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Guest lenakeem

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Guest readsandgeeks

dramaqueennur; here's a link of them talking. there's a vid of them talking shown in the 10th anniv dvd. and I believe it's the same one of them talking in that 9th jib track. (thanks to jinnie random "always!" LOL.)

it's subbed, so yes, enjoy!

yanee thank youuu soo much!!!means i must really watch the dvd alr that's collecting dust at home!hahah..

i don't know whether cos i'm stressed out from sch/work or i miss the boys too much..

i was tearing up as i watch the vid..there's just something special when i was watching them being together..it is an undescribable feeling.. :blush:

and when mr.mun said goodbye..wow.. :tears:

i miss them...

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wow! 408 signatures! when i signed it last night, there were only 40 signatures!!!

yanee, thanks for sharing! you know, i've both the dvd and all editions of 9th jib, but i never noticed that they were the same convo! my bad.. :(

was surfing youtube and here's a video to show why orange is so important! ^^ watching it makes me feel so touched!





this last picture isn't my favourite picture of shinhwa, but it's extra special cause i just fell for shinhwa and i saw a huge poster with this picture at a bus/train interchange(i was so surprised!). since i had school there for 2 months, for 2 whole months, they made my day(everyday!). :D

do any of you have any extra special pictures?

credits: on pics + google(?)

/edited to add in pics. :)

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Thanks everyone for the overwhelming support for the petition!! Nicole unnie and I came up with it. And we started spreading the word to everyone around us.

We are hoping to get signatures from all parts of the world. So repost it on your sites if you can!! We are trying to translate the intro for the petition to other languages as well so we can get more people to sign!!!

Anyone can translate into other languages? We've already got the chinese version of it and have been posting onto some chinese sites!

Anyways, we're planning to email the link to the petition to both entertainment companies involved after we have reached a certain number of people.

11th Anniversary:

It's going to be 24th March pretty soon... =) a month and a half more. AND I'm starting to get lots of ideas of how to celebrate the 11th anniversary.

I was thinking if the "orange" issue is still not resolved then, We have to show how important Orange is to US.

Some ideas I came up with:

- Compilation of photos/video of shinhwa changjo in action from different parts of the world to be included in the 11th anniversary video.

- A website for all fan messages + the photos the fans upload of them in action!

- A youtube channel where rare precious old shinhwa videos can be uploaded to. From 1998-2009, Shinhwa group activities.

AND if it's possible, we can email to goodenter all the things that INTERNATIONAL fans have done for the 11th anniversary. AND hopefully, the members will access it. Otherwise, Shinhwa fans in this part of the world will know what the shinhwa fans from other parts of the world have been supporting shinhwa.

It's like Uniting Shinhwa Changjo from all parts of the world. <= I think that's very cool... =)

Anyways these are just random ideas I just came up with on the bus. xP

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nglkt - I posted the link on my site to spread the word!!!! thanks 4 making the petition!

Lets protect Shinhwa's color! I hope Wanie hears about this!

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dramaqueennur, that 10th Anv. Concert is awesome. And the best part for us international fans is it's fully subbed. So many lovely & touching moments and the atmosphere was electric!

The godzilla concert.... ah...Eric peeking, he just couldn't wait for the official removal of the blindfold!

Miss these guys a tone!

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Guest namlun277

[Amazing! That's the only I can think of when I read all of your comments. Indeed, Shinhwa Changjo is proving itself as the most respectable fan club in Korea. No matter what other people say, Shinhwa is always a legend in each and every Shinhwa Changjo's heart.

I have signed the petition, and the number has jumped to 897. Hope it is gonna be thousand, hundred thousand soon, so we can get the attention from the companies.

