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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest *~*~A. S. H. L. E. Y.

me: idk if i like you or not..

him: neither do i


me: oh

Auto Response from Lalala: I hate you, and supposedly i am not allowed to, then why do i feel this way?

me: ummm

me: i think i do like you.. is this what a crush feels like?

him: yes

me: so, does that mean you feel the same wya?

him: a little

him: r u still there?

Auto Response from BlahBlah : Remember the days where we would go

Me: When I grow up im goig to go all the way to 100th grade!

You: Oh yeah? I'll go to the 150th grade!!

and so on and so on, until we got in trouble for talkinng.

Sighh, those were the golden days. =D

him: lol

him: u still there

him: hello?

me: hi

him: whatcha doing?

me: on the verge of tears

him: 1 sec gotta see wat verge means

him:wait, r u bout to cry?!


me: ;) k.

its very long, but i found it sweet, but it makes me feel SOO badd. cuz i was dared to say i like him to him.. T.T and idk. But when he sent me those ims, i was about to cry, that was the sweetest, most sincere thing ever. <33


i just realized its soo short, i took out a lot of parts, i wwas away, and the whole time

he was going

hello? you there? yoohoo? hiii? hello??

<33 soo sweet

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Guest EHNerJI

ah he always says stuff that makes me go LOL. awww XD

this happened yesterday/today..

so, we were talking on msn and he's like..

okay, i have to go now, so i'll ttyl~

and then he didn't come back =.=;; but that's okay,

cuz i was watching the olympics LOL.

and then i write on his wall..

& i'm like =.=;; you never came back LOL.

*wasn't mad, just teasing XD*

& he's like... saying that his parents wouldn't let him come back online..

because he didn't do his homework =.=;; LOL.

& he's like " i hope i get to talk to you more"

*cuz i don't have school right now, but he does xD*

& i'm like... "oh, lol i just thought you forgot about me XD jkjk "

and he was like... "lol i'll never forget about u " 8DDD

& we were talking on msn a few weeks ago..

& he was leaving so we were saying bye and stuff..

and then he was like ...



love u

i was like.. LOL. X:

cuz in my head i was like =.=;; why is he saying 'um' ?

*he wrote it on seperate lines so i didn't know yet haha*

*he was asking me to go on webcam*

me: LOL. not now =.=

him: why?

me: cuz i look bad hahahaa

him: no, it's ok

him: i'll still like it

him: i just like the way you are

haha i didn't end up going on webcam though xD

& earlier this week..

him: alright i'm going to sleep now

me: okay~ bye (:

him: ok bye love u

me: *smiles like a retard XD*

him: lol

him: get used to it

haha it kinda sounds like a threat LOL.

but i think it's cute (:

no one ever really says cute/sweet stuff to me =.=;;

*stops talking now x.x*

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Guest Phamkins

the sweetest thing a guy has said to me was...

this was like a couple months ago

i met him at a club and we started talking for a bitt

but anyways long story shortt...

i asked him "if my heart were a chocolate, what would oyu do with itt?"

(yee i know cheeesy it was kinda random i like asking weird questions like thatt.. anyways..)

i asked a bunch of my guy friends what they would have said if a girl asked them that with intentions that if he impresses her he'll give him a date.. my guy friends all said answer like.. "id eat itt.. LOLL" idioooot or "i'd sell it... AHAHHA" but yee

kk this is HIS answer though.. at first hes like...

"if your heart was a chocolate i would savour it...

if that wasn't good enough i would mold myself into a small piece of almond so that i can be discovered sooner or later..." :rolleyes: OMFGGGGGGGGGG!!! too sweeett :]

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Guest Jesszic@

ya know, really good friends. we will tease or say very bad things infront of them and being blunt in everything with them, and we are too used to it.

so yeah, we were having lunch in a restaurant and this really silly friend of mine started the conversation seriously; for the first time

SY: Though she can be pretty dumb and silly and sometimes harsh, but she's the one who has the most humanity value, nice, elegant(she always complain the way i eat or talk or posture looked elegant o.O), honest and a good listener amongst us.

C&L: Ohmygeeee. . . xD

Me: LOL! dang. seriously?

SY: seriously. just trust me alright? The both of them are jealous of you.

Me: LOL again.

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Guest clear_blue_rain

너무 보고싶은데 생각나는데

its a part of a lyric

he says it to me and its sooo sweet!!! :)

and he's making a cd for me right now lol and

he said he specifically chose them for their lyrics and...

my goodness its sooo frikin cute!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH~!!!! lol

couple other ones are 하루 지나가면!!! 아름다웠던 그녀 모습 지울 수 있을까요

and "i love you 짧은 그말이 너무나 어려워"

** i like him and he likes me haha but we're not in a relationship XD**

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Guest jacky48

he said this the other day:

i'll alway be here by your side!

i love you.

it really cheered me up: i was having some family drama.

