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Guest lenakeem

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Guest superstar`kiss


Still advertising SHINHWA!

That's wasssup.

I miss them super dooperly. :(

hahaha! And the chart waaaaay up there is a really good source!

A huge smile came upon me looking at how each member have changed over the years. :)

Golly, those were the best days ever.

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Guest cassandraf

<3 heyy everyone

i dont think i've posted in this thread for a while...i usually still prefer being like silent reader >.<

but i remember last year i came here asking for pictures for my project which i was doing on shinhwa (haha and i got full marks for it too!)

well i'm back with another project i want to do on SHINHWA

this time it's for viscom not music though

basically im using photoshop and illustrator to make a band poster, it can be anything like perhaps an upcoming gig/performance or advertising album or something

and i though since shinhwa's anni. is not too far away why not do it on them?

(i live in aus. btw so all the teachers dont even kno who they are but that just makes it more unique <3)

im making my poster in like celebration of their 11th anni.

so i was hoping maybe someone could give me pictures of

- a silhouette of shinhwa

(but if perhaps anyone has a good pic that i could use to like change to something like a silhouette is good too!)

- and the logo (the 10th anni logo with the wings...) mayb if someone had one that says 11th and not 10th?

this isnt a definate thing though...if i cant find the pics suitable then im going to do something else...

but i still have time i guess i hav quite a lot of time to do this since i only hav 1 class a week to do this so it just means we have much more weeks to work on this (if that makes sense)

but if i do go ahead with the idea, ill be sure to share my finished product <3

and i guess this is just my way of showing my love for shinhwa and keeping my memory of them alive since i dont really post much

i hope you guys can help me~ thanks in advance

and on another note, i just watched sgb and star king like a few days ago and today

it was pure <3

and i was thinking cos sungie said he doesnt get many calls and is lonely then he shouldnt have asked 'why did you call?'

haha so CUTE~~

anyway thanks again


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Guest a-dang

i haven't posed in this thread before, but i just wanna say thanks for posting videos on shinhwa.

i've been a fan of them since 2002 (when i was 12) and looking back makes me so happy that they're still around. it gives me hope that maybe one day i'll be able to see them in concert..

its nice to know that there's still fans around to notify people like me, to keep us updated on news on such a great korean pop group. i don't even like big bang or dsbk or whatever they're called. boy bands aren't the same as they used to be lol

i'm getting all sentimental now, but i just didn't realize how much shinhwa/early 2000's kpop was such a big deal in my life lol i just thought it was a phase but looking at old videos, i actually enjoy it -- not embarrassed by it.

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I have probably given up looking for shinhwa stuff at shinhwa.biz . Don't get me wrong. I love it that there's actually a forum dedicated to our 6 legends, but honestly, I'm just so lost there. I know that the most recent post will be up on the first page of a thread, but that's it. *sigh*. I'm sad....

does anyone know of like a Shinhwa archive or something that has everything related to Shinhwa whether as a group or their solo activities??

I've watched all the recommended funny videos of their interviews and it rocks!! FUNNY TO THE MAX!!! Thank you!!

Suddenly, I feel that DBSK should not renew their contracts with SM and venture out on their own. If not, music would not be what they want to do, but have to do and they'll lose all that passion. Shinhwa was smart and got out when they had the chance. Hwaiting!!

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Guest lexine

^^oh really? i love biz alot. always found it most userfriendly! i think most forums, like soompi have their search engine turned off but you can search in biz! so if you're looking for anything, it's really quick and simple! heh. it's the one forum i visit everyday other than absolutshinhwa.wordpress for news. :)

hello to all new posters or shinhwachangjo-ers. welcome and post plenty! we're all waiting for shinhwa together!

shinhwa 11th is reaching! bet all of you out there, like me, miss them more.. :( i hope wannie posts diary entries/pictures of them all on that day!

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Guest shinie

Oh my gosh!! thanx so much rose_liana for sharing those links! Honestly, they were REALLY REALLY funny!!