People have talked so much about Shinhwa, and I feel so happy because of that. They deserve the popularity and admiration. For me, they are the legend boy band, and at the same time, the brothers, the friends, the mentors who gave me inspiration and strength to continue my road. Just like M said, " Shinhwa has started with 6, and is will end with 6". Shinhwa is only completed when 6 of them are together. By now, I am looking to celebrate Shinhwa's 11th anniversary. Will try my best to contribute as a fan of them... :)

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Guest catalima

Just signed the petition, there is already 937 signatures... I'm looking forward to the celebration of the 11th anniversary, hope I will be able to help ^^.

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Guest grumpynomore

when i went to bed last night there were only 500 sigs now there are over a thousand!


nice ideas nglkt

i was just wondering though....shouldn't their company do something for the boys and fans for their anniversary? something the fans can be a part of even though the boys are not there themselves? a video message/voice message from them would be more than enough!

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Guest rose_liana

currently, its reached 1143 signs already!!! wow within a day!!!

[09.02.10] M Rizing Staff Diary: MBC Music Core & KBS Song Battle

While waiting for the recording to start, M talked about the issue of the orange balloons too

But M is not concerned at all, because the color orange naturally belongs to Shinhwa. ^^

‘There are so many other colors, why must they use ours…?’ M’s question stays in our minds

Even if Shinhwa’s official activities will start only later but the members are all working hard in their own fields to prepare for the day they make their comeback, so fans, please do not worry, please continue to protect us

Once again we thank everyone who came to support the last performance and waved orange balloons.

Source: M Rizing + 6 Senses

credit to 爱猫如我@ leeminwoo.cn & midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com for translation

sorry for cut the diary.

anyway,what Minu oppa has said was totally right!!! orange colour naturally belongs to shinhwa!!!!

no one can take a legend's colour!!!

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Guest superstar`kiss

Wow. The petition grew overnight!

I, a Shinhwa Changjo and a VIP signed it out of respect.

Shinhwa Changjo was just born Orange and that's the truth.

;) Keep at it everyone.


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Guest kriza_09

I was working on my resume and this just came to my mind... I wonder if being the head fanclub would be really great to be put on your resume... seriously, first of all, you lead a group of tens of thousands of people... that's like leading your own company right there... you also have to be able to solve conflicts (mostly with other fanclubs.. lol)

and you coordinate LOTS of events... and fundraising!!! (either for donation or for b'day presents.. as far as i know, a tanning machine is not a cheap stuff LOL)..

not only you have to communicate with lots of people, you also act as the liaison between the fanclub members and the artists themselves (or their managers).. that's major communication skill right there.. LOL.. and during some events, you also have to work and communicate with overseas fans (literally all over the world which means lots of different culture and background.. well, not really diff. background, since we all have the same background = shinhwa LOL)

and on top of those, not to forget the dedication we put into it (without getting paid!!! *we actually end up with less money LOL*)

what else is missing?? dedication, motivation, team work, leadership and communication skill... that's all everything a recruiter looks for in a candidate.. LOL.. and when they ask us to give an example, just give them this link and said "yeah i coordinated that, amazing huh?"

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Guest hazrinaer

I just signed the petition..thanks to those who made it..its the only way we can show how much


I also waiting for my DVD concert..My final hope is that I hope this colour issue will be solve

as soon as possible..

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Guest 80slitenite

Su will probably have the trans up in her site soon.


090211 신화ㆍ빅뱅, 상표권 지키기에 나선다

ShinhwaㆍBig Bang, Protecting their trademark

응원도구 불법 제작ㆍ유통 업체 강경대응

(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = 그룹 신화와 그룹 빅뱅이 불법으로 제작ㆍ유통되는 응원 도구가 넘쳐나는 것에 대응해 상표권 지키기에 나선다.

신화의 소속사인 굿엔터테인먼트는 11일 "소속사와 팬클럽이 제작한 공식 응원 도구 대신 불법 상품을 제작ㆍ유통시키는 업체를 적발해 내용 증명을 보내는 등 법적인 조치를 취할 것이며 신화 로고에 대한 상표권 등록을 할 것"이라고 밝혔다.

