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Guest lenakeem

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are they really thinking of having a concert here in the US?!? OMG, i'll be one of the happiest person on earth if that happens. las vegas is quite far from me, but i'll drive down there...

to those going to their bangkok concert, hope you have lots of fun! i used to live in Thailand for a few years until 11/05, and back then, i used to tell my friends about Shinhwa especially when they put up this big Coke billboard ad in one of the famous malls there, and nobody among them know who shinhwa is. Now, I e-mailed one of my friends and she told me they're quite popular there now, and she has a ticket to their concert!?!...Now, they remember all my stories about Shinhwa!!!

i'm really really happy for shinhwa..i just wish i was still there -_-..

Good luck to Shinhwa!!

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Guest mzjehniffa

hey i have a quick question that might seem a bit stupid...

did that shinhwa dvd or is it called remake edition come out this aug 16th? and if it did, did it come out in los angeles or is it only in korea?

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ahh i was gone for only half the day and this thread has grown another two pages! i feel like i can't leave my computer - i miss too much :P

omg, i would die and go to heaven if shinhwa could perform a concert in the us! flying overseas may not be possible for me, but maybe i just might be able to convince my mom for me to fly across the country to see them in las vegas!

although i secretly wish that they could perform in nyc instead so that it'll be closer for me ;)

labingtatlo, i loved reading your poem. you really have talent, and i'm glad that shinhwa is your inspiration!

haha yea, ive joined a few suju/dbsk forums (dont ask me why...) and since im there, i blab on and on and on about shinhwa.. haha so they are all starting to like shinhwa too... haha, im brainwashing more people.... hmm... i wonder if shinhwa will ever make a show where they have a girl (*cough* me *cough*) live with them... haha i count as a foreigner!!!!! although i bet that show will be canceled due to my highly obsessiveness.... blah.. im gonna give out piano lessons to some little kids... and guess what? im gonna teach them how to play some shinhwa songs... haha woot, yay me!!! im creating lots of young shinhwa fans....

coolieever, you have piano music to shinhwa songs? :blink: i've been looking for them forever! where'd you get them from? :tears:


hope your day is going well in thailand, and good luck to you and the rest of our guys at the bangkok concert!

(haha, i love how i'm talking to junjin like he's actually reading this forum. it'd be so great if he actually was :wub:)

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Guest nutzie

ahhhhh!!!! why las vegas??? that's so randommmm!!!! why not ny??? then i would just have to fly down or something.. it's soooo much closer than lv >_<"" stupid stupid stupid!!!!

on a totally unrelated note, happy birthday junjin!!! [it's still 19th heree~] have fun for those who are at the concert, i'm jealous of you guys.. and no birthday pictures to share, cos i don't know photoshop and am not creative enough, so yeah.. =P

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Guest Jaja_Blink

I just visited the Shinhwa Thailand Forum and only 690 registered members.

I also visited the TVXQ Thailand Forum and 1698 registered members.

T.T For some reason...these sentences hurt me ...huk~


YAY! Still can't believe i am going to see oppas on stage today T v T~~...

yesterday they were so cute at the press conference ~haha! Also in the TV program shooting ~~ they were so cute...play with each other all the time~~ I still remember the scene where the members tried to have JJ sing his song LOL

will update more about this after the concert ^^

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Guest angel2nyt

YAY FOR THEM! Hahas..these boys are just too good to be true..hehe.

Haha, sometimes I look at my phone and it shows times at different places..and I look at Seoul and if it's like 4am or something I'd be like, "oh, they're sleeping" LOL! I love the graphic you made..it's SOOO nice. =)

Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUNJIN. Hope he got lots of presents..


dang.. i thought being like that is completely weird.. coz i do that my self.. when im eating luch, i ask myself if they already ate their lunch and all the blahness

ahhhhh!!!! why las vegas??? that's so randommmm!!!! why not ny??? then i would just have to fly down or something.. it's soooo much closer than lv >_<"" stupid stupid stupid!!!!

