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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest honeysky

he says so many cute things hehe ^^

on friday night i drunken text message him and he just messaged me like "are you okay? don't drink too much~~~! give me a call when you get home" i didn't get home until 3AM but when i messaged him he said "i'm glad you're okay, now i can go to sleep :3" i couldnt believe he waited for me ^^

and i asked him if he wanted anything for christmas and he just said "i dont need anything but to stay with you ^^" :)

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Guest chineseduckling

him: when do i get to see you? :(

me: do you miss me that much?

him: yeah

me: how much ;]

him: a whole lot

me: whats a whole lot

him: so much that i cant even explain.


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Guest baby_rain

my bf told me one time.. when i was so crazy at the time and didnt realize what love is.. he told me that even if it old him that i might not sacrifice myself loving him ... the day i told him that i love him he prayed and said to God that no matter im crazy i am he would stick to me up to the end even if he tolerates me for being so thick headed :)

and the 2nd one was when i told him im having a problem about my family and i cant deal with him anymore coz i have to focus to my family matters .. he cried and asked me this... why is it everytime that ur having a problem im the only person you want to ditch with.. dont you realize that im the only person in the world who will love you no matter what happens... when you leave me my life would never the same again im going to crash it :wacko:

my bf told me that to get me out of my dumbness thats why i hes very impt. to me :)

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this guy: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ...

me: O_O what are doing? ( after i returned to my computer)

this guy: oh .. i was waiting for you to come back so i can talk to you.

after readin all of the other posts, it made me remember what he said years back.

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me: memorize this song for me..(it was this cute i love you korean song & he was chinese)

him: i can`t sing ;(

me: sooo..pleasee

me: wait didnt you say you were sleepy? go to sleep! its late

him: i cant..

me: why?

him: i`m too busy memorizing your song



me: i want a teddy bear!

him: then you should go buy one ;)

me: =(

him: jkjk i`ll get you one.

me: no its okie..i just wanted to see how you would respond to that..

him: im going to get you a teddy bear!!

me: noooo i dont want one

him: fine i see how it is..

me: i dont want u wasting money on me.

him: using money on you isn`t wasting it..


last one!

me: i`m sick ;(

him: i`ll go "borrow" some chicken soup for u x]

eeekk!! i love him...

but..he passed away this year..</3

r.i.p Lawrence

i miss you T__T

That's so cute and sad..

I'm so sorry =(

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This was last night, I was walking back to my friend's house late at night with my bf when he saw a group of big/muscly guys in a fight on the way there so he told me to stop. I reallly didnt want to be bashed up so I asked if we can walk the other way, he knew I was scared so he said "Dont' worry, I'll walk you to her house, I want to know you are safe before I go home, I'll always be there to look after you" :blush:

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me: memorize this song for me..(it was this cute i love you korean song & he was chinese)

him: i can`t sing ;(

me: sooo..pleasee

me: wait didnt you say you were sleepy? go to sleep! its late

him: i cant..

me: why?

him: i`m too busy memorizing your song



me: i want a teddy bear!

him: then you should go buy one ;)

me: =(

him: jkjk i`ll get you one.

me: no its okie..i just wanted to see how you would respond to that..

him: im going to get you a teddy bear!!

me: noooo i dont want one

him: fine i see how it is..

me: i dont want u wasting money on me.

him: using money on you isn`t wasting it..


last one!

me: i`m sick ;(

him: i`ll go "borrow" some chicken soup for u x]

eeekk!! i love him...

but..he passed away this year..</3

r.i.p Lawrence

i miss you T__T

aww... i know how you feel, join the club....


*me walking in the rain to class*

*he runs up behind me with an umbrella*

him: why didn't you get your umbrella?

me: i'm too lazy to go back up to get it.. it's just a little rain...

*our classes are different directions about to separate on our own ways*

him: here take my umbrella i don't want you to get sick!

me: it's okay! my class is closer than yours! you should take it!!!

him: Fine... help me hold it though i need to tie my laces...

*I hold umbrella while he ties his laces... he bends down... and then runs away to class leaving me with umbrella*


him: HAHAHAHAHAHA you're too gullible stupid! go to class already!!!

