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Guest lenakeem

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Guest mintoro

GOSH that rumour really SHOCK me well!!!!

why is this rumour spread out?

DongWan is so sweet and I love his diary

and im glad that he cleared this up...

if not, the shinhwachangjoers gonna gone crazy like us here...

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Guest theLEGEND

This is what I get from DongWan's thread :)

Latest News from Good EMG 10/11


This is Good EMG.

This is a notice to the fans about certain news reported earlier today.

First of all we would like to explain that the request for the termination of contract by Kim Dongwan to the management was not a termination but a request for a confirmation on the time period given for solo activities and was simply a procedural action made by the always meticulous and careful Dongwan in order to make sure all procedures were going as planned, and we are very perturbed and regrettable that, against our intentions, such news were reported.

Furthermore the statement, "Shinhwa will only keep their exclusive contract and the other members will sign contracts with seperate management companies" made by the S** press is false and Shinhwa will continue their activities with the current management and moreso the disbanding of Shinhwa will not occur.

Also, on this Kim Dongwan expressed his lament asking us to convey that "I have never once thought about Shinhwa disbanding. I would like it if fans did not waver at all by certain reports. I am so sorry to have caused worry all throughout the day to the fans."

We think that many fans would have worried today.

We ask for lots of warm support and cheer for the Shinhwa members and Good EMG from the fans in the future, and ask for lots of interest in the Shinhwa members and their individual activities in solo albums, drama's and much more.

Also, we hope you will send lots of love for Kim Dongwan's return to the small screen in the new SBS Mon-Tues drama '(untitled)Turtle' slated for broadcasting early next year.

Thank You.

source. Good EMG

credits. ShinhwaChangjo.net + orenji728 (translation)

hope this ends all this speculation :)

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Guest square-boxes

ahhhh dongwannie is sooooo sweeeet *dies*

i love the way he blogs and he speaks i feel its so sincere!! ^^

the news was quite ridiculous though... haahaa

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Guest samshiku

yea that was a ridiculous report. dongwan is ironically the member who is always reminiscing abt the past and the time they lived together in the hostel..he shld be the LAST person to even THINK abt quitting

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Guest cutiepad

oh my god.. i was back logging many pages. i kinda of died reading it!!! and got REVIVED!!!

shinhwa's not a group.. its FAMILY.. so how can this family thicker than blood be separated from each other..

shinhwa fighting.. !!

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You guys are true :) Dongwan wrote an entry today :lol:

Read here

"Shinhwa to me is not a choice, but life.

If Shinhwa disappears, my life as an entertainer is over too" :tears::tears::tears::tears:

I'm so relief that dongwan is not leaving. I was like "nooooo..." when I read that there were rumours dongwan might be leaving shinhwa. Stupid media... have to make up rumours and scaring us!

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Guest sunnydays.

i agree.. i dotn think minwoo looks constipated either. :crazy: however.. if anybody were to look constipated.. i wuld think.... JUNJIN! but its a complimeent, it means he jus looks hot. LOL like u know how he does the furrowed eyebrows thingy?

.. i'll show a pic


does that not screeam "i have to go to the toilet" or what?

PUAHA. il ove junjin<3



That's hilarious. (; But that picture of JunJin... oh wow *drool* O___O

lols. it's jinnie's own personal style. let's leave him with it. but jinnie.. argh. hm. it looks good, sometimes. ^^

i was too! i was like.. wootage andy! call shinhwa and let's have a party!!!!!!

plus andy's face when yunho was performing was love! haha.. it was so cute and he was like "so-so" haha!!!~~~ plus when he said that he should call shinhwa, his face was, "ha, let's see what will happen if i call shinhwa" bwahahaha!!!!!!

ah yes, jinnie.. argh. hope he can round up the otehr five though. ^^ individual activites time is hard. but well, it gives us alot to talk about. six boys with six individual careers.. hehe, that's a lot. ^^

Thanks Krizza for the link. (: DBSK was cute with their animal costume things... LOL I love the part where they started dancing the "nuna nuna dance" or whatever. XD; BUT OFCOURSE! Andy's comment was the best. I was like, laughing and smiling like crazy when he said that. Oh man, I can just imagine... Andy like, calling up his hyungs and them burst into the room and they all bust out doing their Perfect Man dance... or one of their cute adorable dances. (; Oh gosh, I miss watching Shinhwa on game shows. O__O *goes to youtube to watch LOL* Oh yeah, and bring the rice sack for the kidnapping. haha!

