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Guest talk;;DIRTY

i really love looking at this thread

all the uhlzzangs are so gorgeous *Q*

thank you to everyone one that shares!

i've read back about 100 pages and i want to read a lot more.

i love the recent sang june pictures

and mikki's too.

i want that mp3 player -- or a new mp3 player in general. lol.

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Guest flyxme.

how old is han suhyun?

she looks really young, she's so pretty

if only i were as pretty as her ;p

ehhh it's to bad the mickey mouse iRiver is only available in korea

i really want it, it's soooo cute; and i need a new one, i think it rolled or the bed somewhere...

and my ipod screen is messed up, maybe i'll try to ask my cousin ;]

&teachers wouldn't notice it xp

...i found it online, but its less expensive in kr or hk


i like the new JJ pics, so pretty

i want her camera xp

but so photoshopped :/ her face is way too creamy lookin

i own a pageee

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Guest alainachen_604

YAYY!! <33 :D

thanks hyolee for New Han SuHyun! <3 :P

shes tooo cute for words xD

i think her face is the CUTEST of all girl uljiangs

seriously. =p

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Guest ti.pod

i love kois i love sangjune tat!

doesn't really suit him much though....

but that's just me.

Junal is sooo pretty!

wonder how her band's doing.

ugh, i'm gonna miss jihoo.. how long will he be gone?

and LCH is just a funny throat sound.


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Guest hyolee

date of birth of Han SuHyun is 15.06.1989...

she's 18 years old but she looks like a very young girl..*o*

Thanks for mikki's pix but i don't really like her...

i'm sure that in real she's chubby...as on this pix, she's a little chubby..(sorry for my english)

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Guest MizzyNgel980

i'm sure that in real she's chubby...as on this pix, she's a little chubby..(sorry for my english)

No offense and all you can have your opinion on anything, and I know this is kind of random but I'd just like to give you congrats to being the sole reason to why girls are hunched over the toilet throwing their meals up 20 seconds after eating them. congrats to being the reason why girls are killing themselves you meet people like you, approval to their size.

You should be proud of yourself.


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Guest flyxme.

date of birth of Han SuHyun is 15.06.1989...

she's 18 years old but she looks like a very young girl..*o*

Thanks for mikki's pix but i don't really like her...

i'm sure that in real she's chubby...as on this pix, she's a little chubby..(sorry for my english)

wow she looks wayyy younger that that

mikki is not chubby. she's skinny.




cute cute cute!

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^ the first pic looks like Mikki, but it's not Mikki ( i dont think )

but i am about 98% sure she is a poser... i think that the real girl is that Korean girl who looks like Mikki in real life.

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well....at least it's not a poser


this girl is sad....mikki's poses, mikki's eye-make-up, mikki's circle lens.....


edit: ok, its a poser...

That girl is a poser. The real person's name is also Soohyun :).

But, she doesn't know how to speak english.

edit, that girl that they're posing as is Lee Sangjune's best friend.

Haha, I just remembered :).

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