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Guest lenakeem

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me too.. i have a really strong feeling that Freestyle#1 and We Can Get It On were meant to be Eric's solo album... and i also suspect Run was meant to be in Minwoo's solo album.. didn't he say he wouldn't get too much involved in shinhwa's music because shinhwa's music is really different from his???

Actually, there was an earlier article where he (Minwoo) said that he would be writing and producing tracks for Shinhwa's 9th jib. And he's also done it for earlier albums too..."Oh" and "U" come to mind from the 7th jib.

And interesting theory about Eric's solo album. I was hypothesizing that Wanjindy weren't part of We Can Get it On b/c DW and JJ were simultaneously recording for their own solo albums and Andy was doing promotions for his 1st jib while also recording for the Shinhwa album, shooting the MV, and taking pics for the jacket cover. So they just couldn't be as involved in everything (maybe it's just me, but I thought DW was underused this time around even though he's the group's sub-vocal after HS...again, probably b/c he was also preparing for his 2nd jib)

I was initially disappointed with the fact that it wasn't a full album and the other reasons stated (a non-Shinhwa person being on a track while 3 others aren't). But I think they were soooo crunched for time. And like that review said, I'm glad it was quality over quantity. We may have gotten less songs than we wanted, but boy, these songs we got were wonderful. And the album is really well thought out thematically. I don't think it's going to really win awards or convert non-fans, but I also don't think that was the point. It was FOR Shinhwachangjo and the fans that already love them. So in that sense, the 9th jib fulfilled its purpose.

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Guest clairdeluned

You guys, let's keep the font orange!!!! :D Let's keep it going for as long as we can. I am so used to seeing the thread all orange now :P

Anyway, my YesAsia order finally says READY TO BE SHIPPED! I am so relieved, it was stuck on "Searching From Suppliers" for the longest time!

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Guest nurkeyandie

ps: the really long production note is written by eric himself....

but what does it say? :blush:

You guys, let's keep the font orange!!!! :D Let's keep it going for as long as we can. I am so used to seeing the thread all orange now :P

Anyway, my YesAsia order finally says READY TO BE SHIPPED! I am so relieved, it was stuck on "Searching From Suppliers" for the longest time!

i know! yay, right? :D

have you guys seen this clip uploaded by angellace on youtube? i'm sure most of you have but i just saw it and i felt sorry for eric! plus hyesung on the scaffolding...lol!

edit: i'm just curious, but i wonder if off cam they call hyesung and junjin by their real names...i dunno, i just find it weird that their own staff (from the clip above) call them by their stage names (or maybe it was the photographer who called out, "hyesung-ah~"). i dunno, i would think when they're just hanging out (esp when they all lived together) the members use hyesung and junjin's real names...

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Guest jangneri

thank you for sharing the production note~! WOW. Eric's message is LONG!!! hahahaha~

BTW, To all the Philippine fans who ordered Shinhwa's 9th jib Special Ed from SHCJ, the albums safely arrived to (SHCJ moderator) leechunsa's house. :D Yey! I'm excited to see the album~ :D

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

i personally think that FREESTYLE #1 isn't meant for Eric's album.

It sounds like it is but the lyrics is all about Shinhwa's 10th.

if it was, maybe he changed the entire lyrics? we don't know but... oh well.

also, how FREESTYLE #1 is connected to RUN isn't just a coincidence.

If these songs were really meant for the members' solo albums, then it means that the lyrics were chnaged to suit the 10th year anniversary of Shinhwa?

ah, i know they sound like the members' different style but the fact that we can all distinguish one song as amembers' style is great! it means that all of them are present in making this album happen.

i'd rather have an album with all of them in it, putting their different styles in it, than one with songs that we were all expecting them to sing but were written by other people.

wait, what were we expecting from them in the first place, really?

i was just expecting them to release an album under the name shinhwa.

and they did.

the fact that all the songs in it were effing great was just a bonus.

the only things that i don't like about this album is that... wanjindy were pretty much under-used.


i want a production note translation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



ate angel's houseeeee?????///

i didn't order from SHCJ, but.............

effing hell...

ah.... i still have a sungie poster with her.

maybe i can meet up with you guys, get the sungie poster then take a sneak peek of the album.....