Hello Riz! :lol: Yes, they were very odd girls... I'll admit it I have comebacks that make me sound rude sometimes xD, but it was fun seeing their face discolor on the spot I mean...*plays harp?* o.O

Ahh I love being in Eric mode it makes me happy xD And Wan mode is fun too. Oh SG Wannabe is so talented... I'm so waiting for their comeback & next album ^^ maybe Wan will be in a MV again! No.. wait I don't wanna see another blown up Wannie :tears:

I loved the Han Ga In LL it was so funny and Wan was so cute :blush:

......... May I partake in this kidnaping of Eric?..... :phew:

random note: Ahh I miss seeing the boys together! :tears: I wished they weren't so busy and once just go on a fun vaerity and make me smile again [not that are aren't know] but something about seeing them together makes me more than 110% sure they'll always be together ><;; Plus I really miss the We're Shinhwa Intro's 8D;; Wit-Guy[ :lol: ], Little Prince, Shy Guy, Leader, Dancer, SF Cartoon >O< Boys I miss you oh so much!

----> Is In SHINHWA mode


-__________________-;; This is madness I tell you madness!

HAHA! Oh yeah, the MV! Oh man, that video... DongWan was so handsome in that *swoons* And that last part, I was crying like crazy when it ended. --;; Maybe most of my tears was for Dongwan & not the girl. LOL. But it was sad... hahah I wouldn't wanna see Dongwan blown up either. =X And ofcourse you can participate in the kidnapping of Eric! It'll be fun. (; Maybe we can kidnap the other guys too. puahahaha~ Oh man, Shinhwa's intros, you're making me miss them a lot too T____T;; Wauugghh, SHINHWAAA~~~ *goes to watch Shinhwa clips*

hello everyone..this is my 1st post here..dongwan has wrote in his diary abt the breaking away from GOOD news..i saw the chinese translation in bestshinhwa...i can translate it..just give me a few minutes

Ok..my chinese is not very good..but the rough meaning is this:


Although we live in a world filled with speculation...

Many people got hurt...Words that hurt people always are spoken..

This is not the bias of reporter for some interesting culture (i'm not sure about this sentence)

This is about my personal matter

In the name of Kim Dong Wan..

To voice out my ideas that I am no longer Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan, that is impossible

Shinhwa to me, is not a choice, but fate(or life)

If Shinhwa does not exist anymore....then my showbiz career will also not exist anymore ..

This unhappy incident that everyone is worried about will not happen

My apologies for all the unhappy news this afternoon..

Credit: GOOD and chinese translation-万捧在掌心的宝 @kimdongwan.cn

Thank you very much! I appreciate it. I'm glad Dongwan wrote an entry... but then again, we all kind of expected it, didn't we? (; Man, I totally melted when Dongwan mentioned about how Shinhwa is not a choice, but fate or life. It just goes to show that Shinhwa is SO close and their bond is so powerful... that it cannot be described by words (or maybe I just don't have a very big vocabulary --;; ). Like what cutiepad said, Shinhwa is not a group, it's a family. And there's no greater bond than family! =D Dongwan truly does treasure Shinhwa... and it's so heart-warming! :3 OH I LOVE THOSE GUYS! <3 >w<;; & I'm glad GoodENT also cleared everything up with the notice they posted up. Even though they may be going to their solo careers... they're still together! It's great. Although I do miss seeing them together as a grouuup.

Shinhwa Fighting! :P <3

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Guest samshiku

ok this is gonna be a picture overload..

i found this off the china fansite..these were real pics taken by the lucky fans who were there

outside jinnie and minwoo's hotel..jinnie looks like he is following behind his hyung ^^


at the press conference [??]







these were from the seoul music thingy[??] not too sure...but i think he is SOO cute





i think this is adorable -->18-2.jpg

Credits: shinhwachina.com

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hello everyone..this is my 1st post here..dongwan has wrote in his diary abt the breaking away from GOOD news..i saw the chinese translation in bestshinhwa...i can translate it..just give me a few minutes

Ok..my chinese is not very good..but the rough meaning is this:


Although we live in a world filled with speculation...

