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Guest Putri Raja

My friend share this in her FB. She's wondering why Eric's wearing a ring. And she asked me. How would I know…heeee….What does it mean??? I know I will be so happy if he's gonna married..but, yeah…still something missing..and it's too fast, because I just know him around 6 month… :(( :((. My friend's now depressing because of this…kkk


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Guest Putri Raja

@Inna salvatore, oh yeah, sure I'll catch him during filming…I do like him back as actor in drama than a singer, because it means I can see his face on screen longer….;;) Or movie too. He's great actor, it will be such a waste if he's not gonna make it.
May I ask something? My friend told me that once  upon a time, Eric was offered to act in hollywood. Is that true? And why many SHJC really hate Park Shi Yeon before? I mean, she looks really pretty, smart, stylist and has good personality (it seems). Was she really that bad? 

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*gasp* Ring?! Oppa!? Okay, a part of me says it's just for the concert, but a part of me wants it to be a couple ring. LOL. He needs a girl! 
@PutriRaja I didn't really like PSY either, LOL. GUILTY I am! Idk, she just looked really fake to me, she still does due to her cosmetic surgeries. I'm over her though, she's alright now. Good thing she didn't last with Eric, did you guys know she went completely nude in one of her films?! That's after she got married! I have nothing against that, but for our Eric I prefer his wife to be...um...clean. Know what I mean?? Lol. 

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Putri Raja said: @Inna salvatore, oh yeah, sure I'll catch him during filming…I do like him back as actor in drama than a singer, because it means I can see his face on screen longer….;;) Or movie too. He's great actor, it will be such a waste if he's not gonna make it.
May I ask something? My friend told me that once  upon a time, Eric was offered to act in hollywood. Is that true? And why many SHJC really hate Park Shi Yeon before? I mean, she looks really pretty, smart, stylist and has good personality (it seems). Was she really that bad? 

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@innasalvatore, I think RicMin did say something on 1st night that made many of the fans hoping Andy would show up.  I can't find that fanaccount XD  and the day before, there was also news post that said Andy might come also :D

I love that pic too, Eric's eyes are so round and beautiful there... #winbig&prettyeyescontest XDD
Eric's photos are absolutely gorgeous. I love all the close-up, that sculptured face is love!!!!!!!

@PutriRaja, when I found out of Eric Mun, he & PSY already broke up but from what I saw, most Shinhwa fans didn't like her mostly he's the GF of their oppa (same old fangirls' hardship lol) + they think she mentioned too much of Eric in news/interviews... as if she was using that for popularity... I personally neutral toward her... I didn't like her as actress in My Girl and a few more dramas but I think she has a cute & girly voice.

That ring on Eric's finger, it's normal ah... The one Eric wore on that right hand is a cross ring.. I remember seeing in the preview pics...
They always wear rings & bracelets on concerts, most likely endorsement.  Here's "proof" :P all Shinhwa members wore rings XDD

tumblr_n30s328wxu1si7d7ro1_1280.pngCredit as tagged

@lhjj, hehehe I watched that movie and Marine Boy with Kim Kang Woo before that XD  She wasn't shy with skinship but that movie (which she plays the widow) takes the cake for me as far as nudity goes in her acting profile... it's not just nudity it's very explicit...  She was married when she filmed that movie?  I'm not shy from nudity as long as it's in good taste.  As an actress, it's part of the business depends on her threadhold of what exceptable and what she's comfortable doing...  Agree about her stiff face cus of PS as she seems to get hooked on it for more... I think that's why I can't like her dramas before cus she seemed stiff.  Her body though is curvy and very nice.  I would but her and Shin Min Ah as top 2 for having perfectly curvilious body! :D

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Ihjj said: *gasp* Ring?! Oppa!? Okay, a part of me says it's just for the concert, but a part of me wants it to be a couple ring. LOL. He needs a girl! 
@PutriRaja I didn't really like PSY either, LOL. GUILTY I am! Idk, she just looked really fake to me, she still does due to her cosmetic surgeries. I'm over her though, she's alright now. Good thing she didn't last with Eric, did you guys know she went completely nude in one of her films?! That's after she got married! I have nothing against that, but for our Eric I prefer his wife to be...um...clean. Know what I mean?? Lol. 

