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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest kiHyuN


Me: What do you want for Christmas?

Him: You.

I don't know, I just thought it was sweet, since he and I barely talk (and we still barely talk), but yeah. That pretty much made my day. =)

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Guest DiscoJox

Pretty simple but sweet at the same time...sometimes small words can mean alot.

"I understand how things are for you...and some things you know, I feel the same way."

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Guest iNtRiguE.

you being you

the cutest, most adorable lovable thing ever

haha yes "thing"

i love you more than life itself.

actually you are my life :lol:

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Guest meilove
Me: Go get a girlfriend so that you won't be online so much.

Him: You can be my girlfriend.

I gave the dumbest response, ever.



Him: Honey, I'm back!

Me: WTH.

Him: Don't couples say that?


uhmm recently...my bf was like "i think you're beautiful and i don't ever want you to think differently"

i thought it was really sweet. & i like it when he goes YOU'RE SO CUTEEE out of nowhere loll =)

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sometimes he just surprise like when he said, (past tense = ex, lol)

"would it creep you out if i told you i feel like you're the one? my future wife"

my mouth was wide open for like 5 minutes. haha

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LOL one just happened like 30 seconds ago xD:

So my boyfriend is watching the boston vs. ottawa for hockey. We usually bet, so he was like:

Matt: So if boston wins you stay with me, and if they lose you stay with me

LOL :)<333

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Guest your--HEROine

Well, my BF right now.

Before we dated, we were at this party that his friends threw and I was wasted.

While I was knocked out and half gone. LOL.

He said even though I was wasted and knocked out, I still looked beautiful. :D

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the sms he just sent me T_T

"i love you. more than i could ever say or do. i love you. nothing compares and nothing, nor no-one could fathom its quantity. i love you Anna. Forever and always, Anna. I love you"

T______________T <3333333333333333333

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Guest greentea:vee xo

" Sometimes I just want to give up on you because I know you deserve better than the crap I've given you, but then I realized you are the best thing that has happened to me since I moved here and I don't wanna ever let go "


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Guest wr3ck3dd

A month ago when she came to my house, she brought the gum (Xylitol, applemint) that i asked her to buy for me, but i guess she didn't know that she accidentally left the receipt in the bag...

Before she left i told her, that i'd pay her back and she said nope! and when she left, and i saw how much it cost, I felt terrible...

But then today, she asked me, "how is it? do you need more? I'll bring you some more when i see you next time!" and that breaks my heart right now, because this girl is so good to me and the fact that she just says she'll bring me something when she knows that money is tight and that she knows that itll make me happy... makes me sad if i'm ever mean to her. And i was today :(

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Guest robotomy

I'll see you when we get back from spring break, don't change Jen babe.

-he's one of my close friends and he gave me this gigantic hug. His hug was so big I almost fell then he caught me and gave me another big hug.-

He was leaving and he just yelled out that he would miss me.

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Guest back-sue

Me: Well just dont get kicked out.. I can't always hide you in my room, you know.

Him: If I do, do I sleep in your closet or under your bed? Cause I'd rather sleep on the bed with you.

Wasn't really sweet, but it made me laugh. :lol:

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Guest azn_dorothy


well this was with me and my bf..

and i used to snore alittle :phew: (still kinda do XDD)

and we always leave the phone on while we're sleeping (i know, pointless XD)

me: can i hang up on u =.='

him: y

me: i don't want you to hear me snore, you always make fun of me

him: i'm just kidding.. besides, i can't sleep if i don't know you're there


him: you're so weird

me: then why are you with me

him: cuz your a loser also

me: *irritated*

him: you're not too good looking either

me: k...

him: i love an ugly, wierd loser haha


one day,... i was really sad because i thought he didn't love me anymore,

and wen he was holding me, i was crying and he had no idea why

so the next day he came to my house and had made a thousand origami stars

him: here..

me: ?? *starts crying cuz i thought he didn't care*

him: stop crying =/...

me: thank you...

him: you get a wish now right? y not wish we're together forever?

and i did ^^ (its suppose to athousand cranes tho lol)


i onlee remmeber these because my bf isn't a nice guy,

he doesn't do normal bf stuff. so wen he does sumthing sweet,

i always write it down in my journal lol =.='...

i wish he did all those bf/gf stuff tho haha

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Guest monkeii

No bfs or anything but i just recently changed to a new school and i've made a few friends and we're pretty close.

one time i was talking to my friend about his girlfriend problems and all of a sudden he goes:

"You know, you're the only one i'd talk to this stuff about. You're like...my best friend in ____(school name)"

It was so sweet! I've never had anyone refer to me as a best friend before!

and then ....same guy with my other guy friend. this is in class. I sit in front of them and was telling my other friend (girl) how i wanted to cut my hair cause i just look daym ugly with long hair and then my two other guy friends are like:

"WTF? Nah! I like your hair like it is! It loooks good, don't cut it!"

and i almost melted from happiness. yesh i'm not complimented cause i'm not a looker....and that was like the first time someone has complimented me in a while :)

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Guest Cakee`

this is not from my b/f or anything..but from one of my close guy friends





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