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Guest lenakeem

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both SBS and KBS performances rock!!!

but im loving the KBS more..

dunno but on SBS the light effects doesn't look good on me..

i barely see them..

has anyone seen that they have new back-up dancers??

if you frequently watch their live performances, you would notice that..

especially in Brand New..

Minwoo and Hyesung had different partners..

i didn't even saw Stand-by..

some of the girl back-ups are not that powerful unlike the old ones..

i love those girls during Brand New perfs.. so powerful.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kriza_09
V oh yeah when i watched hey come on.and minwoo took off his jacket andd threw it up


wahaha,a silly thought

how could our minwoo not get his clothing landed nicely in the right place<3

i think it was an unexpected action for him.. i tried to watch it closely and i noticed he initially intended to throw it away to his right side, but somehow it got stuck to his left hand... so he ended up throwing it above but fortunately, since this is minwoo we're talking about, it landed nicely.. well, i might be completely wrong though..

this sbs and kbs festival is definitely the best new year present ever.. i'm so glad they gave shinhwa, who's been completely inactive this year, 4 songs for themselves.. other special stages are mostly collaborations.. shinhwa needs only shinhwa to awe the audience... my fav perf is definitely T.O.P.. been hoping to watch the HQ perf of it ever since their asia tour.. and i'm glad they performed hey come on and perfect man.. i always wanted to see the current shinhwa perform the original version of those songs instead of the concert version.. too bad they didn't perform the whole songs.. was hoping to see hyesung's spin kick.. and poor hyesung got wet when he was already sick.. but wet shinhwa is the best part of present, so i won't complain.. ^^

anyway, happy new year everyone... my third year with shinhwa and still going strong.. ^^

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Yes, I noticed. Didn't recognized some of the girls.

Was surprised to see 2 regular gals from Shinhwa dancing with Stephanie but did not see them with Shinhwa in SBS show.

both SBS and KBS performances rock!!!

has anyone seen that they have new back-up dancers??

if you frequently watch their live performances, you would notice that..

especially in Brand New..

Minwoo and Hyesung had different partners..

i didn't even saw Stand-by..

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While waiting for midnight so that I can say "Happy New Year" to my family before going to sleep, I did translation to: mgoon - In Nagoya Part 2 since it was short and cute!

Those who didn't see the clip, here's link to youtube:


Credit: wenyili

Mgoon – In Nagoya for a Reason – Part 2 – Shinhwa (12-28-07)

JJ: Really in a long time, together with our members

JJ: Really in a long time, going to Japan right now.

JJ: Lets go to Japan.

M: Going to Nagoya. Going to Nagoya. (singing)

DW: Almost didn’t make it. (running into airport)

(female voice): Where are you going?

DW: To Jeol-La-Do

DW: Lets go to Jeol-La-Do

(Nagoya, Japan airport)

HS: Happy to be here since it’s been long time with members.

DW: Got presents! Ha Ha Ha!

(Japanese elderly lady): Good looking!

HS: Dongwan’s overeager (extreme) fans.

HS: Loved Dongwan since his debut.

M: December 4, 2007, we arrived at Nagoya.

M: Came to do concert.

M: Here at Nagoya! (singing)

(Inside the bus)

DW: (opening presents) Oh, fascinating.

HS: I have it too!

DW: Light must come on when you hit it. What is it?

DW: Nothing is coming out right?

HS: Why are you doing that?

DW: It’s not doing anything?

HS: There must be nothing.

HS: It works if you don’t bang it like you.

DW: Mine is not doing it.

HS: Give it to me. You have to have the touch.

HS: How did I do it? (laughing) It works.

HS: It works when you hit it like this.

DW: If you throw it, it works too.

Eric: You are supposed to throw it on the ground.

HS: You must hit it hard.

(Looks like Eric is throwing trash in the bag next to Hyesung and Hyesung don’t like it so he pretends to hit Eric with the light ball!)

Eric: Mommy!

HS: (still hitting the light ball) Awe! It hurts!

DW: Smells like something you eat. (opening a bag given by fan) What do you think it is?

DW: Takoyaki! Aye…. (disappointed it’s not what he thought it was)

DW: (smelling the package) Rice that smells “fishy”.

DW: Should I eat it?

