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Guest lenakeem

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Do you have news about shinwa?

I first knew them on X-man. I was really not a fan of them before. But know? Ehem!

I like Eric very much. Too bad Shi yeon and Eric separated. :unsure:

Can someone posts pics of the members? I really don't know all of them.

I just know. Eric's and Andy's face.

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Guest qaxlod

Do you have news about shinwa?

I first knew them on X-man. I was really not a fan of them before. But know? Ehem!

I like Eric very much. Too bad Shi yeon and Eric separated. :unsure:

Can someone posts pics of the members? I really don't know all of them.

I just know. Eric's and Andy's face.

Try going to the first post on this thread.

There is a lot of information on them! ^^

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Guest yellowtulipx

Hello everyone, I rarely post since the internet connection here is horrible. Anyway, I am excited about Dong Wan's album! And I like those gifs...cute and yet funny! Thanks for sharing!

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Guest samshiku

hi yellowtulipx!^^ thanks for liking the gifs and all lol i saw u at the pics thread too^^


Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

Shinhwa member Junjin in an expression of affection and support towards Singer Charlie Park's debut as an actor, delivered 'bento'.

on the 10th, Junjin arrived at the KBS set "It's ok because of love" in Suwon. His reason for bing there was to support his father Charlie Park.

Junjin had spent the previous night making the sushi bento for Charlie Park and the rest of the work crew.

One of the 'benefeciaries' said that "Junjin is a person who is very filial and because this is Charlie Park's debut drama, he came all the way down to root for his dad", "and he made sushi bento for everyone so that his father can really be comfortable enough to express his acting abilities."

Later, Junjin added "My hands are all swollen now cos' i was making sushi all night!"

[abt drama...unrelated]

Junjin will be starting on his promotional activities in China, and he will also be returning to drama in the later half of the year.

Source: newsen&da capo

Trans: jojoyu@shinhwachina[Kor-chi]+muniku@shinhwachangjo[Chi-Eng]

Pls take out with proper credits

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Guest samshiku

lol xtine^^

yep they broke up a couple of weeks back ;)

and nope, none of them are attached..at least not publicly :(

and info: the lee minwoo that was scheduled to act in an upcoming drama is apparently NOT our minwoo but ACTOR leeminwoo from pure 19.....

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Guest charitycn76

e gifs and all lol i saw u at the pics thread too^^

Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

No doubt for his gesture! He is really such a good son and i bet appa charlie is very proud of junjin too! This action can really reflect junjin's personality...a thoughtful and lovable son... and i wouldnt doubt if he will be one good husband too! How i wish i could helped him make those sushi so his hands wont be that swollen! ;)

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Guest XJShinoda


I'm new here!

I'm a new fan of them, since last year i suppose.

I was SOOOO TOUCHED by their relationships among the band members~~~

It's not easy for a band to last for so long and going on...

Shinhwa is the legend of the korean industry.

I wonder where are you all come from?

Which part of the earth i mean?

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Guest kriza_09

^ welcome new soompier.. ^^

hope you like this thread.. i've been a fan only for 1 1/2 year.. not that long too..

anyway, i'm from indonesia.. but currently living in the states.. berkeley, CA to be exact..

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Guest nutzie

xh - that's so sweet!! i wonder how junjin's homemade sushi [i think it's kimbap right?] tastes like.. hahaha.. it's charlie park debut drama? i thought i've seen him before somewhere.. banjun drama with eric? i just remember eric's in it, and charlie park was the security guard or something..

xtine - hahahah you're so slow =P

ad_fa - new project? are you referring to the things they're working on? hyesung's releasing an album too, so is minwoo and eric i think..

XJShinoda - hie hie welcome~ mind introducing yourself? hehehe.. im nutzie.. like kriza, i'm an indonesian too, but i live in canada.. i've been a fan for 1 year and 2 months? i guess it's not considered that long eh? oh well, it's long for me, cos i usually get bored easily.. it says something when i'm fangirling over a boyband for so long.. the power of shinhwa =P

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Guest dream3rx0

does anyone know where i can dl the Brand New MV HQ?

i've been looking for it forever but i can't use the forums cause i don't have 50 posts yet:[

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Guest x_sadendings

linh - linh baby you bum!! where were you??? we miss you like crazy~ i thought you ran away and got married to juan [wait, did i remember his name correctly?] hahahah you need to backlog 100 pages, good luck with that =P wait, i help you update yourself.. 9th album is coming out later this year.. dongwan minwoo hyesung eric's albums are probably coming out in the summer.. shinhwa sneaker party [a fanmeeting of some sort] is in june 13 [was it?] yep, so that's my newsflash =P

Old Ladie Nat! ;] where am i? COLLEGE -_- plus plus my internet got cut off so i dont know when i'll be back ;_; I miss you guys like crazy too~ ahahaha juan... me and Juan didn't work out... turns out i like eric more >.> 100 pgs .... *dies* thank you nat for teh news flash. very helpful >< oh and hows converting your brother [i think] into a shinhwa fan going?

5/7 [news] Kim Dongwan, First Customer of M Rising



Credits: My Daily (source), nuriko126@bestshinhwa (cn translation), cognizantfire@angelicalharmony (eng translation), angelicalharmony, cognizantfire@shinhwachangjo, shinhwachangjo

O____________O Minwoo has a company now? M Rising? this is what i get for being like... so freakin behind dude. anyways it's nice that he'll write some of wans songs or wan a song.... :] wow going into the american indus? .__. I hope he'll get some connections if i remember right Rain/Bi def. had alot of connections aye, i wish minu the best! and im freakin excited

You know what, I felt like crying after hearing that my baby has his own company...


