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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest Scarlet

him: *sigh*

me: hm? something wrong?

him: no nothing

me: you sure?

him: yeah...

me: okay then =\

him: hey *name xD*

me: yeah?

him: god you're beautiful

made me stick my head in the freezer cuz my face was so hot. xD sad we're not dating anymore. best time of my life with this guy. he's so sweet. =] super happy we're still friends.

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Guest chrstne987

we've just only have gone out recently so before we were going out i gave him a stuffed hamster for his birthday. haha we were texting.. and this was after he asked me out

him: thank you much for the hamster! I LOVE IT!!!!!!

me: haha your welcome it's cuddleable xD

him: so very huggle-able (cheesy time) but you're more huggle-able xD

:lol: it kills me he actually put in the actually words "cheesy time" but it was super adorable :lol:

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this happened last week. - haha he'll probably read this.

him: no no. i'm usually chicken sh!t as well, but in this case. i've got someone i need to protect. so as long as you're still here, i can be superman for a little bit longer.

gahh.. too bad we're not dating.


awwww!! that's soooo cute!! :D

[edit] My friend remembered my birthday. We just met and she remembered, and gave me 'relaxing' gifts. She's so sweet, and comes to Soompi too.. I LOVE YOU BABY!! (oh, and in the card she put my crush's name all over it and said that i was Mrs. *insert crush's name*). :D -- lols, went through my stuff, cleaning my room, and i saw it, made my day!

This kid who liked me back in the day always does nice things to me, but i can NEVER like him (since Intellect is NUMBER 1 in my book, and sad to say his IQ isn't up to par).. but he's quite sweet. During a rainy day he used his jacket for cover, and held on to me (though i didn't feel comfortable in those situations at all)......... He's sweet and kind-hearted. OH, and he paid for dinner, twice.

* my friend's BF is the sweeetest guy on earth. He flys to visit her on her birthday, and everytime we go out, them two and the crew and I, he always makes sure to take care of the order before anyone else thinks of paying. Swweeeetttt Guy!!! I need someone like him. (plus, he's smart!)

I have a pervert-friend, who's hilarious. I love him, and he always makes my day.

My gooood internet-buddy is always there when i'm down. She's the best. and she's a soompier.

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Guest nubbie

"i can imagine you sitting here next to me 5 years from now when you're all old and wrinkly, and i'll still love you anyway"

that was said to me....3 years ago. i'm 18 now. lol old and wrinkly wtf?

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Guest tramnart

My birthday was two days ago and before I left my boyfriend's house, I saw a rainbow. When I got home I told him online then he said.

"You saw a rainbow? You're so special even mother earth gave you a present for your birthday."

My heart melted! First time he ever said something like that to me.

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^ SO SWEET!!!!

i always forget what my bf says to me cuz he always says something sweet T_T but last night he was like,

"I HAVEEEEEEE TO MARRY YOU NOW >< i can't imagine my life without you. whenever you're miserable, i'm miserable.. whenever you're not miserable, i'm miserable.. O_O"

LOL he was like wtf at himself after haha.

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Guest tracynguyen94

So me and my bf were talking on aim... WE were talking about my new picture :)

GF: I look so ugly in my new picture but i sent it to you n-way

BF: Sexy picture

GF: You kidding me =]]

BF: No way .. I'm serious

GF: Thanx you >hug< I know i'm sexy=]]

BF: Of course...ur hot and sexy

GF: So u saying that i'm sexy because i'm your girlfriend

BF: Hell YEAH.. It's make you special

GF: So if i'm not your girlfriend that's mean i'm ugly

GF: (his name) I'm waiting for your answer...

BF: No.. It's just you look more hot

I thought that kinda sweet :):)

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Guest adrenaline__x

me: there was a bee in the bathtub while i was taking a shower. it was scary >;[

him: of course. bees are attracted to you, honey.

well it was something like that.

it was cute >:[

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Guest mikamoui


those 3 littles words, she makes me feel so weak T__T

That's very sweet of her indeed (:.

my aunt told me :Wow, you're gaining weight.

Indeed i am :D

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me: hey u kno wat time it is?

her: nope

me: omg i dont have my phone with me check urs for me

her: why it really doesnt matter to me

me: whats that supposed to mean?

her: cuz when your here a day goes by in a second, dont worry its not wasting time, i'd give up a thousand years to spend a few more minutes with you.

she was not the type, and she was tearing up, we were just lying down on different couches being bored that day.

then i stood above her and waved my hands in her face and said "hey! hey wake up!" and she was like "LOL OMG U SUCK ITS 2: ?? FOOL"

LOL goooood times.

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25/04/2008 11:34:42 PM wei seng Sarah r ur parents thives????

25/04/2008 11:34:56 PM Sarah wei seng thives?

25/04/2008 11:35:03 PM Sarah wei seng i dun rmb wut's dat mean

25/04/2008 11:35:04 PM Sarah wei seng lol

25/04/2008 11:35:09 PM wei seng Sarah i mean thieves

25/04/2008 11:35:18 PM wei seng Sarah hehe

25/04/2008 11:35:23 PM Sarah wei seng erhahaha

25/04/2008 11:35:25 PM Sarah wei seng nope

25/04/2008 11:35:26 PM Sarah wei seng y?

25/04/2008 11:35:56 PM wei seng Sarah cuz they stole the star and put in ur eye

lol i just copy & paste X) he's not my bf, just a friend, but i found this sweet =]

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haha, i have a new one, with the same guy(my best friend)

you know those peek-a-boo's machines that cost like 2$ each.

he got me like 15 of them.'

me : awwwww! thank you! i'll owe you back.

him : naaah, 15's not even enough. for you, even if i get a million for you, it won't be enough.

it wasn't much but i was dying of happiness :)

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Guest Bombom.

This is actually the first guy that actually said something sweet that touched

my heart so much. So I met him like 3 days ago and were still talking. He's like

the sweetest person ever. He can really make me smile with butterflies and a few time

blushing. Lmao. Here's what he wrote

"I am not cute. you the cute one!"

"Aw well my heart says *Bomi is cuter than me in a lot of ways*"

I told him that he's the cute one but he wouldn't admit so I wrote this to him

"Even though you won't admit your the cute one, in my heart it says "He is so cute and sweet"

Then he wrote that. Hehe.

"hehe you should cook with those cute apons! it will look cute on you!"

I told him I cook and clean always at home. Which is true but so boring.

"get 2 cute aprons and we should bake a cake together with our names on it saying "forever"

This really touched my heart! Ahh! He's so cute. Hehe.

So like we only met 3 days ago but I know for sure that he's the one I want to be with :]

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