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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest aymei

He sent me a random text message while I was talking to him on the phone, it was so sweet to know he was thinking of me each and every minute, the text made me smile so much and my heart flutter.

It said "baby ty for being my gf and you always make me happy, i really like you keke~ <3"

he's so cute hahaha, but we just started dating ^^

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Guest x_TaintedLove

He kind of stuck up for me a while ago when talking to his friends.

His Friends: Why the heck did you give a niner a piggy-back?

Him: Because you all ditched me.

His Friends: Still! There were a bunch of guys from our grade.

Him: What's the big deal? At least she wasn't as heavy as you, Jake.

Jake: Hey! -Angry-

It was sweet that he stuck up for me. I was blushing really hard.

EDIT: I just remembered that it was Jeff, not Jake. I despise him, he calls my friends and me the 'niner parade'. I chased him off down the hall with a chain that belongs to a friend though. I also hate him because he looks like one of those Jonas brothers.

In middle school, there was this guy I liked, who happened to be colourblind. This is what was going on between him and one of his friends during art class.

His Friend: Hey, could you pass me the blue?

Him: ...

His Friend: What? Are you stupid?

Him: I'm #@!#&% COLOURBLIND!

His Friend: Oh, right. Forgot.

Wasn't exactly sweet but I was cracking up so hard because the guy never yells. I was also glad that his friend got yelled because I personally detest him. n_n

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Guest BakaPrincess

"Gosh dork, I really miss you."

I know that it's so simple, but it really made my day!

I couldn't stop "aw-ing" on the inside, and on the outside, my smile was so wide, it was beginning to hurt my cheeks.

I was near tears. :tears:

Aw gosh, I heart bf.

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Guest underneathHERskin

Him: This week sucked.

Me: What? WHY?! (*thinks if it's my fault*)

Him: Because I couldnt do anything AT ALL, I seriously couldn't stop thinking about you. I tried to read this book for my homework, and you keep popping up in my head.

.............. <3

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Haha an MSN convo my bf and I had months ago, but I SS'd it cuz he doesn't say alot of sweet things.


Me: You always BRB!

Him: Brb I have to go wonder why I love you so much <3

and im all AWWWWWW :blush:

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Guest Ohgeewee

HAHAH Funny story. Me and him were talking about Jessica Alba and Hyori and how unfairly gorgeous they are and then he said "you're pretty too." :blush: Its just something small and I brushed it off but it makes me feel tingley inside :)

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Guest eccentric

me: would you be mad if i call you up at 4am in the morning and told you i wanted DENNYS

him: baby...anytime...like i said... I GOT YOU

hahaha just the way he said it was so cute...more adorable is that he meant it ;]

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Guest iced.green.tea

him: imma go finish sose homework essay now

me: mm. bye xxx

him: !!! screw homework! youre more important than any work out there.

^ *sighh...* its weird really. doesnt sound very cute, but the context was...

after we broke up

him to a friend (who recorded him): yes. sadly enough, i still love her, even now

pffttt. now im gonna cry >.<;

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Guest kimmyb07

Last night my boyfriend said "You're the most precious girl." I was realllyyy happy because secretly, I've kind of always wanted to be called precious. Somehow it feels very sweet to me, almost greater than "I love you." Then he took it back and said he was joking and said "There are many precious girls in the world." He tends to do that.. say sweet things and then say it's a joke so I was already kinda expecting it but I really didn't want him to say that this time.


Him: There are two precious girls for me. You're one of them.. And.. can you guess the other?

Me: *not really thinking* ...Minori? (ex-girlfriend)

Him: No.. It's my mom. Do you know why?

Me: No.. (I thought it was really sweet that he picked his mom <3)

Him: Because she let me see you

Me: What?

Him: She gave birth to me

And, I don't know.. It was just one of the most amazing things anyone's said to me. Ahh! I love him <33

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him: "it feels like i've known you all my life. it's so weird, even though it's only been a short time.. it feels like we've known each other since we were little, we just forgot what happened when growing up. i love you so much."

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Guest BakaPrincess

"I'm crazy about you, you know that?"


LOLS. My hunny totally made my night with that comment.

I was feeling the butterfly effect for the rest of the night.

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Guest laiideediy

mm the guy i like said to me ...

he said: "after school, i looked all over for until someone told me you went home"

i said: "mm well i wont home on the bus"

he said: "i couldve just driven you home you know...

another time

he said: "are you scared of mean scary people?"

i said: "yeahh... something like that"

he grabbed my phone ... did something

and finally i say: "uhm what are you trying to do ? need some help ?"

and he says: "yeahhh... i tried to put my number in but i did something. i tried to be slick...."

me laughing i ask for his phone and call myself on his phone : "now i have your number (: "

he said: "if any scary mean people attack you, just call me (: "

^ and thats exactly why i like him -.-

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Guest joongielove

"You make me want to be a better person."


"Just one question: are you smiling right now?"

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Guest jennyfury

my hunnny wrote mee:

my love for you is like the stars and the moon...

you can only see the stars at night, but during the day you can't see them, but you know it's there.

that is the nature of my love for you.

even when the moon can't be seen by the naked eye at night, it travels around the night sky and you know it's there.

that is the nature of my love for you.

Though it can't always be seen sometimes and other times you can see it easily, my love for you is there.

awwww :D <333

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