Eric: Dongwan, Dongwan (Eric has small “popper” in his hand)

HS: Don’t do it!

(Going to rehearsal)

Credit: Translation - mommie Alice, youtube - wenyili, shinhwa.biz, shinhwachangjo, shinhwajj

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Guest Aiensya

Shinhwa was my first Kpop artist I love..

I watch all their previous clip and made me miss them a lot...

And I'm shocked because when I watch KBS and SBS awards..they performed all my favrite song...

I love Shinhwa...I'm happy they're back..

I'm going to buy their next album,...

Thanks for the translation...I can understand now...

I cracked when I saw the rehearsel, I'm sure they wouldn't be so serious...

When Dong Wan cracked, Jun Jin and Eric laughed at him...haha

They're still the king of the silly on stage and backstage...

I hope Jun Jin will come out with another fiction story for their next album like Once In A Lifetime...

Happy New Year Shinhwa & Shinhwa Changjo!!


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It took me all night to download TP (Super HQ) version of the KBS performance and I need advice on which program is best to watch it.

I tried GOMplayer and sound is terrible (it breaks so much I can't hear anything) and VLC Media Player the screen gets wavy it's hard to watch it but the sound is good.

If you know any program that works good with TP clips, could you please PM me?

Any help is much appreciated.

I REALLY REALLY want to watch TOP rain clip in Super HQ! LOL!

Thank you.

I second mommie Alice's request, I downloaded the large version but so far everything I've tried using to open it won't work. Would really appreciate any help, so that I can watch our boys steam up the computer screen. Thank you in advance! :D

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thank you for sharing the clip mommy alice..

hohoho! Minwoo is so cute while singing.. i guess he's so happy that they were in Nagoya..

and wannie.. i was really laughing because he couldn't make that dice thingy light up! lol.

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I second mommie Alice's request, I downloaded the large version but so far everything I've tried using to open it won't work. Would really appreciate any help, so that I can watch our boys steam up the computer screen. Thank you in advance! :D

actually gom player can do it fine.

jus like it play once and spool

the second time will be jus fine.

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actually gom player can do it fine.

jus like it play once and spool

the second time will be jus fine.

Thanks for the heads up. Will try that today. I hope our guys are having a nice quiet rest with their family. Happy New Year everyone!

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Thanks for the translation...I can understand now...

I cracked when I saw the rehearsel, I'm sure they wouldn't be so serious...

When Dong Wan cracked, Jun Jin and Eric laughed at him...haha

They're still the king of the silly on stage and backstage...

^ Haha..I think you are talking about the rehearsal for T.O.P. where Ricjin started to laugh at Dongwan, right? I think the reason they laughed wasn't because he cracked, but b/c Dongwan replaced the original lyrics, D.R.C., with DS P, as in Nintendo DS player lolz So junjin kinda had a, "pause-did-I-hear-what-I-just-thought-I-heard-look". I bet they all own a set :sweatingbullets: Cracks me up imagining the bunch of them blowing on the screen ^____^

@aindy & Mommie Alice- THank you, mommie alice! *hugs* As for the dancers I think everyone was sharing dancers for the perfs :blink: Anyways, the two girls dancing with Stephanie were originally the back-up dancers for CSJH (long hair, mohwak). As for standby, I do see them ^^ Minwoo's partner in brandnew and the guys were all Standby. Most noticeable is the bald dude for M's Stomp MV and the guy name 'something gyu' (can't recall all of a sudden'), whom I haven't seen for a long time' and been with Minwoo forever is there too. Kinda happy to see him cuz I was wondering where he went lolz

A little late, but mommie Alice, I don't think TOP in the rain was live (though it's hard to tell since they do just as well live) because in the fancams, you see them trade their mics and receivers in for mics without the bottom part detached. Personally, I think the minwansyung harmony doesn't sound as good as if it were live though :) As for getting wet, I think the waterfalls were pretty close and that's why everyone's so wet. Everyone's equally wet too, just can't see it in the broadcasted version and I can't see Eric getting wet on purpose lolz


