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Guest lenakeem

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Guest coolieever

wah!!! i swear... i wont sleep untill i see that mv.... any second now... (haha watch, i wont be able to see it untill tomorrow afternoon or something <_< )

haha, i have some hyesung pictures SOMEWHERE in my photobucket.... ill go look now....

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

deary, thats not actually impossible..

remember what meteor garden did for f4 in the philippines.. it made MADNESS

i remember it so well.. it was crazy.. i wish shinhwa would do that as well..

yeah, i remember that, it was frightening. and i refused to particiapte with the screaming. i never was a fan. never watched an episode. ^^ oh well. but if shinhwa will be like that here in thephilippines, then i'll be the first to SCREAM! ^^

Vote for SHINHWA in the choreography poll!!!!!!

C'mon people I can't believe DBSG is winning -______-;;

They win at everything here..they are SOOOOO untalented!

I mean SHINHWA won DAESANG for BRAND NEW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


i voted there already. i saw that DBSk is leading again.

oh well.

as always, because the lowly opinions of others are what makes the polls running, they are winning. but when proffesional opinions are taken into consideration, Shinhwa will surely win.

they're winning the choreography poll casue those voting for them thinks they're cute and adorbale. NOT because the choreography was great. let's keep that in mind.

plus you mispelt one word there, you spelled "SOOOOO untalented" when in reality it is spelled as "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO untalented"

thank you.

Okay, people start voting, this poll is OFFICAL!!!!!!! here's the link


so go vote for Shinhwa, even though they are first, we still want them to have the most votes, so go vote!

i don't think you need an ID, i'm not to sure...but yeah, the rules are simple, its at the top of the page, and i think its still going, because it says till August 15...and today, [for me and for you if you live in the US] so i'm not totally sure if its still going one, but please just go vote!!!

if you have any questions, ask!!

btw, this poll is the Big 10, for the arirang....

yeah, i know this, i've voted already. ^^ i voted for lee seung ki and and SG wanna Be's partner for life, cause dongwan is the actro there. keke ^^

thanks for posting tiff! i just voted.

OMG how many polls are there? <_< clearly shinhwa are the winners...no matter what. :blush: they deserve it too. :)

give me the link to it ^_^... i know... this is like DBSK's year or something... they start out so popular but i wonder if they are actually going to last... :tongue2:

i guess everyone is just giving them a chance nowadays since shinhwa have been popular for all those years. -_- i'd still vote for shinhwa of course...ihave no interest in dbsk.

yeah, i mean, there seems to be thousands of polls around soompi. i hope soompi just make a forum for all the polls to be put into. because it's so unorganized. when i find a poll it's already closed and shinhwa already was won over by dbsk.

and i wonder too... up to when will they last? can they surpass 8 years of strong friendship?

OMO! I've just logged in Z-degrees ~ They've already had the link of Shinhwa's "SOTA special edition" :P So fast :lol: And I can't stop myself downloading Hyesung's Midnight girl ballad version :vicx: (I still buy the album from yesasia of course :blush: )

OMG ! The song is sooooooooooo goodddddddddd :blush: :blush: :blush: And Hyesung's voice :blush: :blush: :blush: I can't describe it :D HE SOUNDS LIKE ANGEL ! :blush: :blush:

gah that is fast. tsk tsk tsk

i third it. :D

anyhoos. i hope shinhwa nabs all the daesangs this year. :ph34r:

i INFINITY these two... ^^

ahhh...the best parts of shinhwa fans is that they're so silly!

we're so silly for loving these 6 fools so much!

so silly to cry when 6 men that aren't even related to ourselves cry...

laugh when they laugh...

so silly that we spend more money on shinhwa and shinhwa related items than on ourselves...

so silly that we freak out when a shinhwa member is sick...and doesn't even notice our own sibling wheezing from a fever in the room next to ours...

so silly, so so silly!

haha. we're such silly people. :D

Edit: Haha. for awhile...maybe a few weeks or so...I've began an obession for what I thought was a new found love...(A japanese boyband called Arashi)...two weeks ago..I officially announced to myself that they were my new number one...haha. what a fool i was. Shinhwa came back too strong. I still do love arashi alot. But Shinhwa..I couldn't forget. >< What a fool...I was.. Haha.

