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Guest miranduh

<3 hli;

new kkr is uber cute xD and i haven't see jaemin for SUCH a long time; but wtf is with that facial hair BAD JAEMIN T_T;;

i bet thats why his gf broke up with him hahah ;x JK! :( (sorry jaemin)

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hahaha.. i think everyone likes Park Tae Jun!!

even me.. hahahaha

Aniways.. Wow.. The updates!! i am really happy they're soo kute

they all grew!! all the old ulzzangs!! they look sooooo Different!!

i miss them a ton! i'm reallly glad that they updated..

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Guest bang!sarang


I never had a clue she was having a comeback- was I missing something? - but her comeback

is super duper hot. Just can't imagine what the guys are going to say on her cyworld... just IMAGINE! X_X

And no; I am NOT gay.

I am proud to say that I have a husband.


Anyways; no baoi. I would never evvver cheat with Ji Hoon on you.

with any due respect, I will ask your permission when the time comes when he comes and proposes to me. ^^

JUST KIDDING! I am your friend and would never do that! ^^ I just liked how that sounded. (Very Engilsssssh)

OMO. LSE didn't reply to us about the package? Grrrrr. Some stupid army guy must've stole it, thought it was cool (and thought

LSE was such a hto army kid), kept some pictures to himeslf which he pretended to kiss, and sold the other ones on korean

ebay or something. =_=;;

Lily better post her fanfic soon! Wow Solki;; tehe. Is it her pretty pictuers from the Monday Kiz videos? ^^

I love Mikki's Anycall phone & White chocolate phone; my friend had the anycall phone and i was obsessed with it!

I BET she's one of those rich people. X_X tehe.

Hottties. ^^ Who is LYG's girlfriend by the way?



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Guest xvampireknight

aww the pcture of KKR kissing the bear is so cute<33

Nicole: Haha yeah Solki's in it. I tried to find a plain and pretty picture of

her to use but the pretty ones are too cute and I dont want the main character to

be TOO cute and all. I was thinking "Should I use that girl from the stock picture?"

the one from your signature. I have a set of her's. And I thought "No, I want Solki" so

... I'm still choosing which pictures to use, haha.

oh yesterday was so funny. Online my friend asked who was my obsession and she saw one

of his picture on my myspace. I have a list of my friends for my "VICTIM LIST" && their pictures.

Even though LYG isnt my friend or anything I decided to put him since he's my obsession, haha.

Then she IMed me and asked if he's my obsession & how did I know him and where. Everything

she asked me i answered with, "my mom." so she asked "WHO IS HE?" i replied "my mom."

Later i said, "My boyfriend. Hah jk. jk. You didnt read anything ! lalalalalal." and she was like

"OMG he's your boyfriend?" and I just went on another subject because i couldnt stop laughing.

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Guest mimito


KKR- he just called and told me that bear was supposedly me (: HAHAHAH roflmao.

he looks super adorable in that pic doesnt he? ahh thanks HLI<3

i own page 1638




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Guest manlytoe

woah woah!!! the ParkTaeJun pictures are so hot!!! woah~!!!!

thanks you LoveHLi!!!!!

he is so adorable!!!!

he makes me go crazy!!!!!!!!

and yes what baoi said "everyone likes him."

i like PTJ, but i LOVE LJH.. heheheh!!!!

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Guest thecrow barks

lee yoon geun*


He is definitely our drug. ^o^ Wheeee<3 Just when I thought he couldn't get any sexier... hot d@m.

holy sheeeeeeeeet!!

i thought that was a girl.. -0-;;

is it just me or does mikkis new phone like open up? ehmm and that anycall phone is still pretty new.. -__- i saw it on advertisment likea two or three weeks ago on daum.. :o

requested pictures from yesterday....

park tae jun

since a lot of you guys are liking tae jun, i'll begin at the beginning of my folder of him so a few of the pictures might be repeats from the other day ^__^;


credits: me and cyworld

brb with updates....

omah i remember riding that!!HAHAA

where was it lotte?

hmm anyways, thanks for the KKR/MIKKI/HANEUL.. ^^

MAN mikki must have a nice personaility or...brainwashing skills.. *__*

shes friends with ALL THE ULLJJANGS!!!!!!!!!

haha i forgot who said this but the part about somene stealing the LJH package and kisssing it..HAHA

but..what if that IS what happened.. o_o;;

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Guest LoveHLi

here's a little more of tae jun before i get off for the day ^__^...and you guys are welcome ^o^

park tae jun





















credits: me and cyworld

bye now~! 8D

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Guest manlytoe

may i request every single picture that anyone or everyone has of lee ji hoo/lee sang eun?

it doesn't matter if i have it or not.. i wanna make something cool out of it..

i don't know what yet, but yeah.. hahah!!!

thanks in advance for all the pictures.. that's if you post them of course.. lol.

side note for baoi

has LJH replied back yet?

i think i miss him. *cries*

i really hope he does make our dream come true and write to us...

you know baoi, even if LJH doesn't write back at least he'll know for sure we (his fans) do exsist.

one day maybe in 3 years when i go to korea.. (i have to (because i want to))

i'll be sure to visit him and tell him all about you..(that's if it happens)

i'll make him write to you. hahah!!!

*laughs loudly* *thinks(i wonder where he lives)*

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Guest *lilyisland*

Thank u for Park Tae Jun's pics Hli^^ I think he is the second koolest guy next to Lee Sang June** I wish they were my boyfriends^^;lols

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^ lily, you're hilarious.

Park Tae Jun reminds me of Ji Hoo & Tempo.

Mixed up together.

Oh gosh; It's getting hot in here!!!! ~




AND THAT GUY POINTING THE GUN AT HIS. Do you HEAR? You will DIE!??!?!?!?!?!?!


