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Guest newshen857.

Hi everyone, happy start of the week :) First of all, congratulations to everyone for taking this thread to more than 600 pages  ^:)^   And I know more pages will be coming soon :) 
@innasalvatore, don't worry dear, I am not a violent person that's why I won't fight with anyone, I  just get even ( okay, just kidding) :)  Although, I do remember having berated through exchanges of comments with two young fans over their reaction of Shinhwa's "This Love" video as they laughed and called the dance  very "gay". I got a bit mad not because they dubbed the movements as "gay" because that's their opinion, Guess I was angered  with the way they freely used the "f" word while defending their opinions. I guess, the teacher in me, was unable to tolerate their choice of words plus I can not accept that these young fans were that rude in their writing.  But, wow, I just realized then that here I am a grown-up woman arguing with two young women because I was defending a group of singers, oblivious of my existence :) 
@putri raja, I know you want to put an end to the discussion on the "dating scandal" to protect your health, may I ask to just give my final opinion, after this I give my word to shut up. Firstly, if there would be another story about the members dating, if the source is anonymous or said to be "insiders" but did not mention the company or the position of the supposed to be insiders, then take it with a grain of salt and wait for an official statement for the parties involved. I always tell my students and my reporters that if the news source would want to be anonymous then get the reason for wanting to protect his  identity if it is not because he is afraid for his life, afraid to lose his job, afraid that his family will be harmed, or his reputation will be ruined then find another source willing to be named and reveal everything. Likewise, question the motive of this anonymous source, how come he wants to reveal the story, for what? 
And if there's truth to the rumor that girl's agency was behind the publication of the wrongful story, then I bet the young woman was in cahoots with the company and my unsolicited advice to Eric, if you have a "dongsaeng-hoobae"  or whatever term you used to call the relationships  you have with her, then cut your ties because you have been used and you should learn your lesson. I don't care if other people in this thread will hate me for this, but I bet the reason why that representative from the Shinhwa company at first said that you two were dating "on and off" is perhaps because they always see her with you, hanging out. Eric, you better be careful in choosing the girls you associate with. There, I said my piece and like you @putri raja, I am doing this not for my health but peace of mind because the other day, I was out with my friends and our discussions went to celebrities dating and I told them about this. And I was so upset because they kept teasing me throughout the dinner that the "responsible leader" I was talking about was actually very shallow and only go for "good looks" in women, especially those who love to play video games like him. I knew they were just teasing, but I want to prove them wrong :) 
Sorry for the long post, just venting :)  

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@innasalvatore, don't worry dear, I am not a violent person that's why I won't fight with anyone, I  just get even ( okay, just kidding) :)  Although, I do remember having berated through exchanges of comments with two young fans over their reaction of Shinhwa's "This Love" video as they laughed and called the dance  very "gay". I got a bit mad not because they dubbed the movements as "gay" because that's their opinion, Guess I was angered  with the way they freely used the "f" word while defending their opinions. I guess, the teacher in me, was unable to tolerate their choice of words plus I can not accept that these young fans were that rude in their writing.  But, wow, I just realized then that here I am a grown-up woman arguing with two young women because I was defending a group of singers, oblivious of my existence :)

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Guest newshen857.

@innasalvatore, its the way they reacted that got me mad, as  if being gay is bad. I have so many friends who are gay and they are the sweetest and most talented people I know. But I cannot stand people who make insults and of course,those who don't know the meaning of respect :)  
And again, my dear, thanks for all the pics :)  Now, I really have to go because my friends are giving me the dagger looks and asking  why I keep tinkering with my lap top when I am supposed to be helping them with their pr plan :) Should I tell them, I am busy fangirling with my new friends :) And hatching a plan to drag them into the Shinhwa world :) 

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newshen857. said: @innasalvatore, its the way they reacted that got me mad, as  if being gay is bad. I have so many friends who are gay and they are the sweetest and most talented people I know. But I cannot stand people who make insults and of course,those who don't know the meaning of respect :)  
And again, my dear, thanks for all the pics :)  Now, I really have to go because my friends are giving me the dagger looks and asking  why I keep tinkering with my lap top when I am supposed to be helping them with their pr plan :) Should I tell them, I am busy fangirling with my new friends :) And hatching a plan to drag them into the Shinhwa world :) 

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Guest Putri Raja

@newshen....agree with you 100%. I'm not saying korean is bad. They are really nice people and so friendly. This country is really safe and makes you comfortable for living but not for studying (because they all working too hard....heeeee......). However, I must say one thing what I don't like about them is they always overreact about something. For example in Eric's case: maybe true that one time he and Na Hye Mi hang out together (who knows they'll have project in the future?, discussion or whatever) but they'll say several times or often. 