This just proves to myself...That Shinhwa is forever the strongest force anyone would ever encounter. You can drift for a few seconds...maybe months...but in the end, you'll find your ways back to Shinhwa. Once a shinhwa fan. always a shinhwa fan.

edit again:


we can make 1st! go go shinhwa&fans!

gah!!!! this is soo true. i spend much much more on shinhwa than anything else. i sometimes don't eat lunch, like right now! keek... i was sooo seven the otehr month and was like... woot!!!! then lee seung ki!!! then tim!!! then sg wanna be!!!! but shinhwa, shinhwa just stay's here forever *points to heart* righty? my sister, also a shinhwa fan, told me that it seems thatw hen you fall into shinhwa's traa, you will never be able to come out again. my dear sister, i totally agree with you on this one. since i transformed you into a shinhwa fanby playing once in a lifetime over and over again. ^^

labingtatlo, you wanted the video for Shinhwa singing As Long As You Love Me right? Here it is:



I think our Shinhwa boys are losing in the poll because MINWOO is added. If not, then his votes would go to Shinhwa.


thanks!!!! they sang it better than BSb, keke... ^^^^ plus i agree, they should have just taken minwoo out and put shinhwa as it is already. i mean, Minuu is a shinhwa member! these people think of the weirdest poll choices.

angel2nyt, wa! thanks for those pics!!!!!!!



keke... ^^

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haha, this thread is moving so fast! yay, it's always nice to come on and read so many pages of love for shinhwa <3

sooooo excited for shinhwa's inspiration #1 cd to come out! that's on my wishlist, along with the state of the art special ed. :wub:

can't wait to see the throw my fist mv as well! six hot guys in suits, what more can i ask for :P

like everyone above me, i'm praying that shinhwa gets all the daesangs this year. they've earned it - eight years and counting!

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Guest angel2nyt


THE MV is OUT already!!!!!!!!!!

IM WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW!!!! (in Ocean's Six) the MNET version

after a very long wait

oh my goodness!!

its so good... theyre trying to kill each other but they have the same freakin' boss

edit: i think its not a full version.. but still i get to watch it :happy

edit again: i just watched the FULL version.. now im happier..

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Guest poloblue

n e one know where i can dl shinhwa's special edition state of the art album and/or the 'as long as u love me' video, not youtube link though?

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Guest angel2nyt


it is out!

in shinhwa's website!



angel2nyt, the mnet version isn't the full version ^^ the full version is 5 minutes long.. waa!!!!

all i can say is waa!!!!!

yah i saw it already too..

its in oceans six too.. they uploaded it an hour after they uploaded the mnet version

yah all i can say also is aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!


n e one know where i can dl shinhwa's special edition state of the art album and/or the 'as long as u love me' video, not youtube link though?

i have the 'as long as you want me' video it was a performance in POPJAM..ill pm you tomorrow

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Won't say much ans spoil for ppl that haven't seen it yet :)


Ahhhh....I love the new MV...the double vision is cute and cool. Ricwan SO HAWT.

I like the cat and mouse game concept...and the little surprise with JIndy. Very creative

I like JIndy's evil smiles lolz

Minsyung's roles were kinda....you'll know what I mean after you watch it.... lolz

It felt SO short though...

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


thanks for that, i was waiitng in shinhasarang too! and dang!

downloading.... ^^

i was trying to breakthrough the html of goodenter and see the source of the MV but can't. unlike what i did with andy's website where i got a lot of andy clips!

anywas, i was about to post -


downloaded it already!

anywas, i was about to post a poem i made while listening so SET FREE written by mo lovely dongwan, but sicne Throw My fist is more important, i won't post it just yet... ^^

go wathc it guys!!!!

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Guest angelix

^ lol

No worries people, Sharing is caring *sends hearts to everyone* <3333

I too have been hacking a lot of k-sites on shinhwa ;)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon



lols... then i won't feel as guilty now. at least i'm not the only one... ^^

what other shinhwa sites do you hack? lols... what a quert question...


i'll post the poem when all the throw my fist hype is over, maybe never? lols..

fine, tomorrow! ^^ ...

and yeah, the title of the poem is "the pretend song" ^^



i thought of another caption so... does anybody have a picture of eric in his spam CF? this is for another bset.. ^^ i'm lazy to look for one right now...


i thought iof another banner caption! does anybody have pictures of the six in the throw my fist MV? individual ones... solor and serious...

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waaah!! this thread is moving so fast!

been here yesterday and now im reading at least 3-4 backposts..

that M/V is soooooooo HOT!! i just love it...

and i just noticed.. im not the only logged in right now!! hehehe..

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Guest sam chin

Angelix thanks for the link

Just finished watching the MV....

Actually i dun understand the story line at all....

Eric and Dong Wan? their boss want them to destroy each other???

wat is Jun jin/andy role?? the same goes to Hye Sung & Min Woo...Really blur... :unsure:

Apart from the story,the song 'throw my fist' is fantastic and the Shinhwa guys are so elegant & perfect!! :P

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