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The Sweetest Thing


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my best friend who i sadly have a crush on before ==

called me up when he was at school and im sick at home

him; hey how you doing beautiful?

me; er.. hi?

him; what? i have a test next

me; nothing why you call, go study

him; i just wanted to say hi

me; well.. hi... ok bye

him; fine bye.. hang up.. why arnt you hanging up yet

*me still silent

him; ok.. fine.. ill see you later okay beautiful? bye

and like yesterday i met up with him

and he said something really fast probably insulting me

me; what you say?!?

him; you're beautiful

and i just slapped him ==

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Guest MCYOO<3

i was talking to him on the phoen when he said this :wub:

"you know, i would always be there for you whenever you need me,

seriously! if you called me at 3:00 in the morning and you had a

problem, i would drive down there without even thinking twice." [he lives pretty far]

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Guest cheerydumdum

i went off to go buy BART/subway tickets and told him to stay where he was because his feet were hurting and he was really tired. i took a while to find change to pay for his ticket since i was tired from walking around all day too. he called me to check up on me. later, he said something like this, "i called because i was worried something might happen to you." :3 he cares.

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Guest melxXz

k: have eu eaten euur med?

me: errrrrr no?

k: i will get angry. GO.


k: have eu eat it??????!


k: dun talk to me until eu'd eaten the med. *angry*

very demandin, but sweet in a way :D

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Guest JWonNie

"You okay?" :]

That made me feel so much better and happy~!!!!! <3

Dang, it... I'm not going to own page 1000...

dont want to wait for someone to post before me...

your one & only


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Me: Arrh.. my hair's so messy today >____<!

Him: You're beautiful..

Me: AHAHAHAH XDD whaat? say it again I didn't hear the first time XD

Looking back on it now as in years later, it's actually really sweet.

It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

The only sweetest thing he ever said to me infact.

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Guest janeh

so there's this guy I like and I've been combining his name with other girls. you know, like a couple name or something.

his name is Alex and my name is jane.

me: Belex? (Phoebe + Alex)

him: how about Jalex?

me: eeeeew!

him: joke.

okay. that's weird. but i was really thrilled. hahaha. x(

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Guest lovelee

him: are you wearing eyeliner?

me: no, i'm not wearing any eye makeup

him: well your eyes look pretty

me: thanks

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Guest eximius

Him: If it makes you feel any better... I can't wait to see you tomorrow?


Him: Because I don't know if it'll make you feel any better or not!

Me: You should know how easily the things you say effect me!!

Him: I'm sorry??


Yeah... it was sweet even though I killed the mood (:

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Guest littlemondaiji

these are a few things said to me and some cut out of conversations i've had with my best friend of four years turned lover X3

"I will always wait for you if you want me"

"do you believe me when i tell you i love you?"

"I know that this may sound corny or whatever and that we're only 16 but i can see us living our lives together. i hope that no matter what we'll always be close like we have been these past 4 years. no matter what i want you in my life."

"you're a drug."

"you're my best friend and i love you."


"you are so amazing. i'm addicted to you."

"you truley are amazing. you are so strong and i don't know how you do it but you go through so much and yet you can still get through it all with a smile. now i know youre gonna try and tell me that you're not and that you break down alot but you really are. and youre one of my heroes because of it. i love you."

"you're so cute. i can't stand it .___." hee X]

"[we were listening to Lil Wayne's prostitue Flange- go look up the lyrics- especially with the remix with trina:] ] you know, i really wouldn't care if you were a prostitute. really."

sorry for the longness :X

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Guest luven-you

My oppa [best friend] is the most.. corniest person ever, but I love him nonetheless hahah.

me: you're so corny

him: never said i wasnt corny. but hey, if i can make you smile by being corny, i'd do it everyday just to know you smiled

me: [laughs] stop man, i smile awkwardly

him: no, youre beautiful

me: ...hahah.. awkward... *walks away*

I just ruined the moment, but.. whatever.

Then my close friend whom I haven't talk to.. in forever. ):

me: i feel empty

him: i wanna say i'm gonna fill you up with love, but that's just overused

me: i meant empty in a hungry sort of way

him: psh. in that case, i'll just fill you up with candy

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Guest x_TaintedLove

I accidentally called him Edward for the fourth time after I met him.

Him: Why do you keep calling me Edward?

I spent some of the lunch hour telling him about Twilight. He asked a lot of questions. >_<

Him: So if I'm Edward, does that make you my Bella?

Me: Um... ^^;

I didn't know what to say. I was practically bouncing for joy inside. Cx

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest joongielove

"You look beautiful. Like a princess."

My boyfriend on our prom night <3

"I'll drive up to your school to give you that one slow dance, and the rest of my slow dances."

Me: "Why didn't you wake me up? Were you lonely on the drive up?" <--when I asked why he didn't wake me up to keep him company on a 2 and a half hour drive.

Him: "You looked tired, I didn't want to bother you."

Him" Hey...I don't wanna see you cry.

Me: You can't, that's why I'm covering my face.

Him: But I can still hear it. Stop, it hurts.

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