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Guest lenakeem

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[07.12.16] [News] Shinhwa Shanghai Concert: Our past, current & future

May Take Out with Full Credits Only.

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[sohu entertainment Shanghai Report - 2007 December 15] This is the day of Shinhwa 2007 Asia Tour Concert in Shanghai was hold, with the title name "Revive of Shinhwa" for this tour, Shinhwa members will be facing their enlistment next year and hold this very last overseas concert. And on this Shanghai stop were being shown even more meaningful due to the parting. Thus it had attracted many fans from all over the world to come to shanghai to watch this concert. An unforgettable night.


SHINHWA ASIA TOUR CONCERT in Shanghai, had attracted many fans from all over the world, on 15th December evening the Shinhwa fans had already gathered in a large crowd together outside the stadium waiting patiently, as time passes by, there's even more people join into the crowd. The most outstanding part from them is all of their object are in orange in color.

Round around the whole HongKou stadium, you will realize that all the Shinhwa China forum's banner are being hung up, besides than passing out the member's item collection, they also given out the orange balloons, orange light stick out for free to all the fans.

The most outstanding crowd in the hall is Shin Hyesung & Lee Minwoo's fans where they had prepared a large balloon for their idol and these balloons where being place outside the stadium for the whole night.


Being as the only Asia stop for SHINHWA concert, the fans are not satisfied when they compare the difference between china, korea and the japan concerts which were being hold. All 3 countries concert surely have and outstand difference and the fans are not satisfy. Exclution of the difference of country market as the target, there were times that the organizer did not thought of the satisfaction of the china fans where they only request for a close and direct skinship.

From this matter, in this SHINHWA ASIA TOUR CONCERT in shanghai there were one surprise spot appeared under a white tent outside the stadium ---- The official goodies/merchandise purchase.


Being as a Korean artist holding a concert in China, this is actually the first time where there is official goodies and merchandise being sold on the scene, there is also SHINHWA 2007 Asia Tour light stick & towel were being sold, so as the member's CD, photobook, diary, cap and so on.

Obmit the pricing of these merchandise and the designs. To the china fans, this is good enough for them as it is almost the same as the Korea concerts priority & services. And also as a fan, we should have the same standard of right and services.


Besides than watching the singer on stage in the concert, the fans too had become the focus.

Shinhwa concert audience, there is 99% of them are female fans, all of them came with much proper outfit, exclusion with all the make up and accessories, there is head towel, raincoat, banner, logo balloons, and so on accessories are all in one color --- orange.

Although mostly the audience are female fans, but it doesn't mean there is no male fans. Just that among the crowd they only stand a tiny spot in everywhere but they still passionately giving their support.

Reporter too met a 3 member family who supports Shinhwa, Young parents brought their pretty daughter came to the concert and watching it together, extremely adorable!


Korean new group BATTLE, being a Shinhwa's junior they appeared in the concert as their senior's special guest. The most surprising matter is, these 6 young man singing Jay Chou's duet song "Faraway" in Chinese, thus had made the fans singing along together with them for the first time.


Being as a concert, the weather of the day too had credited the whole night for the concert very much. On the starting of the concert, from the lighting to all sorts of light stick shining, it is all in a total of orange ocean.

Specially when SHINHWA was performing "Once in a Lifetime", the crowd sang along. There were fans even prepared firecrackers and lighted it up. And at that very moment, with music & applause, under the moonlight, indoor dim light, and under the starry night with the firecrackers, that very moment had become an unforgettable night to SHINHWA and the fans.


In the concert, there were VCR broadcasted on the screen. Through these VCR, they personally translated with chinese subs. The wordings were deeply in touch and with the music background supporting it, it had made the fans cried.


According from the stage design, lighting effect and so on, SHINHWA ASIA TOUR in SHANGHAI were being simplified. There were much less stage effect but the members still could make the concert running wild and high.


Artist who hold their concert overseas surely will work hard on the local language, this had already become a must do section. This also falls onto Shinhwa and they will brought out their Chinese language skills.

Because there are members who often come to China for activities, their language usage had exceed more than "How are you" status. Too surely there will be a last minute work of memorization, they take turns to show off their skills and entertain their fans with a response replied back by laughters and cheering to the members.


According to all the Shinhwa fans had known, all of the members has their own significant dance, and towards this the fans are never bored on watching it.

In this concert, the members each had brought their own little solo dance. Eric doing his samba, Hyesung's crab dance, Andy's heart dance, Minwoo's Bump and Junjin with Dongwan doing the Tell Me dance.


In the previous Shinhwa concert tour, there were member solo performance, but in this 2007 Asia Tour concert, Leader Eric express due to this is the last concert before their enlistment, to be able to create a perfect "Shinhwa" image to the fans, to remember them as one group, they had cancel off all the member solo performance to a more exciting group performance, to give the fans the perfect SHINHWA.

