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Guest lenakeem

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Guest samtly

all this fight over the shinhwa logo is really stupid. i think only the company are in the war zone over the right. i think wat most people have forgotten is that shinhwa is not just a name or a logo, it is 6 person Eric, Dongwan, Minwoo, Hyesung, Junjin and Andy. this is shinhwa. as long as the 6 stay together to protect the nama. shinhwa exits. i dont give a dame which company is in charge, we dont need to read any of their announcement only wat the member said. if one day shinhwa is to be disband, i would only believe it when it come from the member mouth.

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Guest itz Nhari

Shinhwa should have control over their own name.

Goodness, they are the ones who went through 10 years of hard work and pain to live up to become a legend.

What's all this fuss?

There's so many problems like this arising for our Shinhwa.

They do not deserve all this.

It makes me so angry~

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Guest roni75

i think wat most people have forgotten is that shinhwa is not just a name or a logo, it is 6 person Eric, Dongwan, Minwoo, Hyesung, Junjin and Andy. this is shinhwa. as long as the 6 stay together to protect the nama. shinhwa exits.

I´m agree with you...No matters if they are Shinhwa or Legend or No name, they are 6 talented peoples who bring us the best of them, this is the most important thing...I´m follow them no matter the name...well, Shakespeare said it better:"What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"...

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Guest mLov3r

it seem like all of us in here are busy worrying whether our shinhwa's oppas is gonna disband or not,...

but for now i just wanna take our attention a little bit to what our oppas had done during the japan and china concert....

i dont know if we all in here have seen the documentary video about shinhwa's concert during the 2007 concert but watching it i think shinhwa is really the BEST!!!~~~

Watching this definitely shows the love from the fans to our shinhwa oppas also the same in return...

I dont wanna ruin the moments or the meaning so i think we all should watch it...

The Love for Shinhwa will never fated because they deserved to be love from their fans because they also love the fans in return....

Anyways i really dont know what im talking about im still too excited watching the video....

SHINHWA forever!!!!

Please do watch the videos.... ^_^

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Need help on couple of things:

1. Did anyone keep soompi link for Banjun drama is listed. I need title of each Banjun drama that any member(s) has been in.

2. Question for those living in US: I'm going to be updating my phone soon and I want to buy phone that I can download Shinhwa songs as my ringtone. That can be done right? I have VerizonWirelss and the phone I have now is LG VX8300 and I can't download any Shinhwa music unless Shinhwa music is on their list (which I don't think they have). Any recommendations?

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Guest love!melody

[08.06.04][ND Notice] Clarifications with regards to recent news

glad to see the shinhwa members addressing the issues :) though i didn't believe the rumours anyways, i feel a lot better that the members clarified it. and people should stop with these rumours. it's getting annoying <_<

and i totally agree with itz Nhari. shinhwa should have control over their name ^^ but name or no name, we will still love them. maybe they should just get rights over a new name *coughcough* bst (boshingtang) *coughcough* LMAO if not, i think the members should just make their own company :) i mean, minwoo has M Rising, andy has ND Entertainment, Eric has TOP Entertainment. they should just join them together and make it into one :) haha! wouldn't that be great?!?! anyways, yea~ i agree w/ the shinhwa members that we shouldn't read into these rumours. nor even address it.

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Guest nurkeyandie

After reading OW's statements, I feel like the real issue here is greed. They're making a fuss 'cause they feel like they haven't gotten their money's worth.

I feel like OW may be upset at the fact that Shinhwa members' solo contracts are all over the place and that they no longer own nor profit from these individual solo efforts. And are specifically targetting Andy's and Eric's individual companies 'cause I know both Junjin and Minwoo are technically under OW so it's not like they're gonna lash out at their own stars. I think they want the name "Shinhwa" to exclusively be used by OW/GOOD when all 6 members are together and may be upse t by the fact that solo members are still identified by the name "Shinhwa" as in "Shinhwa Andy's concert in Japan" (that they are not getting any revenue for). Compounded with the fact that Andy's popularity is rising and he was the only one not participating in the Soulmate concert, I think there may be some tension between OW and ND ent (owned by T.O.P. media if I'm not wrong).

I think they're issuing this statement to say, "fine, you don't want to participate in our event, ok. But don't think we'll give you permission to use the name Shinhwa without our expressed written consent." It almost feels like they're threatening with the line, "If terms are not met....performance will have to be terminated." It's like they're throwing around their weight a little and being greedy by not letting any of the solo members use it as a crutch to promote themselves during solo activities, but masking it by saying they're trying to preserve the value of the name by limiting its use.

this just verifies how shady the music industry is with all the machinations of entertainment companies trying to squeeze out every last drop from their clients. they can say after the fact that the fan meeting would be free, but i'm not sure i'd believe that. plus, there'd be merchandise sold there right? which they would make a profit off of. and now they're upset they won't have that opportunity.

honestly, where did these rumors of disagreement and disbandment start? i'm gonna lay it at the feet of OW. In the world of business, if you don't want things to leak out, it's very easy to keep everything tight lipped. but the fact that this is playing out in the media leads me to believe that OW wanted it to be out there.

iunno, just my two cents. but you best believe that i trust that shinhwa will be forever. that's no joke. it may be hard considering the business aspect of everything, but those 6 guys will be forever. it makes me a lil sad for them, that all they wanna do is make music together, share their passion with their fans and all this nonsense has to get in the way of it...

and can i just mention really quickly how much i love shinhwa? lol. just wanted to get that out there.

