here..

its a net idol thread... just wanted to tell you. Not that you're bad-looking or

anything, but I think you probably thought this is where all Vietnamese girls/guys

post their pictures, right? But nope, that's in the Members 411 section so you

should post your picture there instead. :D

lolz...the girls I posted...I posted like 4

girls and Nin was one of them. I meant Nin

is 17 and the other girls I posted are about 20.

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Guest .moony.

I wonder what TTS's parents do lol

and bernie bin does look like a guy!! argh i thought she was a guy >.<

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Guest JooLee


I think everyone should remember Duy (well I didn't but Bim Bim sorta of made me remember him) and if I remember correctly, he was pretty popular but then he stopped updating his photos unfortunately.

oh my gawd! i didnt look at any of the pictures except your update.

you have picture of duy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol you are AWESOME ^^



oh man hes major eye candy too....


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Guest JaCkiie

I'm back! :) Yippee and OMG, this thread has so many photos now! yayy! And since there's been request of what Rowie's fiancee looks like, I'll post some photos up :)









Jen, I had Starbucks coffee today! I'm so happy because I hadn't had coffee since ages ago, but yeah, I had coffee and went shopping :) Totally loving the city style, only the bad thing was I was in my school uniform and had a heavy bag :( And awww, thanks for flattering me, I try to reply to everyone's comment to encourage everyone to become more active :) If they feel welcome then they will post more in this thread :D That toally motivated me to continue to reply to everyone, and made my day better yesterday :) I had a horrible day yesterday but you made it better ^^ And I agree, Duy reminds me of this korean ulzzang but I can't remember who (since I suck at names). And yeah, each Viet looks different and I guess that what makes Vietnamese people special :)

Reese, you are on a roll! So many photo updates! Gah I LOVE YOU! Oh oh and about Duy's 360, I don't have it but I can go look for it for you :) I'm sure his somewhere on Bim Bim's friend list :D Stalker mode time :w00t::ph34r: Oh and Rowie is 21 years old turning 22 this year? And she's currently engaged - not yet married but it looks like they're pretty solid at the moment. O.O" But gah, they're so young and so committed already! And gah, I like the new new Bryan photo & Edison's photo! And and yeah, we never post the other Viet ulzzang photos because, well I think the winner Quoc Tran sort of removed all of his photos so it's like literally impossible to update his photos, but I don't know, I haven't checked his pages in yonks.

jarah_summerL0VE, Rowie's currently engaged and she's 21 years old and turning 22 in August :) AND welcome to the Viet Ulzzang thread :) thanks for posting the photos! The guy you posted looks familiar.

Chiyo, not as cool as yours, I always post up the same people because they're easiar to stalk! LMAO! Yeah, Bim Bim has the puppy eyes & gah, I really am envious of how Rowie does her make up, but apparenlty she said that she wasn't pretty when she was a teen but she taught herself the skills and changed herself into a pretty person. O.O" She's really motivated I reckon. And thanks for posting photos of Bun X :) and lmao TTS is just plain hilarious, his really entertaining after you look through his 'Paris Hilton' side.

Batman!, she did join up recently after she found out about this thread lol :)

JooLee, thank you, Duy is such an eye candy, too bad he doesn't update as often :(

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Guest Joanne <3

This post is dedicated to Ender who acknowledged my disappearance, hahaha. :ph34r:

That Edison guy is hot! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Bernie Bin reminds me of BimBim. :huh:

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Guest JaCkiie


She's been introduced in this thread before but by being in photos with other Viet net Idols such as Andy, TTS etc.









Not entirely sure if these photos are new/unseen. Sorry if it's been posted before










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Guest dotjini

^ That third picture und Freestyler is so cute haha. Couldn't help but laugh at it, so adorkable.

I've seen her fiance's hi5 page from hers, he is pretty good looking.

Inconnu: Yea I know. Me and my sister had a big discussion [well...not discussion exactly] about how vietnamese people you can't really tell them apart that well. Like whenever you'd say something about someone else in Viet thinking they can't understand you, you turn around and boom they're talking in viet. Sometimes I'm pretty sure that my one sister is white, and my other is like hispanic or something...and I've actually mistaken them for being white//hispanic I must say lol.

dotjini:Hehe. I don't know. I'm talking about at a first glance kind of. You know how if you take a look at someone you can just tell what their ethnicity is? Like that, like how you can usually tell if someone is chinese or korean. When you look at someone who is vietnamese you can't really tell by one look, you have to keep looking back and forth you know?

Hmm yeah, you can't tell a Viet person's ethnicity at first glance, but a lot of them have similar facial structure... but it's like if we could tell Viet people apart at first glance, the general population of different races would be able to tell each other's ethnic origins apart. Sigh. French colonization + Chinese expansion + people moving AROUND. Oh I also forgot the indigeneous minorities. Someone said before that the Vietnamese population is too... heterologous. I think cultural things like the people's perception of beauty (as seen from PBN, Asia, etc) is very different from, say, Chinese or Korean people's, and that helps you tell them apart. Uh. Or I spend too much time staring at people's faces.

The singers in PBN and Asia have that classic Vietnamese perception (is it French influenced?) while most net idols have the more recent uhljjang look (and poses). I honestly can't tell most of the Asian net idols apart from one another or what race they are. =x But I can tell a lot of Viet people are Viet. It might be because I'm Viet or because the uhljjang look isn't as big/common among Viet people.

I started rambling again. -_-;; Anyway, Rowie's fiance really does look good. O_O;;

And there are a ton of goodlooking Viets in the Houston area, haha. But most aren't into camwhoring. :(

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Guest xXSJloveXx

And there are a ton of goodlooking Viets in the Houston area, haha. But most aren't into camwhoring. :(

thats SO true xD

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