빅뱅의 소속사인 YG엔터테인먼트 역시 "빅뱅 로고를 상표권 등록하고 공식 응원 도구인 황금색 왕관이 달린 빅뱅 봉과 빅뱅 로고가 인쇄된 흰색 두건을 상품권 등록할 것"이라고 말했다.

이처럼 인기 가수들이 권리 지키기에 나선 것은 콘서트장과 방송사 공개방송 현장에서 많은 상인들이 불법 응원 도구를 판매해 팬들 사이에 충돌이 일어나는 경우가 종종 발생하기 때문이다.

팬들은 그룹 간에는 불문율이 있다고 입을 모은다. 특정 그룹을 상징하는 색깔과 모양의 응원 도구를 사용하지 않는 것이다. 신화는 주황색, 동방신기는 펄레드, 슈퍼주니어는 펄사파이어블루 등 그룹마다 고유의 상징 색깔이 있고 이를 바탕으로 응원 도구가 제작된다.

최근 신화의 팬들은 그룹 빅뱅의 일부 팬들로 인해 단단히 화가 났다. 빅뱅의 일부 팬들이 공연장과 공개방송 현장에서 잡상인들로부터 구입한 야광봉이 신화를 상징하는 주황색에 빅뱅 로고가 붙은 것이었기 때문이다. 신화 팬들은 굿엔터테인먼트와 YG엔터테인먼트로 빗발치게 전화를 걸어 '색깔 지키기'에 나섰다.

그러자 YG엔터테인먼트의 팬클럽 담당자는 최근 공식 카페에 글을 올려 "빅뱅의 이름을 무단으로 사용하거나 빅뱅과 관련없는 색상으로 제작 판매되는 야광봉이 늘어나고 있다"며 "다른 팬들과 충돌을 유발하는 색상을 무단으로 사용한 야광봉은 YG와 전혀 상관없는 제품이므로 구입하지 말아달라"고 당부했다.

굿엔터테인먼트 관계자는 "국내 뿐 아니라 일본, 중국 등에서도 신화의 로고를 무단으로 사용한 불법 응원 상품이 넘쳐나고 있다"며 "최근 중국에서 불법 제작된 상품의 샘플을 갖고 왔다. 이번 신화와 빅뱅 팬들의 갈등을 계기로 권리 찾기에 적극적으로 나서겠다"고 말했다.

한 가요 관계자는 "팬들 간의 충돌 문제도 있지만 허가없이 제작된 상품들은 각 소속사의 매출에도 심각한 타격을 입힌다"며 "미국과 일본 등은 초상권, 상표권 등에 대해 철저한 관리를 하는 만큼, 우리도 이에 대한 경각심이 필요하다"고 지적했다.

[09.02.11] Shinhwa, Big Bang take a stand against unauthorized trademark use


Groups Shinhwa and Big Bang have decided to take action against companies who produce fan support tools such as lightsticks and balloons for the unauthorized use of their trademarks.

On 11th Feb, a spokesperson from Shinhwa’s management company Good EMG told Star News in a phone interview, “At the recent Big Bang concert, there were many unauthorized orange lightsticks printed with the Big Bang logo. Orange is the representative color of Shinhwa, and more and more fans are protesting, stating that they must protect the color orange.”

“For the companies who are producing these unauthorized Big Bang lightsticks, both ourselves and YG Entertainment hope that they will stop selling these products as soon as possible. If they continue to do so, we will have to take action against them.”

Fans have expressed that there has long been an unwritten rule about the about the usage of colors for different singers and groups. For example, Shinhwa uses orange, DBSK uses red, Super Junior uses pearl blue, and all fan support tools are produced in the respective colors. Recently, there have been cases of Big Bang fans using orange lightsticks printed with Big Bang logos that they bought from street vendors at live performances and concerts. As a result, many Shinhwa fans have been making calls to Good EMG and YG, requesting them to “respect the use of colors”.

Good EMG stated that the biggest problem the use of Shinhwa’s representative orange color to produce fan items for other singers and groups, as well as the unauthorized use of the Big Bang logo.