^i agree.

it's great that even if our boys aren't having group activities now, they still managed to reassure us through their individual efforts (eric during his chil woo press con, andy and dw through their blogs). i mean, i wasn't even bothered when all this nonsense first came out, coz hello, it's shinhwa we're talking about. they'll be together forever. and if they can't use the name shinhwa, heck, we'd all still be their fans, right? even if they went back to their 'original' name, what was it again, the one that stood for dog stew or something, i'm sure we'd all still be their fans. i know y'all feel me, right?

like i said, i wasn't even planning on commenting on this issue and i agree with the previous posts (and wannie's post too) that shinhwa is just six guys who want to sing and perform and work and laugh together. the thing is though, there is the business side to it. i see that some people are getting worried but the most important thing is the boys' bond is intact, it's just the business aspect that's becoming a little complicated. i really hope all of this will be ironed out before they enlist coz as amy pointed out, stuff like this, though minor in the overall scheme of things, have a habit of coming back and biting people in the butt. :sweatingbullets:

but yeah, the most important thing is that everything is fine between the boys. :)

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Guest helloello

whew! thank you for all the clearing up from shinhwa!! and it made me feel a tad guilty... we should have believed them and not doubt them right? I am just glad that its nothing serious =)

And thanks for the japan and china concert doc! I am in need of some shinhwa action now =)

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Guest angel2nyt

all this fight over the shinhwa logo is really stupid. i think only the company are in the war zone over the right. i think wat most people have forgotten is that shinhwa is not just a name or a logo, it is 6 person Eric, Dongwan, Minwoo, Hyesung, Junjin and Andy. this is shinhwa. as long as the 6 stay together to protect the nama. shinhwa exits. i dont give a dame which company is in charge, we dont need to read any of their announcement only wat the member said. if one day shinhwa is to be disband, i would only believe it when it come from the member mouth.


and with the way andy wrote his diary entry theyre all okay

i'm not really angry with the disbanding rumor..

there's like 3-10 articles of that every year since what 2005? or 2003?

i've been so used to it, i find it funny

but the thing with shinhwa's logo..

i really hate the fact that someone's being greedy with it(or sounds like they're being greedy with it), as if it's theirs when its really not(the complicated world of copyrights).. its eric's, wannie's, minwoo's, andy's, sungie's, junjin's and their public

there's this one comment(i forgot where i read it) and it said, you(OW) dont want to make the name easily for everyone to use, well then use BST

and for some weird reason i started laughing

by the way, i think it's okay to post andy and wannie's diary entries here because it is about shinhwa, same with eric's statements

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Guest jean_kkp

^i agree.

it's great that even if our boys aren't having group activities now, they still managed to reassure us through their individual efforts (eric during his chil woo press con, andy and dw through their blogs). i mean, i wasn't even bothered when all this nonsense first came out, coz hello, it's shinhwa we're talking about. they'll be together forever. and if they can't use the name shinhwa, heck, we'd all still be their fans, right? even if they went back to their 'original' name, what was it again, the one that stood for dog stew or something, i'm sure we'd all still be their fans. i know y'all feel me, right?

like i said, i wasn't even planning on commenting on this issue and i agree with the previous posts (and wannie's post too) that shinhwa is just six guys who want to sing and perform and work and laugh together. the thing is though, there is the business side to it. i see that some people are getting worried but the most important thing is the boys' bond is intact, it's just the business aspect that's becoming a little complicated. i really hope all of this will be ironed out before they enlist coz as amy pointed out, stuff like this, though minor in the overall scheme of things, have a habit of coming back and biting people in the butt. :sweatingbullets:

but yeah, the most important thing is that everything is fine between the boys. :)

well put, andie. they could be called GSK or whatever, it doesnt really matter. what's worse than a dog stew group name? id still love them. kudos to the boys who tried to reassure us abt those rumors. dongwan put it really simply, explaining how they came together now as friends and how can friends disband because of business issues?! eric was all leader-like and firm. while andy, reminds us of his promises at the 10th anniv concert. with that said, im hoping they dont have to repeat it again, because i WONT BELIEVE IN THEM DISBANDING.

and that company should know better than to offend kpop fans by disallowing shinhwa to use shinhwa's name anyway.

i do agree that the name shinhwa is important, but even after losing the name, i will still see them as the Legends. yes what's funny is that, every year this has to happen at least once yeah? haha. non shinhwa fans just cannot believe that shinhwa wont disband after so long. sniffs.

on the other hand, andy dongwan and junjin are attending Music Core (i think) together this week!!! in andy's latest diary entry, he mentioned that he was gonna practice songs with Dongwan hyung, or practise dongwan hyung's song. so maybe they'll sing each others' songs? andy does Secret, Dongwan does Wa, Jin does Propose?... OMG that would be sooo cool, soooo cool like a shinhwa Special Stage. and that would completely tell the entire world, To Hell with Shinhwa Disbanding Rumors.

thanks picklypickly for those caps, im taking them ^^ you do great photoshopping.