hahaha.. las vegas isnt really random.. a lot of asian talents have made it big in las vegas..and for some random reason it is one of the most popular places singers go to make it big...maybe because there are a lot of hotels there(i know lame reason)

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Guest coolieever

labingtatlo, i loved reading your poem. you really have talent, and i'm glad that shinhwa is your inspiration!

coolieever, you have piano music to shinhwa songs? :blink: i've been looking for them forever! where'd you get them from? :tears:

i kinda make them myself.... but im pretty sure http://cafe.naver.com/sungielove.cafe has some shinhwa ones

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Guest vietgirl604

haha i made it in like 5 minute. someone on the page before made such a beuatiful one. xD

that reminds me of the clip where they filmed inside te sinhwa house. dongwan opened the restroom door and minwoo was taking a dump and reading the newspaper. xD junjin was brushing his teeth and i think it was andy who was taking a shower. puhahah and later andy acts like a waiter. :lol:

here's a the video:

also did any one watch last year's birthday message to junjin with eric's silly magic tricks? xD

Haha I just watched the birthday message one. Loved it. I remember when I first saw the video of the house tour ..I'm like, ..MINWOO'S TAKING A POOP?! lmao. That's wayyy too funny.

i do that too :P i'll always think of them.. when i'm eating, i'll wonder if they're eating too.. whatever i do, i'll think of them.. haha.. i'm just totally obessed :phew:

labingtatlo, you're cute! haha.. with the poem and all.. someone should just a write a song with your lyrics and get SHinhwa to sing.

I think that's a REALLY REALLY good idea. Should turn it into lyrics and if Shinhwa sings it, it'll be so awesome for her. I never even thought of that..or I did..and posted it on minwooforum..I don't remember LOL. But yeah, great idea.

Random question but has anyone ever bought a cake on one of the member's birthdays to celebrate it yourself? LOL..I've never done this..but kinda wanted to for MinWoo's birthday this year and the last..but I think it would be a bit weird lmao.


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Guest poloblue

hi everyone, i was listening to shinhwa's new japanese album and noticed that the 'weak man' track is in korean not japanese. well i don't know both languages but i remeber that on the korean version, when hyesung sings, his first line is 'oto kene...' and when i listened to the japanese version, he sang exactly the same thing.

can some1 confirm this for me. and are all the tracks on the japanese album actually japanese???

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^ they arent all japanese, i can tell u that much. LOL im sutpid sorry


LOL! I've been reading SUJU and didn't know who they were until you mentioned SUJU to my post.

DUH!!! Super Junior = SUJU! LOL! I thought it was another group I didn't know about.

"Mommie" Alice

LMFAO i dindt know it either

infact i thoguth

suju = soju teh beer LMFAO

I love ShinHwa. In my opinion, they are the best from Korea.


i think so too!

[18/8] [News] Shinhwa won...

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/inde...4;boardseen#new

credits : angel_b3k @ http://s-shinhhwasarang.net/forums






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Guest anhtu2005

i am new here, only want to wish JJ happy birthday, shinhwa is my most fav. group,love them especially JJ :)


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Guest Daisyblu89


haha i made it in like 5 minute. someone on the page before made such a beuatiful one. xD

that reminds me of the clip where they filmed inside te sinhwa house. dongwan opened the restroom door and minwoo was taking a dump and reading the newspaper. xD junjin was brushing his teeth and i think it was andy who was taking a shower. puhahah and later andy acts like a waiter. :lol:

here's a the video:

also did any one watch last year's birthday message to junjin with eric's silly magic tricks? xD

^ man they are soooo cute and so adorable. My volum was up to hear dongwan and Eric and Hyesung and then out of no where Minwoo comes in and screams happy birthday to Junjin and i wa sliek OH GOD! Cuz it's like 2 int he mornign here and eveyrone is asleep at my house.

So cute so adroable and minwoo... and andy in the bathroom was so funny

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Guest vietgirl604

^ man they are soooo cute and so adorable. My volum was up to hear dongwan and Eric and Hyesung and then out of no where Minwoo comes in and screams happy birthday to Junjin and i wa sliek OH GOD! Cuz it's like 2 int he mornign here and eveyrone is asleep at my house.

