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Guest thecrow barks

- Who's your favorite male uljjang?

KIM KYUNG ROK!!! i loved him in He was COol

Who's your favorite female uhljjang?


- Which male uhljjang portrays the sappy, sensitive image the best?


- Which female uhljjang portrays the tough image the best?


- Who would make the best uhljjang couple?

Ji Hoo and Mikki... DED NOW D:

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ill translate x]

hm yea i tried my best haha

He Story-

she's late again

its been 20 minutes already

she's so lazy!

She must have been late to

school all the time, too.

I just know it

running in a hurry every morning,

she even tripped infront of me a few times

well, honestly;

i was pretty popular too

"late yoon" is what they called me.

but i'm never late anymore

i guess it's like when you wake up

early on a field-trip day-

because i get to see her-

think about it.

if im late, then she'll be standing alone.

&that's not right-

because she's so late these days

it made me think

"should i go out 10 mintues late?"

but the fact that she might come

early this time

made me come out on time

&wait for her-


i should send her a text

saying that i'll be 20minutes late too

because of traffic,

so she doesnt have to hurry

or trip again.

She Story

im usually not late,

but its always like this when i go see my boyfriend.

My bangs get messed up on my way out the door,

my eyebrows look uneven..

and when i was on my way out again,

my shoes seemed like they stood out too much.

time flew by as i went in and out of my house.

Im 20minutes late again.

As i was running towards the place we were going to meet,

i saw the back of the boyfriend,

with his cellphone in his hand.

Right when i was going to say "I'm Here~"

i received a text..

it said that he's not there yet,

&that i shouldnt have to hurry.


i feel bad already,

now he's lying to make me feel better..

I hid behind my boyfriend's back and

sent a text back.

It's me.. don't turn around right now,

if you do,

i might melt from being so sorry and thankful.

As i pressed send,

i said to myself-

Next time,

ill make sure i get here first

&wait for him..


Thanks soooo mucho for the translations!! made my day!!



Yes, PTJ is back b/c of your SPAM!


Also, the pic of LeeChung and the asian health medicine cures aches and pains.

Not depression though and not a spa treatment...

Lee Ji Hoo, YoungSuk + YooRa SPAMS too







^ So UNIQUE and nice outfit, plus IT'S HIM!!



- Couple outfits, hand holding, pics and shoes!!

:wub: the "He and She story"

Yes.. i loove the he she story too!! so sweeet!!

and the EASY ACCESS PANTS!! MUAHHAHAHA, i saw that first toooo!!!

[Kayce if you read this, NO!! I'm not corrupted!]

PTJ is soo fricken hot..


The Han Ji Hoon pics with Eun Bi a few pages back.. is it just me or does he look unhappy? a little thin and a bit sick too? ><;; my imagination must be runninhg wild but yea.. Its not the same Jihoon I see in pics with Mikki.. He just doesnt look healthy.. ><;;


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Guest chigusa707

new mikki

Mikki's so ready for summer! ^^


Credits: Cyworld

I agree.. she looks pretty in that pic!

SPAM 5/20


Thanks for the SUA spam.. I love her style a lot!

AAAAAh.. when's the deadline for the FANFIC PROJECT?

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Guest xvampireknight

Jina: >:] oh yes. We'll steal LYG and then when cookieboy comes and visit in the U.S

i`ll tell him to "drop by" my school, go to the cafeteria, and then I'll make everyone jealous.

I'll run up to him and make my friend and my ex-friends go "WHO IS HE?! HES HOT!" just like

they did when they saw his pictures. Then we can drop by your's and Nicole's school. Pwjahah.

i'm so evil.


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Guest touche`

hehe, that's a very cute story. I like the idea of the girl not telling her boyfriend to turn around.

That is supppper cute! >O< Which reminds me, I shall write mine too. o_o;;;

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Guest tuna_madunna

Wanna say thanks to..

soyeongongjoo = the cute translation

*lilyisland*= Moon Bin Pics

^^K@mZ@^^= Hye Sung Pics


Moon Bin is err..uhm how to say this? HOT!

Ooohh.. I don't wanna sound like a pedo! Haahhaa!

How old is he? I have to wait for him until he's all grown up :mellow:


You can call me future MRS. LEE/SUL/OH! Haahaaha

My name is Donna

(I guess x1buckybabey is Donna too if not mistaken)

But can call me MING, my Chinese name *^__^*

Yey! Your spams came again!!

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Guest perfect


Can anyone post the following pictures of

Lee Ji HOo and Mikki together


Lee Ji Hoo and Mikki and Han Ji Hoon together


Han Ji Hoon and Mikki together?

Please? Thank you. I need these for a poster.

(I finally started my story!)

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Guest touche`

Anyways, hi ya! I am finish with my story, which I started this morning and finished awhile ago. XD~ I hope you all enjoy and If I am not suppose to post it, I am truly sorry. Baoi said that I can go ahead and post when I ask her if we are suppose to wait but she told me to go ahead and post. >< Enough about my blabbing. =P P.S; MOD, IF THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE, THEN FEEL FREE TO MOVE. :] IT IS SUPPOSELY TO BE A ULZZANG FANFIC COLLECTION?

There are a lot of grammars error but please don't mind. It is not the best story but I tried to make it sweet as possible. :)

I realize that I didn't say the girl's name but I like to make the girl a mystery. :3


Sweet melody

featuring Han Ji Hoon. (One-Shot)

Original fanfic by Kayce. Do not steal because the plot is mine. Characters are not owned by me (only the girl is made up by me). Under 5,000 words. J

Waiting is what I am good at but being alone is what I hate. My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and 6 month. Today is our 2 years and 6th month anniversary and it better be special today or else, my girlfriend will be the first girl that I am coming after. I plan out everything for the two of us to spend time together and yet, she's not even here yet!

