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Guest lenakeem

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Guest tk_angel

Hello everyone! Another shinhwa lover onboard... ive been a fan for bout 9 months now but i feel that iv known them for a long time... will love and support shinhwa FOREVER :)

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Guest samshiku

hi tk_angel! i LOVE your siggie's gif by the way...:)

anyone knows if there is any news report or coverage of the 9th jib photoshoot?

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Thank you so much for the link. Minam6 site is kind of hard to figure out. I don't know why they have small screen at the bottom that you keep on have to scroll up and down.

Anyway, isn't it about time that we hear or see something of the 9th jib?

It seem Andy is the only one who has been really promoting his album. He is in alot of shows. I've downloaded everything but didn't have time to watch them all. Minwoo has been on only couple of shows and we haven't seen or heard anything of Hyesung which I thought was weired. I guess he is not promoting his mini album?

By the way, I just got Andy, Minwoo, and Hyesung's album and very excited to hear them all. Ordered Shinhwa's 9th jib and Dongwan's album through CHCJ and now I'm hearing that Hyesung and Andy will be coming out with DVD?

I need to work more OT to pay for all these! LOL!

I was thinking I wish they would have spread out more into the year. I'm worried that we won't be hearing anything of them later on the year.

mommie Alice, here's the website for minam6: http://minam6.lil.to

and here's the website for Eric's fanclub that participates in it: http://ericmun.net


^fyi, those support pictures were for shinhwa's 9th album jacket shooting! and you know what that means...9th album soon! ahh can't wait!

i love shinhwa changjo <3

if you visit minam6's website, you'll see that this alliance between the six individual fanclubs forms whenever shinhwa has promotional activities; they were also active during shinhwa's 7th and 8th albums

i love how whenever shinhwa makes a comeback, the fans will always work together to bring the guys the most amazing amounts of food and other showings of love :wub:

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Guest nutzie

just a quick post cos i need to run to school..


hilarious!! it's only part 1, part 2 isn't out yet i think.. eric's girly screams made me almost choke.. and crazy junjin.. he did everything -__- and dongwan like a puppy in the basket =P well just watch it for yourself, and you'll see..

ackk i'm late!!

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Guest kfosho

you should go to the peace concert since three of the shinhwa will be there ^_^

yeeee.... ill finally get to see minwoo oppa ^_^

woww i envy you soo much.

have fun though...i know you will.

i doubt my mom will let me go to the peace concert and hb. i have to choose one.

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Guest superficialme

hey all, i love how the thread seems more alive now with everyone's excitement for the big day!!!

i was wondering if anyone has the youtube link for shinhwa's school of rock/school attack, and by any chance did someone upload it with english sub?

this past week i've been watching alot of old shinhwa clips and i just came across eric playing the clarinet and omg, totally HOT!

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Guest love!melody

have you guys seen this..

shinhwachangjo never fails to amaze me

Shinhwa 10th Anniversary Presents/merchandise


thank you for sharing the link with us ^^ shinhwa changjo is THE best! and those trophies as well as the wine and wine glasses look so expensive and ... nice! LMAO i bet both shinhwa and the fans were satisfied with the gift exchange LOL ^^ ahhhh~ can't wait! in less than two weeks ... it will be the day we have all been anticipating for for long time :)

i love how whenever shinhwa makes a comeback, the fans will always work together to bring the guys the most amazing amounts of food and other showings of love :wub:

i agree! not only for comebacks, but for almost any time they record a show or have a concert or just anything concerning the members! hehehe, from the Shinhwa 10th Anniversary Presents/merchandise, i love how they packed orange forks! LMAO i don't know why but every since i saw it, i'm so ... how should i put it? i'm so ... iono! but i can't get over the ornage fork for some reason! maybe because i've never seen on and because it's just orange <3 LOL anyways, yea~ the fans put in so much effort and time and money into the boys ^^

hey all, i love how the thread seems more alive now with everyone's excitement for the big day!!!

i was wondering if anyone has the youtube link for shinhwa's school of rock/school attack, and by any chance did someone upload it with english sub?

i agree! this thread is coming back to life :) haha! and i'm so excited! i feel like jumping around whenever i think about shinhwa's comeback in a few weeks ^^ doesn't everyone?! LMAO anyways, i think this is what you were looking for :)

*opps! nvm, haha! i just realized you were looking for the clips w/ english subs >< if yu'd like i can type up the translations for you ... during the weekend that is LOL

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Guest superficialme

i agree! this thread is coming back to life :) haha! and i'm so excited! i feel like jumping around whenever i think about shinhwa's comeback in a few weeks ^^ doesn't everyone?! LMAO anyways, i think this is what you were looking for :)

*opps! nvm, haha! i just realized you were looking for the clips w/ english subs >< if yu'd like i can type up the translations for you ... during the weekend that is LOL

^^well atleast i know im not alone with all the jumping around. and with the news about their 9th jib photoshoot, i keep going on to youtube just to see if any new videos or interviews are posted. but unfortunately none yet :( oh well i know they want everything as a surprise so i dont blame them. this is really interesting though, nothing new until that day, it really keeps everyone on their toes!!

about the translation, if you have time could you please :) i swear i will learn korean just for the sake of understanding everything about shinhwa!!

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Guest PurpleRain

just a quick post cos i need to run to school..


hilarious!! it's only part 1, part 2 isn't out yet i think.. eric's girly screams made me almost choke.. and crazy junjin.. he did everything -__- and dongwan like a puppy in the basket =P well just watch it for yourself, and you'll see..

ackk i'm late!!