So cute so adroable and minwoo... and andy in the bathroom was so funny

LOL! I can totally imagine you going OH GOD when MinWoo screamed. My speakers weren't on that loud and I'm already like "whoa" when he screamed. LOL ..that's so funny. Hmm, it's past midnight so NOW it's JunJin's birthday for me.


Also since labingtatlo posted her poem, I wanted to post the one I wrote for MinWoo and posted on minwooforum a few days ago. It might be bad cause this is my first time actually writing a poem, ..not including ones from school that we're forced to do. Just about a celebrity (MinWoo) and a fan (Me).

I Smile, I Pout

Of thoughts and dreams with you

I smile

Knowing these dreams and thoughts are imaginary

I pout

I sit here slouching

with endless pictures of you

I lay in bed at night

wishing for a dream come true

I pull out my iPod

and your beautiful voice comes on

I stare out as I do the dishes

but your face replaces the lawn

The best I could ever do

is write about me and you

I put my thoughts into fanfictions

happily saying you and I are boos

I can't help to end it happily

that's the closest I'll ever get

Knowing that we'll never be

triggers me to be upset

Others making fun of you

makes me want to claw their face

Just thinking about you all over again

my heart fastens its pace

Knowing you're out there and happy

I smile

Realizing we'll never meet

I pout


Omgosh wow, I made a new page. My second time..how cool.


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Guest elmmmo_

I'm mostly a lurker in here... but since today is a special day.....


I pretty much pulled the image off naver and just added some stuff to it..... > - <

oh and hehe I love how fans in Korea always make it so that the birthday boy/girl is #1 most searched on Naver and Daum and whatnot ^^

Happy birthday, JunJin <3333

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Guest babylikekiss

I didn't see anyone commenting on your comment. So, i'm going to.. well first of all, thank you very much for taking your time writing that.. it truely did bring a smile to me.^^

I agree with you as well. DBSK, and Shinhwa and HOT, Shinhwa shouldn't be compared with DBSK in that way, i jmean, they are pretty good friends right? Same HOT memebers with Shinhwa.

I understand how many of us Shinhwa fans are worried how that there's not many 'shinhwa fans' showing their ultimate shinhwa fan power...but, this is just in SOompi. I mean, i was quite, sad/worried when none of the shinhwa members got voted in the multi talent poll, and many of the other polls.. i was actually VERY VERY worried. But then, i remember reading what someone wrote somewhere, about that shinhwa's still strong in Korea.. i mean, their fan base must be pretty strong to be stayin there for 8 years. EVEN if Shinhwa's fans are decreasing, it'd mean that their spotlight time is over.. i mean, in everyone's career there'd be a rise to the climax and then fall right?

but, for us, once a fan, always a fan.

I don't know what i'm trying to say, but, Shinhwa, will live forever because they once had many fans.. and it will always be in their heart, that once, they loved shinhwa. Even if shinhwa's in a little peice of their heart, all the little peice put together would be big.

So lets just love our shinhwa boys, and give the biggest piece of heart to them.^^

That was exactly what I wanted to say too

I myself love both Shinhwa and DongBang,I joined a lot of Dong Bang forums,and NEVER have I seen DongBang fans bashing Shinhwa,they looked up to shinhwa as a legend,Dongbang looked up too shinhwa too,so why did we...as we called ourselve more mature fans...look down on DongBang and their fans ?

Sure,I agree that some fan went overboard,but that doesn't mean that the whole fanclub is crazy like that,we shouldn't judge DongBang and their fans just because the wrong-doing of a few people

I remember in a vid of DongBang I watched,when they were having an interview and HyeSung walked in,Micky was talking but when he saw HyeSung,he and the rest immediately stood up and bowed down to greeet Hyesung,that shows how they respected Shinhwa

When Shinhwa started out,they weren't as good as the are now,isn't it?I took a lot of efforts and trainings to be where they are,so we shouldn't compare DB and Shinhwa because they're completely differentSome people are going to hate me for speaking my mind but that is how I feel about this whole issue,it made me irritated when I saw people bashing on others

I admire Dongbang for their strengh and their efforts they put into their work,they're working everyday to make themselve better so why are we here calling other people 'sooooooooooooo untalent' ?