Although there is no SHINHWA solo performance but still it was an unforgettable night to all the fans. Every time when we think of December 15th, surely our mind will pop out an ocean of orange and the image of the perfect SHINHWA on stage, nothing is happier than remembering this.

For a Korean Male Group, Shinhwa had been able to built up with a perfect image. Being debuted for 10 years, members are going to enlist next year but yet they still holding such large scale concert tour is another note of legendary to the industry. I believe that this night, all the cheering, laughters, tears, craziness from the Shinhwa fans would dearly believe that not matter how long it takes, how much more it will be, Shinhwa will be back together in one ---- The revive of SHINHWA!

Source: SOHU & shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

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wow eric looks so good from any angle. regardless of what he wears, or what he does with his hair, I forgive him.

but his hair style is actually beginning to look quite awesome and unique.

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Guest valmylove

Awww! What an awesome night! Those fans are so lucky....I became sad and teary and happy and excited for Shinhwa... they are indeed the best band for ten long years...their relationship is beautiful, they are so compatible with one another and love endlessly... how I wish I was there.... but am looking forward to their Korea concert.... hoping everything will work out so I could go too.

Wish they would give out free tickets and airfare! :blush: Love them always!!!

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Guest devylann

voted.. pls keep voting... we're in 2nd but still got a long way to go... pls keep up the good work!!!

wow... thanks for the pix... wish i was there... awww... watching all the lucky fans makes me envious.... when am i gonna see them perform?? sucks bc when i wen to korea this summer.. didn't see them at all bc they were all over the place not in korea... and now they performing all over the place and i wont be able to see them.. wish they come to usa!! they should and have a huge finale in nyc... at madison square garden.. it would be a sold out success with millions of peeps from all over US to see them... wow... maybe the arena will not be enuf!! wish they would do that or at least think about coming... makes me so sad... i dont want them to go away for 2 years... :(...

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This part makes me cry. :tears: Their presence will be missed in the kpop industry but i'm looking forward to their return. From then on they will be with us forever.

wow so its really gonna happen!!!

wahhhhhhhhhhh :tears:

still can't get over the fact that they arent promoting anything

goodness. life will be a bit sadder with them gone.

sniff sniff sniff.

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-waves to everyone- >__<" i went away for awhile because of school work and partially becuase i didn't want to backtrack and read the posts that i haven't read [..it kept on adding up @-@]. i feel so bad that i missed dongwan's and hyesung's birthday here, but now im come backing xD. it feels good to be posting in the shinhwa thread once again

i am so glad that the boys are gonna come out with their 9th album this year, but then again im going to be so sad when they leave for the army..asdfkljasdkfn.. T__T. hopefully before they leave they will appear on shows together.

^ thanks you guys up there for the wonderful pictures

O_____O man!

it felt like just a month a ago eric's head was shaven and now.. his hair was the same length as it was in the 8th jib days.

...you know what's werid, he gonna have to shave it again because of the army...lol it's a never ending process, haha.

...i wonder what the rest of shinhwa will look like with shaven haircuts for the army. i only know what eric and dongwan[6thjib days right?] looks like.

my school break it here!


welcome back!!!! yay for your winter break!! lucky you have it already~~

i have to wait one more week.

i like eric's hair long. well not like during his debut days eww no way. but like during hte eight jib.

yah thats when i started geting attracted to him (:

goodness that hiar was soo beautiful. and so was hyeusng, and minwoo, and andy.....hmmm acutally all of them

ahaha props to you for watching season one of love letter!!!!!! ahahah i should do that too. everytime i see it again i find something new and just jump with excitment.

have fun watching those (: ahah hopefully you won't get in trouble by your mom....i did (:

cause i watched all of them.....again for like more htan 8 hours and watched it till the sun came up and everything.

yah don't do that, bad bad habit (:

the concert was GREAT!!!!

but the funny thing is Eric was really quiet tonight..

is he sick or somethin cos normally he would play with the other members but he was really quiet and he stood alone alot..

Junjin and Minwoo were really playful with each other..and Junjin and Andy ehhehe so cute watching them..

Battle was the guest performer and they sang Jay Chou's song..the crysanthemum song..and the opening act were these two guys..

i seriously cannot remember who they are..but the songs were really familiar heheh..

All of them did their special dances..