It's surprising that I usually visit the DongBang thread but these few days, I keep coming back to the Shinhwa thread more! And the videos recommended never fail to make me laugh!! It's amazing that most of it are english subbed too!

I know we don't discuss private lives and anything that will create tension in threads but was Minwoo married before? Or maybe I keep confusing their 'married' lives as part of WGM?

If I were to get a concert DVD of Shinhwa, is their 10th anniversary concert available?

I'm currently learning my way around the shinhwa forum at shinhwa.biz for subbed videos of their interviews and variety shows that they were in. Haven't manage to get the Love Letter season that's highly recommended tho. But, I'm sure I will soon!

Since Shinhwa has managed to stay together for so long (partly because they did not renewed their contracts with SM?), I'm wondering if DBSK will share the same success in the future if they followed Shinhwa's footsteps? Because, if both groups can stand the test of time as a group, a double fandom coalition would be HUGE!! I'm not sure how DBSK fans would think about this, but I'd like to here fans of this group. What's your take?

For the subbed vids that were subbed by ShinhwaBiz Subbing Team, you can find them in Hear No Evil, the pinned topic ENGLISH SUBBED VIDEOS..well, they don't post the links there but you will have an idea of what you should look for or search...in case you can't find them, you can always request in the REQUEST BOARD or if your number of post is not enough, you can always ask the member directly at each member's clan in the CLAN Section....it's very easy to see the clan since they're all pinned on the top. It's always nice to contribute a few post and get to know the Bizzer, though :)..you'llsee that they're very friendly.

Hope that helps :)

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I have probably given up looking for shinhwa stuff at shinhwa.biz . Don't get me wrong. I love it that there's actually a forum dedicated to our 6 legends, but honestly, I'm just so lost there. I know that the most recent post will be up on the first page of a thread, but that's it. *sigh*. I'm sad....

does anyone know of like a Shinhwa archive or something that has everything related to Shinhwa whether as a group or their solo activities??

I've watched all the recommended funny videos of their interviews and it rocks!! FUNNY TO THE MAX!!! Thank you!!

Suddenly, I feel that DBSK should not renew their contracts with SM and venture out on their own. If not, music would not be what they want to do, but have to do and they'll lose all that passion. Shinhwa was smart and got out when they had the chance. Hwaiting!!

^ Hi ^^

I think a big reason why Shinhwa didn't renew with SM is because both sides probably felt like they were not paid enough or wasn't earning enough off Shinhwa as a group...also, it would be hard to get sponsorship and freedom for solo activities. Since DBSK is still doing well, they might renew contract...SM shares like Boa and Kangta isn't so bad ^^ For certain, there would be more artistic freedom if they leave SM like Shinhwa did...and they are getting to that age where they want some independence.


About Shinhwa Video Archives:

Like shinie pointed out, Biz has an ENGLISH-subbed thread: http://www.shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=4643

One for Subbed banjun eps as well :) : http://www.shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=5851

But if you're not looking for Eng-subbed vids in particular, Shinhwachangjo.net is actually a better and more updated source than Biz when it comes to videos. The mods do such an awesome job updating every single video ^^

---> Just go to Hi-fi Sofa Lounge and the video listing is quite extensive and orderly: http://z15.invisionfree.com/ShinHwaChangJo...php?showforum=2

---> They also have a SHCJ Video Catalogue:


For English subbed Hyesung vids (to some extent, Shinhwa vids), you should visit Angelical harmony's English subtitle thread: http://z9.invisionfree.com/Angelical_Harmo...?showtopic=2673

There's also my ShinhwaGlish (Shinhwa in English) compilation. I haven't updated in forever and a lot of links are broken, but the list is still there ^^

List: http://shinhwaglish.blogspot.com/

Youtube Group: http://www.youtube.com/group/ShinhwaGlish

For a small list of Minwoo vids, you can visit the first page of the M thread. (Probably time to pm Xena with an update for that as well :sweatingbullets:) Let me know if you want exact dates on any of the shows :

And not the forget, the girls are doing a uploading special for Shinhwa's 11th anniversary:

There are a few more places, but I'll leave you with those for now. If you finish going through those, let me know and I'll point out some more ^^ If you are up to browsing some chinese forums, I also know a few that have lists much more complete than any English ones at the moment.