I think Eric is kind of guy that's not so easy to close with the girls. I remember how Stellar (Hyoeun) in Battle code told that Eric has difficulties to approach them and even difficult for knowing just his phone number.

Hmmm...lets finish this dating rumour. I can't handle it more....kkkkkkk

I'm curious where Eric is. He might be in another city? another country? Because all of them seems on vacation :-?

@Innasalvatore, I've prepared myself from long long time ago for his solo comeback...  ;) You focus on Calvin Klein only??? Are you sure???? B-)

About 'This Love' choreography...honestly, I felt weird when the first time I saw their mv. But, after sometimes, I got used to...lol...I prefer their masculine move, but this choreography is kind of art that should be respected. Because Shinhwa did, many of us know what vague is. And I'm sure only Shinhwa can do this move but still look masculine...

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Putri Raja said:

@newshen....agree with you 100%. I'm not saying korean is bad. They are really nice people and so friendly. This country is really safe and makes you comfortable for living but not for studying (because they all working too hard....heeeee......). However, I must say one thing what I don't like about them is they always overreact about something. For example in Eric's case: maybe true that one time he and Na Hye Mi hang out together (who knows they'll have project in the future?, discussion or whatever) but they'll say several times or often. 

I think Eric is kind of guy that's not so easy to close with the girls. I remember how Stellar (Hyoeun) in Battle code told that Eric has difficulties to approach them and even difficult for knowing just his phone number.

Hmmm...lets finish this dating rumour. I can't handle it more....kkkkkkk

I'm curious where Eric is. He might be in another city? another country? Because all of them seems on vacation :-?

@Innasalvatore, I've prepared myself from long long time ago for his solo comeback...  ;) You focus on Calvin Klein only??? Are you sure???? B-)

About 'This Love' choreography...honestly, I felt weird when the first time I saw their mv. But, after sometimes, I got used to...lol...I prefer their masculine move, but this choreography is kind of art that should be respected. Because Shinhwa did, many of us know what vague is. And I'm sure only Shinhwa can do this move but still look masculine...

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To be honest it took me a while to accept their vogue dance. Guilty I am! I'm just so used to seeing Shinhwa power dance, and be all masculine. So when they chose that dance theme I was like wuuuuuut....? Lol. Now I'm over it. It don't bother me no more. =D

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@newshen857, I know your friend was teasing you by talking down on Eric but seriously, what's the problem with being attracted to some one with "good look"?  He didn't say that's the only quality he's looking for in a girl friend or partner.  Having a beautiful girlfriend or handsome boyfriend doesn't mean some one is shallow....  why some ppl are so rushing to good look = brainless or lack of talent.

Coward? that sounds like article to generate hype to the post. That reporter does he/she knows the true story??  tsk tsk   Keeping it as private as possible, Eric isn't shy from confirming relationship.  On WinWin, Eric & Shinhwa said they prefer to keep relationship private till it's serious (aka close to marriage) OR it has been known by the public and also the gals are often get remembered by the public as so & so ex-es...  I agree.  Relationship needs to develop without noise & interference from the public & the fans.  But once it's known (proof of dating), there's no point to deny unless one has very good reason for.

On Win Win Shinhwa said they prefer to keep dating private since it's never good for the girls with all the witch hunt.  Even after the break up, the ex-gl will always follow the girls... (not just Eric's ex but all the members ex-es are in the same boat).  They said they'd like to keep dating private unless it has become known to the public. 

With Eric & Na Hyemin, there're 3 scenarios:

1. They used to date but not dating at the moment
2. They're dating but prefer not to confirm it (for Hyemi's shake from all the popularity speculation)
3. It's a big misunderstanding, they're not romantically involved

I don't know what is true, but I feel it's highly likely #1 or #2.   I'm not going to speculate any more only time will tell. 

