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Guest lenakeem

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Guest coolieever

^ haha i love those... maybe if im bored enough... ill sketch one of those... rawr,,, ive been spending the past half an hour looking for people who were selling shinhwa stuff... haha, sadly, its the only way i can get shinhwa stuff at the moment.. haha, im too broke to buy from an 'official' place that counts towards thier sales.....

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Guest vignette

anybody has a clip of the Shinhwa singing Usha usha in a concert while making fun of Andy. I only have a ripped version of the song and they sound like they were having a blast.

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Guest MinwooLicious

ahah..yeah the making wuz funny.. i think all of them will be in d mv.. junjin's juz confusing us..ehehe.. but the bow thing is super2 funny !!!

thanks for d minwoo pic.. reminding how he's growing up soo fast ..ekekeke..

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Guest vietgirl604


GAHHH~ Go vote for Minwoo as the most adored guy!! <33

--I FINALLY got Shinhwa's first album today! :lol: I have every one of their albums now except for the 8th and summer album. YESSU! :D

YOU'RE SO LUCKY! I would totally trade an 8th album for the 1st album LOL. Cause I can get more 8th albums...sniff sniff.


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Guest nutzie


i think all the guys have it.. it's more apparent during the first few years or so, cos they used to wear huge bling blings and stuff.. i don't see it anymore in recent pictures though.. i know for sure eric junjin minwoo [and maybe dongwan] had them.. not sure about hyesung and andy, but they probably got them too..

i'm done with my wallpaperr~!!! pretty messed up, but oh well, it's still shinhwa and it's for personal use anyway =P

it's hard typing in the dark.. maybe i should sleep instead -_-"

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puahah okay thx nutzie

i like minwoo's ears

they're so beautiful LOL LOL actually iono if they are but they're cute on him hehe.

and i lov ehim w/ those diamond studs.. that he wears during weak man

haha yeah thats why i wus asking i wus wondering if they were like.. clip ons or magnetic or SOMETHING haha. yay they're real how cool. i can like stick a toothpick thru his ear..

wait wtf did i just say LOL

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Guest cpopbaby19

Shinhwa creating another Korean wave for Thailand concert


Shinhwa, who is entering the Thai market, will definitely create another 'HanRyu' (Korean wave) there after Rain, as long as the problem of fakery could be suppressed.

Shinhwa's concert in Thailand on the 19th will be held in a specialized individual stadium.

This concert is a concert by Korean singers after the past 6 months, with Rain's held on 26th February.

Shinhwa's concert is already gaining much attention. The 6 members' individual activities are well-known in Thailand through their appearance on TV drama series before.

Eric and MinWoo are especially well-known in Thailand for Eric's appearance in MBC drama series 'Super Rookie' and 'Firebird' which were broadcasted in Thailand. MinWoo also gained much attention through the broadcasting of the 5th Channel V Music Video Award in Thailand on 16th June, where he won the 'Asia Best Singer' award.

Besides, the Coca-Cola CF of Shinhwa were once a very popular CF in Thai TV program lists, Shinhwa is therefore being seen as the symbol of the entertainment field.

However, in Thairland, there are many magazines which abuse Shinhwa's pictures and images. With also fake T-shirts, it is obvious that Shinhwa has been used as a way to make profit.

Open Music, which is respoansible for Shinhwa's overseas concert, urged the public "Not to be cheated by rumors about Shinhwa's fakery" on the 11th in Thailand.

The Korean-Thai Trading Company KTCC, which is responsible for Shinhwa's administrative matters in Thailand, expressed that "Thai workers normally earn 200 thousand per month, but Shinhwa's concert tickets are ranged from 20 thousand to 100 thousand, showing the popularity of Shinhwa. If potential problems brought by fakery could be suppressed, another Korean wave will surely be created again."

Credits: saric@ShinHwaChangJo.net (eng translation), 心里有鬼@bestshinhwa中文网 (cn translation), nocutnews.co.kr (source).

Aww!! that's great!! ^^; keke.

i hope this is going to be another shinhwa year~~ kekee

[News] 10/8 Eric "Only good..."

