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Guest hydedesu

^ pff that is wat i mean bevor u only talk it out clearly nobody wanna see here new faces n when u post new unseen faces u get bad bad coments on this wich nervy alote .-.

always bad n negative credits about u pics u posting ...like i say and most of the time of the same users all the time

iam not long in soompi @all but i also not understand why all make bad credist about evry singel new pic wich get post here

i think all wanna see only mikki n KKR -.-

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Guest xxiiyabbyxx

she looks like a filipina of from philippines... is she filipino?

No she's not since this is the korean celeb thread so obviously we're gonna post korean celebs.

and uhh. PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE PICS. remove the img tags. -_-

Park Min Na


















credits to cyworld


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Guest Krymson

HAHAHAHAHA youre clever <_< . I'm not trying to find flaws with natural ullzzangs and celebrities. if you don't understand what I'm saying just keep quiet. I'm obviously gonna be on my best friends side. If you don't like him, you don't like him... all i said was to keep offensive comments to yourself. you can say you dont like him...but dont insult someone. (do you kids seriously have no common knowledge?)

if someone talked s**t about your friend, would you just sit there and let them talk nonsense? I don't think so... I will back my best friend til the death so if you got a problem with that back off.

yall are really lame. real talk.

as for the courteous people in this forum...i would like to extend my gratitude.

there was a time when soompi was actually kind of cool... like when it first started. annoying richard simmons kids.

Honestly? I had no qualms with Sekai. Her post was blunt, but it was written in a way that wasn't offensive to others. I agree with almost every point she wrote, and I do think that people shouldn't bash any celebs that they may dislike, as it can ruin the environment of this thread.

Sekai may have been voicing her opinions in an assertive manner, but you're just blatantly trying to get on people's nerves =/. I find that almost everything you wrote is JUST as offensive and insulting as ANY statements that other people wrote. I love how you love to pass judgment and automatically assume that everyone around you is a "kid". As if everyone is beneath you. What you're doing isn't promoting a healthy environment... it's just you trying to put everyone around you down without voicing any positive criticism.

"and in actuallity...you really offended me...so keep your mouth shut and dont come back in here to talk badly of someone you dont know."

For someone who's trying to pass off everyone around them as "immature'.... you're not very polite, OR mature... are you.

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Guest greeent

haha ^^;; there has been a lot of fight these days ^^;;


ILOVEDAMBISPAM! i love her style. its so cute and lovely ^-^

thank you thank you thank you! <3

okay so err, richard is currently in which entertainment? :]

& thank you for the kim mina spam as well,i loooooove her style, it's so bright and colourful xD <3

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Guest xvampireknight

O M F G.

Can you just stop arguing and get on with the pictures?

People can have their opinions. But for those with opinions,

if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say. But if you have

to just let it out, at least put it in a nicer way. You all are immature

if you just keep arguing about these things.

iluvtony29: =) thanks for the spam~

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hi first time posting here


been a lurker/silent reader for a long time

what happened to gwak min jun?

heard he went new zealand...

is he like staying there forever or is it kinda like exhange student xD

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Guest eggplant

ah they are cute ^^ anyone can share more info about them (e.g. cyworld/profile etc) cos i m pretty new to ullzang mania! thanks in advance!

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does anyone know are most of the pics(daily one,not photoshoot) photoshopped to be in such good quality?

or they use some really good cameras?? thanks.

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Guest Sekai no Hikari

Ok- with all the fighting- r K is defending his BEST FRIEND the way any of you would defend yours if they were attacked on little merit. Think about it. I'm sorry if he offended others in the forum... I'm sure he meant to only offend a few. ^^;

Keep it positive guys, and what is with this "nobody wants to see new faces" bs?! Okay... honestly, that's pretty hilariously closed-minded considering that this is not a thread about one or two people and actually explains why there are a number of trendy, popular uhljjangs in Korea that do not appear on this forum because they are not one of the original, old-school uhljjangs. Opening up the thread to new faces allows more people to visit and find ones they like. If you don't like them (hell, I don't care for a lot of the uhljjangs in this thread either) just scroll by. Are you going to stop every person you consider unattractive in the street and tell them so? Right, again... internet balls. Just keep it courteous, and if you must say you don't like someone, do so gracefully, or not at all.

yii- Most uhljjangs have great cameras that they tote around wherever they go. I know that photoshop is still prevalent in uhljjang culture, but I'm someone who truly believes that if an uhljjang is not as attractive as they appear to be online, they are ALWAYS exposed before they reach a level of high fandom.

Richard is currently with "Tiara Entertainment." There are a few other yunseupsaengs and models signed with the company.

Some more of Richard with Han Ga In (Vizu wedding shoot- www.vizu.co.kr). Thank you to valley girl for finding these photos!





