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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest dianomyte

The first time I cried and he heard and saw me...he held me in his arms and sung "You are My Sunshine" to me slowly then told me softly that he loved me..

:( i miss him.

awww :( that's too cute

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Guest beautylicious87

*the sweetest thing that my ex-bf said to me:

he wrote a really sweet long letter to me saying that i am his one and only angel and that i am his pen or some weird thing like that.....it made me cry

*my current bf said:

you say that you're not this you're not that. but to me you are. and it wouldn't matter what you saw in yourself, because to me... from my point of view, you're perfect the way you are...

even though no one is perfect and everyone has flaws. to me i dont see anything from you as a flaw. i just see something else to fall for more n more..

just like the world isnt perfect but what can you do?

give it the best u can

day by day

this made me cry.....

the sweetest thing i ever heard in my whole life

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These were said to me by just random guys that liked me a lot

"Now I believe you can be blind and still see"

"I didn't believe in love at first sight but I took a second look just for you"

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Guest cassity27


A lot of these are so cute.


There was this one boy I hadn't seen in a long time.

And the day he came from Korea, I went to the airport to meet him, and hugged him really tightly.

We're really close friends (:

Me: I've been thinking about you all day!

Him: Pft. I've been thinking about you for three years.

It made me tear up a little.

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Guest smileforjean

this one time in 10th grade i was talking with the guy i liked and there was this security lady that he knew. we were talking about something and somehow the topic of "b/f & g/f"

security lady: is she your girlfriend?

him: no, she's my wife

(we were never together though)

it made me happy that day :)

aww thats sooo cuteee !haha

i was crying, and we were fighting and out of nowhere...

guy: you know what?

me: WHATTTTT!!! :angry:

guy: even when youre crying, i still think you're beautiful, even when you're yelling at me, i still love you, i never meant to hurt you, stop crying please, cuase it's killing me

awww ohmigoshh thats sooo cuteee !

thats so cute how he ended the fight by that last line

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Guest hellaspiffyx

hmm okay so another light topic among all the sad ones here ^^

What is the best, sweetest or nicest thing anyone[mostly meaning your s/o, or friend/family too] has done for you?

Or you have done for someone?

mmm for me it was when my bf was going through some hard times and was trying to figure a lot of things out nd so I made about 150 little "lucky" paper stars, put them in a tiny glass jar for him and made it look really nice. I gave it to him with a note telling him that I'll always be there for him and that he shouldnt focus too much on the negative things and that the bad times are only there to make the good times more special. And that the stars are for good luck =]

He really liked it. I like to write him little notes like that whenever he's upset or thinking about something stressful. He likes the brownies that I make so I make those for him too sometimes.

So what about you?

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Guest galinda

recently the sweetest thing that i heard is:

"you know, when you hang out with another person too much, they start to get annoying."

.... :huh: ....

"'cept you"


lies i tell yah..

but sweet nonetheless..

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Guest AppleLove

aww... i know how you feel, join the club....


*me walking in the rain to class*

*he runs up behind me with an umbrella*

him: why didn't you get your umbrella?

me: i'm too lazy to go back up to get it.. it's just a little rain...

*our classes are different directions about to separate on our own ways*

him: here take my umbrella i don't want you to get sick!

me: it's okay! my class is closer than yours! you should take it!!!

him: Fine... help me hold it though i need to tie my laces...

*I hold umbrella while he ties his laces... he bends down... and then runs away to class leaving me with umbrella*


him: HAHAHAHAHAHA you're too gullible stupid! go to class already!!!

*me.. still dumbfounded.. but couldn't help me laugh in the rain*


He also knows that i hate smoking... so he never smokes in front of me... this is what he did when i caught him smoking...

*walking late night to study, and i see him smoking with friends.*

friends: YO... she's here.. YOOOO MAN ....

him: huh... OH richard simmons

*fumbles with cigarette... ends up flicking it away towards his friends face... friend flinches and drops his cigarette too.. *


*burned friend starts to laugh in anger and group of friends just laugh it off with a few friendly punches here anD there*

him: hey let's go study... i didn't smoke.. i was just holding it in my mouth for him, he said my hands were too dirty... he won't do it next time anymore seeing how his own cigarette hit him back in the face!!!