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Putri Raja said: My friend share this in her FB. She's wondering why Eric's wearing a ring. And she asked me. How would I know…heeee….What does it mean??? I know I will be so happy if he's gonna married..but, yeah…still something missing..and it's too fast, because I just know him around 6 month… :(( :((. My friend's now depressing because of this…kkk


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2014.03.27 GTG goes to Shinhwa’s 16th Anniversary Concert

Shinhwa’s sold out anniversary concert converted our baffled reporter into a huge fan overnight.


A Shinhwa concert should be required viewing for all K-pop companies and idols. Sixteen years is a long time to stay together as a group. Seeing their mastery of this whole idol craft was like seeing The Sistine Chapel being painted in three hours.

While I had heard of Shinhwa many times and caught the tail end of their career with recent songs “VENUS” and “This Love” I couldn’t really consider myself knowledgeable about them – as I had never grown up with them the way the fans at this concert had. While Korean fans of Shinhwa were glued to their TV the moment the “Only One” music video came on, I was half a world away drowned in N’Sync’s “Bye Bye Bye.”

Shinhwa is still going strong after 16 years.

It is a wave of good fortune? Or just luck – that Shinhwa is still together today. The fact that their career is still flourishing is good news for those of us who fell into Korean music long after MBC Music Camp ended, long after frosted tips, long after dangle earrings were popular on men. If my conversion is any indication, Shinhwa is still able to attract new fans.

This the true account of what it was like seeing Shinhwa live from an observer’s point of view.

Master Emcees

Shinhwa makes this whole idol persona thing look like an absolute cake walk.

First there’s emceeing. In Korea emceeing is taken pretty seriously. The good emcees are quickly snatched up by broadcasting companies – making it a highly sought after profession (Seoul Arts Occupational Training College even has an emcee department!).

Shinhwa’s chemistry and banter on stage is effortless. It seems that in 16 years any shred of nervousness has worn off and they are completely in their element on stage. Junjin and Minwoo took most of the reigns, though Dongwan had a hand in livening up the mood with his gag poses.

It helps that they know their audience so well. They’re able to cater just the right amount of delivery. I’d been told by veteran Shinhwa fans that “they’re not afraid of anything. They’re like the rule-breakers of idols.” True to the point, Junjin noticed a male fan in the audience.

Junjin: “Are you alone? Or did you come here with someone?”

The male fan: “I’m alone.”

Junjin: “Oh (audience responds with a sympathetic “Awww”), well I really, really love you.”

The audience erupted in laughter. This is just an example of how their delivery and their ability to liven up the mood aligns perfectly. The atmosphere was always really comfortable and friendly which is great for newcomers like myself. It was easy to access Shinhwa’s personalities.

6 Distinct Personalities

The six guys of Shinhwa all have unique, different personalities.

Having a personality is essential for anyone aiming to be famous. Shinhwa comes with six members, all with very distinct characters. While we can’t talk about Andy as he wasn’t available for this concert, we can discuss the other members.

Having character is actually what drew me to idol music in the first place. It’s a shame I missed out on the Shinhwa era. What an interesting crew!

The fact that their personalities came out and they were able to show “This is who we are. We’re all different!” is a testament to why they’re able to not only increase their fanbase but also hold onto their older fans.

Dongwan was sort of a mood lifter. He was spirited and smiley throughout. If there was a lull, one ridiculous pose later and the entire stadium was filled with laughter. Junjin had a very collected aura. The microphone to him is like a wand to a magician. He knew exactly the right things to say and how to keep good banter flowing.


Minwoo, to me, really shined when he was performing. The stage and Minwoo are like a marriage of showmanship. I’m not a fan of ballads but Hyesung convinced me to put aside my reservations and love the ballad. His voice compliments and amplifies music – the type of effect any singer would want to have on a song.

Now, Eric… Eric, Eric, Eric. The silent member… at least for this concert. His expression and the flow of his raps say much more than jokes in a microphone can. He wields the craft intensely and it’s mesmerizing to watch. I found my gaze arrested whenever he would take the mic to rap, drifting off and intertwined in the lyrics.

Every member is talented. I can honestly not say that about every group, as I think most of us who are fans of idol music can agree that not every group is 100% on the mark. Shinhwa however… I’m sure if there was a mark they’ve clearly exceeded it.