Many people got hurt...Words that hurt people always are spoken..

This is not the bias of reporter for some interesting culture (i'm not sure about this sentence)

This is about my personal matter

In the name of Kim Dong Wan..

To voice out my ideas that I am no longer Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan, that is impossible

Shinhwa to me, is not a choice, but fate(or life)

If Shinhwa does not exist anymore....then my showbiz career will also not exist anymore ..

This unhappy incident that everyone is worried about will not happen

My apologies for all the unhappy news this afternoon..

Credit: GOOD and chinese translation-万捧在掌心的宝 @kimdongwan.cn

DONGWANNIE.. my love <3

im going to go back to you now, you're my hubby again! (i am sorry minwoo)

your posts always make me so proud to be your wifey. ^^

they can always make me laugh, or make me tear up due to happiness. your posts are so meaningful.. im so glad you take the time to write these entries.. the other members usually dont...



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Guest littO kOyang

im so glad everything got cleared up. i was about to cry and then everything was okay, so now im happy :) and yes! im so ready for xman! it's going to be so much fun!

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wow..all this happend overnight? i backlogged..nd face went like this :o:blink::rolleyes::w00t:

the :w00t: for was wannie's reply to it...as most of u guyz quoted

To voice out my ideas that I am no longer Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan, that is impossible

Shinhwa to me, is not a choice, but fate(or life)

that really got to me...itz such a deep love for his shinhwa members. x333. :D.

to us fans too..Shinhwa is not a choice..but itz fate...gahhh..x333.

on another note: i'm uploading the lq file of happy together friends (junjin's episode) right now on megaupload..pm me iph u want it. :] (it'll probably be done in about half and hr).

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thanks a lot for postin the goodemg message. i was about to cry when i read that dongwan was quittin. thanks god it was just garbage from the media.

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Guest miss':bella

Everyone go to the Pictures Section of Soompi!

I posted up lots of pictures for you guys to see! Guess of who? SHINHWA!

Please leave lots of replies <3

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read this:


geez.. can you believe the hysteria this is causing?

omg i just woke up and to find all of these thingsabout dongwan i was scared geez i think its rumors

You guys are true :) Dongwan wrote an entry today :lol:

Read here

"Shinhwa to me is not a choice, but life.

If Shinhwa disappears, my life as an entertainer is over too" :tears::tears::tears::tears:

thanks for clairifying ^^ im glad that things straghtned up and that its just a rumor it happens sometimes

shinhwa 4 ever

-edit- lol i just woke up and so many posts to catch up to. i really needa study for my first test of the new quarter >.< but i dont want to lolz -sigh- oh well

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This'll teach me to go to bed early..... felt cruddy las nite and when I checked in like jus now, it's like... WOW!!! Jus pages on this DW thingy!

Maybe I'm naive, but I feel Shinhwa will always be together, they always said they'd still have concerts even when they're all married and have kids and you know.... I believe them. As longs as there are enough of us who love and support them they will be there for us. The bond between them is so strong it would take something like nuclear bomb and then some to blow em apart. I know cuz i have friends like that too.

They will all have individual careers but they are first and foremost SHINHWA and forever will be just that... in their own hearts and in ours.

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last night when i read that dongwan was planning to changing managments, i, like many other fans, freaked out. and being a shinhwa fan that i am, i began to worry. but after reading dongwan's diary post today, i feel relieved. Dongwan never fails to clear and soften things up for us fans. i understand his reasons for wanting to change the management for his solo activities. but he's still sticking to shinhwa. and for me, that's all that i need to make me happy. without dongwan there is no shinhwa. and it like that with the rest of the members.

Shinhwa to me is not a choice, but life.

i really love dongwan's words. it makes me feel proud that i am a fan.

without shinhwa, my life would have been alot different

oh my god.. i was back logging many pages. i kinda of died reading it!!! and got REVIVED!!!

shinhwa's not a group.. its FAMILY.. so how can this family thicker than blood be separated from each other..

shinhwa fighting.. !!

i agree with you. shinhwa will always and forever be a family.

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Guest x_sadendings

-_____________-;; Freakin... I had a post all typed up... I go to check SHCJ and I closed my reply....