The unfortunate thing about this dating revelation is that IF Eric is having a comeback to drama land any time soon, haters will probably link this dating rumor with the comeback  >>.<<

Remember he said this: "In my work, I’ve met many people who are out to hurt, people who gloat over misfortune, and those who try to end careers....."
May be just me but it feels as even though he's respected, there're still haters out there that dragging him down with stupid articles and twisted facts every chance they get.

Being frank, very frank, not beating around the bush or sugar coat things, as well as not a social butterflies or PR-ing his image as good guy... probably get hime some haters.  And I really think whoever doing the PR/media relation for him is not doing their job well.


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okie folks, I need your help to make the Features section on the 1st page better.  I'd like to have a video/audio link to each of Eric's song features.  I was planning to do it but YT videos are unreliable unless it's from official source or else it risks being taken down.  Should we bother with video link or just audio link like Soundclound or any suggestion or whatever better options out there....

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Guest Putri Raja

@Phi, agree with you. I'm worried about this issue due to the consideration of his comeback. Hopefully this time everything will go smooth and big success. Whenever we go, there always be jealous people who wants to make us down. I believe the same goes to Shinhwa or Eric too. Oh, Eric...why life seems really hard for him. During his career, so many things happen. Shinhwa always has difficult times (name issue, contracts, accidents, scandals) and his solo career too (co-stars accident, co-star's scandals, his accident, even his relationship...lol). Poor Eric..everything seems not easy for him. And it become worst when those media people seem always watching him all the time...I just hope he always be strong and can handle it nicely. May God always bless him.

Honestly, I don't like it when people say Eric is lazy and always playing video games, collecting swords, home shopping, or Jinnie always hang out and drinking with friends...bla..bla..bla..MW or DW should just say "they're doing fine" in their interviews when someone asked him what shinhwa member doing, because now, they are mature person. They should be more careful with what they're saying. Some people outhere sometimes can't distinguish between joke and real matter and could effect their image as well. If Eric says he's doing nothing, of course it doesn't mean it's true. How can someone saying,  "I'm really busy everyday, I'm doing alot of stuff...bla..bla.." and every good things that make yourself looks snooby and arrogant.

Sorry, everyday I come here looks like want to share my emotion....hahahahaha...this is the effect of waiting leadernim too long.... :D :D :D

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Since Shinhwa is 6 person I add-in another 3 options of your scenarios..

4. Eric is dating with someone closed with Na Hye Mi
5. Eric is close with Na Hye Mi but only Oppa-Dongsaeng relationship
6. Na Hye Mi Manager is Eric's friend and ask for help to kick-up her popularity, the manager is young bae!  =))  =))  =))

Just kidding...! :)>- ;)

Let's ask Eric's confirmation...

credit to fantasyung

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Screenshoot from : “[sFSubs] 130806 Jo Sunhee talking about Shinhwa”

love how she talked about Eric.. He’s the leader to be proud of. The glue that sticked Shinhwa together throughout years..

The only Leader I know who doesn’t like to standout by any means, always standing away from limelight letting other members shine.. Best Leader for Best Group! <3








credit to msmemaaaa

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Phi said:
The unfortunate thing about this dating revelation is that IF Eric is having a comeback to drama land any time soon, haters will probably link this dating rumor with the comeback  >>.<<

Remember he said this: "In my work, I’ve met many people who are out to hurt, people who gloat over misfortune, and those who try to end careers....."
May be just me but it feels as even though he's respected, there're still haters out there that dragging him down with stupid articles and twisted facts every chance they get.

Being frank, very frank, not beating around the bush or sugar coat things, as well as not a social butterflies or PR-ing his image as good guy... probably get hime some haters.  And I really think whoever doing the PR/media relation for him is not doing their job well.

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Phi said:
okie folks, I need your help to make the Features section on the 1st page better.  I'd like to have a video/audio link to each of Eric's song features.  I was planning to do it but YT videos are unreliable unless it's from official source or else it risks being taken down.  Should we bother with video link or just audio link like Soundclound or any suggestion or whatever better options out there....

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