I love Shinhwa a lot,no matter who I like ,Shinhwa will always be my First Love because they're the one who got me into Kpop.For that reason,shinhwa will always have a special place in my heart.Sometime I thought about giving up on them but after that,the love keeps coming back stronger than before,I sleep thinking about shinhwa,eat thinking about shinhwa but it made me feel bad when I saw people looking down on others for no reasons :tears:



Your smile is the cutest so I hope that you can always brighten other people's day with it

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well, i'm on a roll.. i posted it in the fic part also... just wanted to post here too ^^

i was listening to SET FREE by shinhwa (7th brand new, composition, arrangement, lyrics by kim dongwan *swoons*) and here is the result!

well... it's entitled as the pretend song but it's a poem! ^^ wrote this last monday and thought i would share it with you guys...

the pretend song...

...a poem


i know you're thinking of him again

even as i have my arms around you you're just pretending

pretending i am him

don't worry

i'm not angry

i know you're trying your hardest to love me too

i know you are


i kiss you and you close your eyes

i know in your mind's eye you're picturing him

you're just pretending i am him

don't worry

it's okay

i know you're trying your hardest to love me too

i know you are


but honey today's our wedding day

and you look as beautiful as ever

i smile and you smile back

and i know

i know you're pretending again


it's okay baby

just pretend away

but i won't deny the fact that i am hurting

deep inside i am hurting

i know you are too

so baby just keep on pretending

you're doing great


i hug you in your sleep and you whisper his name

though your amrs snake around me too i know you're just pretending

pretending that he's the one you're holding

don't worry

i can take it

i know you're doing your best to love me too

i know you are


but baby today's our wedding day

and you look as beautiful as ever

i smile at you and you look his way

and i know

i know...


it's okay baby

just pretend away

but i won't deny the fact that i am hurting

deep inside i am hurting

i know you are too

so baby just keep on pretending

you're doing great


we stand by each other

rings in hand

(waiting, waiting...)

a question and you answer "I do"

(pretending, pretending...)

i was asked next and baby

it's my turn to pretend

i answered no.


it's okay baby

you can stop pretending

but i won't deny the fact that i am still hurting

deeper still i am hurting

but i know you won't be now

so baby i'll keep on pretending

am i doing great baby?

am i doing great?

well... CCs?

i wrote it and is now my "wallpaper for my filecase..."

scanned it:


keek... ^^

listening to shinhwa poems makes me write things... i feel so inspired!!!!!!

I love this!!! At first, I thought it's your "english lyrics" for the song, so I played "Set free" and tried singing along with it. Of course I can't.. ^^;; If you don't mind, can I borrow your idea and rewrite the lyrics to fit the song, so that i can singalong with it, for my own entertainment of course..i won't publish it~

But reading your poem, listening to the song.... I can just imagine the whole story, with Dongwan as the main charcter of course!! (Ha, I think it's the aftereffect of "Throw my fist" mv, Eric is THE OTHER GUY in the poem) It's just another of their story PV.

even as i have my arms around you you're just pretending

Hee, this scene came out especially strongly.. They were both lying on the bed, pretending to be sleeping. The girl has her back to Dongwan, Dongwan is hugging her in his arms. Ahem, although the white bedsheet is covering both of them, but you can see that his arms plus shoulders are BARE..... :blush: (a half-naked Dongwan under the sheets.. :blush: :blush: :blush: ) Hoho~ there goes my imagination running wild again..

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Guest vietgirl604

That was exactly what I wanted to say too

I myself love both Shinhwa and DongBang,I joined a lot of Dong Bang forums,and NEVER have I seen DongBang fans bashing Shinhwa,they looked up to shinhwa as a legend,Dongbang looked up too shinhwa too,so why did we...as we called ourselve more mature fans...look down on DongBang and their fans ?