*florfreakin stabs her hand* & Finally everything is cleared up!

hehe, thanks! you're free to use them! i'm thinking of making a shinhwa banner first, then a couple banner.. hehe!!!!!! but too much time. grr

maybe i can help, i can provide the sack for which we can take eric away with. ^^ we are a rice retailer so we have lots of rice sacks ehe *thinks on a shinhwa clip where they tried doing this*

i know!!!! the intro!!! i loved andy's and hyesung's best... shy guy and little prince... plus wannie's! witty guy!!!!! ahe ahe ahe!!!!

about minu making his own company, i can totally see minu doing that. he's very hm, strong. i don't know of a word to describe it but he's just too ah.. i have no idea! but you know, as in, he produces his own album, he writes his own music, he choreographs his own dances, argh. i won't be surprised if he will make a new TV station named LMW haha. ;)

Bring 6 x-large rice scacks if ya can krizza xD And I remember that clip! Ahh it was adorable! Shinhwa trying to teach how to kidnap someone... then shove them into a duffle bag 8D;;

I loved their intros! It was hilarious how they would started cracking up When Wan said Wit-guy or Andy saying Shy Guy but they would burst by the time Hyesung would say Little Prince xD

Oh I love how Eric would try to look serious when they do the intros.

I can see A Minu Company.... Ouuu! I Would love to see a line of Minu clothes! :w00t:

Those would be some nice clothes... considering how he dresses.

Bwahaha A sweatjacket with the M logo and something that says along the lines of MinBong :lol:

A LMW Channel! It should be a Channel about Minu&Shinhwa 24/7... omg I would not be able to go away from my computer or TV watching @_@

Bresis ^^ Thank You for the rough translation! That made me feel much better....

You guys are true :) Dongwan wrote an entry today :lol:

Read here

"Shinhwa to me is not a choice, but life.

If Shinhwa disappears, my life as an entertainer is over too" :tears::tears::tears::tears:

*falls* Wannie... That made my heart swell x]

If Shinhwa breaks up it will be over for fans too.

Mah! I shouldn't be saying that! *touch wood*

That guy really knows how to make us fans stop worrying ^^

And those words... so touching ;______________;

I just can't see Shinhwa apart... ever... it's just not possible for me.

I can see them Married with kids and old & still bicker at each other and act childish xD

jc_freakz Thank you for that article! Good thing goodemg cleared things up ><;;

BUT OFCOURSE! Andy's comment was the best. I was like, laughing and smiling like crazy when he said that. Oh man, I can just imagine... Andy like, calling up his hyungs and them burst into the room and they all bust out doing their Perfect Man dance... or one of their cute adorable dances. (; Oh gosh, I miss watching Shinhwa on game shows. O__O *goes to youtube to watch LOL* Oh yeah, and bring the rice sack for the kidnapping. haha!

HAHA! Oh yeah, the MV! Oh man, that video... DongWan was so handsome in that *swoons* And that last part, I was crying like crazy when it ended. --;; Maybe most of my tears was for Dongwan & not the girl. LOL. But it was sad... hahah I wouldn't wanna see Dongwan blown up either. =X And ofcourse you can participate in the kidnapping of Eric! It'll be fun. (; Maybe we can kidnap the other guys too. puahahaha~ Oh man, Shinhwa's intros, you're making me miss them a lot too T____T;; Wauugghh, SHINHWAAA~~~ *goes to watch Shinhwa clips*

........OK.... Now how come I really want that to happen? REAL BADLY?!

Yes, Wan was so handsome in it~ Oh I was just really sad they blew up Wan... & hehe *didn't feel for the girl either*. arn MV got me addicted to the song too xD.

Yay~! I can Join! It's odd how I remember talking to some SHCJ'ers about kidnapping Ricy when the topic was about RicSyung xD Oh I miss their intro's dearly too. yes... Now I only have Shinhwa clips to watch ;_;

samshiku thank you for the MinJin pictures! they're hot, cute, and droolable at the same time

&Minu needs to shave... badly xD

+ Pictures of Eric at MCM Fashion Show





+Junjin and Minwoo at Reebok Brand Store Opening








a.I love how Eric smiles and I want his Duffle bag 8D;;

b. I want to steal Jinnes beanie..or toque which ever xD

c. Minu is dressed nicely yet again; his glasses and look reminds me of his Nonstop days

d. Eric, Jin, & Minu all look tired ><;;


miss':bella I think you just killed me.... *Q*

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