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4456.0

credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

^LMAO~ hahaha

this guy is pretty cocky, but i knew he was jokin. XD i wonder what's dw comment on that. X_X haha since he was the most handsome dude in the mv! XDD

did anybody ever answer u?


i dont know the answer thogh



so you're lookin for a picture of eric w/ a white hat?

yes it is the best compliment

i'd say its true though

i mean i serioulsy didnt even know donghae exsisted LOL LOL

until like recently.. poor guy..

but on a happier note.


like seriously

he is loved EVERYWHERE !


i think minwoo shud win that poll

LOL thats mean

but im sure you're jus joking =P

hes quite cute imo



eric is freakin hilarious XDD

i can just imagine him saying that LOL LOL

ah man

shinhwa boys are too funnie

^HAHAHA YEAH. i mean, i don't even really knew what happened to lee donghae nowadays? what is it anyway? somebody pm me what happned to him? -O-; im just too focused in shinhwa and my school work! XD

puhahah eric is so silly sometimes. lol

i found a picture of minwoo and chae yeon. plus eric with a silly face. xD


Credits: Chae Yeon's Cyworld & s-shinhwasarang.net

and hyesung and eric with the same pants. :lol:


credits: flashback + bestshinhwa + s-shinhwasarang.net

host: photobucket

^ :w00t: like the pics~~ XD eric really looks cute in tat silly face.. and dangit. hyesung is in flip flops! hahaa iono, i find guys cute when they wear flip flops. i saw jinnie in a pic wearing flip flops too. hahaa

Just watched Making of the MV of Throw My Fist MV and it looks awsome!

It was funny when Eric didn't like Andy's bowing to the boss so Eric as the senior actor gave Andy tip as to how to do it. Eric told him to "bow like how you usually bow to me". LOL! That's when Andy redid it bending almost 90 degrees to Eric. Reporter asked Andy if that's true and Andy said yes and that if he didn't Eric will give him "knuckle" on the head! Eric then said, "it sound like I'm the bad guy" and then he said laughingly it's not true.

At the end of the interview, Junjin said something like, "Hyesung hyung and Minwoo hyung, you couldn't do the interview together...(laughing) ...anyway, we are doing our best filming...see you little later...love you..."

I'm little confused at Junjin's words...isn't Minwoo and Hyesung in the MV?

"Mommie" Alice

^WAHHH. seriously, im throwing a fist here! >O<; i wanna dl that making..! can somebody split the files for me?? :sweatingbullets:

yay! you remembered my name!!!! thank you for remembering!!! i feel special.....

i lot chinas cds and movies.... haha. they always do this wierd fushion type thing and its really funny... and cheap....><

hahahhahaha!!! rofl!!! who is this?????? wtf? i was laughing so freaking hard!!! they suck!!! like, i dont mean to bash on some unknown chinese band, but.... ok... first of all, cinese + rapping = does not work. period. you just cant. it just souds too wierd, and its too hard to do. the only one ive every seen/heard come close to pulling it off is wang lee hom(<33) but them... no. im just stating the facts. and if they cant sing, then they should at least be good looking. but nooooo..... shinhwa owns. no.... they are not even comparable. ew. like, who puts the name of their band in their song that they jocked from a wayyyyy better band???? stupid!!! and they even copied the mv??!?!?! wtf? shinhwas was wayy better, but that was expected.... i just gotta say, that was one of the most messed up clips ive every seen and im afraid its gonna appear in my nightmares.....

hahah!!! i saw the pics while i was voting for minwoo for the most adored guyt hing... in donghaes pics, theres that one where hes jumping and his shirt flew up and it shows his bare stomach and underwear... get a belt. at least with minwoos pics he has abs(hott) and he wants his belly showing.... and there was also that pic of kim kibum with his arm around donghaes neck... it reminded me of this... http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i305/kk1.../andyeric-1.jpg

and yeah, its alot cuter when andy and eric does it... and with donghae it doesnt really work cuz kibum is shorter than donghae so it looks like hes choking him.......

ahhhhh!!!! donghae-332 minwoo-220!!! nooooooo!!!! minwoos down by...........um..... wait for it.......112!!! o.O that many??!?! omg! must go advertise......