Hmmm...both had their merits

Live singing- It's definitely SBS ^^ It was almost perfect...with wannie/sungie hitting and holding all the important notes. It was also truly a live-live since pre-recorded choruses were kept to a minimal ^^ I actually thought the members were more energetic and playful here than in the KBS and the crowd's actually even louder (see fancams at ericvoice.net)...just that KBS hasn't tuned in the new thing with tuning down the audio for the audience like SBS does. The staging was actually really cool, but kind of confusing to capture on camera. If you watch the other performances for SBS gayo, you get frustrated with that huge circle area in front that NO one uses ^^: so glad Shinhwa made good use of space was just everywhere, and everything fitted so well. If you really think about the moving ins and outs, ups and downs, the whole choreography can leave you breathless. It shows how well the members prepare themselves, entering each dance within one step no matter where they were. One thing I found a little draggy was the intro to T.O.P., but the part where Eric fixes his pants and approach the front of the stage with the rest of the group was hawt:




Your Man perf, I think, it's one of their best yet. I like the female back-up dancers during jindy rap...so hard core ^^ Very cool how minwoo just slides back him after his big 'Ooooooooh' part :) And the minsyung 'shippeun gol~' right after that was perfect..sometimes they miss it :sweatingbullets: The dance for this is also very fast and exciting. No need to say much about brandnew.

Dancing- KBS. The best thing about this perf was the songlist...a lot of which brought ppl into Shinhwa/kpop. You've got brandnew, hey come on and perfect man all in a row :D And in their original versions too ^^ The stage special effects for this were so nice :) I'm a sucker for the dance break in hey come on. I was hoping Minwoo would do a flip like he used to lolz But I'm happy with the perfectly landed jacket too :D Wansyung did lose one too many notes, but nothing that really affected the overall performance. All in all, loved it.

Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if Shinhwa performed Yo! with all the head banging and jumping up and down at one of these events :) It would be so cool. If they did the dance, even better ^^ Without wannie in the scary make-up of course.

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Guest sunnydays.

Hello, haven't been in here in a while... (:

Mommy Alice - thanks so much for the translations! Haha, Dongwan, always breaking stuff... XD So cuuute!

Crystalis - O__O What, they weren't singing live?! NO wayyyyy... haha, wow, I didn't even notice. They totally convinced me. :P But the rain effect was beautiful. (:

I LOVED their performances. They were amazing... I think what made it even better for me was finally seeing all of them together on stage again (besides their concert, ofcourse) as one. And ALSO! It was as if they weren't apart for all those months... they must've practiced so hard... cuz seriously, they were so good O__O. I noticed that their singing have improved a bit. Especially Minwoo's. It was good to hear him. (: (Although you're right, Crystalis, in the KBS one, it seemed as if they couldn't reach those high notes quite as well as they used to... XD) & ANDY! OMG, he has so much confidence & stage presence now! Before, I noticed that his raps were usually quiet, but in those performance, he just went out there & commanded attention. (: Their dancing is still so awesome. Quite synchronized still (maybe not as energetic, but maybe that's cuz they're older now :P) & I was so excited to see Minwoo dance in Hey! Come On. I hated how the stupid cameraman for the SBS Gayo didn't film Junjin's and Minwoo's dance solo. -___-;;

Haha... but yeah. I was seriously crying with joy after watching those performances. Made me so happy. (:

Maybe i'm being biased... LOL. But whatever. Yay, Shinhwa. <3 :D

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I seriously can't choose which one I liked better. Both performances were great! No they were better than great ... they were excellent! ^^ I especially loved their vocals in the SBS performance. The only thing I was disappointed about was the malfunction of the door >< Other than that, it would have been perfect. But the door wasn't their fault so ... LOL And in the SBS performance, they did a little greeting so I liked that as well. Hehehehe! But the KBS was amazing nevertheless. And I liked their outfits in the KBS one better than their outfits in SBS. The Shinhwa members always look HOT in white! And I especially liked their TOP performance *blushes* So HOT! and SEXY! ^^ The water sprinklers were a brilliant idea! Hopefully no one caught a cold, especially Dongwannie and Minwoo, from the looks of it they were the only ones who actually got wet while the other members didn't get that wet. And I also enjoyed their Perfect Man performance. It has been such a long time since I had seen all of these performances! Gahhhhhh~ I'm so excited about their next album. Can't wait!