Hope that helps a bit with finding videos ^_^

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Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much to lexine, shinie and crystalis!!! You Shinhwa fangirls are awesome!!!! btw, what does 'Shinhwa Changjo' mean? I know the 'Shinhwa' bit but what's Changjo??

Crystalis:You're right about the creative control thing when we're discussing about Shinhwa and SM and other SM groups currently under that label. I mean, I started off as a non-Shinhwa fan, fangirling on other groups. Since discovering Shinhwa (through Xman, and thank goodness I'm not too late. Only like 10 years late <_< ), I think my fangirlism has kicked up a few notches! Probably because of the craziness Shinhwa has as a group! In EVERY interview!! :w00t: Anywayz, back to point-in-case, seeing how successful Shinhwa has become, and by that, actually leaving SM, suddenly, I'm actually all for those talented bunch leaving SM and venture out on their own. No hard feelings for SM, I'm grateful that they're the ones that discover these groups in the first place, but talking about creative control, they're pretty hard. And when a certain group is earning more revenue, the rest are forgotten. Not only that, when you earn more revenue, they make you work more, which can lead to 2 things. Burn you out and make you lose interest in your passion because it's not what you want to do, it's what you have to do. So yeah...*sigh*.. :unsure: I want talented groups to stay as long as Shinhwa is around. Honestly, if both fandoms collide, it'll be huge!! :w00t: Altho, red and orange don't really go together. :D

Thanx to all for the Shinhwa links to youtubes and forums. All this week, I'll read up more about Shinhwa and learn more about them. I've got all first 6 albums so far and I'm hunting for the rest. This is really exciting!!! I'm still kicking myself for only discovering them now when they're only coming back in 3-4 years because of military services. Oh! I didn't know Hyesung auditioned in the States with Andy! And, his english name was Steve?!?! and Andy's was originally Jason?? and Minwoo always wore a ring on his wedding finger so I thought he's married, but I think he actually isn't? the most amazing thing I think is that they talk openly about past relationships on variety shows whereas these days, celebs tend to not say anything bcoz of fan threats. Shinhwa Changjo is definitely more civilized! Haha. Oh! Is it true that Hyesung doesn't have to serve military? Why?

English vids are better for me, thank you. :)

OMO...I've written a lot!! Now, it's time to look at those lovely sites that I've been linked!

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okay taking a deep breath to answer all of ur question

first shinhwa changjo mean to create a legend

as in shinhwa is legend and changjo is to create

that's why we all standstill behind shinhwa


we are more civillised since most of us are older fans

and yes hyeseung english name is steve and he only allowed people to call him that when he is drunk

ha ha ha

and andy is jason (although we all know that andy fits him better than jason)

and hyeseung wont be enlisted to the army since he has a recurring knee enjury

thus he got exempted from the army

that is all rite?

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Guest a-dang
I'm still kicking myself for only discovering them now when they're only coming back in 3-4 years because of military services.

are they really coming back in 3-4 years? that's a long time.. i thought it was a few months lol

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how can it be few months

army duty is for two years

and they all enlisted not at the same time

eric is the first one to go then after that is wannie oppa

minwoo, junjin and andy are to follow suit soon

it actually will take much more than three years before we can shinhwa again

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thank you chubby^green^ for answering my questions.

Did Hyesung lived in the States? I know Eric and Andy did cause they have family there [i believe they still do]. In the soompi forum, I believe in Andy's thread [could be Shinhwa's], it said that Andy left Shinhwa in 2004 because of personal conflicts. Would that have been his studies in the States? What did he study there?

