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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest Keris

On tuesday I got into a car accident and I had to go to the Emergency room, so my friend called him with out me knowing and after waiting 2 hours a nurse came in and asked if it was ok if John can to see me. I said yes thinking that it was another doctor. Then out pops Johnny, my "friend". I was so shocked I was about to cry. I felt embarrased though because I had a neck brace and a back brace on. PLus I was crying so my make up was all messed up.

Me: **gasp** "How'd you know I was here?"

Johnny: "April called me."

Me: "You didn't have to come I'm ok." he lives 40 mins away.

Johnny: "I don't care, right when she told me I hung up and ran into my car. I sped the whole way here. You know how worried I was?!"

Me: "I'm ok though."

Johnny: "I needed to see for myself. But why didn't you call me right away?!"

Me: Almost in TEARS!!

Aww, that was kind of him. ^_^

Neck brace and back brace? :( Sounds like it was a pretty serious accident... hope you get better soon!!

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Guest flipchk23

this will be bizarre but..

"you're not big enough. get fatter."

i gained lotsa weight over a year and i thot that was just sweet. iono if he realise that it made me feel better rofl

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Guest yongieee

this will be bizarre but..

"you're not big enough. get fatter."

i gained lotsa weight over a year and i thot that was just sweet. iono if he realise that it made me feel better rofl

hahahahaha that is sooo sweet

i think im in love with your boyfriend :)

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Guest xvi3txl0v1ngx

Me: that's dry

Him: yeah if people ask why i block you, i'll just tell them cause you were being soft lmao

Me: and they'll also ask why would you block such a pretty girl =P

Him: suree*sarcasm*

Me:fineee be that way

Him: cause you know, she ISN'T pretty, but cuteeeeeeee

Me:*blushing like mad*

I was blushing like crazy cause he also said that Jessica Alba is cute and i'm not anywhere near goodlooking as Jessica Alba.

Me: but what if i can't go to the talent show with you??

Him: i'll give my ticket up to my friend. I wouldn't want to go without you.

I know there's more but i can't remember them right now >.<.

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Guest Eunice!

just read the first page

but all of them are so beautiful! x]

sweetest thing...

well my exbf sent me a song that he wrote

and this was before we got together

and it was about a girl that he loved

that was me but i didnt know then

him: so what'd you think?

me: ...it's so beautiful...! so.. who'd you write it for, hm? :]

him: i wrote it to the first person i gave it to.

me: who is...?

him: you.

it sounds lame, but the song was sweet thats why it was a sweet thing. :3

ahh too bad he was such a drama queen ehh perfect boys dont exist. (<-obviously)

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This is kind of random, but I thought it's cute.

He called me yesterday when he was at work.

Him: Hi babe, what are you doing?

Me: I'm fnishing my physics lab writeup.

Him: I'm just calling you to tell you that I miss you.

Me: Awww... I miss you too honey.

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Guest baybeexdishonest

me; what do you do if i was sad?

him; i would hug you and turn your frown upside down

me; what do you do if i was crying?

him; i would hug you and cry with you and tell you everything's alright

^awwws.. i miss him. =[

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him: im depressed


him: sighs*

me: ill make you happy then :]

him: hug me =]

later in the conversation

him: you made me depressed again

me: remember tomrorow im giving you hugs :]

him: what if i dont make it till tomorrow.

i like him :] and that just made my day.

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Guest lovinrainydays

well those are from my ex, and was long time ago, but i still rmb them

him: i dun think i can ever leave you anymore.

me: why?

him: cuz your already stuck in my head

me: so you partied with your friends last weekend didnt you? (we were in a LDR and i was just joking about him would do stuff with girls at the party)

him: no i just chilled with my friends

me: yea right, drank and smoke with your friends

him: thats just 3 people, how is that a party?

me: you had fun right? if you have fun, i call that a party.

him: oh then i have party whenever im with you.

him: you are really nice and wonderful.

him: can you come over here? i dun think i can live without you anymore (we were in a LDR)

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Guest nubbie

my boyfriend and i were in the car

boyfriend: you know i can imagine you 5 years from now still sitting in that seat next to me =)

me: hahah

boyfriend: even though you'll be old and wrinkly, i'll still love you anyway =D

me: HEY 5 years won't make me old! haha

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He always pinched my cheeks when we were in the hallways.. back in HS.

he was tall.. and ofcourse i'm wicked short. he is ok looking.

he just pinched me before class.. i went online.. onto Hi5.. [yeah, i don't use Hi5 nomore]

he noted me something like.. "you're so ugly"

i said.. "STFU... and stop pinching me. It fricken hurts. If you do it again, i'll kill you!!"

and he says, " i can't help it. your cheeks are like clounds. they're so soft."

It's so takky and stupid, but takky and cheesy stuff makes life so much kuter!! hahaha

I always chat online with this really FUNNY and perverted guy..

I always tell him that he is perverted, because he always crack up

perverte jokes.. but he said that it was just JOKES to mak eme laugh..

so now i just tell him that his perverted jokes are funny.. and that he is

a veryu funny guy.

He's really sweet, and a very good womanizer. haha..

He said that he had a nightmare.. and at the end of the chat..

he was going to sleep.. he said, 'Would you come to my dream? so i wouldn't have nightmares?"

Ahh.. i just need someone to walk me home these days.

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Guest stellarnina

my boyfriend's text message:

"earlier when you were sleeping, i felt so sad tears started to form in my eyes, because i know we only have 13 days left to spend together before you leave again. so i'm making the most out of the time we have together. i hope we'll be together foever. i love you."

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Guest h0ney

him: ur frds the cute type

me: what type am i then?

him: ur the super cute type

its the sweetest because his a VERY quiet guy who doesnt talk to many ppl... yet he said something like that.. lol... melted my heart

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Guest momo08

-my bf told his sister: "i dont even know why she's on a diet, she's looks friggin perfect the way she is already. **sighhh** girls these days, i can never understand them.

-my bf never really compliments me or anything..but the look he has on his face just bares it all, he stares at me for the longest time...im like "what? do i have something on my face?" i think its sweet

-he told me i'm his princess and that he will be my prince

-when he's on my computer, he often looks at my pictures, he would stop on one, and then goes on with the rest. the next day, i see that pic on his cellphone's wallpaper. i ask him "why do you have it?" he goes "just because"

-"dont wear too much makeup, it'll ruin your perfect skin"

-"i dont like it when other guys stare at you..but i'm too damn proud to hide you"

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this is from a guy I really really like :).

so it made me really happy.

We were just hanging out and our convos get really deep at times.

and the thing is we're totally different people.

Im one of those I MUST GET AN A type of girl while he drinks and smokes and doesnt give crap.

Me: Everything seems to be changing.

Him: Yeah. I know I changed a lot.

Me: You did but it's okay...

Him: You're still the same.

Me: I am?

Him: You're still willing to accept me no matter what I do.

Me: But Im more mature and stuff... =___=;;

Him: I dont care.

Me: =______=;; fine.

Him: Just dont leave me, okay?


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guy: who are you?

me: O_O; huh? im nara

guy: no!! you ruined it!!

me: what i do? i dont get it!

guy: it was all planned out. i ask, "who are you?" and you say, "what are you talking about?"

and ill be like, "You."

me: O_O;

guy: "do you have a name or can i call you mine?"


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