Sure,I agree that some fan went overboard,but that doesn't mean that the whole fanclub is crazy like that,we shouldn't judge DongBang and their fans just because the wrong-doing of a few people

I remember in a vid of DongBang I watched,when they were having an interview and HyeSung walked in,Micky was talking but when he saw HyeSung,he and the rest immediately stood up and bowed down to greeet Hyesung,that shows how they respected Shinhwa

When Shinhwa started out,they weren't as good as the are now,isn't it?I took a lot of efforts and trainings to be where they are,so we shouldn't compare DB and Shinhwa because they're completely differentSome people are going to hate me for speaking my mind but that is how I feel about this whole issue,it made me irritated when I saw people bashing on others

I admire Dongbang for their strengh and their efforts they put into their work,they're working everyday to make themselve better so why are we here calling other people 'sooooooooooooo untalent' ?

I love Shinhwa a lot,no matter who I like ,Shinhwa will always be my First Love because they're the one who got me into Kpop.For that reason,shinhwa will always have a special place in my heart.Sometime I thought about giving up on them but after that,the love keeps coming back stronger than before,I sleep thinking about shinhwa,eat thinking about shinhwa but it made me feel bad when I saw people looking down on others for no reasons :tears:



Your smile is the cutest so I hope that you can always brighten other people's day with it

I totally agree with you. I don't think I bashed DBSK in the last few pages..but yeah. I don't think we should put down other groups..we should just talk about what's good about Shinhwa that we like. Everyone has their own opinions but if we like Shinhwa, that's all that matters.

I'm glad you spoke your mind...I don't like it when people compare celebrities.. People could be bashing a celebrity but that celebrity while the celebrity hasn't even done anything to them. I know I would feel bad for bashing someone that did absolutely nothing to me..and was just being themselves..

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. It's almost 4am. Hopefully the thread doesn't get off the hook by the time I wake up.


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Guest angel2nyt

I didn't see anyone commenting on your comment. So, i'm going to.. well first of all, thank you very much for taking your time writing that.. it truely did bring a smile to me.^^

I agree with you as well. DBSK, and Shinhwa and HOT, Shinhwa shouldn't be compared with DBSK in that way, i jmean, they are pretty good friends right? Same HOT memebers with Shinhwa.

I understand how many of us Shinhwa fans are worried how that there's not many 'shinhwa fans' showing their ultimate shinhwa fan power...but, this is just in SOompi. I mean, i was quite, sad/worried when none of the shinhwa members got voted in the multi talent poll, and many of the other polls.. i was actually VERY VERY worried. But then, i remember reading what someone wrote somewhere, about that shinhwa's still strong in Korea.. i mean, their fan base must be pretty strong to be stayin there for 8 years. EVEN if Shinhwa's fans are decreasing, it'd mean that their spotlight time is over.. i mean, in everyone's career there'd be a rise to the climax and then fall right?

but, for us, once a fan, always a fan.

I don't know what i'm trying to say, but, Shinhwa, will live forever because they once had many fans.. and it will always be in their heart, that once, they loved shinhwa. Even if shinhwa's in a little peice of their heart, all the little peice put together would be big.

So lets just love our shinhwa boys, and give the biggest piece of heart to them.^^

i agree with you...

i hate people comparing shinhwa to dong bang shin ki especially because we know how good they treat each other.

oh and by the way,let's stop worrying that people will forget about our shinhwa oppas..

they have managed eight years, 4 months and 26 days of tough road together and of course that management change thing and look at them now still strong and their fanbase is actually growing not decreasing.

Let's stop all these, let's just talk about junjin's birthday or their new japanese album ( which i think is really great except that one track which I found really errr, it was track no. 9 my opinion by the way and there are some words in the english version of once in a lifetime that i would love to change so that it would better suit the song but their english is really good and by the way, i noticed dongwan's voice is slightly different when he's singing in korean, japanese, and english.. and the japanese version of midnight girl was really, really good).

oh and by the way there was someone asking if all the songs in the album was in japanese.. well, only 4 songs in the album are japanese or 5 (i forgot)

ill have a more opinion of the album tomorrow since im in the midst of doing paperwork

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