Hyesung did the Tell Me dance and the crab dance,

Junjin did a sexy dance, Minwoo sang Bump Bump Bump and a sexy dance,

Andy did the Heart dance and so did Dongwan..

and Eric did Samba heheheh SO CUTE!!!!

they were playing and saying hoe eric is Korea's samurai because of his hair..ahahha

gosh i miss them already..i wished it was longer..

you are soo very luck that you went!!!

i still havne't been to a shinhwa concert, acutlaly i haven't been to any korean concerts, only christian ones.

i would love to be surrounded my shinhwa fans and the color orange, and chant shinhwa, and yell out names of my favorite ones...which is basically all of them (:

awww eric wasn't hyper as usual...hmm maybe he is sad that he has to go to the army soon ):

ehhehe the samba!! how was that? watching it live!!!!

minwoo sounds HOT as always. and andy CUTE!!!!

wow eric looks so good from any angle. regardless of what he wears, or what he does with his hair, I forgive him.

but his hair style is actually beginning to look quite awesome and unique.

yah i hated it too, but he looks....like older, but hotter, and more mature. i don't know....i just love him (:

he is good from any angle, i htink he has nice features (:

Awww! What an awesome night! Those fans are so lucky....I became sad and teary and happy and excited for Shinhwa... they are indeed the best band for ten long years...their relationship is beautiful, they are so compatible with one another and love endlessly... how I wish I was there.... but am looking forward to their Korea concert.... hoping everything will work out so I could go too.

Wish they would give out free tickets and airfare! :blush: Love them always!!!

free tickets and airfares!!!! i would be soooooo sooooo sooo happy. would never ever happen.

oh yah

YAYYY for eric for being the lead on the "best leader" category on airrang??

good job for voting everyone!!!!

proud of our shinhwa leader eric MUN!!!!!!

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Guest Despoina

Definitely wish I was able to attend that concert! Sounds as if it was a blast and I will dearly miss them. However, I can definitely wait until they come out and about<3

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Guest jheizhee

hello everyone. quick question...

i was watching happy together with shinhwa again when they were talkin about their past..and they mentioned something about how their motto or whatever before were something with hyesung(comet) and junjin(forward). i was wondering if that was the reason why junjin's name is junjin and hyesung's name is hyesung.

and also, i'm heading to the philippines on thursday. does anyone here live in the philippines and know where i can buy shinhwa stuff? pls message me. thanks.

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Guest picklypickly

I bring fancams from the China Concerts. I haven't watched all of them yet (so I can't really tell you what happens in them) cause I wanted to share them first. Enjoy.


Problem Solver

Tail end of "I Pray 4 U" + Talk

Closeup of Hyesung's infamous Chinese skills + Andy's attempts

Another angle of the talk

Dance cut from talk

This is from Eric's fanmeeting in Japan, but I'm gonna post it here cause he performs a Shinhwa song with Dongwan: Liar

Edaily Newsclip of the Japan Concert Tour

YTN News clip on China Concert: Part 1, Part 2

:phew: That was a lot. Off to watch!

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i have a question

will Shinhwa perform any other there Winter Story 2007 songs in a Korean Music Show like Music Bank or something?

well, i dont think so...never see one anyway...how i wish they will ne...and go on game show too..miss them lol

ar talking about concert in Shanghai...seem like almost everyone get sick ne...i mean, Eric's got a bit of flu or sick right? that why he didnt play much..and HS hurt his knee...glad its correct itself during the con time ne...

now i just cant wait for March to come ^^

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i don't think they do music programme performances or variety shows, since it's a winter story album.. they didn't do it last year either.. so i don't think they're gonna do any this year too.. they're just gonna do it on the concerts and all.. i hope they do lots of promo for the 10th anniv/9th album though ^o^

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WOW thx you for the fancam i'm so looking forward for them ^^

thx u ^^

guys i just checked that our charismatic loveable dorky leader Eric is in the first place right now ^^ so let keep our vote ^^

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[07.12.16] [News] Shinhwa Shanghai Concert: Our past, current & future

For a Korean Male Group, Shinhwa had been able to built up with a perfect image. Being debuted for 10 years, members are going to enlist next year but yet they still holding such large scale concert tour is another note of legendary to the industry. I believe that this night, all the cheering, laughters, tears, craziness from the Shinhwa fans would dearly believe that not matter how long it takes, how much more it will be, Shinhwa will be back together in one ---- The revive of SHINHWA!

thanks for this news.. i felt sad after reading the news but at the same time i'm so proud of them! i just wish i could go and watch their concert in korea next year! and i love this part^^.. yes! no matter how long it takes, Shinhwa will be back.. SHINHWA FOREVER!!

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hey everyone! i haven't posted in the shinhwa thread in a while, although i'm always a silent lurker :)

i found these super HQ pics of the shinhwa forever concert in shanghai, and decided to upload them here for everyone's viewing pleasure

andy's fans will be super pleased because there's tons of upclose shots of him! lol (he's so cute)

the inside scoop: apparently, the photographer isn't a shinhwa fan himself, he went to the concert to take pictures for his girlfriend, who's a big junjin fan. so he took lots of pictures of junjin, only to go home to find out that he took 100 closeup shots of andy :D haha

Pics - 071215 Shinhwa Forever Shanghai Concert
















































credit: 大大然@神话吧

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