*The concert is over...

Found this while clearing up after the concert!!

The photos that were set aside after the theme of the concert was decided...

Although it's a little late... But we can relive "SHINHWA Must Go On"... ㅎㅎ

Traces of the concert are still around -

The concert rundown written on the whiteboard in the office -

This was the first draft - the actual concert programme went through a few rounds of amendments.

Although a week has passed since the end of the concert -

But just like everyone we're not back to reality yet -

By DR.Hong

Source: www.shinhwa10th.com

Chi trans: 虫虫猪猪 @bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

YEP, i'm not quite back to reality just yet.


everything still feels so surreal.

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Guest jangneri

Thank you for the translation!!

Although a week has passed since the end of the concert -

But just like everyone we're not back to reality yet -

I feel the same way. I'm still crying over the concert~~

yeah~ meet us up when you have a chance~ Wanna see you! :D

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


sometimes i just stare off into space and think.

10 years.

10 years.

am i a moron?


gah! just tell me when, just not saturday and sunday please :)

OH OH OH!!!!!!!!!

XH! i forgot to thank you for the pic spam!!!!!!!!

i love how ricsyung is just sitting there, resting like that,. and how wan came in and was like "great job, eric. you finally got to make sungie sit with you like this."

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Guest 80slitenite

Aww that's cute finding things left over from the concert. I wonder if it made them sad.

Thank you for all the pics and gifs!

I personally don't mind that someone else sang on their album, but I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a full album. I'm going to have to say as much as I love Shinhwa, when I compare their past albums, this one is not their best. Music-wise. The lyrics on this new album are really great.

For something so big like their 9th jib/10 anniversary I was kinda expecting like a 2 disc album or something huge. Anyway the dvd for the concert will make up for that. I can't wait till the dvd comes out!!! Woooooooo!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

tiff, we are totally different.

i think this is a full album.

and am not in the least disappointed.

even when i can only hear a little wanjindy, i wasn't. lol. i am so strange, eh?

as i was saying, it depends on what we were expecting.

lots of people were expecting something really huge, like shinhwa bombing iceland or something.


SU is translating the eric note. she said it was very touching. can't wait to read!~



In the lyrics booklet of the 9th jib it wrote there that the lyrics to Freestyle #1 will be unveiled at a later date.

That's because the track was originally planned to be an interlude or skit to Minwoo's song.

Although I feel that it's not really necessary to have the lyrics to that

But since it said in the lyrics booklet that it will be unveiled later, I'll be unveiling it in a moment~

Although this album holds many different meanings to everyone, and extremely meaningful to everyone,

It feels even more special to me.

When we were back in SM we nervously did our first recording in the Ilsan recording studio.

We were very lost, very nervous, we learned a lot, we waited for a long time...

Compared to the rappers, the vocals had more parts to work on,

When we head for the Ilsan studio in the morning now

Exchanging glances with the dongsaengs, I'd recall the memories of us playing around.

It was amazing to see the recording studio and the equipment for the first time,

My most respected sonbae Yoo Young Jin personally came to the studio to do directing...

I've seen him on TV, from the days of cassette tapes to the CD era

He whom I've known through his music

Was in the same studio separated by only a glass door

When he gave me instructions over the talk box

It was really, ah... Now I'm really a singer... I could feel the reality of it setting in.

And when I listened to my MD (the popular storage media meant to replace the CD back then) with the completed songs

There was no other feeling that could compare to it, even now the feeling still remains very vivid.

Since then, 10 years have passed.

We're still making music now, and we're still working happily.

Our personal skills have undoubtedly improved,

And we have more time than we did back then when we were on our toes every moment.

And we naturally developed a distinctive style in Shinhwa's music.

Actually Shinhwa's music style is a gift from Yoo Young Jin sonbae

So I'm still very grateful to him.

That's to say that we developed the current Shinhwa style after the 6th jib,

We tried a lot of new things because sonbae couldn't possibly add to our style forever.

Of course there were many clashes of opinions between the members,

And also some difficulties that we faced because of personal activities.

