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Guest pinguvxd

oh my god. i keep on stalking this thread to look at the awesome graphics!!


i wanna request another one..b-but...i'm being so GREEDY!! >0<

oh well, the greed took over!! i'm going to request again! X3

can't help it. it's too awesome. hmm...i'll brb tomorrow to edit.

for now, SAVE SPOT!!

i own page 6(:

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hehe stupid me :rolleyes: now i want to request for some reason xD I hope i canstill request again -_- '


-title:My Delicate Sunflower

-subtitle:Genuine Beauty Can Only Be Shown Within The Heart Of A Blossomed Soul.

-size:any size just not too small

-specific colors:yellow/orange any other colors you like ^^

-designs?sunflower or just flowers ^^

-how many? 3



-title:My Delicate Sunflower

-subtitle:Genuine Beauty Can Only Be Shown Within The Heart Of A Blossomed Soul.

-size:any size just not too small

-specific colors:yellow/orange any other colors you like ^^

-designs? a sun?lmao lik a field type of thing

-how many? 3



-title:My Delicate Sunflower

-subtitle:Genuine Beauty Can Only Be Shown Within The Heart Of A Blossomed Soul.

-size:any size just not too small

-specific colors:anything!!!

-designs?DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!lmao what ever you like ^^

-how many? 3


^ you can request i don't mind;; uhh. but you requested the same thing THREE TIMES. -.-

kinda confused.. is it for like the title, prologue, pm's, or chapters? O_O so confuzzled. please reply back to this. :] or i might just skiptotheloo~

-i'll be back with more shtuff. >0< got SO much darn hw.


hasumoika? i hope that's your name :lol: ^^ i thought it was too bright. (toomuchyellow&pinK) -,- ughh~ *shivers*


-hope you likeyy it~ xD

imust finish those ffheaders. O_O''

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OMG i dreally do think im stupid now -_-'

lmao i wanted so that i ould switch the headers once in a while ^^

gosh im such a stupid bum <_< o hope you will still take my request.

EDIT__WAIT!! lmao nvm i don't want to do that ive changed my form ^^

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^ uhh. ok.


man. im like addicted to fanfics right now. T___T NO! must resist! must do hw! NOOOOOo~

-i JUST read 'love sucks' by carol (about 15 chapters, in 35 minutes) <<Ed is a very fast reader :] something i pride myself in~ ^_^

-im so lazy right now. i dont want to TOUCH photoshop for a few days. i'll edit later with more stuff. (ialwayssaythis)

:D hehehe

im in the mood for more posters. (: OHYEAh~ & ONLY 7 more spots left.

im not taking anymore requests after wednesday. i got so many tests & hw to do. >0< &im sleepy. xD

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Guest pinguvxd


-title: minty apples

-subtitle: guaranteed 100% minty freshness in every kiss

-author: pinguvxd

-HQpics: girl: 01 02 03

guy:01 02 03

-wanted mood/colors: bubbly-ness happy

-etc: thank you!! <333

really want a poster!! love yours. :blush:

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Guest dearpaperheart.


-title: Half Full, Half Empty

-subtitle: She's cold as winter, he's warm as summer

-author: Phuong & Carol or SERENDIPITY_. & doodette


I hope these pictures are suitable to work with (:

01 02 03 04

PS - You don't have to use the scenery if you don't want to :)

-wanted mood/colors: sad/mad/drama/melodramatic?

-etc: hi ed (;

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Guest dream3rx0


-title:Sing for me, baby.



-HQpics: Jaejoong:1 2

Shiwon: 1 2

-wanted mood/colors:romantic,cool


thank you <3

cant wait :]

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wow HIPPO. I <3 ur works so much XD they're so cute LoL must request !!!


-title: Just to Remember

-subtitle: everlasting memories

-size: big ^_^

-specific colors: my fav green (#CCFF33) and as for subtitle (#CCCC99)

-designs? (ex: look at mine) it's a light hearted ff so maybe a heart and ...?

-other: uhm just a little request, can u make it "Written by RanP" :)

-how many? 1 for now ^o^

I may request for a poster later~ lalala

Thankss a lot XD~

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-title: Lee Hyori

-subtitle: Beautiful Goddess

-size: u choose

-specific colors: not reli i dont care

-designs? (ex: look at mine) lol um u choose

-how many? one is good

PS. is it alright if you don't put the 'fanfic written by: ___' thing? thx.

^sorry no can do.

-.- if its NOT for a fanfic, im gonna reject. :]

so busy this week.

be back tomorrow with the rest. i promise*

<3`till then. :3 OHYEAH. Phoung which pic do i use? o_O confused. i was gonna use one scenery & the guy pic. -.- uhh. please clarify~ ^_^ love the 1st scenery pic~ x3

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Guest x_mindyy


-title: Falling in Love

-subtitle: Is this how it's meant to be?

-size: any.

-specific colors: any.

-designs? whatever you think looks nice.

-how many? 2


-title: Confession

-subtitle: You can't love someone...if you're going to hurt them

-size: any

-specific colors: any

-designs? Anything that looks nice.

-how many? 2

thank youuu<3

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Guest Michelle~*

^sorry no can do.

-.- if its NOT for a fanfic, im gonna reject. :]

so busy this week.

be back tomorrow with the rest. i promise*

<3`till then. :3 OHYEAH. Phoung which pic do i use? o_O confused. i was gonna use one scenery & the guy pic. -.- uhh. please clarify~ ^_^ love the 1st scenery pic~ x3

ok then~ ^^;

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aaaah!!! so cute! i must request! ^0^


-title: Miss. Piggy's Love Mode

-subtitle: Written by: Solly

-size: 320x155

-specific colors: Shades of red and pink

-designs? a cute pig's face with little hearts

-how many? if more than one, fill out another form.

thank you so much!!!!

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^ yay~ ok~

now that its been clear...

i shall be back! :D

T__T so much hw. again. but this time, no mother~ ^_^ so im free to finish everything by today.

NO MORE REQUESTERS! until further notice. xD

-nevermind. my mother came home. >0< crabmuffins! trying to finish all by saturday.

wait. tomorrow's fridayy? :lol: theyre gonna be done by friday then. ^_^ hohoho~

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er. dangit. i couldn't edit my post above. (must'vebeentoomanystuffthen-.-) ohwells. >0<

did most of the ffheaders. :3

cutevietluv12 here's yours. xD




tokio your's has a WIDE range of stuff in it. :] er. i ran out of stuff to put. (half my brushes got deleted)





*nomanymore* here you go ^^ the green's a bit funky. -.- (itsmyfavecolorthough) xD


x_mindyy &here's yours. x3



whew. got ALMOST all the ffheaders done. ;] so proud~ xD ohyeahhh! ^_^

-gonna go sleep now. mangggs. got a dang math test tomorrow. TOMORROW's FRIDAYy~ TGIF<3

im gonna get to those posters tomorrow. ^^

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Oh WOW o0o

Your works are so amazing! I love your style. The posters and headings are awesome and I know your character charts are just as great because you made one for me. :lol:

So nice just looking at them hee hee!

I would request, but I'm not writing at the moment. aishi.


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