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anyone know what Lee Ji Hoon is doing currently?

Mikki's bf...last I heard, he's in Japan?

^welcome back lisa! (even though i too haven't been on in awhile XD) hahahaha!! and about ji hoo, the heartbreaker that he is, has finally found himself a girlfriend. hahahaha~! that's what everyone's sad about. and to answer your question about chi hoon. he too is taken. he's dating mikki's friend. ^__^

Hi LoveHli!!! I'm glad to be back, but I probably won't post as much as I use to cuz of so much work in school etc.....

Still I'm glad to be back on uhljjang mania....kekeke

are there pics of the lucky lady??? LJH is still my fave uhljjang, single or dating, doesn't matter...

Army. :(

LJH is back in army?? I thought he finished his duties....

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Guest ZIPzoomZAP

are there any ulzzangs with like no sangkapul [eyelids] or not skinny or big face. anything that goes against the korean standards of beauty?

[directed twoards girls]

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Guest xiaochingu.

LJH is back in army?? I thought he finished his duties....

i think his official "return" date is in October later this year

*sighs* :( more than 7 months away

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just joined in yestarday ^_^

happi to see all this dreamy girls & boys!

i huv been searching korean net idol forever ,

but never suceess-_-

(i only had search the chinese websites - since i am a chinese,

but all i could found were namji's & Lee Sang Ah's pics)

gosh! every girl is skinny & got a tiny face in those pics!

i am extremely curious about their method of staying skinny :blink:

sorry for having a request -- (since this is my 1st post in here!)

does anybody has a collection of korean school uniforms?

well, doesn't have to be fifty different sets,

it would be nice to have 1 or 2 :]


*i am sorry for any grammar mistake or bad english!

my English really sucks :[ (didn't work so hard at sch :P)

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Guest tsukemene123

sorry for having a request -- (since this is my 1st post in here!)

does anybody has a collection of korean school uniforms?

well, doesn't have to be fifty different sets,

it would be nice to have 1 or 2 :]


Here's some school uniform-y pictures I have:





are there any ulzzangs with like no sangkapul

I am also interested in this. I asked a looooong time ago, but no one ever replied. :(

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Guest raiseplus

I think they are ulzzangs? The second one looks like Choi Haneul.

da second one isnt choi haneul. lol. her name is kim su han or something dats wat it said in da site. if it was choi haneul her pics would of been everywhere.

da third one is one of the ullzzangs girl friend her name is jung hae won..but she's not an ullzang.

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Guest lucky*13

Haven't gone on this thread for 10 pages already. :(

It's pretty depressing. ... and my head is woozy right now.

New Bi Hyul. (updated on 02.19.08)


Credit: Bi Hyul's Cyworld + Photobucket

sorry, what happened to lee ji hoo?? i haven't been in the uhljjang thread for so long....is LJH okay?
I think the only one that's well is him.

... his Army and Girlfriend happened.

I have a question~

I know that Lee Sang Eun changed his name, but what did he change it to?

Lee Ji Hoo, or Lee Ji Hoon?

Lee Sang Eun = Lee Ji Hoo, Vice Versa.

to: a nice day.

Talk about not being here...

You replied every single day!

Okay, well...

When LSJ comes back,

he will have hair ready for him.

... and PTJ will NOT!

Now that I am on this thread,

I can again imagine the time

when "she" said PTJ was hot.

Shivers frinkles minkles.

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