OH.. I want to read your FF tooo!! POST SOON!

Oh.. and Park Tae Jun = LJH and TOP?? -- really? no wonder he looks soo goood!

Nicole: It wont be release in a month or two. Sooo, if you're willing

to kill me right now, there wont EVER be that fanfic. Pwhahaha~!

And guess who is playing the main girl character?!

dun dun dun - SOLKI! Minwoo's in it too. There's a lot of different

characters but i dont want to spoil it for the people who might read it.

I'm going to write out all the chapters in my notebook (my hand) if I can.

... because of my printer ;[

sophiex: aww i love her phone. It's so pretty and I love

how her clock background is pink

Nicole.. don't kill her.. just THREATEN HER.. haha


just for my sake. haha


or will they???

*evil smirk*

hahah jokkkieesss!

you know we wont steal him away from yous!

buh still bad baoi

cheating on Jihoo!


~Meishsh0rt <33

*gasp* Dude, it's his fault.


buh Baoi!

he still wrote back to you on his cy!?


oh well you cant stop 'love'

if you call that love anyway


and I know Namji did mature alott!

~Meishsh0rt <33

He didn't write nothin to us.

that's why i cheated on him.. *nods*


I never had a clue she was having a comeback- was I missing something? - but her comeback

is super duper hot. Just can't imagine what the guys are going to say on her cyworld... just IMAGINE! X_X

And no; I am NOT gay.

I am proud to say that I have a husband.


Anyways; no baoi. I would never evvver cheat with Ji Hoon on you.

with any due respect, I will ask your permission when the time comes when he comes and proposes to me. ^^

JUST KIDDING! I am your friend and would never do that! ^^ I just liked how that sounded. (Very Engilsssssh)

OMO. LSE didn't reply to us about the package? Grrrrr. Some stupid army guy must've stole it, thought it was cool (and thought

LSE was such a hto army kid), kept some pictures to himeslf which he pretended to kiss, and sold the other ones on korean

ebay or something. =_=;;

Lily better post her fanfic soon! Wow Solki;; tehe. Is it her pretty pictuers from the Monday Kiz videos? ^^

I love Mikki's Anycall phone & White chocolate phone; my friend had the anycall phone and i was obsessed with it!

I BET she's one of those rich people. X_X tehe.

Hottties. ^^ Who is LYG's girlfriend by the way?



Yes.. Nicoel and LEE SANG JUNE makes a SUPER KUTE COUPLE!! haha

Well if that stupid army guy doesn't give it to LJH, i will personally go over

ther and at least THREATEN HIM....... Dude, i'm pissed he didn't get it

yet, or because he hasn't written to us yet.. I"M VERY PISSED!!

aww the pcture of KKR kissing the bear is so cute<33

Nicole: Haha yeah Solki's in it. I tried to find a plain and pretty picture of

her to use but the pretty ones are too cute and I dont want the main character to

be TOO cute and all. I was thinking "Should I use that girl from the stock picture?"

the one from your signature. I have a set of her's. And I thought "No, I want Solki" so

... I'm still choosing which pictures to use, haha.

oh yesterday was so funny. Online my friend asked who was my obsession and she saw one

of his picture on my myspace. I have a list of my friends for my "VICTIM LIST" && their pictures.

Even though LYG isnt my friend or anything I decided to put him since he's my obsession, haha.

Then she IMed me and asked if he's my obsession & how did I know him and where. Everything

she asked me i answered with, "my mom." so she asked "WHO IS HE?" i replied "my mom."

Later i said, "My boyfriend. Hah jk. jk. You didnt read anything ! lalalalalal." and she was like

"OMG he's your boyfriend?" and I just went on another subject because i couldnt stop laughing.

Hahaha.. you're story is hilarious. VICTUM LIST..

woah woah!!! the ParkTaeJun pictures are so hot!!! woah~!!!!

thanks you LoveHLi!!!!!

he is so adorable!!!!

he makes me go crazy!!!!!!!!

and yes what baoi said "everyone likes him."

i like PTJ, but i LOVE LJH.. heheheh!!!!

Yes.. he's so irresistable.. HAHAHAHAH!!!

i saved all the pictures Hli posted of him..

that's how hot he is.. haha

may i request every single picture that anyone or everyone has of lee ji hoo/lee sang eun?

it doesn't matter if i have it or not.. i wanna make something cool out of it..

i don't know what yet, but yeah.. hahah!!!

thanks in advance for all the pictures.. that's if you post them of course.. lol.

side note for baoi

has LJH replied back yet?

i think i miss him. *cries*

i really hope he does make our dream come true and write to us...

you know baoi, even if LJH doesn't write back at least he'll know for sure we (his fans) do exsist.

one day maybe in 3 years when i go to korea.. (i have to (because i want to))

i'll be sure to visit him and tell him all about you..(that's if it happens)

i'll make him write to you. hahah!!!

*laughs loudly* *thinks(i wonder where he lives)*

Hmm.. Nope he hasn't.. yet.. well, i didn't check his CY yet..

but i doubt he did. that's why i'm so pissed.. DUDE, i'm so impatient...

*sighs*--- ohwells. yeah.. Hmm...

HOT POT makes me feel better. So i am not VERY pissed right now.

Aniways, i don't know if he knows that he has fans here..

Not just from the US, but from Canada and Taiwan too!!

Anyways, my patience with the army system is runnign thin.. very thin.

OH.. mollie, i'll post some LJH for you.

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hli i love you so much for posting tae jun!!!!!!!

he's really hotttt

what? namji comeback?>!?!


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omg i saw the tae jun pix on 1637....HE SHOULD SMILE MORE OFTEN!!! i love it when he has a big smile! <3

random girl uhljjangs

CREdits: cyworld, soompiers, me!









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