I'm reading all these articles and I'm thinking what the duce? when did this happen? I should never leave this thread again >< There's so much that I'm missing out on!

I KNOOOOOOOW. When i was reading a few of the article i was all O___O what the peaches 'nd cream is going on? you know everyday im away from this thread i think about being at the thread -.-

ello everyone! just made these^^



and please click on my siggie for the link to the pic thread...i just did a mini pic-spam not too long ago^^


it's a really good gif and ricwan! :D

Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

Source: newsen&da capo

Trans: jojoyu@shinhwachina[Kor-chi]+muniku@shinhwachangjo[Chi-Eng]

Pls take out with proper credits

.... That's really nice and sweet of JunJin :)

Hell. I would kill for a bento from Jinnie.

Oh funny thing, you guys see how I was like missing for about 2 months? hehe I was watchihng a vietnamese dubb drama and like at the end it was showing commercials for dramas and bam! junjin pops up and I jump up from the coach and scream to my sister "OMG KATHY LOOK IT'S JUNJIN" *enter screaming and spazzing* that my friend is how shinhwa deprived I am and need it ;________;



omg, i missed out on so much :(

what about the other guys? any1 of them have gfs?


I'M SO SLOW x_____x

Anyways. Wow xman got canceled O__O and hey how come I don't see rozzy or mj or much of the old old regulars >< [.. hehe and maybe including me >____>]

whew linh is out.

i'll come back whenever i can! :vicx:

wait where is krizza? sajksakjld so many people died...

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Guest miriya

Hm, I don't know if I can mention that here? I uploaded a shinhwa-tribute i made this week. If you like, take a look at it!


Hello, XJShinoda!

I'm from Germany and have been a fan for about 9 month ^-^

Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

Shinhwa member Junjin in an expression of affection and support towards Singer Charlie Park's debut as an actor, delivered 'bento'.

Source: newsen&da capo

Trans: jojoyu@shinhwachina[Kor-chi]+muniku@shinhwachangjo[Chi-Eng]

Pls take out with proper credits

wahh, that's so sweet! I make great kim-bap, call me if you need help next time, jinnie! :D

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Guest chasty

hi yellowtulipx!^^ thanks for liking the gifs and all lol i saw u at the pics thread too^^


Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

WOW That's really cute.

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Guest xbabii_M

Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

Awwww~ Junjin is so considerate and a very caring son! He must be tired from his schedule but he still made all those bentos for his father and the crew. Hope I will have a son who is just as considerate as Junjin one day (:

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Guest XJShinoda

^ welcome new soompier.. ^^

hope you like this thread.. i've been a fan only for 1 1/2 year.. not that long too..

anyway, i'm from indonesia.. but currently living in the states.. berkeley, CA to be exact..

I see~~~

Seems like most of the fans here are currently living in the States! ^0^

Well... I'm from Malaysia! Very near to your hometown! ^^

How did you get to know of the band?

XJShinoda - hie hie welcome~ mind introducing yourself? hehehe.. im nutzie.. like kriza, i'm an indonesian too, but i live in canada.. i've been a fan for 1 year and 2 months? i guess it's not considered that long eh? oh well, it's long for me, cos i usually get bored easily.. it says something when i'm fangirling over a boyband for so long.. the power of shinhwa =P


I'm from Malaysia!

Ermm...I'm new to this forum cause i used to go to the chinese forum a lot.

How old are you?

I'm gonna turn 19 this year.

Hello, XJShinoda!

I'm from Germany and have been a fan for about 9 month ^-^


Shinhwa fans are all around the world~

Nice meeting with all of you! ^^

How did you get to know of the band?

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Guest winksassy


i thought jung ryeo won used to date junjin????

yeah i heard it too that junjin and ryeo won but I'm not so sure but i heard she broke up with junjin because of kim rae won

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Guest kfosho

hi yellowtulipx!^^ thanks for liking the gifs and all lol i saw u at the pics thread too^^


Junjin brings homemade bento to his father on drama set

ahah cute (: i cant imagine junjin doing that, but its cute!

yeah i heard it too that junjin and ryeo won but I'm not so sure but i heard she broke up with junjin because of kim rae won

wow ryeo won and junjin!! thats crary.i can't imagine that either.

oh my God, eric with the mic thingy is so funny~~ it's just so him, yet at the same time, it's weirdd!! thanks xh!!

actually, minwoo entering the US market.. hmm.. there's 2 sides to it i guess.. firstly, it's good if he's the first one to break the US market.. he won't be labeled as a copycat.. yet, as the first one, we don't know what the reaction of the US audience will be.. i mean, for us [well, k-pop fans who're living in the US] we know what he's capable of, his styles of dance and music, etc.. but we're not sure of what the foreign audience will think.. as far as i know [correct me if i'm wrong though, cos i don't follow the US entertainment industry much] this has never happened before, not from asia at least.. so if he fails, then bi and se7en would think twice about following his footsteps, cos they don't want to be ridiculed the same way..

but on the other hand, if he succeeds, i think the US market will be more acceptable of asian influences in their industry.. and who knows, because it's M, maybe shinhwa will have a chance to have promotional activities in US too..

ahah eric, he truly acts like a little kid.

minwoo entering the us market??? thats crazy!!! as much as i love shinhwa i don't believe that he will move the american audience. like that would mean he would be competing against bi and se7en!! is taht a good idea?? since minwoo is older than them..


I am waiting for Dongwan, Hyesung, and Minwoo's album in June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh, can you guys feel the competition already? HEE HEE xD

ahahh no competitiion hopefully!

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