^ahahaa i really like tht pic~~ <33

^^ Yeah, he's down by THAT many. I'm so sad. You have NO IDEA how much work I put into it, to have him be in the FINAL round. (The topic starter is my sister) ..She wanted Brian to win, but I made her wait another hour and YAY MinWoo went up. I did everything in my power. Now, he's behind by so much.

DongHae isn't all that great...he's a newbie. MinWoo is..MINWOO! We need to gather more votes for him. I'm advertising too.

And yeah, the picture of Eric and Andy are SOOOO adorable. Eric is so hot..and TALL! I love him, and the rest of them. =)


LMAO. you sis is the topic starter? thats cool~ XDD

and yess..! i agree to what u said, minwoo deserves te title than him!

[Diary] 2003.08.02 Eric's Diary

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4465.0

credits : Byboby @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

^aww.. was that in 2003?? aww~ was dongwan really mean to eric? -O-; hahaha

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

okies, i've been gone for a day and look what's become of this thread!


*scrolls three pages back*



^ahahahha!! dang!

i really like it when you put your harsh text about other groups in white. maybe we can do tht? hahhaa

*cough* lols, i guess that's true? i mean my korean friend told me that the youngER groups attract YOUNG fans.. and that mainly consists of... ELEMENTARY and middle school kids??? :crazy: hahhaa. okay. im sounding evil. >O<;

you know kids.. they are sometimes going crazy when they can't get what they want. >O<;

kkk. ok, i'll stop. :mellow:

-alexine <33

keke... writing in white is one of my best ideas ever. ^^ ok, so maybe it's the only idea i had but hey! it's great! ^^ and i can see you're already using the technique.... ^^

hun_wun_gal, i don't have those two pics so yes, i'm saving them. thankies!

xxtine_21, thansk for those group pics!!! they all look so adorable!!!!!!!! and that 2000th post! gawd! SEXXy!!!!!!!!! wee!!!~~~ i was so inlove with that wannie pic!

^ ^ awe my god. look at woodong i think those two are so cute. my gollie! jus look AHH *faints* *dies* *squeals* *comes back to life* *falls in love all over again* :wub:

i think them two are like bestfriends LOL or iono mayeb i only wantt htat haha . but serioulsy i see a lot of woodong-ness whenever there are group pics.. oh maybe cuz they're the two shortest!

dang! i'm seeing lots of woodong love in their group pics too!!!! eevr since i read this fic, i've become a woodong girl!!! wee!!!!~~~~ it's title is DRAMA CLUB and i read it in shinhwasarang and dang! never rrad a better fic! WooDong!!!!! keek...

--Lmao at some of the replies you guys have about DBSK. I'm surprised a DBSK fan hasn't bashed me yet on that one thread 'why do people hate DBSK because of their fans.." for saying that DBSK is overated. :lol: I guess I have a little grudge on those overlyobsessive DBSK fans.. :P

lol. you're not the only one!!!!!!

"Mommie" Alice, i can only answer one cause i am still looking for the answer in 2 and three myself.

i have the bump MV, keke... the one where minwoo is this fighter guy, right? keke.. i have it.

12/8 [Diary] Dongwan 'My eyes hurts!"

CLICK to read --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/inde...0;boardseen#new

i read that in shinhwasarang and dang! i fall for him all over again when i read his entries!

kk12, gawd i am willing to marry you!!!!! those dkongwna pics are.... worth printing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ you can neevr use too many exclamation points when it comes to dongwan ^^ thansk thanks thanks!

Wow! Those Dongwan pictures were sooo incredibly HOT <3

Thanks for those!!


People please go vote for MINWOO as the most adored guy!

Donghae isn't adorable..EW / C'mon FIGHTING!

agree!!!!!! there are actually more adorable guys than donghea, i just got to know him yesterday casue i saw an article and "oh sooo he's from that big group. kk."

just because someone's dead doesn't mean they're adorable. cough cough sorry guys.