Thanks for the link...ah~

I think i must have missed watching this part of x-files...Shinhwa's scream is so hilarious~~Everyone has his own style of scream...

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Guest samshiku

hey have you guys read about the fan encounter during the jinsyung shanghai thing? has it been posted here? cos i read it and its soooo....sweet!...lol.

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Guest incarnadine

Hi everyone!!!

I too am so excited about the 9th jib. I swear, as soon as I read the words "9th jib jacket photoshoot" I just went :w00t: I've been saving up for it.

About the JinSyung in Shanghai fan encounters, yeah samshiku I have read them over at Shinhwa.biz and it was indeed so sweet! I teared up when I read the one about Jun Jin :tears: Gaaah ~ our boys are just too sweet.

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Guest samshiku

yea! its too sweet :)

i just watched the Japan concert [the 2007/dec one] and I MISS THEM SO MUCH.

i want to meet minwoo! :(

and the encore was SOOOOOOO high...anyone got a clip of it? it makes me SO wanna watch them again

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Guest angel2nyt

hey have you guys read about the fan encounter during the jinsyung shanghai thing? has it been posted here? cos i read it and its soooo....sweet!...lol.

can we post it here..

i think we can..

This story was told by my friend's cousin whose friend went to the Code Combine (CC) Ceremony that day.

The girl was really excited when knowing the news about Jinsung coming to Shanghai and she went to Garden hotel very early to see them. She had to wait 5 hours under the rain and everything happened like what you've read in SNE.

After Jinsung went inside, she still refused to leave. She knew the members wouldnt leave from the main gate so decided to waited at a different place. When she got there she was really surprised since alot of fans had been there before her. The number to be exact is 76 (included 2 reporters and a cameraman). 5ish hours later, the gate opened with Jinsung coming out with 5 guards accompanied them and some guys whom she guessed to be CC's staffs. Immediately, they started to shout and scream and tried to run to the guys. Jinsung was really shocked that fans were still waiting for them.

The guards tried their best to stop the crowd and got Jinsung into the car. However, there was this girl who approached them really close and the guard pushed her so hard that she fell down and hurt her arms. And yes, she bled. Fans were left speechless and oh well what did our guys do?













Haha, anyone wants to shoot me? Okay, let's see if you guessed the right thing.

Junjin got terribly angry and he kind of yelled at the guard. Hyesung ran to the girl despite the guards' efforts to block him. Sung took out a handkerchief and handed it to her, then said something in Korean. But then he realized she couldn't understand Korean so he said "Are you ok? Be careful, you shouldn't do that" in English.

So the fan took the handkerchief and started to cry harder. It is said that Hyesung's expression then was priceless because he thought that he made the girl cry! (Which was true, btw)

Fans started to scream louder and the guards dragged him out of there and into the van. Before getting in, Sung said something in Korean which was translated later (by the girl you saw standing with them from the window, yes) into "You shouldn't do that. It's so dangerous. Don't worry we'll be able to see each other soon."

Jin got on after that and said "I'm so happy to see your love for us. See you soon."

The car took off and alot of fans ran after, however the person who told this person, didn't. She just stood their and cried. Many just hugged others and cried. And the fan being mentioned before? She sobbed with Sung's handkerchief on her hand.

CC asked the media to not broadcast the news since it would affect the company's reputation.

Well, that's it, long story huh. I'm not sure if it's true or not though... but I really really hope that it is.

CREDITS: fan who relayed story abt the encounter + choc0@shinhwa.biz + Shinhwa.BIZ forums + Shinhwa Philippines + midnight_girl@shinhwachangjo

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Guest `starry.night

I love our boys even more now.

Shinhwa oppas really do appreciate their fans.

I wish I could've seen HyeSung's face. ^^

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Guest angel2nyt

a sneak peek for the 9th album??


by the way.. for the 9th album promos, the boys will be releasing a a perfume line(called the scent of shinhwa), cartoon characters(made by Kim Kwang Ho), special items(which includes a teddy bear)

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Guest incarnadine

omgggg you guys pic of 9th jib is out!!! it's at ocean's six... the guys look SO hotttttt

EDIT: haha angel2nyt we posted almost at the same time :D I was so thrilled I couldn't even typ properly. Our boys look so handsome :wub: There's an article accompanying that, I hope some kind soul can translate it ^^

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Guest nutzie

i think i would act the same way if i were that girl.. i would never wash that hankerchief.. i would just frame it and hang it in my room or something =P

the picture looks awesome!! i would totally save it.. if i were on my comp -___- dang it, i want my comp now >_<

i'm just wondering why minwoo's walking backwards though O_o" for some reason, the next second, i imagine him to be sprawling on his butt with everybody else laughing at him.. or maybe a car comes from behind them, and they all scrambled to the side =P

joyce - would the scent of shinhwa be their own smell? i wouldn't mind smelling like eric all day *giggles*

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Guest samshiku


im so excited!

cant wait for the news coverage...

and perfume!!! how much is it.....

oh and the pic reminds me of bsb...then again, shinhwa IS korea's bsb of some sort..

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Guest incarnadine

^ haha samshiku you know what, me too... BSB had the same album theme in their latter albums ~ but heck, Shinhwa look so much better! :blush:

According to news articles, they plan to release on picture at a time until its final release! Gaaah, talk about killing us with anticipation. There's going to be a MV out soon, in the Shinhwa10th site. I look forward to the translations of the article :)

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Guest clairdeluned

So who is going to the Peace Concert? I am SOOO excited to be able to meet Hyesung (!!!), Minwoo, and Junjin :wub:

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