The Shinhwa Fans – “Shinhwa Changjo”

The throngs of ladies come early to see the legendary Shinhwa.

I’m not too familiar with Shinhwa fans, but here’s the thing about them…They’re everyone. They’re you. They’re me. They’re the old man driving the 5501 bus in Seoul. They’re the woman ringing up your banana milk in GS25. They’re the baristas in Cafe Bene and the girls waiting to assist you in Etude House.

Everyone is a Shinhwa fan. We saw fans of all walks of life… I’d like to see this type of audience all the time if I could, but with idols – we typically don’t see that. Shinhwa is a rare exception. A group that has built up a huge following over time and has familiarized themselves into every Korean household.

Shinhwa Changjo are a proud yet humble group of folks. Just like the group they support, the Shinhwa Changjo are infamously well known. Many of them have moved on to include their husbands and children in their Shinhwa Changjo family. Upon being asked “How many of you are married?” Hundreds of hands slowly went up.

The female Changjos (aka Shinhwa fans) ranged from all ages. The crowd truly spanned two generation of K-pop fans

Addressing the fact that not all the Shinhwa Chango raised their hands member Dongwan spoke up,

Dongwan: “You all look so pretty. Why aren’t all of you married?!”

Time and time again, it was clear to me that the support in this artist-fan relationship goes both ways. Being included in the Shinhwa Changjo is an attractive position. I really envy them. They seem loved.

At the end of the concert Shinhwa closed with their signature pose, “We are SHINHWA!” But not before thrusting the mic towards the audience, “You are…” Loudly they responded “SHINHWA CHANGJO!!!”


The Story

The story needs to be released as a separate film. It’s too brilliant not to be seen by everyone.

We open upon an intense battle engagement. The troops are weary. They’re getting pummeled. What to do? One soldier has the answer. With the determined face of a man who knows no other option, he locks ears with the phone – “Send in… SHINWHA SQUADRON!”

The war story that Shinhwa acts out is more hilarious than anything else.

Shinhwa Squadron – a ragtag group of rough n tumble warriors, ready to do some serious damage. Only they mostly engage in petty arguments with each other while completely fumbling their army equipment.

Fast forward many years later and Shinhwa Squadron have gathered together – old, wrinkled and well past their prime. They reminisce with each other about the “good old days” while battling post-traumatic war effects such as turrets and mistaking the popping of popcorn for machine gun rattle (OK that sounds serious – but trust us – it was had us doubled over in crying fits of laughter).

If Dong-wan’s face is any indication on how the story will go, you know it will be highly entertaining.

Shinhwa Squadron may have put the army behind them but that doesn’t mean they put away their manhood. A female reporter shows up and pervy antics arise. This really had us laughing uncontrollably. I can’t remember much because most of the time I was holding my side and trying to swallow my own laughter.

Shinhwa, we applaud you. Thank you for creating one of the most entertaining VCR cuts of all time (Kanye – “OF ALL TIME!”).

Final Thoughts

As with all great concerts, all good things must come to an end.

Is it irony or destiny? Shinhwa in Korean means “legend” or “myth”. Its been 16 years since they debuted. That in itself makes them very worthy of being thought of as legends. While the groups they debuted alongside of have all departed and gone their separate ways – Shinhwa remains solid. There was no greater testament to their solidarity than when Junjin paused curiously for a moment and said,

Junjin: “Actually we prepared a present for you, so everyone please close your eyes…”

Up to now Shinhwa had been five. No one expected sixth member Andy to arrive on stage and we all (myself included) were floored the moment he appeared. To sum up that moment – the entire audience was one big, heaping pile of endless tears and gasps.

Andy (center wearing a black suit) is deeply touched, apologizing to the crowd.
The crowd quickly responds, “it’s OK, it’s OK.”

Andy, wearing black suit formal attire, was moved and also deeply apologetic. He told the audience honestly

Andy: “I hesitated a lot about whether or not I would be able to stand up here in front of you. I feel that I’ve disappointed you. So I want to say, in front of everyone, that I am deeply, deeply sorry. Fans, members, I am so very sorry.”

The Shinhwa members and the Shinhwa Changjo responded to his repeated apologies with a rousing “괜찮아! 괜찮아! (It’s OK! It’s OK!)” If that unanimous support was any indication, Andy is forgiven and encouraged to move on with his Shinhwa family.