Thanx so much for the links crystalis. Unfortunately, all videos are in CB and apparently they've lost all the videos and are now moving it to another online storage? I hope it's MU coz I work best with that. My internet connection doesn't seem to be so happy with it though. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to be patient. Hopefully by the time I finish downloading every single Shinhwa video there is, they'll be back with their 10th album! :angry: I'm still getting use to the shinhwa biz forum. slow learner. :blush:

Shinhwa fans are older I believe. Being a non-Shinhwa fan, I am usually one of the older ones around. But, ever since discovering Shinhwa, I'm happy to be a dongsaeng here! 언니들...방값음니다!!

I just watched Andy and Hyesung on Star Golden Bell on MY TV on KBS World!! ARGHHH!! Shinhwa on MY HD TV!!! I'm phailing!!!


I'm watching Andy oppa on WGM and my heart breaks that he's 'married' to Solbi. :tears:

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Guest sydney0428

To all new fans, WELCOME! *waves*

Today, I watched guerilla concert again, and for countless times it made me cry again. Seeing the boys in tears, was heartbreaking, but we all know that those are tears of happiness and they were very grateful for the love and support of all the fans. How I wished Andy was there also.

Six more days to go before the 11th anniversary. Aish, time is so fast, its just like yesterday that they had celebrate their 10th anniv, and that was also the time that i started to know them. I am also a late fan, and there still a lot to catch up. While the boys are in hiatus as a group, this is a good time to all new fans, to catch up and know them more. And check this thread, this will help you a lot to know Shinhwa's story, and it got my eyes teary after reading it, and I'm reading it over and over again http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...3656&st=620

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OMO....eonni-deul....I'm watching WGM with Andy... :tears:

OK OK...honestly, AnBi are a really REALLY cute couple, but having the show WGM for artists to have make believe marriages, don't you think it just plays around with their actual love lives? Sure..the show is a very good 'matchmaking' programme but.... like what happened to AnBi. Actual feelings were made and felt. And when they had to leave the show [i believe 'divorce' from the marriage?], it was hard for both of them. *tears again*....

I'm beginning to start thinking like a fangirl who wants the artist all to herself. Part of me, yes. But, at the same time, I truly only want these artist to find happiness because it's already hard for them to live normal lives. :mellow:

And this is only WGM with Andy [just because I favor him more] but I would probably feel the same when I watch Junjin and Minwoo's couples too. ARGH! This is just too much heartache for a new fan!!

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Guest sydney0428
OMO....eonni-deul....I'm watching WGM with Andy... :tears:

OK OK...honestly, AnBi are a really REALLY cute couple, but having the show WGM for artists to have make believe marriages, don't you think it just plays around with their actual love lives? Sure..the show is a very good 'matchmaking' programme but.... *tears again*....

I'm beginning to start thinking like a fangirl who wants the artist all to herself. Part of me, yes. But, at the same time, I truly only want these artist to find happiness because it's already hard for them to live normal lives. :mellow:

And this is only WGM with Andy [just because I favor him more] but I would probably feel the same when I watch Junjin and Minwoo's couples too. ARGH! This is just too much heartache for a new fan!!

Agree with you, Anbi is really a cute couple and the mushy couple of WGM. To be honest, I'm very thankful to WGM, this is the reason why I am here right now. This show made way for me to know and see Andy for the first time and then because of this show also that I came to know Shinhwa.

Yes, its a make believe marriages, but the artist before doing this were very well known, how this show may affect their lives. For me the good thing in the show, is that it showed the characteristics of Andy that you will not see or find in any other shows.

For Junjin couple in WGM, I am not much affected since it is scripted. But for Minwoo, its really a heartache, that he is committed at the moment for real, but what to do, we need to accept the truth, the earlier the better.

Well, I will not spoil your WGM watching. Enjoy watching, and be ready for more heartaches.

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lina26435 here's a random recommended video from me!!!!! it's awesome and hilariously funny!!!

if you haven't already seen it.

credits to xunlanxingyi

here are the rough translations:

credits to missyou4ever88

[ ]= captions

( )= what’s happening, just to get a better view of what’s going on and when to read the trans.