*i just laugh it off and went to study with him following me*


*late at night when i am just watching shows with him*

me: i'm hungry but i am too lazy to cook =(

him: I'll cook!!!

*comes back ten minutes later with a nicely peeled pear*

him: you need to teach me how to cook more food next time, i'm getting too good at peeling pears.

(I was really touched at that moment because he never touched anything food related before it was cooked... so the first thing i taught him was how to peel a pear and it took him a long time to peel it right without cutting chunks out of it!)


=O i cried for you.

i seriously did.

me: memorize this song for me..(it was this cute i love you korean song & he was chinese)

him: i can`t sing ;(

me: sooo..pleasee

me: wait didnt you say you were sleepy? go to sleep! its late

him: i cant..

me: why?

him: i`m too busy memorizing your song



me: i want a teddy bear!

him: then you should go buy one wink.gif

me: =(

him: jkjk i`ll get you one.

me: no its okie..i just wanted to see how you would respond to that..

him: im going to get you a teddy bear!!

me: noooo i dont want one

him: fine i see how it is..

me: i dont want u wasting money on me.

him: using money on you isn`t wasting it..


last one!

me: i`m sick ;(

him: i`ll go "borrow" some chicken soup for u x]

eeekk!! i love him...

but..he passed away this year..</3

r.i.p Lawrence

i miss you T__T

:tears: :tears:

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Guest bebe_lauren

"When I saw you today, it felt like it was Christmas morning".

My ex-bf said that to me. Definitely one of the sweetest things I've heard. =)

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this guy.. that i like^^

he called me to wake me up...

so.. our convo was like this:

him: poopoo wakeup time~

me: thank you for waking me up... dkflasdjfhwe

him: you're.. wel....LATE FOR CLASS~~~~~!!

he's too shy to even say "you're welcome".. heehee>_<

and then one morning he called me to wake me up again.. the second phone call~

but then i was already on the train to school..

and ahhh~~~ that phone call.. even tho it was just a simple five minute phone call..

made me smile like a crazy person afterwards ^^*

i know these are nothing.. but every phone call he gives me.. is everything~~~ cuz hes those shy guys hee hee ^__^

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Guest tanyatipc

well i go to a boardingschool, and so does my bf, my roommate has a sleep in on monday and wed and i always end up being late for my first classes those two days, my bf found out that i was guna get in trouble for being late, so ever since then he's been calling me at exactly 7 30 every monday and wed :)

kinda like you YUNA!


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Guest justanothergirl

"you're beautiful"

"since you always brighten up my days, i bought you this candle to brighten up your nights"

Oh and my ex also read me a bedtime story over the phone one time haha

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Guest AppleLove

Me: *yawns* (note it was 4am)

best friend: what's wrong with me?!

Me: Funny question. Something is always wrong with you. Cmon its you we're talking about

Best Friend: I just cant stop calling you. Like why?

Me: Cause Im irresistable? *starts laughing with no control*

Him: yeah..

Me: ..wuhh?!

Him: Your like a packet of Tim Tams. I keep Coming back for more.

Me: ...

*clears Throat*

Him: ..

Me: OMG! My Mum bought tim tams today! brb Ill look for it

somehow i cant accept his feelings >< and its been two years.

but his always there to boost my self esteem, and comfort me.

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Guest hellaspiffyx

mmmm how about I didnt say the sweetest thing someone has SAID to you. I said the sweetest thing you have DONE for someone, or someone has DONE for you. As in not words, i meant like a gift, or surprise, or something nice you did for another person. yeah =]

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Guest xvampireknight

OMG i love them all. Alot of them made me have the butterflies just reading it;

well.. since i forget what people say exactly.. i'll write something sweet that happened

It was new years eve and my family wouldn't let me spend it hanging out with my friends and most importantly this guy that i like. I was kind of bummed out but accepted that I would be spending new years at home with my family.

Right after the clock struck 12, my phone rang and *he* called. I thought it was just to wish me happy new year but he told me to come outside. There he was, outside holding an unbrella in the pouring rain. I ran over to him and gave him a big fat hug and he said "happy new years... will you be my girlfriend?"

