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Guest xiaochingu.

^ yeah.. Minah's style is cute sometimes...

i don't like the oversized sweater things.. it looks weird.

& about the fanclub.. i don't know what to put on there.. any ideas?

but.. Park Boram has nice style too.. a little too FOBish for me,

not that FOBish isn't nice.. FOB looks are HOT, but i'm just in the

era of my life where i can't be wearing that style no more... :(

(at least not now because i'll be interviewing for professional jobs soon)

Oh.. and the LJH picture.. OH MY FUDGE'N GOD JESUS CHRIST!!

Is that a "CHU<3' i see? *sigh* I'm so jealous of her (even if it IS Mikki)

You sure it's Mikki? Her face looks different.

Ohwell.. i can't think about it now. I must study for midterms!!

hi baoi!

did i ever tell you how much i love the pictures you uploaded onto the hsm fanclub o_o?

its all hq and lovely <33, i think ..maybe if you can find it..LJH's profile? i mean i know theres

already one but his bday says 1900 .___. it'd be cool to know his real age..haha XD

fob fashion is so cool but i can't wear it either =\ ..mostly because my stumpy legs would never look good in leggings..but yea =(

btw the picture with LJH...i don't think thats mikki o____o

and good luck on your midterms!

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Guest c i e l`

what are the links to park boram and kim mina's cyworlds? ^_^

Here : ^^

Park Boram : http://cyworld.com/ramis_world

Kim Mina : http://www.cyworld.com/mina3239

Oh, and Park Boram has a Twin, if you want to see here her cyworld

박새암 : http://cyworld.com/amis_world

^don't know how to romanize her name... Park Sae Am ?

(those pictures I posted are kinda old, I have over 200 pictures of her, I won't upload everything thought...haha you guys can take a look at her cyworld)


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credit : me, cyworld

Sorry everyone if I bother you with all the pictures I post just tell me to stop -0- just want to share : )

Maybe I'll come back later with more pictures

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Guest realgsl


i'm not sure if this has been asked before, but do you guys know what kind of cameras they use? i mean besides handphone cameras and compact cameras, i'm looking more towards the digital slr cameras, cos i see they use it quite a bit, but i'm not sure what is the brand. And also their lenses seems quite short in comparison to those others that is provided when u buy a dslr which is usually longer. I was thinking about it cos the picture quality when using the dslr, the photos they take are usually much better... so was wondering about that...

thanks alot!!!

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Guest tsukemene123

A lot use Canon SLRs; I'm not sure what models, though. Taejun uses a Canon. I've seen him with what looks like it could be a 40D before, but in an Aboki shoot I'm pretty sure he had a better model. Haneul or Mira uses a Sony, I think. I forget which one. BYH uses a Nikon (YEAH!); I want to say it's a 200, but it could easily be a 40x or something. Don't quote me on any of this, I could be completely wrong about all of it, haha.

And although this is veering a bit off topic, but if you're just starting out and looking for an SLR, I'd say your best bets to go with are either the Canon 30D or 40D or the Nikon D40 or D40x. Those are usually good, long-lasting, dependable SLRs to start with. And the kit lenses that come with them (Nikons have better kit lenses, imo) are probably a lot different than what the ulzzangs are using simply because they're basic lenses and people upgrade after buying them. You could buy the body separate and buy a lens of your choosing, if you'd like, but kit lenses are satisfactory. If you look at BYH, she uses a better lens than what probably came with her Nikon.

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

Aww Park Boram is so cute <3 I love her style.

omgssshhh nvm lol.


i missed him so much and omgsh she does look like mikki @_@;;; gah she's lucky D:

thank you everyone for sharing ^_^

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Guest alainachen_604

Aww Park Boram is so cute <3 I love her style.


what she said :blush:


DANGG KRY; look @ his bod :ph34r: *drools*


anymore of Han Suhyun??? <3<3<3

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Guest miranduh

^ Who's hot haha? X D Well you can say : Lee Chihoon and Park Taejun currently.

Haha imo, I'd say Lee Chi Hoon and Mikki were dominating for a while, but they've slowed down A LOT. They even closed down their cyworlds for a while after people were speculating that they were dating because they were modeling together. Sua closed hers down, too.

Sangjune is in the army right now, so not much of him...

Imda and Mira are popular, as always...

One of my personal favorites is Park Tae Jun. Love him. :)

thanks..i don't even know them ahha T_T;

but im glad Imda still hott woot, she was always one of my top

has the SWS craze died? i miss his pout!

haha i suck at updating myself..

also about the post about the cameras, of course picture quality is awesome on dslr but it's true that if you're just starting out, kit lenses should be a-okay if youre just using it for portraits :)

i swear cameras are either cheap in korea or every uhljjang is frigging rich -_-;

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Guest littlemisstiny

hello all, im very nooby in this thread, and i dont know what goes on much in the uhlzzang world

im sorry if this question sounds stupid, but how come some people care calling mikki younju?

has she renamed herself?

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