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Guest amyoii
i will try my best to become your last and final boyfriend ... and hopefully your husband. will you give me a second chance?

aww that's so sweet. I'm so envy of you =P

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Guest -LoVe-

One sweet thing is my bf he wrote this beautiful poem about your relationship. and also one day it was a best scene. It was afterschool, everyone left and it was only us two, and it was raining, all of a sudden he hugged me and said, " I love you, I'll miss you during the break". It was because we had this big holiday break and he was gonna go somewhere with his family so thats why he said that. I was so touched lol x]

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Guest nozomi.no.uta

to be honest, it didn't come from someone i like but i still got that warm, fuzzy feeling.

my friends and i were waiting to get picked up from the movie theaters one day after summerschool. i hadn't seen any of them in a long time, so i was enjoying myself.

eventually, it's just me and my friend sitting outside the theater on the stairs. i never really hung out with this friend, so things were a little quiet between us. finally, i ask him, 'who are you waiting for--mom or dad?' and he answers, 'you.'

i didn't get what he meant, and i thought he was joking. he explained that he had his drivers license--the lucky bum--and so he could go anytime, but he didn't want to leave me waiting by myself.


i hope i can find a guy i like who would do that for me.

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last night, he had left for his friend's house to watch the olympics. this is how our texts went:

him: i'll be home soon

me: lol okay. take your time..i'll be here

him: im coming home soon kay?

me: im not going anywhere lol

him: hey, love you kay?"

that made me smile the whole time..but then i had this sudden thought ..

"he's going to drink tonight isnt he? -_-"

BAM whaddya know, i was right! hehe he didnt want me worrying so much =P

eh..still made me smile haha ^_^

then today..he said: "you ARE my sunshine"

:] made me smile for a while rofl.

my mom looked at me like i was an idiot though -_-

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Guest shootingstar9

"Chiquita, quiero que sepas que estoy decesperado por bolberte a ver, por tocar tu piel, por bolberte a besar, siento que te extrano cada dia mas y mas..."

Yes, I'm korean and my boyfriend is mexican. haaaaa

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Guest clear_blue_rain

i feel like i'm writing one everyday but this boy is sooo freakin cute!!!! GAHHHH!!!

makes me smile for no reason haha

yesterday he called me and told me: tomorrow's weather's supposed to be cold, so dress up, so you don't freeze your butt off haha don't wear short shorts thinking its summer. and since you have to go at 6am it'll even be colder, so dress warm

ahh definitely saved me today

such a sweetie

these little words and thoughts are killing me!!!! >.<

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Guest ice_princess09

The sweetest thing? Well recently, my classmate just said something..XDD

He just came up to me while I was talking to my friend at one side of the room. He was holding a small flower with him then a classmate of mine asked.

*name*, is that for *name of other girl classmate*?”

“ Of course not ! It’s for *my name*…” then he smiled at me...of course, that made me smile too..XDDD

It's not that sweet when it's in english..lol so here's the real version..XDD

"Oi, *name of classmate* kay *name of other classmate*?" my other girl classmate...

"Hindi ah! para kay *my name* kaya 'to" him...

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no bf or anything. just random people i know =D

"omg don't die"

I was complaining about my flu and how bad it was and one of my friends said that and for some reason I thought it was really nice. ahahaha

"You're funny too. Not just like, the things you say but you're just funny."

I like being called funny ^^;; It was an awkward way of saying it though. You'd need to see the whole convo to get it xD

"We all agreed that you and xxxx are the most beautiful inside and out"

My friends said that and I was just awwww ><;; I'm sure it made my other friend feel really awesome too.

"you really are pro"

This wins just because it was such a nice thing to say. We were talking about life and stuff and I was explaining things about myself and yeah. I thought it was sweet. =x

"i haven't seen you in weeks, you're always sick"

me: "awww...miss me?"

"yep, your iT skills"


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Guest myjaejoong

it was morning at school (before school) one day and one of my guy friends was walking with me

and then i saw this one girl who i dont know really well but i decided to say hi.

me: "hey *insert name*"

girl: *smiles and lowers her head*

O. o

my guy friend laughed at me so i said

me: "she never talks to me!"

then he said something that totally made my day....

him: "maybe cuz you're so pretty"

even though i dont like him like that and pretty sure he doent like me like that either...

it totally placed a smile on my face.

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