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Guest lenakeem

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^ aw really? o well.. but i still didnt leak all the pictures to myself xD.only saw two of tthem here. wont look at all of them. just one by one for per day :P.

anyways found this o___o

[08.06.29][News] Korea's Most Gentle Father

Who will be the most gentle father among these 40 Korean celebrities?

Total number of people who voted: 404,839.

1. Junjin - 134890 votes (30.43%)

6.Shin Hyesung - 11673 votes (2.63%)

8. Andy - 6492 votes (1.46%)

9. Kim Dongwan - 5935 votes 1.34%)

10. Eric - 5599 votes (1.26%)

11. Lee Minwoo - 4734 votes (1.07%)

Source + Chi-translated: junjinchina

Eng-translated: jiahhui @ shinhwa.biz

*T/N: did not include the other celebs, only Shinhwa members

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Guest love!melody

[08.06.29][News] Korea's Most Gentle Father

Who will be the most gentle father among these 40 Korean celebrities?

Total number of people who voted: 404,839.

1. Junjin - 134890 votes (30.43%)

6.Shin Hyesung - 11673 votes (2.63%)

8. Andy - 6492 votes (1.46%)

9. Kim Dongwan - 5935 votes 1.34%)

10. Eric - 5599 votes (1.26%)

11. Lee Minwoo - 4734 votes (1.07%)

all six members are on the list! :D hehehe! i bet they would all make lovely fathers <333 hmmmm. but some of the members were unexpectedly higher on the list than others, at least from what i would have thought LOL i wonder if Junjin's confessions from 'Golden Fishery' had any effect on the voter's opinions??? and LMAO it's so cool that 4 of the members are right after each other: 8-9-10-11 :) thanks for sharing this with us ^^

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Guest hazrinaer

I'm sure junjin can be a great father one day.

he have experience live without parents so for sure he will appreciate his children more.

well all member can be a great dad.. :P

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Guest Wannie

Hi everyone ^^

Kind of new to all this ShinHwa fandom... actually not even one month in it. :mellow: Hope I can join the SHfamily. :blush:

I just wanted to introduce myself and thank everyone for all the pics and links you post.

I like them a lot... it hadn't happened to me with any other Korean music/group I've supported. I'm showing them my support by buying their cds and such, and I'm enjoying them like a five-year-old-girl with a brand new pair of shoes. :blush:

By the way... I'm a lot into Kim Dongwan and Andy. ^_^

Shinhwa members... awesome future dads!! hehehehehe

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Guest miss lakwon

Hi everyone ^^

Kind of new to all this ShinHwa fandom... actually not even one month in it. :mellow: Hope I can join the SHfamily. :blush:

I just wanted to introduce myself and thank everyone for all the pics and links you post.

I like them a lot... it hadn't happened to me with any other Korean music/group I've supported. I'm showing them my support by buying their cds and such, and I'm enjoying them like a five-year-old-girl with a brand new pair of shoes. :blush:

By the way... I'm a lot into Kim Dongwan and Andy. ^_^

Shinhwa members... awesome future dads!! hehehehehe


Welcome to the Shinhwa Thread!

Please visit us as much as possible!

If you need to know anything, just ask!

We will answer your questions to the best of our ability!

If you need to know more about Shinhwa, we will definetly help you out to get SHINHWAFIED! ^_^

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Guest agasshiseben

just read a news on nobody cares bout jun-jin from pop seoul...it's really a heart broken though but strawberry16 u really made my day after seeing jun jin on top of the list for korea's most gentle father... :) i really hope all shinhwa's mbrs would make a gr8 father one day...

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Guest itz Nhari

just read a news on nobody cares bout jun-jin from pop seoul...it's really a heart broken though but strawberry16 u really made my day after seeing jun jin on top of the list for korea's most gentle father... :) i really hope all shinhwa's mbrs would make a gr8 father one day...

Where did you get that info from?

I would like to speak with that person from Pops Seoul.

I am going to start a riot if someone talks about my JunJin.

