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Guest GO!zilla

now now dont play the victim Will :)

i didnt even care what he said about Lakers lol.

just thought his comment about the Clips was premature and stupid all in one go. :)

nothing to do with Lakers.

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Guest epark1281


All Suns, Mavs, Celtic, Faker fans for the most part are sooooo opposed to the following Ideas:

1. Nash is not the greatest PG in the league

2. Dirk is not a big man, he's just a tall guard

3. Jason Kidd is NOT the pg of the future

4. Mark Cuban is not a winning executive. He can't win a championship with this roster. (and he looks like frankenstien)

5. KG might NOT be the best foward in NBA History

6. Suprise, Kobe actually DOES TRAVEL during the game.

7. No, Kobe is not greater than MJ

8. No, Kobe does not deserve to win the MVP every year.

9. Sasha is a scrub. If JJ Reddick were playing with Kobe, he'd average 15 ppg and shoot at a 45% clip from the arc. If it was Steve Kerr back in the day, He'd make the all star team every year.

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Guest plusone


you gotta give it to sasha for hustle though... jj reddick is... well... jj reddick. sasha tries on defense. jj reddick... well... is jj reddick on defense.

not to mention sasha is DA MACHIIIIIINE

the nickname alone make him worth it... hahaha

great entertainment value.

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Guest epark1281


you gotta give it to sasha for hustle though... jj reddick is... well... jj reddick. sasha tries on defense. jj reddick... well... is jj reddick on defense.

not to mention sasha is DA MACHIIIIIINE

the nickname alone make him worth it... hahaha

great entertainment value.


You've proved my point

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i like sasha's defensive mindset

bother the hell out of the player he is defending

every player should have a mentality like that

he's probably one of the most annoying defenders

that's what i do in pickup

it's a love me or hate type of deal

however, the one play when sasha let ray allen go for the layup was sad

but watching the highlights after that play made my day

some guy was trying to hand him a towel or trying to say something to him and he cussed the hell out of him

haha, the look on his face...

the machine!

i want his jersey

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Guest epark1281

i like sasha's defensive mindset

bother the hell out of the player he is defending

every player should have a mentality like that

he's probably one of the most annoying defenders

that's what i do in pickup

it's a love me or hate type of deal

Wait, Bruce Bowen does the same thing and he plays dirty?

Doug Christie used to do this, and he was slapped with the "dirty" label too.

Does this mean that sasha's dirty too?

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Guest epark1281

^There would be a difference between playing annoying defense (Sasha) and outright dirty (Bowen), as Bowen is known for his 'kicks'; leaving his foot behind on purpose for the offensive player to land on.

You wouldn't happen to be a Laker's fan, would you?

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Guest plusone


You've proved my point

im not saying sasha is a great player

im saying hes entertaining to watch

jj does not hustle jj does not even pretend to play defense.

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so it looks like all the Barry family members that have played in the NBA will be passing through Houston. even though i don't like the pick up too much cause brent is on the older side he does give them size of the bench at the 1-3 position plus 3 point shooting. and by the time his contract ends hopefully donte green will be NBA ready.

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Guest mojomunkeez

All Suns, Mavs, Celtic, Faker fans for the most part are sooooo opposed to the following Ideas:

1. Nash is not the greatest PG in the league

2. Dirk is not a big man, he's just a tall guard

3. Jason Kidd is NOT the pg of the future

4. Mark Cuban is not a winning executive. He can't win a championship with this roster. (and he looks like frankenstien)

5. KG might NOT be the best foward in NBA History

6. Suprise, Kobe actually DOES TRAVEL during the game.

7. No, Kobe is not greater than MJ

8. No, Kobe does not deserve to win the MVP every year.

9. Sasha is a scrub. If JJ Reddick were playing with Kobe, he'd average 15 ppg and shoot at a 45% clip from the arc. If it was Steve Kerr back in the day, He'd make the all star team every year.

1. Of course not, Chris Paul is

2. We've been saying that for years

3. He's old and can't shoot

4. He's just rich

5. Who ever said that?

6. So does everyone else

7. Not yet he's not.

8. But he should have won the year Dirk won. And one of the years Nash won.

9. Sasha is the Machine. Kthx.

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^There would be a difference between playing annoying defense (Sasha) and outright dirty (Bowen), as Bowen is known for his 'kicks'; leaving his foot behind on purpose for the offensive player to land on.

hell yeah, i'll have to agree with you

fellow csuf alumni bowen is

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Guest epark1281

6. So does everyone else

7. Not yet he's not.

8. But he should have won the year Dirk won. And one of the years Nash won.

9. Sasha is the Machine. Kthx.

Man, there you go.

Laker's apologists UNITE!

(only the last four had anything to do with the lakers)

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sasha's name should not be mentioned with other great individual defenders.

if he was so great he would have managed to shut down ray allen for at least one game in the series lol..

and when old man allen blew by him for that layup...ahh..priceless..

sasha the fake hustle machine vujajic

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i'm not mad at brand for leaving l.a.

he's been there for a long time and the team still hasn't achieved much success..just like kg in minnesota..it's time for a change of scenery.

whatever agreement he made with baron about staying..that's between them

i still like brand more than baron anyways..altho..both of them seem to get injured quite a bit..

speaking of injuries...gilbert is not worth that much money just because of his chronic injuries.

spurs definitely need to get younger..it's good they're getting rid of brent barry and michael finley..

i think letting go of stephen jackson was a big mistake.

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Guest GO!zilla

^ they didn't get rid of Barry, he became a fa and signed with Rockets.

and btw, HE optioned out of his contract, so HE decided to leave.

get your info straight.

Marc Gasol ... let see if he'll be as soft as his big brother next year for the Griz.

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Guest plusone

sasha's name should not be mentioned with other great individual defenders.

if he was so great he would have managed to shut down ray allen for at least one game in the series lol..

and when old man allen blew by him for that layup...ahh..priceless..

sasha the fake hustle machine vujajic

he's not good, he's just annoying. we know he's not good. We just acknowledge he actually tries.

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You should wait and see how Sasha's career plays out before passing judgement on his 'heralded' defensive instincts.

In other thoughts, why are the Lakers making an offer to Jorge Garbs?

I thought this team was meant to get TOUGHER not rely on more soft international players.

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