The Good EMG spokesman added, “Orange has been the representative color that Shinhwa has been using for more than 10 years, it’s something different from Big Bang’s crown lightsticks and head scarves. In fact after the Big Bang concert ended, we already contacted YG in the hope that they will make an official announcement about fan support tools.”


With regards to this, on 1 Feb ,YG has already put up an official notice on Big Bang’s official website, “Big Bang’s Official Fan Support Tools”, stating that “The golden crown lightstick is a design that cannot be replicated”. The lightsticks of other colors that have caused conflict with other fanclubs are not produced by YG, please do not purchase them.”

The Good EMG spokesperson also said that unauthorized fan merchandise have also appeared at Shin Hyesung’s recent concert in China, but they have taken steps to confiscate the merchandise and conduct further investigation. As a result, they already had to take steps to protect Shinhwa’s trademark and copyright. He said, “After this clash between Shinhwa fans and Big Bang fans, we will make even more effort on trademark protection.”

At the moment, besides the orange lightsticks and raincoats issued to all Shinhwa Changjo members, for Shin Hyesung’s upcoming comeback, Good EMG will be producing Shin Hyesung and Shinhwa official merchandise.

YG has stated that, “Any products not sold through YG E-Shop are all unauthorized.”

Source: Star News + Yonhap News

Chi trans: yunru@onlywan.net

Eng trans: midnightgrl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

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Guest readsandgeeks

Last count: 1581

high five guys! ^^

been only a few days.

c'mon let's see what's the count on Eric's bday at midnight!

fighting!! :blush:

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Wow. it's great that the GOOD emg and YG are involving themselves now. hope the other fanclub stop using orange lightsticks alr. i totally love the SHCJ spirit! and not forgetting our Incredible Hulk Wannie. :D

"Until 2012, let’s continue using the same voice like now…" - dongwan's blog entry

Bet he's proud of SHCJ, yes. -___-


random SC thanks to boredom. LOL.






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Guest rose_liana

yay!!!! finally!!! the both companies takes actions..so, there's no more excuses from VIP to use orange light stick... i'm glad this matter solved peacefully...no fans war...indeed, the orange princess are the best!!! and wannie oppa too!!! he must be the happiest person to hear this news since he's concern about this matter...

yaneeyes, wannie oppa should proud of SHCJ!!! ^__^

and this news must be one of the best birthday present for eric oppa...eventhough, there's no news from the other members tell that they're concern about this matter, but we know, they must be hoping that orange colour will be protected and remain as their symbolic of pride until they come back and reunite as Shinhwa.

"Shinhwa will be forever"

"we'll always remains as shinhwa"

"the fans are the reason we'll still together"

"we know that we're stronger together that we'd ever be apart"


"we're going to be back one day"

lol!!! till then, we'll waiting for you and remain as your orange princess~~

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090211 신화ㆍ빅뱅, 상표권 지키기에 나선다

ShinhwaㆍBig Bang, Protecting their trademark

Thanks for sharing. FINALLY. Something official from both companies. Good start. We need to keep on pursuing.

The petition and email campaign still need to go on to serve as a gentle reminder.


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im glad of what's happening right now!,the companies have spoken!

im just thankful for the SHCJ-oers and Wannie,they are the best! YOU all are the best!

this is my first time to really be a fan(i mean a very FAN) and im glad that im here,in this group of people! the love is overwhelming!

yanee-thank you for the screen caps,makes me miss them more and more and more!!!


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Guest jangneri

I'm actually thrilled that both YG and GoodEMG made a statement about this (especially after reading Dongwan go ballistic about them not doing anything) but I'm not thrilled to see it made into news. Media tends to blow things out of proportion when fanclubs and music companies can solve the problem in a silent manner. Media exposure in this kind of thing is never a good thing.

Howell, at least everything's settled. Dongwan can work in peace and Hyesung can promote his album with a flood of orange for him. xD

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