When we moved to the new company and were all feeling lost because we faced new problems,

We received the unforgettable Daesang from each and every fan...

At that time whatever problems we had with the company or the members all disappeared.

Honestly from the bottom of my heart,

The members, led by me and Minwoo, worked very hard together to put out Minwoo's song 'Oh.

Of course I still like 'Oh' very much now, and though I feel that it was a pity that we couldn't have had more follow-up activities for that,

I really thank Director Park Kwon Young and other GOOD colleagues who calmly explained and analysed the situation to each and every member.

Although I still feel for my work, but there has never been a piece of work that I've been 100% satisfied with.

It's already been 10 years, and this time it feels rushed too.

Did we have to wait for one whole day?

When it came to my part, I wanted to be more efficient,

But in actual fact after finishing up on the work, I'd miss those times when I was working...

I was very worried when there were delays because the members were not feeling well...

Although we always would still persevere until the end, but this time the members and the GOOD colleagues stuck it out because of the concert too, it's been tough on you all.

I especially want to thank Minwoo, Chang Un hyung, Bong Gu hyung who lasted until the day before the rehearsal without a change of clothes for 4 days in a row,

And the dongsaengs Woo Young, Il Ho, Han Na, Jong Hyun, Sang Hyun.

This time it's still not something I'm 100% satisfied with,

We all know there's nothing that can make the fans 100% satisfied.

But if there's a time when we can release an album that satisfies everyone 100%

That perhaps would be Shinhwa's last album.

I was very moved during the 10th anniversary concert,

Now I'm holding the very meaningful 9th jib limited edition with the hologram serial number 1, but even though I'm very moved,

I'm still feeling some regrets...

"How nice it would be if we released our 10th album during our 10th anniversary?" I thought about that before.

But looking at it now...

That we seem to be making up for 1 in the future and leaving a void now.

Just like when everytime work arrived in the past...

It was really... I already hated big CDs to begin with...

When I got it I gasped! It's really big...

The paper quality is not of the standard of photobooks... but it contains the photobook for the CD? I do feel this way.

No matter what though I can't squeeze it into my CD rack,

But it's big enough for me to place it with the photobook on my bookshelf, that's not too bad ^^

PS. I thank all the fans who gave me the music production tools for my birthday this year.

Although I couldn't celebrate it with everyone as I had something on,

But I've already received the two presents the MV8800, MOTIF XS, and with them I wrote songs that I'm really satisfied with.

Thank you~

Yours truly, Mun Jung Hyuk

Source: www.shinhwa10th.com

Chi trans: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz



fans... just can never be satisfied.

so FREESTYLE #1 was just supposed to be an interlude? an interlude for RUN (since he said Minwoo's song). but isn't it really an interlude?

and how he recollected thoughts of them back then. the first time he stepped inside the recording studio... being seperated with only glass with the director...

and the hardships they went through after the move to GOOD, and how he wished OH was promoted more...

rushed? darn right. but it's all good, eric. we're in love with the 9th album.

and then he starts being alien-ish again. the CD being too huge. puahahhahha!~ it won;t fit on his cd rack but it fits in his bookshelf. *smacks eric* dork!

10 years. 10th album. i have thought of that a lot too. sometimes when i type i type out "10th album" instead of 9th... ><"

i love it when eric writes... i remeber his diary entries. all are very entertaining.

this note that eric wrote... was just too much for words.

it is...

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Guest samshiku


and i've uploaded by 3rd batch of really cute GIFs. pls take a look and help bump the thread along :) thanks and enjoy!

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Guest hyu_dha

that's our ET...

he's the only one that can be leader of shinhwa...

his diary post awez long but it's awez answer all our doubts...


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Guest nglkt

I really thank ERIC for being such a excellent leader. This reminds me of him, in the past.

Some excerpts of their old interviews:

From their 2003 interview(if i'm not mistaken):

2) Why is Eric chosen as the leader?

Eric: Because I'm very good looking

Dongwan: (Pretends to puke)

Eric: Ah, I nearly forgot. Dongwan always say he's very good looking!

Andy: Minwoo also often say that he's sexy.

Minwoo: HAHA

Junjin: Actually, I'm the most good looking.