*me.. still dumbfounded.. but couldn't help me laugh in the rain*


He also knows that i hate smoking... so he never smokes in front of me... this is what he did when i caught him smoking...

*walking late night to study, and i see him smoking with friends.*

friends: YO... she's here.. YOOOO MAN ....

him: huh... OH richard simmons

*fumbles with cigarette... ends up flicking it away towards his friends face... friend flinches and drops his cigarette too.. *


*burned friend starts to laugh in anger and group of friends just laugh it off with a few friendly punches here anD there*

him: hey let's go study... i didn't smoke.. i was just holding it in my mouth for him, he said my hands were too dirty... he won't do it next time anymore seeing how his own cigarette hit him back in the face!!!

*i just laugh it off and went to study with him following me*


*late at night when i am just watching shows with him*

me: i'm hungry but i am too lazy to cook =(

him: I'll cook!!!

*comes back ten minutes later with a nicely peeled pear*

him: you need to teach me how to cook more food next time, i'm getting too good at peeling pears.

(I was really touched at that moment because he never touched anything food related before it was cooked... so the first thing i taught him was how to peel a pear and it took him a long time to peel it right without cutting chunks out of it!)


those were the times where i have been happiest in my whole life...

he passed away 4 years ago and i still remember it like it was yesterday...

r.i.p Jason <3

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Guest 86panda

well he said that he is gona kill that bastord that was touchin an pervin on meh when i wore my summer dress for the first time in 2years ><, its sweet isnt it? he will protect meh from all of the peverted bastords !

well he said that he is gona kill that bastord that was touchin an pervin on meh when i wore my summer dress for the first time in 2years ><, its sweet isnt it? he will protect meh from all of the peverted bastords !

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i was crying, and we were fighting and out of nowhere...

guy: you know what?

me: WHATTTTT!!! :angry:

guy: even when youre crying, i still think you're beautiful, even when you're yelling at me, i still love you, i never meant to hurt you, stop crying please, cuase it's killing me

wow i really really really really 1000x really love this... he was so cute... he sounded so honest...


a guy friend whom likes me said this to me once

him: you know what u r??

me: what??

Him: a bee

me: what the hell!!

him: a bee that stung my heart

sadly i dont like him... but i find it sweet

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Guest mystica

him; ima go now hon

him; i love you

him; bye

*five minutes later

*ring ring

me; hello

him; i cant sleep. ur on my mind.

me; aww (:

him; im gonna go dream about you now


umm.. and .. *thinks

him; you're beautiful on the inside & out

^ yeah i know thats kinda .. common but still it means alot to me :)

aww thats so sweet!!!

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Guest huggie =-

hehe.. he told me i was cute.. but in his own stupid way. =P i can't say what he said because it is tooo original. i guess i'm a lil bit selfish because i don't want other guys to take it as their own credit and use it on some other girl.. but it was really really sweet. =P when i look back, i found out he was dropping hints. i didn't even realize!

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Guest tanyatipc

my bf and i have this thing where cause im only half korean and he is full, he is constatnly trying to mkae me speak korean, so we came up wiht 1, 2 and 3.

1 is "oppa"

2 is "sarang hae yo"

3 is "oppa, na neun sarang hae yo"

so, he would go tanyaa, say number 1.. number 2.. number 3.

and he usualy makes me say number 3 everyday ^^

SOO the story goes..

he was going to the gym to work out but decided to call me before he starts

we chit chatted for around an hour or so

and then we hung up cause he needed to go

around less than 5 minutes later he called again

before i said anyting he said

"say number three"

and i was like "WHAJTT?!? you called JSUT FOR THAT?!"

he sounded dead seirous and said again "say number three. now"

so i said it

and then he laughed and said "good good"

i was so..puzzled that he called me just for that

so he was like

him: well i was taking out my stuff from my bag when i realizzed i forogt to make you say something! NUMBER THREE, so i HAD to call you. i love you tanya (he whispered)

me:what? i cant hear you

him: i love you tanya! (he said slightly louder)

me: *pretending to not hear* what?!?! speak up halabogi (nicknames)

him: *shouts* TANYA, NAH NEUN SARANG HAE YO!!!


he screamed that in public for me, ^^

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Me and my bf were trying to think of why we were not deserving of each other...(jokingly)...it's my turn now:

Me: Well...you know how all guys are like, "Ohh mannngg, my girlfriend is soooo cute when she sleeps. She's like a little angel." Well...I drool on my pillow, I kick the covers off, and I've been known to snore when my sinuses suck.