My patients are running low because I have been waiting for 3 hours! Remember how I said waiting is what I am good at? Well, forget that. I'm ready to shoot her in the head. I-

"I'm here!" she yells from behind. I turn around and saw her skipping down the side walk, holding different colors of balloon, towards me. It feels like everything around me stopped. I love how the way she smile, making her eyes smaller. Even though she is small, I wouldn't care. She is a gift from God, a blessing from God.

I couldn't help my let out a small smile to her because she is the cutest girlfriend, ever. My friends would die to have my spot but it's so sad that she was made for me and only me.

Every time she smiles, it brings back the memory how we first met. I chuckled. It was the funniest sight ever. I mean, how could I not fall for the cute look? The first time I saw her was at the theme park, looking like a lost child.

As I walk towards her, she didn't look lost. She looks.. Well, I can't explain that well. She was emotionless? I look at her before thinking about to go talk to her. I was scared because she might have thought that I was some crazy bastard trying to hit on her.

But thankfully, I went to talk to her. The first expression on her face was quite funny, actually.

I remember going something like, "are you okay?" she looked up and stare into my eyes. She has the most beautiful eye. It wasn't dark brown like everybody else.

Her eyes were perfect midnight blue.

"What are you thinking about?" I look down at her. "I have been starting at you for 1 minute now and you know, I am not a slow walker." she wiggles her nose at me.

I bend now and pinch her cheek, "I was just thinking about you and how you are blessing from God." I stare into her eyes as I said.

"Aw, you are my gift from God, too." She smile and took my hand. "So, anyways. I'm sorry that I was late because my dumb brother was still changing his gas at the gas station. So it took a while….And while I had to wait for 2 hours for that, I thought of buying us balloons to play. Aren't they cute?" she giggles.

I couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness. "You are too cute, my darling. It's okay because all it matters that you are here with me now." I look at her one more time and slowly, I lean towards her to give a kiss on her right cheek.

I pulled back and look at her face, she was blushing, really hard. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, again.

"So, where are we going?" she asked, trying to ignore the fact that I just kiss her on the cheek. "Well, let's see. I don't have anything plan but you can go ahead and pick a place. I don't mind." I said as I try to take away the balloons from her right hand but everything I try to reach for it, she moves further away.

"What are you trying to do to me? RAPE ME!?" she made a O mouth shape, continue to move back, away from me. "Well, I would and I could but I can't. Now, give me those balloons." I offer my left hand for her to give me the balloons but she rejected. She giggles. Oh, how that turns me on.

"You won't give it to me?" she giggles again, shaking her head side to side, slowly. "You do know that I am bigger and faster than you. I will catch you if you try to run away." I said, lowering my tone of voice. She giggles, one more time. Oh, that's it. My ding dong is up!

Slowly, the boy makes his way towards the girl, trying her a warning sign to run. But of course, being the slow girl, she turns around and tried to run but fail. He caught her before she even took one step.

His hands were around her waist, tight but not tight enough to kill her. He learn forward and whisper to her ears, "give them to me, now." making his voice dangerously sexy. she let go of the balloons but before they flew away, the boy quickly grab the balloons with his left hand.

"There that wasn't so hard was it?" he said as he sneaky grab her left hand with his right hand. The two of them walk into the streets before them, not knowing where to go.

"Ji Hoon?" she question. "Hmm?" he answer back, looking at her. She frowns but pouts at the same time. "What is it? He ask. By this time, the both of them were at the beach, watching and waiting for the sun to set. It has been 5 hours since they got there.

"I have been wondering… what are you going to do without me? I mean, I don't want to leave you but I have no choice." she sigh. "Ah, I told you already. I don't want to talk about this. It's the matter of time that we get to spend together. I don't like when you talk about this. It breaks my heart." he said, getting angry but trying not to get angry at the same time.

He hates when his girlfriend bring the issue up but he knew, inside his heart he can never avoid this problem. Either way, he need to face reality or let alone, fantasy will destroy his reality. He sigh over and over, again. The girl turn to look at him and wonder, is he okay?

She was about to open her mouth and ask but he interrupt her and said, "I'm okay.." She continue to stares at him with her midnight blue eyes. The boy couldn't help but turn to look at her. Her gentleness is like the calming wind.

He took both of his hand and run them against her cheeks, holding her still. Still, she stares into his eyes, wondering what is he going to do. He smiles at the beautiful girl before his eyes, wishing that that the day would never come.

Slowly, the both of them starting to lean forward and stops. The perfect scene of the sun setting before them and the sounds of the flying seagulls above them. The waves crashing as the time stopped. Ji Hoon moves his lips towards her and stops, again. It seems like this time, he wants her to make the move but of course, she can't read his mind.

Apparently, she did. She finish the job. The moves that he long for. Their third time kissing, knowing that it will be their last. The memory comes rushing in as they deepen the kiss with passion. Perfect. His mind thought. Sweet melody found the perfect couple.


Thank you for reading. :)

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^ Muahaha.. i thought you could post it here,

since it IS part of the project.. and it's about ulzzangs.......

Well,..i am not sure.


[edit] AWWW!!! I was so in the MOOD for something sweet and you story was

PERFECT!! just exactly what i needed. Muahaha.. HJH is so hot!!

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Guest flyxme.

hmm are you supposed to post that here?

It should be in the fanfic forum or if it's in there already...

But I read it anyways, how sweet. But she's has to leave? ;__;

I don't know how the girl is in the poster, but she looks really pretty.

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