[News] 10/8 Eric "Only good..."

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4456.0

credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

waa!!~~~ eric!!!! no, i love dongwan i love dongwan!!! ahh eric!!!! no i love dongwan i love dongwan.

fine, i love shinhwa. ^^

xmkaex, waa!!! they all look soo cute in those pics plus RicSyung????? go ric syung!!!!!!

Just watched Making of the MV of Throw My Fist MV and it looks awsome!

It was funny when Eric didn't like Andy's bowing to the boss so Eric as the senior actor gave Andy tip as to how to do it. Eric told him to "bow like how you usually bow to me". LOL! That's when Andy redid it bending almost 90 degrees to Eric. Reporter asked Andy if that's true and Andy said yes and that if he didn't Eric will give him "knuckle" on the head! Eric then said, "it sound like I'm the bad guy" and then he said laughingly it's not true.

At the end of the interview, Junjin said something like, "Hyesung hyung and Minwoo hyung, you couldn't do the interview together...(laughing) ...anyway, we are doing our best filming...see you little later...love you..."

I'm little confused at Junjin's words...isn't Minwoo and Hyesung in the MV?

"Mommie" Alice

dang! andy and eric's too cute together.. RicDy!!! love!!! wait, i thought i was RicSyung? oh well.

hahah!!! i saw the pics while i was voting for minwoo for the most adored guyt hing... in donghaes pics, theres that one where hes jumping and his shirt flew up and it shows his bare stomach and underwear... get a belt. at least with minwoos pics he has abs(hott) and he wants his belly showing.... and there was also that pic of kim kibum with his arm around donghaes neck... it reminded me of this... andyeric-1.jpg

and yeah, its alot cuter when andy and eric does it... and with donghae it doesnt really work cuz kibum is shorter than donghae so it looks like hes choking him.......

ahhhhh!!!! donghae-332 minwoo-220!!! nooooooo!!!! minwoos down by...........um..... wait for it.......112!!! o.O that many??!?! omg! must go advertise......

gawd you're making me hate him even more... jk jk.... ^^ but as i've said before... minwoo is the adorable one. not that. what's his name again?

[Diary] 2003.08.02 Eric's Diary

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4465.0

credits : Byboby @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

dang now its RicWan.... gawd can't i choose? but eric's just sooo adorable with all the members....

xxtine_21, those minwoo pics are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!

ok, i think this post's become too long, i mean four or three pages back?????

i can't believe that guy is winning over minwoo....

let me define minwoo to you.

MINWOO : the state of being ADORABLE



just because someone's dead doesn't make you adorable!



i just realized taht you cannot quote to much in one post. fine. lesson learned ^^

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Guest cpopbaby19

^ahahahha~ yeah. typing in white is really good. XD

it's so fun. but we have to kinda keep it a secret...? :mellow:

and Omg O_____O

lols. your white post! O_O *gasp*



well, i do agree to you.. i mean, isn't that like pity? not being adorable?

peash outtt


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[News] 10/8 Eric "Only good..."

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4456.0

credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

hehehe.. dunno how am i gonna react on this..

is it a fact or a compliment..heheh..

was eric serious while saying this? :P

and hyesung and eric with the same pants. :lol:


credits: flashback + bestshinhwa + s-shinhwasarang.net

host: photobucket

hihihi.. :D

hyesung-sshi on slippers. *giggles*

Just watched Making of the MV of Throw My Fist MV and it looks awsome!

It was funny when Eric didn't like Andy's bowing to the boss so Eric as the senior actor gave Andy tip as to how to do it. Eric told him to "bow like how you usually bow to me". LOL! That's when Andy redid it bending almost 90 degrees to Eric. Reporter asked Andy if that's true and Andy said yes and that if he didn't Eric will give him "knuckle" on the head! Eric then said, "it sound like I'm the bad guy" and then he said laughingly it's not true.

At the end of the interview, Junjin said something like, "Hyesung hyung and Minwoo hyung, you couldn't do the interview together...(laughing) ...anyway, we are doing our best filming...see you little later...love you..."

