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☆ ★ [[ V I E T N A M E S E net idols ❤ ]]

Guest Inconnu

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Heyyy... didn't know Dinh Huy was posted on here. I ate somewhere with him. He's actually really good looking in person. ^^

Kain... you should join the contest not to win, but simply to support the efforts of the people trying to host the competition. It's not easy for them, and yet they still wanna host such a thing.

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@Envogue no harm trying again no?

@Kain wha?! NUUUU thats so not true!! and i second -X- its all for fun anyways ^^ more good looking people wont hurt XD

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Guest cinnamoroll

OMG Tam Tit! She's so beautiful! Her outfits were...very interesting. LOL. I agree the photographer didn't really even capture her or her face. It was just about her outfits :( I think her face is waaayy better than those outfits. Interesting shoot though.

Loved the new Mango spam! ^_^!

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Guest doritosbag


handsome guy but seriously whats with this glitter stuff on the face...

it looks like sweat to me. 0_o

OMG, i love sam. she's so cute!

Is Quỳnh Chi a net idol?








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Guest littleblackwings

^ *0* Her first outfit is sooooooooooo cute!

In regards to Aphy...

I think Aphy's a neck breaker in some photos but others... nyeh. I think he rocks his little M necklace, v-necks and that blonde/tan combo though. :) His fashion is ace.

>.>; Yeah I'm definitely going to France now.

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Guest blabla123456789

I didn't even know it excisted such things as a.... vietnamese.. net idol.

Okay, no racial - I'm vietnamese as well.

I think most of those "vn net idols" is kinda.. overdo it. Especially Aphy or something like that, I actually thought he was a girl.. Sup with all the makeup?!

It's like a dude.. Dudes should be ... like ... dudes.

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Aphy doesn't look like a girl to me; I think he wears makeup 'cos he's a model. If you wanna talk about girly guys, then Kelbin . . . . well, just look at him! :lol:

Aghhh, I really want to bleach Aphy's eyebrows to match his hair color. It kinda bothers me for some reason. ^___^;;

Quynh Chi is really pretty, but her expression is the same in all the photos.

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Guest blabla123456789


Aphy doesn't look like a girl to me; I think he wears makeup 'cos he's a model. If you wanna talk about girly guys, then Kelbin . . . . well, just look at him! :lol:

Aghhh, I really want to bleach Aphy's eyebrows to match his hair color. It kinda bothers me for some reason. ^___^;;

Quynh Chi is really pretty, but her expression is the same in all the photos.

Hahah, awh. Well, I do think that he looks like a girl!

But again, he live in Europe.. But I live there as well... Oh my, vietnamese guys is so.. feminine!

When a dude wears glitters on their face when they're going out for lunch it's like.. too much?

I don't know who Kelbin is :)

But I think Aphy looks like thai..

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Guest ~.Linh.~

ahh it's been SO long!

Huu Vy is looking good! And Andy oozes hotness as always XD

and what happened to Kelbin?! does he seem to be...manlier with each shoot? lol

No guys, the reason why Alphy has glitter on his face is because he's a vampire. = =

LOL, thumps up!

But seriously, Aphy isn't a complete nooooo for me. It's just that something about him seems a bit odd...is it the tan/blonde combo? The clothes? The style? The glitter?

Oh, and I love Midu's last photo shoot! So pretty ^___^

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Shouldn't he burn up and die then...?

Quỳnh Chi is alright... she just has the same exact expression in every photo

duude it was an allusion

to twilight haha


and cmon guys his style is unique and some kind of cool

and his face is actually handsome just the combo is a bit odd

dun bash hahaha

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