What I think is the sweetest part is that he lives 25 minutes away and didn't have a car then so he took bart and from there walked to my house in the rain... [i don't necessarily live close to bart either..]ToT

and now he's on the other side of the country for school...


this was when... probably. when i was over at his cousin's house.. and he was just "happened" to be there. lol.. and we were just talking on her japanese matress laying down. he asked his cousin to leave so we could talk alone for a bit. and his cousin was all like, "PSHH. she's my friend you know." and she left. and i remembered clearly what he said.. because at that time.... we were not in the best relaionship, you could say.

him: i... hi

me: =] [smiles]

him: you' ve been avoiding me..


him: alot lately.

me: really? [laughs... slowly brush the topic off] how are you?

him: you know... [not falling for the trick]


him:you're beautiful

him: i found myself looking and watching over you alot. i can't take my eyes off of you. you're beautiful

him: i.. [his voice starts to break]

him: i feel like, i'm losing you.

[silents again]

him: you're so close but... yet so far away.

[then he reaches out for my hands, but i pull away.]

me: what are you talking about? [nervous playful laugh]

him: i don't want to lose you.

[slients for a LONG LONG time an then i just break into a small laugh]

me: [got up] ehhh... need to go peepee [still in my joking tone]

[he then got up too to grab me by my hand pull me in a warm embrace and whispers to me] please don't leave me.

and i couldn't hold my tears. now i look back. i hurt him so much just for the fact he hurt me so much more.


guy : Give me your hand.

*gives him my hand*

guy : let`s say this line here is a river *points to the river* and this line here is the duck *points to the duck* so how would the duck get to the river?

me : i don`t know o_O;

guy : i don`t know either, i just wanted to hold your hand ^____^

hehe that happened to me yesterday. i thought it was really cute^^~ haha


And this happened back in high school. The guy I liked tapped my shoulder (he sat behind me in class).

Him: Hey, can I borrow your cellphone? (I was using it ^^;;)

Me: Umm, okay. Sure. *hands it to him, clueless* (I swear I had no idea why he'd borrow it because we never talked, even though I really really liked him)

Him: *fiddles around with it a bit*

Me: *watches him*

Him: Here. Thanks. *returns my phone*

Me: *takes phone*

Him: I got a new phone last week, so I changed my number in your phone book for you.

Me: Thank you. O_O;;

But seriously... I thought it was sweet because he went out of his way just to do it for me, and he surprised me because I thought he didn't care. I never sent him messages or anything, and we never really talked. So it was pretty surprising that he actually thought of telling me that he changed his number. And on top of that, he changed it himself.

And there was this one time when we had matching ringtones and cellphones. *rofl*

Too bad I don't have contact with him anymore. The last time I saw him was 2 months ago, and we didn't even get to talk


*It's raining while he's walking me to his bus, we finally get to my bus, and we talk a bit before I leave.*

Him: Well...I was wondering...

Me: Yes? What?

Him: Ionno, maybe it's stupid...

Me: No, what, seriously, what is it?

Him: Well...I was wondering if you had ever been kissed in the rain before.

Me: ...*me starting to blush*

And then he kissed me ever so gently and lovingly.

Ahh. :] Lovely.


for me, it's not much of what a person said, but this guy whom i used to have a crush on, did this in front of my friends.

Him:" Give me that paper"


Him: *Kept smiling and staring at me, with a pencil in his hands.*

Me: What?!

Him: *drew a picture of me and gave it to me*

Me: *Blush*

Friends: That's nice! Draw one for me too!

Him: Sheesh! *ignores them*

haha. It made me feel really special. And him staring at my face throughout the whole drawing process really made my heart skip.


*me walking in the rain to class*

*he runs up behind me with an umbrella*

him: why didn't you get your umbrella?

me: i'm too lazy to go back up to get it.. it's just a little rain...

*our classes are different directions about to separate on our own ways*

him: here take my umbrella i don't want you to get sick!

me: it's okay! my class is closer than yours! you should take it!!!

him: Fine... help me hold it though i need to tie my laces...

*I hold umbrella while he ties his laces... he bends down... and then runs away to class leaving me with umbrella*


him: HAHAHAHAHAHA you're too gullible stupid! go to class already!!!

*me.. still dumbfounded.. but couldn't help me laugh in the rain*


*late at night when i am just watching shows with him*

me: i'm hungry but i am too lazy to cook =(

him: I'll cook!!!

*comes back ten minutes later with a nicely peeled pear*

him: you need to teach me how to cook more food next time, i'm getting too good at peeling pears.

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