I'm little confused at Junjin's words...isn't Minwoo and Hyesung in the MV?

"Mommie" Alice

making?!?! i missed this one!

any youtube link available??

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For those who are asking if Eric meant what he said "Only good looking are choosen for Shinhwa MV", Eric was JOKING.

He always claim to be the best in shinhwa nad tease the rest of the member but everyone know he is joking. If he wasn't or in fact if any of the members take it to heart, Shinhwa wont last till now, wont they ^^

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This thread is moving so so so fast!!!

Eric is always joking around with the members. Thats Eric..

i mean he's not the only good looking one in Shinhwa :lol:

I love it when hyesung dress casually in berms, tee, cap.. he simply looks gorgeous :rolleyes:

and regarding those polls, i voted for Minwoo all the ways!!!

anyway, whats the hype about this donghae guy? i don't even know him hahaha

Just watched Making of the MV of Throw My Fist MV and it looks awsome!

It was funny when Eric didn't like Andy's bowing to the boss so Eric as the senior actor gave Andy tip as to how to do it. Eric told him to "bow like how you usually bow to me". LOL! That's when Andy redid it bending almost 90 degrees to Eric. Reporter asked Andy if that's true and Andy said yes and that if he didn't Eric will give him "knuckle" on the head! Eric then said, "it sound like I'm the bad guy" and then he said laughingly it's not true.

At the end of the interview, Junjin said something like, "Hyesung hyung and Minwoo hyung, you couldn't do the interview together...(laughing) ...anyway, we are doing our best filming...see you little later...love you..."

I'm little confused at Junjin's words...isn't Minwoo and Hyesung in the MV?

"Mommie" Alice

Thanks alikim, for the short translation :)

Minsyung is in the MV.. i think both of them were filming on a different day thats why they weren't interviewed.

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Guest nutzie

aindy these are youtube links for the making..


and for those who haven't seen the preview yet..


there we go!!

oh, what happened to donghae? am i allowed to tell the story here? i guess as long as i'm not bashing right?

well, his father passed away not long ago, due to sickness.. and he hadn't been able to meet up with donghae for 6 years due to him living at the super junior dorm and his activities.. i heard they're pretty close though, and that's why the news was a big hit to him..

that's it!!

page ownage count - 5

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Guest sunnydays.

^ Aww... =X Even though I do think Minwoo is more adorable, I still feel sorry for Donghae. May his dad rest in peace.

Okay, onto other things... Nutzie, thanks so much for the link, I've been wanting to watch the making ever since you guys started talking about it. (:

LOL... dang, this thread moves really fast... u__u;;

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^ Aww... =X Even though I do think Minwoo is more adorable, I still feel sorry for Donghae. May his dad rest in peace.

Okay, onto other things... Nutzie, thanks so much for the link, I've been wanting to watch the making ever since you guys started talking about it. (:

LOL... dang, this thread moves really fast... u__u;;

i feel bad for donghae too..

i mean its his daddy!

but i do think that he is quite cute

EXCEPT i wus ilke

"wait is jaejoon'g name donghae as well?!" because of this one pic that i saw LOL he looked like jaejoong ! :o

and i watched some suju full house. he didnt talk so much LOL

anyways moving on.

yeah this thread grows rather quickly.

its alwawyas the next page when i go on in the morning. and i usually get off at like 2am here.. so HAHAH u gurls are all up when xtine is asleep.

la la la la

minwoo is losing by so much now T____T

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Guest coolieever

yeaup, ive heard about donghae on so many forums... it just makes it worse because of those fan girls asking for autographs... seriously, just leave a flower, say a prayer, and leave...

okay, enough of that... im talking about suju in a shinhwa forum..... well anyways, minwoo is loing... well, he'll always be the winner in my mind... haha.. rawr, im trying to collect all the shinhwa albums... i only have the my choice one and next week im getting the 5th one... anyone here who wants to sell them SELL THEM TO ME!!!!! haha... i even made a special shrine just to put all my shinhwa related things.... <--- i sound really obsessive huh?

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