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We should just totally ignore all those rumours.... cuz SHINHWA promised that they will stay together forever...

and i cannot wait for ANDY, JUNJIN, and DONGWAN to appear of music core.... i think its a special stage..... too excited....

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I read an article on Ocean's Six and the special stage is just Dongwan and Andy...Junjin will be doing a regular performance. Still, so excited! I'm assuming Andy will be performing "Bimil" and DW will do "Propose." I love them both, but as my heart is solely DW's, I admit to be looking forward to DW's "Propose" just a smidgen more. ;)

Also from Ocean's 6...During the press con for "Strongest Chil-woo," Eric said that the members are participating in the OST. He didn't specifically say which members, but that's something to look forward to.

I love their "seperate, but united" philosophy - through their solo activities, the "Shinhwa brand" just keeps on expanding. They're unstoppable.

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I read an article on Ocean's Six and the special stage is just Dongwan and Andy...Junjin will be doing a regular performance. Still, so excited! I'm assuming Andy will be performing "Bimil" and DW will do "Propose." I love them both, but as my heart is solely DW's, I admit to be looking forward to DW's "Propose" just a smidgen more. ;)

i am looking forward for their perf too

all three of the perf

but yeah wannie oppa sure does attracts me more at this moment


Also from Ocean's 6...During the press con for "Strongest Chil-woo," Eric said that the members are participating in the OST. He didn't specifically say which members, but that's something to look forward to.



that is exciting...

i am hoping for more of minu's action?

i miss him

but any members is like a plus point rite now for the drama

ha ha ha


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Guest mzchoccie

hmm...i'm not worried about their "disbandment" at all...

they say they won't and i naively believe them ^^

coz..they've been through rough times before and i think everything will be good for them in future.

not a smooth journey but haha...i strongly believe that they will be Shinhwa for a long long time

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Guest miaka0210

mLov3r - yeah I saw that video too. It was really amazing huh?


whether they're tired or full of energy. SHINHWA FOREVER!!!

The fans too were great!!! Especially with the screaming hehehe.... :D

Also from Ocean's 6...During the press con for "Strongest Chil-woo," Eric said that the members are participating in the OST. He didn't specifically say which members, but that's something to look forward to.

I love their "seperate, but united" philosophy - through their solo activities, the "Shinhwa brand" just keeps on expanding. They're unstoppable.

wow! really?! I doubt though that it'll be all of them. but still crossing my fingers :unsure:

hopefully it would happen or if not...please oh please let at least hyesung sing one of the tracks.

I really miss our crab prince a lot, especially his wonderful voice. But nevertheless can't wait to see

the drama and hear its soundtrack.

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Guest l1nn3

hi all,

got some question regarding shinhwa name + brand...

forgive me if it is a stupid question.... i am new fans of shinhwa....

wats up with all the fuss abt shinhwa name + brand?

if i am not mistaken....it happened before in the past when the left SM

my point here is...

y dont they just ditch the name 'shinhwa' and create a new name..maybe LEGEND??

and hold the copyrights of the new name under one of their own company

isnt it will make matter easier??

so they dont need to have tis issue over and over again...

cos i am quite pissed w/ all these greedy company...

like some of u mentioned here before...

no matter wat the name is...as long as they still have the same members...tats the most important thing isnt it?

or i missed smth here and the name 'SHINHWA' is actually sacred...

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whoa! it's been awhile since i last visit this thread.

and about the rumors that they were disbanding, they'll always be SHINHWA as long as they were all together. And as wannie says, they were just a few guys who want to be together.

They just want to live together, work together, laugh together.

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Guest nglkt

I read an article on Ocean's Six and the special stage is just Dongwan and Andy...Junjin will be doing a regular performance. Still, so excited! I'm assuming Andy will be performing "Bimil" and DW will do "Propose." I love them both, but as my heart is solely DW's, I admit to be looking forward to DW's "Propose" just a smidgen more. ;)

Also from Ocean's 6...During the press con for "Strongest Chil-woo," Eric said that the members are participating in the OST. He didn't specifically say which members, but that's something to look forward to.

I love their "seperate, but united" philosophy - through their solo activities, the "Shinhwa brand" just keeps on expanding. They're unstoppable.

OMG WANDY!!! YEAH!!! They must have coordinated their diary posts too... Andy ended off his post with "Off to practicing with Dongwan hyung... WHY? Bimil(secret)" LOL He's playing with words. Both of them also kinda wrote about the logo news. I can't imagine them performing together... I'm so used to Dongwan's voice in Bimil and Andy's voice in Propose... I wonder how the special stage will turn out... OF COURSE IT'LL be good!! I'm so excited...

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