Of course, we all know that the leader's the oldest person in the group. But their answers are just hilarious

From his interview from the 4th fanmeeting, wansyung's birthday:

His classic, catch an ant and confide in it.

Question: If you join an army(group), and you get reprimanded by a senior, what will you do?

Eric: I will catch an ant and confide it.(Talking to the ant about his unhappiness)

Credits: Baidu.com, as respective sources

Eng translated by me.

I will translate the full interviews when school term ends... =)

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Guest maricris

hello fellow SHinHwa Fans, ^^

first off... HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TO SHINHWA and the BELOVED FANS...! ^^ i've been a lurker for sooo long....wish i can share Shinhwa goodies also^^ see i would really like to put up a video of Shinhwa's Hae Gyul Sah w/ subs on it....the thing is though i've already found the lyrics [ romanizations w/ eng translations ] i just cant put the lyrics together... so hopefully someone here can help me w/ that so i can sub the video and share it here....it will be better if someone can arrange the lyrics per line... tnx in advance^^

for example:

* Mah ji mahk kkah ji nahn

nuh reul poh gi hahl soo up ssuh

I can't give up on you till the very end.

Duh ee sang joo juh hah ji mah

Don't hesitate any longer.

and so on..


Hae Gyul Sah [ rom ]

Hae Gyul Sah [ eng ]

its a way for me to celebrate Shinhwa's 10 years of Greatness! so i hope someone will answer to my call ^^ tnx

sophiajs of youtube is truly a SHINHWA fan you can see lots of Shinhwa Goodies from her channel ENJOY!

Sophiajs' Shinhwa Video Collections

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ah thanks krizza for the translations! hehe this is why i just love our leader ^^

yeah i know i checked Y.A. today and i was like yaaayy!! ready to be shipped!! when do you guys think it will arrive o.o

*will go the check pictures thread for shinhwa after lunch*

geez i come here more often now and i just cant seem to put myself into school work. although.. im on break xD so haha

everyone dont forget the keep the font orange!! :D

greenblobfish yes! i saw that too!! whats up with the rule? who's idea was it anyways.. i dont see what good it will give to us.. poor andy banned from inkigayo =[

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Guest babieangelz

greenblobfish thanks for the update. Isn't that kinda stupid for tv stations, so artists can't go to the other station if they've already appeared at the other :( that's like worse than 2 year old kids fighting over a toy or candy. And why ban Andy? :angry: wasn't he their MC before?

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Guest 80slitenite

tiff, we are totally different.

i think this is a full album.

and am not in the least disappointed.

even when i can only hear a little wanjindy, i wasn't. lol. i am so strange, eh?

as i was saying, it depends on what we were expecting.

lots of people were expecting something really huge, like shinhwa bombing iceland or something.


SU is translating the eric note. she said it was very touching. can't wait to read!~

Yeah I get what you mean kriza.^^ Maybe disappointed is the wrong word because I am really grateful Shinhwa is still able to make an album.

It will take 4-5 years to get Shinhwa back together again after military and I guess before they left I wanted an OVERLOAD of SHINHWA until they come back again.

Thanks to SU and kriza for the article!! Wow she is really fast.

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Guest nurkeyandie

thanks so much for the translation of eric's really long production note. he's never been my favorite, coz i always found him weird and childish (see, hyesung and i are compatible coz we both get annoyed with eric's silliness :sweatingbullets: ). i guess weird is not the right word, i just think he lives in his own world and if i knew him personally i wouldn't get him at all. but reading stuff like that makes me see that he also has a serious side. it must've been hard for him to write that, seeing as he absolutely hates being serious and mushy, and maybe that's why he goes back to being silly near the end, coz he couldn't take his own mushiness anymore. so thanks for the translation, coz now i feel like i understand him more. :)

i can't wait for my 9th jib! i agree that wanjindy didn't really have a lot of parts, but i don't really care if 'we can get it on' featured david kim (the 7th member of shinhwa? hahaha, kidding!). it's understandable, and it really should be that way (coz who can be completely satisfied with one's own work?), that eric doesn't feel completely satisfied with the 9th jib, but to me, just coz it's shinhwa, it's practically perfect. :)

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