A few from an Itaewon club... did you guys know that Apku and Chungdam are out? I was shocked when I found out that Itaewon became the new trendy spot... I always hated going there because of all the foreigners trying to get Korean richard simmons lol. Korea changes so fast lol. So if you want to see celebrities/uhljjangs, you gotta hit up the exclusive bars in one of the shadiest parts of town ^^



Btw, one fun fact. He is good friends with Big Bang's ex-member as well as Yoo Ah In. Most uhljjangs are friends with many other uhljjangs, and Richie is no exception =) Attractive people get along, I guess ^^ Enjoy =)

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Guest hydedesu

^add some pages back u will see some of the user say it not realy out but something like OMG he is ugly nobody post KKR here anymore

like i havent anyhing aginst KKR but he get bored alote with time n i think he isnt sooooo exiding anymore like pastyears when we honest ne :sweatingbullets:

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Guest tsukemene123

yiii--Photoshop is more for editing the content of the photos, not the quality of the photos themselves. So if you're talking about the actual quality, like how clear the photos are, then it's mostly due to the camera. A lot of the photos on here are taken with professional quality SLRs, usually Nikon or Canon.

Everyone PLEASE stop arguing. People are entitled to their own opinion. This is a forum, so obviously they are also entitled to share it. If you take offense, don't make a huge deal out of it--just skip over that person's posts.

To make everyone shut up, here's a spam :)


My favorite Park sister













































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Guest always_urs


oh i didnt know...

hehehe but i was almost close...



WOW!!! are you guys fighting cuz of the

new people that are being posted in here..

it's oh ok to post them in here....just went a page

back and read what you guys are talking about...

were you guys talking about Richard Kim??

not to be mean or anything (i have to underline

this in case you soft hearted people will

arguing with me) but since you guy or Sekai no Hikari

said he's a model and a soon-to-be a singer then i'm

guessing(from what i think) he's not a uhljjang...

take my advice and make a thread in the korean cele

(dont have to take my advice) he can be a uhljjang

but then since if he gonna have a album out he'll be more

famous being a singer soon....so yea.....he's oh ok....

but in some of the pix he kinda looks like kim dongwan

(Almost forgot to spell his name)


"nobody wants to see new faces"

i think thats true and in a way it's not....it's up to

the person that come by and looks in here...

for me i'm cool with it...i look at it here and there but

i'm still cool with it...i have to say i love the OLD Jjang better

but i'm still cool with it...i dont get why you guys are bi^tchen about

it...Uhljjang is DIED but theres still some sround here....



it depands on if they do use PS or not and there are some good

cameras but then they will still use PS..like someone said about Mikki

i think she pretty and maybe in person too, but some people said that

she PS her hair and face!!!



there are some people that post KKR not if they want the "NEW" update then

your right but if they want a "OLD" post then oh ok....i always do old post....



last pix on the right...!!! yummy!!! :D dang they dont have a drooling sign


is this urstruely...just to remind you guys...

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Guest Lunar_AZN

hmmmm thanx <33 like i say i dont listen to this anymore she should talk korean maybe i also alugh about her than hahahahah *smile

n RANDOME SPAM(just soo i make this spam now hahaah)^^

omg i dont posted hyde omg hahahah^^

I think ur english is soo cute :blush:

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Guest manlytoe

Some more of Richard with Han Ga In (Vizu wedding shoot- www.vizu.co.kr). Thank you to valley girl for finding these photos!

han ga in? you mean the famous celebrity? the one from super rookie, and witch yoo hee? because that chick so isn't han ga in. her features aren't like han ga in... are you sure?

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Guest musicpoplove

hmmm i wonder if guy ulzzangs hide everyday lol??

because i would walk down streets of gangnam.. apgujung and dong dae mun+mung dong or coex and i dont see any reconizable ulzzangs from the internet like this forummm

I think most ullzzangs live in busan? is there a location anyone know where like leeyounjoo, richard live?

im NOTTT being a stalker, just curious -.0

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Guest Sekai no Hikari

han ga in? you mean the famous celebrity? the one from super rookie, and witch yoo hee? because that chick so isn't han ga in. her features aren't like han ga in... are you sure?

Yes. The famous celebrity/actress. These photos were taken early spring for an elite haute wedding line. If you go to the website you can also see Kim Tae Hee and Yoon Eun Hye's shoots, among others.

And if you would like to debate whether or not that is Han Ga In, you can go here and add your voice to the two people who already insisted that it wasn't, and then both PMed me after arguing and said they were wrong.


Richard is considered an uhljjang in Korea because he is currently known for his face. He has no definite debut time so I cannot call him a gasoo. He models, but also pursues other interests, just like other uhljjangs. When he is a full-fledged celebrity, he'll get his own thread like Park Han Byul.

moosecakex- Uhljjangs live where they can. Some still live with their parents. Many are reasonably wealthy, so you won't find any of them north of Gangnam.

Richard just recently moved from Samsongdong (he lived right across from Coex, actually) into a great high rise closer to Itaewon. If you want to see the uhljjangs that actually hang out with popular celebrities, you have to go to wherever the new "hot spot" is. A lot of people assume Apku/Chungdam, and there are a lot of nice bars there, but that whole area has gotten old to celebrities. A bunch of trendy clubs/bars have opened up in Itaewon, and granted, while some of them are technically gay bars, many celebrities/uhljjangs can be seen there if you go after 11-12 at night. Happy hunting =)

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