And happy new year everyone! To all the Soompiers and Shinhwa boys! Hope you all the best of luck ^^

- Eunyoung

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Guest devylann

jus finished watching their performances... wow... they alwase seem to impress me more and more..... i really liked them both.. true that SBS was better.. but overall.. awesome!!! funnie how i keep thinking eric with his hair in that bun alwase reminds me of a samurai like they said.... dongwan's pecks looks bigger and firmer...hahaha...junjin's got that hair ponytail back..loved that... andy looks in shape and minwoo is alwase sexy but i prefer the shorter hair... and hyesung... he looked energetic but so pale.... :( me cuzz told me that he fainted from rehearsal??? sad....:( hope he's feeling better...maybe that's why he looked pale... our boys alwase working so hard.....

i agree with someone saying earlier that why minwoo didn't wear a full white shirt bc dongwan did and wow... can u see his bod??? yeow!!!! hehe :D

i wonder if kbs new that the water was gonna drenched them or that that's how they rehearsed... when i saw all that rain.. i thought it was in front of them but no... when junjin lifted his arm... water was dripping.. mad dripping... hope they dont get sick... minwoo was playing with his hair from all that water... well.. not playing but .. running his hand thru his hair....

i really liked how they sang diff songs on each program besides brand new and t.o.p ... loved that whole new t.o.p look... gosh takes me breath away everytime i watch it...



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Guest jerrybabie26

awww... sad no mbc... it would have been a perfect year ender...

niwez... thanks for the clip mommie alice *hugs*

i also a clip from ent relay... dont know if that was repeated or not... but it was particulary funny...

it was sometime during one of their concerts and they were asked who had the best body. all eyes went to junjin and he was liked shocked and all humble saying of course all of them had a great body...

but then wannie i think asked who they thought needed to work on their body more... no one said anything but jinnie was like pointing at sungie with his eyes LOL

and i dont think they talked about their concert again haahahaha or i probably just zoned out "p

all in all... i did also like the kbs stage better... but i liked the song selection for sbs more... but the sbs one seemed a bit... quiet? hehehehe ionno ... it was just that kbs was more lively even though i think the songs that they performed for sbs were more dancable

but i really like modified T.O.P and i still especially love when they just spread their arms in the end and throw their heads back


~~~~ Happy New Year ~~~~ <3333

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Did they lip-sync in TOP? The more I watch them, it doesn't sound live. And I can't imagine them using live microphone in rain/water. Isn't that dangerous?

I have watched the clip of them singing TOP and i don't think so that 's lipsync, cause when they are singing i can hear the voice of the water backgroud..If you are lipsync there definetely no sound of water that you can hear right?So it's definetely live performance from shinhwa..

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Guest ..kaleena..

wahhhh, KBS performance was beautiful also!! *cries*

i think i like the KBS one more than the SBS one (although the SBS one was amazing as well!)

the song choices for KBS blew me away! the greathits of shinhwa!! brings back great memories~ and of course, T.O.P. sent shivers all through my body AGAIN!!!! they need to sing that remix of it more and more! it's soooo goood .

and seeing them dance to perfect man and hey come on was so cool also!

and the waterrrrrrrrrrr, *drools* hahhah, (must contain self) but it was really awesome! they look AMAZING in white! and the whole rain + fog effect reminds me of the MV. haahha

one thing about the SBS performance i liked better was the audience. haha, when they started chanting in Brand New, and then they said "shinhwa changjo" i got shivers down my back! HAAHA, amazing!

oh, so i just rewatched their short, funny clips from the past. and they were soooo freaking hilarious. MAN. such dorks xD


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Question: Has anyone "rip" (I think that the term) the sounds (songs) from the KBS and SBS shows (just Shinhwa cut)?

TOP was never my favorite before but I loved the new version they sang in KBS and SBS and I want to put the music without video in my iPOD.

If anyone has done that, can you please PM me and let me know how to do that please? I can't stop listening to them. I spent the whole day watching and re-watching them!

Thank you.

P.S. After looking at the rain scene over and over, it look like Andy didn't get that wet because he is standing little behind the rain falls ;and with others (other than Minwoo and Dongwan), they have thicker shirt and jackets so it's less noticeable. AND I think Dongwan and Minwoo knows they look SEXY wet so they probably purposely got wet more to drive us fan CRAZY! LOL!

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