1st part MBC Great Challenge

Minwoo: Once again…

(Eric used the ball to hit Minwoo)

[Eric pretended knowing nothing]

(Minwoo used the ball to hit Eric, then hits JunJin)

Eric: Jin ah, you know it is not done by me. Until now, it is all done by Minwoo

(Minwoo hit Eric again)

Eric: Minwoo fighting. Cannot send me to play this.

[Minwoo practicing once again]


PD: Who did that?! You know how much time it takes to make that? Anyone please come fast and post the new one!

Minwoo: Sorry!

2nd part SBS Filming Love letter

[Eric and Hyesung are taking the mic]

[Got eye problem.]

Hyesung: The eyes are really painful.

[Mirror prince, Dongwan]

Dongwan: I am the mirror prince. Although I don't let others call me like this, I am in fact the mirror prince!

[Practicing excitedly, JunJin, Dongwan and Myung Hoon]

(The three continues dancing, then JunJin teaches Hyesung a move)

[All knows that Hyesung cannot dance]

(All four are standing in a circle, JunJin still teaches Hyesung)

[Practice and practice when there is time]

3rd part SBS filming for the "Singing Awards"

JunJin: My name is Terminator.

Terminator is most scaring when he is running.

(JunJin runs)

(JunJin and Dongwan dances in front of everyone)

Dongwan: One two three.

Eric & Andy & Dongwan: Shin Hyesung Prince!

Andy: Come fast!

Hyesung: I have come!

[shinhwa members looking and laughing badly at Hyesung]

[Hyesung dances to fight against the coldness]

Hyesung: It is really so cold!

Last part Todays Special

JunJin: Today will be hosted by special reporter, Park Choongjae. We are here to see Kim Dongwan. It is so great that we can come

here by helicopter. What is the purpose of making this helicopter?

Dongwan: (imitating Indian language--his famous act in Love letter)

JunJin: (pretending to translate) It is to let the world watch our singers' performance.

Then, who plan this? You make it yourself?

Dongwan: (imitating Indian language again)

JunJin: (pretending to translate again) The maker of this helicopter is the founder of Indian songs and my best friend called...

Dongwan: (Singing his famous Indian song in Love letter)

JunJin: He is performing! Then, it is the end. It has been MBC special reporter Park Choongjae who reported for you.

Dongwan: (imitating Indian language again)

~The End~

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Guest kriza_09
Did Hyesung lived in the States? I know Eric and Andy did cause they have family there [i believe they still do]. In the soompi forum, I believe in Andy's thread [could be Shinhwa's], it said that Andy left Shinhwa in 2004 because of personal conflicts. Would that have been his studies in the States? What did he study there?

Shinhwa fans are older I believe. Being a non-Shinhwa fan, I am usually one of the older ones around. But, ever since discovering Shinhwa, I'm happy to be a dongsaeng here! 언니들...방값음니다!!

First of all, I know it's a bit late but welcome to the family!!! ^^

To answer your questions:

1. Yes, Hyesung used to live in the States as an exchange student during high school. Probably around 2 years? He knew Eric and Andy when he was in the US.

2. Both Eric and Andy used to have dual citizenship (Korea and US) but they chose to give up their US citizenship in 2003. Eric's family still lives in the US but I think Andy's family lives in Korea now.

3. Andy left Shinhwa temporarily in 2001. There are different versions of the reason. Some rumor says it's because SM wanted to kick him out. Some says it's because of school problem. Some says it's because of his work visa. But I think Andy recently said it's because his parent was sick.

Hope that helps. ^^

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Guest Rozzy

puahahha! i was watching the preview for episode 49 for we got married, and i noticed that the pool place that junjin and shi young went to were full of shinhwa posters. hahaha. maybe they are regulars there...;]. i'll try to look it up to find it and visit it. kekee.

by the way the shinhwa kyochon chicken place in apgujeong is really cute. fans put pictures and messages to shinhwa everywhere. keke.

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