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^ no quoting picture

pls remove the img tag

and individual stuff should be in individual thread or sumthing?

i dunno

anyway it's popseoul

the best u can do is ignore

there's no use to get all rise for a site like that



jin oppa number one in the poll for best father is like wow


ha ha ha

but i can see that he will be a great father

so is the others

cant believe all are in the poll and their places is not bad at all

out of 40 the lowest they get is minu oppa number 11

that's just great

doesnt this poll sort of like a sign

that it is about time for them to get married and have kids of their own


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^ haha chubbygreen yes i agree!! its time to see our shinhwa boys get their own children for themselves :P i really want to see what their children would look like *remembers infinity challenge wear they showed their future kids* lol

wannie welcome to the thread!! no worries. even though ur not even a month into shinhwa yet, we love to have new shinhwa changjo-ers in this thread. and i mean LOVE haha. im so glad that u buy their CD's ^^. i wish i could buy more.. but eh..not until i have an offical job. -_____- omg im a HUGE andy fan o___o we have something in common haha. feel free to call me naomi btw. and yes they will make awesome future dad's lucky children :]

p.s. in case u havent noticed, we are using orange font to support the guys because orange is their color!! hehe. were going to keep using this font until they come back with their 10th album :]

se7enstarz pop seoul huh? i really dont go to that website.. their articles just really are biased... im glad i made u feel better!! when i saw that article i knew u girls would like it hehe.

love!melody yeah~ i noticed that too! that the members are ranked so evenly, like they come right after eachother. 8-9-10-11 haha

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Guest robotic

sometimes it's best to disregard popseoul and their articles..

their articles like to beg for attention and argument - it's their livelihood (like perezhilton)

i concur, popseoul articles are subjective and selective; often made of harsh and demeaning observations and opinions

the article 'nobody cares about junjin' is highly unnecessary and dangerously treads upon celeb bashing..

pity junjin and the other artists (esp. rain who always seems to bear the most brunt from popseoul's articles)

life and work is hard as an artist in the k-industry - there exists a difference between constructive criticisms and unintelligible bashing - artists work hard and thus deserve respect.

period. end rant.


onto another note..

i've just watched the translated part 2 (xiaholic did a brillant job) of junjin's golden fishery and its hilarious!

it mentions the competitive streak with all shinhwa members..

KHD: each member of shinhwa is very competitive..

JJ: we're still like that. we could be joking around, laughing (whilst hanging on a bar).. then our eyes would meet and sense the competitiveness..and it's let's see who goes down first.. 20 minutes would pass and we're still hanging on the bar. someone's arm has to fall off first.

if dongwan and i are playing a game and if i win, then we don't talk to each other for the rest of the day.

it's not, 'good job, get home safe.' .. but rather 'nice job..' *silent treatment*

i'd say, 'yeah, nice job' and go home and practice. (lol)

watch it > http://youtube.com/watch?v=CQ9C111LKtM =)

rofl at dongwan and members being sore losers and giving winning members the cold shoulder

all shinhwa games and play must be mad fun XD

i love how this thread is still predominately ORANGE!

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gosh they all are like kids still

ha ha ha

but so cute

i wanna see some of their competetiveness sumtime

no wonder they all like to play game

some are weird some are dangerous

such a funny and playful bunch

but just because of losing wont talk for the whole day?


that is so cute

thanks for sharing

i dont watch golden fishery since i cried all the time

but i guess i will try to watch it this time

ha ha ha

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Guest agasshiseben

Where did you get that info from?

I would like to speak with that person from Pops Seoul.

I am going to start a riot if someone talks about my JunJin.

pop seoul of course...their article on 26 June...exactly, i don't understand why they wrote such things bout junjin...

if you gonna bash them don't forget to count me in...i'll all out if anyone talks bad bout shinhwa mbrs...

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Guest 아이돌FAN

I found a really touching message from a fan on DAUM. So thought I should share it with the SHINHWA FANS here :D

I'm not the best translator, so sorry about that =_=

The english doesn't make as much sense though x_x sorry about thought too

[please properly credit if taking out. thank you! :D]



There was never anything between us but our hearts we're attached to each other the first day we met.

The year of 1998.. the 3rd month. of the 24th day. We remember your enlightening presence... and we probably will never forget that moment...

