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Guest lenakeem

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^ puahah. no problem dearieeeeeee

xtine is in a picture posting mood..

for you junjin fans







^ puahahaah.



i think junjin is so hot. i shud focus on him more. LOL

credits: no clue. soompi? shinhwachangjo? s-shinhwasarang?

btw. you can all call me xtine. =)

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Guest chubbyone

hey anybody here intend to go for shinhwa's concert in singapore and doesnt belong to the fanclub?

i'm still deciding on whether to go or not, $168 is consider kinda expensive for mi... and i have no other friends to go with mi =[

I would love to go with you but I'm actually flying back to Sydney on the 14th of August. :tears:

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Guest kfosho

ohh loved all the pictures in this page!! wow didn't know junjin and minwoo were close! but i think that all the members of shinhwa are close, maybe not eric and hyesung that much, but i believe that they have a heart for one another. wow that sentence had soo mannyyy grammer errors (:

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Guest nutzie

hahahahahahah funny junjin picture~!! that one's soo funny and gross at the same time =P do you have eric's pics???

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

LOL. It's not that huge compared to other threads (like DBSG or SUPER JUNIOR).

We don't spam ;)

lol... we sure don't! hehe... i don't know but this post just made me laugh! bwahahahaha!!!! *dangthemevilspammersjustsotheirthreadwillhavemorepagesthanothershahaasif*

labingtatlo-i agree with everthing you said. so true.

hehe... i knew it! i'm not the only one who thinks so! ^^

xxtine_21, dang those pics! they're sooo adorable! and teh first one!!!! andy dongwan love!!!!


if you'll get hurt, please stop reading here.

omo! hehe... i just found out now that some are saying that dbsk sang most of their songs in their concert NOt live. and then the dbsk fans countered by saying that they sang a total of 25 songs in five straight nights and they sang only about 5 of those NOt live and those 5 songs are the FAST ones.


i don't know why but i find this rather amusing...

oh yeah!

i can't get enough of wathing shinhwa perform YOUR MAN live. i mean, it's a FAST song. and it was perfect. LIVE.


what's happening to me? why am i hating them soo much now? why why why?

maybe it's because this classmate of mine, named christine ureta. she is a japanese fan and she loves jpop. then i told her i love kpop and she said she doesn't like kpop because blahblahblah. and she said awful things about kpop. and i was like looking at her like she's the most evil person in the world. i showed her my shinhwa pics and she said they all look alike. and stuff as evil as that. then she told me that the only group she knows is DBSK. yeah. i was like, oh yeah, i know them too. and she said the only reason she liked them is because of the YAOI fics she read about DBSK on the net. hehe. so i was amused. then one day i was squeling all over shinhwa and she was like, shouting "dbsk forever! dbsk till the end! dbsk is more popular than your shinhwa! dbsk have more fans in japan and china than your shinhwa!!!!!!! they have more fans in thaialnd and singapore too!" i want to kill her. what happened to the "i don't like kpop" thing? and the "only reasong i like dbsk is because of the yaoi fics i read" argh.

so i told her that if she doesn't like shinhwa, please keep her mouth shout.

God, i feel so evil now. sorry.


we were practising for a play and we were using a friend's laptop and after the practise, my friend asked if i have that CD i was talking about. he wants to borrow KIss-because i'm a girl because he loves the songa and the MV. so we watched the MV on the laptop. then they all loved the Mv saying how different the Mvs are here and in korea. they all liked teh storyline. so i told them i have another good MV with a great story line. the song's good too and the lead actor is HOT. ^^

ofcourse i'm talking of SGwannabe's partner for life and slow. hehe. i showed them the MV and they were so awed by the story. then when dongwan got his closeup, one of the girls said "wow he's sooo handsome!" and they all agreed. so i showed them other shinhwa vids and boom! they loved them. hehe.... ^^

i knew it! dongwan is all they need!

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Guest vignette

Thanks so much for sharing the photos here. I've been waiting for ages to see how those two look in the MV

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Guest aindy

Wow i didn't log on for 1 night.. and there's so many things going on in this thread

I'll go vote for every shinhwa poll :D

Thanks angelix for the news..

i agree with shinhwaholic. SHinhwa are like on the sunbae-level.. they are well respected by those junior singers too.. No matter how popular those new band will be, no one can forget Shinhwa.. they're been together for so many years..

yes.. so true.. they've been together for almost 8 long years and that's already a legend... they ARE a legend!!

shaz... love looking at your quote.. truly inspiring.. :)

[Round 5] Best, all around male singer

Shin Hye Sueng was elminated! Please help the last Shinhwa member get to the final round!

Vote for Minwoo!


HS' already out?!?! :blink:

that's too bad!!

let's vote for M!!!

Hi! I'm Giulia ^_^

and I'm a Shinhwa fan :)

my favourite is Andy but I like all of them :wub: :wub:

I've made some icons of them..

if you wanna take a look ^^

wow! so many..

welcome aboard, guilia!

hope you don't mind if i grab some of your cute icons..

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Guest brisemarine

thanks for the pics, xxtine_21 ^_^

I really like the first one, I'm totally for WanDy :lol:

Nice to meet you! A new fan? KEKE ^^


0o0o your icons are so pretty!!

:sweatingbullets: that reminds me..i need a new signature and avatar. T_______T

Oh wow... your icons are gorgeous. (: Inspired me to make more Shinhwa icons, LOL <3 I've been working on some for the past week now. haha ~ XD;

Wow, so soon! Thank you for this information. Can't wait to see it. :D

thanks all of you ^_____^ so happy you liked them :)

I'm doing other Shinhwa's icons, esp Andy's :wub: who's my favourite :wub:

wow! so many..

welcome aboard, guilia!

hope you don't mind if i grab some of your cute icons..

don't worry, I'm happy if you use them :)

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Guest aindy

does anyone has here mp3 songs of Winter Story 2?

i really have no idea about the songs included in here.. except for Gu Aphumkaji Saranghangoya by Junjin..

the songs are in korean.. any translators??


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Guest min_rin

SHINHWA!!!Gosh...they will always be my #1!!!!

hehe..cause they are the ones that got me into kpop!

Gosh..i Pray 4 u!I still love that song..heh!

TOTALLY like MINWOO's part in the beginning...aww

makes my melt.haha!ok enough of my obsession..


ok just wanted to share some HOT pics of MINWOO!!





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thanks xxtine_21 for the pics! i love seeing shinhwa together. :)

ohh loved all the pictures in this page!! wow didn't know junjin and minwoo were close! but i think that all the members of shinhwa are close, maybe not eric and hyesung that much, but i believe that they have a heart for one another. wow that sentence had soo mannyyy grammer errors (:

haha minjin are definitely close! you should see some of the minjin tributes on youtube...they seem too close sometimes. ;) not that i'm complaining, lol.

minjin is my favorite couple, followed by minsyung and ricdy. i actually like all the couples though, they're all too cute with each other. :wub:

edit: ahh, i own a page! yayy :D

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Guest chibimarukochan

okay, okay...my turn to post some pics or gifs! :D haha


ahhhhh my computer is being soooo sloooooow rihgt now <_<:angry: i'm gonna come back and post more in a bit...

credits: jinmin

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Guest sam chin

Can somebody tell me Jun Jin christian name, is it Charlie Park?

I thought i read it somewhere but not sure....

If yes, then why not he use this name for his new solo album

instead of J2? Just curious...


credit to: mady

chibimarukochan thanks for the lovely gifs....jinmin look so cute... :D

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