In the future we can expect a new Shinhwa release sometime in October. Minwoo will be producing the album.

In the meantime I have quite a lot of catching up to do on Shinhwa. I’m holding onto the hope that they stick around for another 16 years. How can I trust that will happen? The closing note of course.

It’s not ‘its already been 16 years’ but ‘it has only been 16 years’.

Source: greenteegraffiti

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Phi said:
@innasalvatore, I think RicMin did say something on 1st night that made many of the fans hoping Andy would show up.  I can't find that fanaccount XD  and the day before, there was also news post that said Andy might come also :D

I love that pic too, Eric's eyes are so round and beautiful there... #winbig&prettyeyescontest XDD
Eric's photos are absolutely gorgeous. I love all the close-up, that sculptured face is love!!!!!!!

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Guest Putri Raja

@Inna salvatore, I got this info from one of my friend. She has been Eric fan since 2001. She said Eric got proposal from hollywood to play in Ironman. I just randomly searching and found this. Anyway, this was long time ago. I hope he'll have chance to back on acting again. Missing him so much….

Eric received a proposal to play a leading role in Movie "Iron Man"

Hollywood gave a "love call" to Eric.
Recently CAA(Creative Artists AGency) gave a proposal Eric to play a leading role in Hollywood blockbuster movie "Iron Man".

A Korean agent of CAA informed that CAA gave the proposal to Eric for his fluent English and strong charisma.

"Iron Man" should be a action blockbuster movie which will be produced by Marvel Studio, the producer of "Super Man" and "Spider Man"
in 2007 at cost of 100 Million U$. The shooting would start in Feb., 2007.
Staff of Eric informed that negotiations are under way with care.

CAA , the management company of Hollywood Top star like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, has been known to Korea as a management company of Kim Yunjin who made successful debut in Hollywood through ABC TV series "Lost".

credits: erimania of soompi


What a beautiful man we've got here :x :\">

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Guest Putri Raja

Many fans of Shinhwa around 20 to 30 years old. But we can't deny that Shinwa is gaining new fans from teenage age. In many news they said Shinhwa concert was attended by 27,000 fans. But I personally think more than that. On the second day, I still saw so many fans were in line to get tickets in ticket box on that day. And one person will buy 4 tickets even more for her friends too. Even ajusshi staffs a bit angry because those fans just pushing each other and couldn't understand korean or some english too. Many fans came from China, Japan, Hongkong. Maybe they had plan to come only first day but since Shinhwa concert was really great, they decided to watch it again. 
Before Shinhwa concert was started, in open area, there was a performance from teenagers using Shinhwa songs. We did enjoy their performance. Those teenagers even bring fan boards and seems more enthusiast than us..lol..

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Putri Raja said: @Inna salvatore, I got this info from one of my friend. She has been Eric fan since 2001. She said Eric got proposal from hollywood to play in Ironman. I just randomly searching and found this. Anyway, this was long time ago. I hope he'll have chance to back on acting again. Missing him so much….

Eric received a proposal to play a leading role in Movie "Iron Man"

Hollywood gave a "love call" to Eric.
Recently CAA(Creative Artists AGency) gave a proposal Eric to play a leading role in Hollywood blockbuster movie "Iron Man".

A Korean agent of CAA informed that CAA gave the proposal to Eric for his fluent English and strong charisma.

"Iron Man" should be a action blockbuster movie which will be produced by Marvel Studio, the producer of "Super Man" and "Spider Man"
in 2007 at cost of 100 Million U$. The shooting would start in Feb., 2007.
Staff of Eric informed that negotiations are under way with care.

CAA , the management company of Hollywood Top star like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, has been known to Korea as a management company of Kim Yunjin who made successful debut in Hollywood through ABC TV series "Lost".

credits: erimania of soompi


What a beautiful man we've got here :x :\">

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Guest Putri Raja

@innnasalvatore…hahahaha…your iron man version…. :)) :))
Eric as a soldier….hmm…interesting, He didn't do such kind of role before, right???
@Ihjj, what??? PSY was nude??? I don't care actually…heeeeee…. <:-P
Happy weekend ladieshope to see good news from E-Mun next week...[-O<

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