We remember the days we believed the same dreams and our happiness was still young

We weren't together from the beginning... but we looked in the same direction, supported, and ran together

We remember the times we tried to change the world with our small music

We never looked back... and ran as fast as we can with you

We will not be together for a while...

Only for a while... the phrase 'for a while' is funny... since in a few years we'll be laughing together and we'll became a 'we/us' again

Please trust us for the coming days we can spend together

Together.. we'll take a step to become more mature, and remember the times we had together

When we meet again... we promise we'll share the thoughts and feelings we didn't have enough time to share right now

Because for the next 20.. 30 years ..forever. we're gonna be together

The time flew by so fast but I can never forget the memories we had together

The moments we had together... will never erase from my heart

Always know this in your heart - this is not the end of Shinhwa...

This is not the end.

We love that our time was spent with you, you made us happy... yet we are sorry

We love that our time was spent with Shinhwa. When we're not with Shinhwa, we can't feel those precious times we had together... we're sorry. But in a little while... we'll feel them again

I'm sorry...we're gonna be gone for a little. to prepare for the everlasting times we'll have after we come back

So that you can be with us forever later... we'll wait...

We still have so many dreams we haven't shared with each other. So we'll wait...

On that day we will share the stories we haven't told, even if it means to stay up all night

We still have so many dreams we haven't shared with each other. So we'll wait...

On that day we will share the stories we haven't told, even if it means to stay up all night

We still have so many dreams we haven't shared with each other. So we'll wait...

On that day we will share the stories we haven't told, even if it means to stay up all night

We still have so many dreams we haven't shared with each other. So we'll wait...

On that day we will share the stories we haven't told, even if it means to stay up all night

The stories we still haven't told yet...

The stories we still haven't told yet...

The stories we still haven't told yet...

The stories we still haven't told yet...

We still havent...

We'll always keep our promise... since we are Shinhwa ChangJo

We'll wait here, without a change.

The promise we made to be together. The promise we made to be forever... we'll never break it.

Because even if you're in the military... we are still under the same sky

Our happy times... will never be forgotten


Because the happiness between Shinhwa and Shinhwa Chang Jo is just beginning...

We don't use a word powerful as 'forever' and throw it away.

We are Shinhwa ChangJo

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Guest hazrinaer

I found a really touching message from a fan on DAUM. So thought I should share it with the SHINHWA FANS here :D

that message was lovely..really made me cry.

thanks for sharing.

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Guest kassuma

that is really touching and moving! as fans we are all part of shinhwa changjo...the best fanc club ever!

we will continue to support and await the day 6 becomes 1 way again!

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I found a really touching message from a fan on DAUM. So thought I should share it with the SHINHWA FANS here :D

aw... this is so touching

i love reading to it

a lil mushy and a lil overdramatic but i love it

so sweet and amazing

the power of shinhwachangjo

thanks for sharing this

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thanks robotic for the link ahh xiaholic subbed golden fishery? *didnt check her subscriptions on youtuube today* xD. will watch! after lunch that is hehehe. p.s. i love the orange font in this thread too!! its just unexplainable <3

I found a really touching message from a fan on DAUM. So thought I should share it with the SHINHWA FANS here :D

I'm not the best translator, so sorry about that =_=

The english doesn't make as much sense though x_x sorry about thought too

you did a good job translating! i love it. made me cry >< there i go again. bleh. i just want to keep this message forever or maybe print it out because its just so true. we will always be shinhwa changjo. should never use a word as forever when its not that meaningful. "forever" really is a strong word.

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[08.06.30][news] Eric: I thought of quitting showbiz after finishing Phoenix

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Guest nekori

Yeah, thanks for translating that message. You did a beautiful job. Sometimes I am just in awe of ShinhwaChangjo.

And about the member's competitiveness, that's too funny! Being sore losers even at the age of 30. :D This is why Shinhwa is the best.

Thanks for making my day everybody.

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I found a really touching message from a fan on DAUM. So thought I should share it with the SHINHWA FANS here :D

awww..ithanks! ts still surreal. It will be a long time renunion yet an anticapating time. I feel like I grew old with them..10yrs! Geez. I am already curious how they will mature and age..lol. Well..age, I dont no about their maturity. lol. I love that they're kids at heart... :w00t:

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