He: I can always just make you sleep on the floor. =]

Me: Okay smarty-pants...I can be a REAAAALL control freak sometimes. Like...I'll even take control of the CD player in your car! And...umm...sometimes...I'll even try to change what you look like! Like your siideburns! ahhhh...grooooooosss.....

He: I don't like my sideburns much anyway. I suck at maintaining them...and they pretty much look like pubes right now.

Me: Umm...okay. Here's one...I probably couldn't take a bullet for you...unless I knew that I would come out of it alive. Ha hah!

He: Well that's fine with me. I don't think I could live without you anyway.

Heh. ^^

(He ended up getting rid of his sideburns...even though I was slightly kidding...)

(fine fine...I thought they looked weird with his hair...)

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Guest sakuralily

haha you guys have such cute ones... my bf said this to me I miss you even when your here next to me. Ill stop missing you when you fall asleep in my arms

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Guest lovehunter12

Well. there's this boy who likes me=D

i overheard the convo he had with my bestfriend:

Bestfriend: Have u ever get weaked knees before?

Him: *blushes* and looks at me* M.. Yeah..

Bestfriend: When?

Him: When i talk to Sherly, and make her angry, her expression when angry is so cute, I had to sit everytime.

Bestfriend: *laughs* and pokes me*

Aw.. Its so sweet.. HE would get weaked knees and have to sit.

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Guest flycmagurl

Over The phone.

HIM: Princess

Me: What?

Him: I

Me: You

Him: Think

Me: Really?

Him: you're

Me: Me?

Him: cute

Me: Aw.

Him: So, I was thinking

Me: Tomorrow?

Him: Yea

Me: At McDonald's

Him: Breakfast?

Me: On you?

Him: On me

Me: I love you!

Him: You mean the free meal?

Me: Yea, that too.

He Laughs.

Him: This conversation reminded me of that one movie.

Me: Which one?

Him: I don't remember

Me: That helps.

Him: You're cute.

Me: You said that already.

Him: I know.

haha, well, it happend something like this, I don't remember word for word...but his "you're cute" was so cute. hahaha...and sweet. :)


I remember something! It was so funny! It happend between me and my friend.

I had one jolly rancher left and he wanted it,but I wanted it too.

Me: I only have one left, but you can have it ^o^

Him: Here. (He takes it and opens it, puts it in his mouth and breaks it in half)

Me: Ouch! What are you doing?!

Him: Here, you can have this half.

Me laughing: Thanks, but that's ok. You could have broken your tooth!

Him: But I didn't.

His friend that was like two people down saw him with the candy and shouts "Oh! I want it!"

He hands it to his friend.

him: How come you didn't want it?

Me: Because...

Him: It would have been like we kissed.

I look over at his friend. "Eww..."

He laughs.

It's not the sweetest thing, but it was hecka hilarious. Well, it was sweet he was willing to break his tooth to share a jolly rancher with me. lol!

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This dude I liked was joking around with me, and on AIM he paused for a bit before saying "Sorry, I was rendered speechless by your beauty." Hecka made me go crazy. x __ x;;

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Guest gingerpye

i was drawing a turkey on a paper while he was watching..

me: it's ugly

him: no it's not. it's pretty.

me: no, it's ugly.

him: i wasn't talking about the turkey.

online convo~

him: you ARE beautiful

him: miss :]

him: *VERY

me: i am not

him: are too :[

me: if i was to look at a mirror

me: it'd crack

me: o.o

me: real bad

him: o.o because it cant.. handle..

him: ur beauty

me: LOL

him: :D ya


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