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Guest lenakeem

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[07.12.14] [News] Shinhwa, "China Fans are passionate, Japanese fans are polite"

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Hanryu artist SHINHWA love the China and Japanese fans, thus they had attracted attention.

Shinhwa Lee Minwoo on the 13th evening in China Concert Press Conference comparing the China and Japanese fans, thus had expresses out his love towards the fans.

Lee Minwoo, "The passionate between these 2 country has no difference. But if we describe the China fans' passion are like the red of fire, then the Japanese fans are very polite" he manage to attract attention towards him. "China fans passion are very hot. Every time we hold a concert in china we always get surprise by the fan's action, this is not the first or 2nd time experiencing it."

Towards the japan concert atmosphere, Lee Minwoo said "The Japanese fans are like holding a party, they enjoy the concert. And don't know whether it's because of the Hanryu wave reason, they understand Korean Language."

On the day's press conference attract the Local (Korea) & China press of a total 100 in the scene, filling up the whole hall. Addition, on Shinhwa's arrival in the airport there were 1000fans gathered together cheering Shinhwa.

Shin Hyesung due to the Golden Disk Award, Andy due to the album recording they couldn't attend the press conference in Shanghai. Jun Jin, Lee Minwoo, Kim Dongwan, Eric were there apology for their absence.

In this concert is the last shinhwa concert for Eric & Kim Dongwan, thus also had attracted the Korean press naturally and receives highly attention.


Cn Trans:打糕@shihwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz


[07.12.14] [News] Shinhwa spent 100,000RMB within 3 days

Last night, Korean group SHINHWA came to Shanghai for their tomorrow's concert. Although there is only 4 members arrived, but the press conference had attracted many press from Korea & China. Due Eric & Kim Dongwan will be enlisting next year, this is their last appearance in China together and also Shanghai is their last Asia Concert Tour stop.

Next year will be their 10 years anniversary, Lee Minwoo express that they are the only korean group which has never move out or changes on the members, and even the most longest male group surviving ever, "10years is a progression changes of a teenager, in the future we will produce our own music style according to our aging." Towards the enlisting problem, although 'Forever Shinhwa' still would make many people sigh on their temperary parting situation.

According to what have been heard, Shinhwa & 90 concert staff had booked 3 floors of Shanghai Yiyuan's hotel, for 3 days (13th, 14th, 15th) and the payment fee was 100,000RMB (about 14,000USD).

Source: Shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz


[07.12.14] [News] Kindhearted Junjin attempted by Minwoo


[sohu Entertainment Shanghai] Yesterday, Shinhwa 2007 China Concert Press Conference was hold in Shanghai Yiyuan Hotel Grand Ballroom. Although member Hyesung & Andy due to their own activity schedule they did not manage to attend the press conference, but yet the remain 4 members of the group attracted many press to come forward.

During the press conference, 4 of the members looks relax and towards all the questions being asked by the Korea & China press, they did not forget to self entertain themselves and showed their kindly sillyness/naughtiness.

The most lovable member --Junjin

Being as the youngest among the 4, Junjin naturally had replace the Shinhwa youngest member Andy position in the interview, the quietly receive all the hyung's 'love'. Maybe due to Junjin had been running lots of activities in China lately, all the questions being asked during the press conference were naturally falls onto him.

Minwoo even kindly pass the mic and place it in front of Junjin, and Junjin who did not got himself prepared were filled with shock and unresponsable emotion on his face. When a reporter as what is the biggest secret of Shinhwa being like a family after so many years, the other 3 members blurted out at the same time with the answer 'because there's JunJin'. And Junjin filled out with a happiness smile on his face.

The person who loves to attract the camera's attention -- Minwoo

Although Minwoo was dress in handsomely matured outfit but it couldn't hide his tiredness on his face, but when it comes to the camera he would not show his weakness out. When the other 3 members were not into the situation, Minwoo will show his signature killing smile to melt all the press's camera film.

During the press conference he keep giving eric a close whisper, then suddenly he will play with JunJin, and even wink at dongwan who was sitting right at the far end. Maybe due to he has already gotten use with the china press, when Minwoo was answering the questions he was specially relax. When the press mention that in last year china concert he had torn his out top on the stage, then he immediately answer "This year if the audience is passionate enough, i will help everybody to tear Junjin's top", and everybody burst into laughters.

Naughty Minwoo didn't let go of Junjin easily, When the press question them which area of China's ladies are much prettier, the quickly place the mic infront of JunJin. Til Junjin didn't know what to answer, he force out a sentence 'Shanghai's pretty' and after blurted out just a few words Minwoo grab the mic back to him and answer 'I think China girls are all pretty', lead Junjin who was just sitting beside him wanted to remorse him. And at that current atmosphere, the press where being lighten up with Junjin's cute attitude.

The Self Bubble member -- Eric

Shinhwa leader Eric was always known to have a very unique self spirit world, and through this press conference we manage to see his ET-ness. Throughout the whole interview, from the beginning till the end, exclude all the questions, Eric's conversation are much lesser, totally like a true leader.

But if you have a close up observation on him, you will realize that he's totally in his own world throughout the press conference. In the whole interview he actually had done 3 matter, one is when when Dongwan was showing off his off-tune Chinese language then he turn to him and gave him a punch to stop him from playing his own skills; 2ndly is when Minwoo was saying he will tear up Junjin's top, he look onto himself and softly burble :"I will hide in somewhere where nobody realizes me and tear it myself (his own top)" ; 3rd is with Dongwan to torture the other 2 members in front of the mic.

Comparing it with Minwoo's torture case (moving it here and there), Eric's & Dongwan's mic torturing case was given greater, because the mic was simply being torture by them on twisting it and straighten it for over more than a 100times.

The most responsible member -- Dongwan

In the interview Dongwan's performance was a highlight. After dealing with his uncomfyness at the very beginning of the press conference, very smoothly and quickly he had turn back to his own situation spot and started off with his responsible job "The spokeman". Besides than carefully monitoring all the member's speech ---- when all the members were talking he practically too looking at them warmly.

When the member's answer were not filling enough he will add in to make the press satisfy/understand ---- throughout the whole interview Dongwan's speech was the most; And he also enlighten the whole atmosphere when it died down. Although lots of the press were sweating due to Dongwan's performance attitude in the interview, but his serious and cuteness made people feeling of his friendliness.

Source: Sina & shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

plus other news:

[07.12.14] [News] Shin Hyesung, awarded in Golden Disc

[07.12.12] [news] Eric volunteers his support at Kim Dongwan's first solo fanmeeting

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Over 1000 fans were at the airport to greet Shinhwa.

More would have came but only 4 members arrived.

If all 6 came together, the airport would have been massed with SHCH'ers! ^_^

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Guest kisekied

aih. everyones gonna miss them dearly =(

thanks for posting the news and pictures. its good to know they're already in China. Now how I wish my vacation in China back in July is actually now. lol.

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Guest chabori

SHINHWA - at Press Conference CHINA CONCERT 2007 " SHINHWA FOREVER" by Tom and Sina

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credit to TOM, SINA, Shinhwa -Indonesia.com

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dongwan looks sad..eric i think needs a haircut...minwoo looks good with that haircut, but looks bored...junjin seems like the only happy one...

they don't look the same without andy and hyesung..kinda shows the power of six.

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-waves to everyone- >__<" i went away for awhile because of school work and partially becuase i didn't want to backtrack and read the posts that i haven't read [..it kept on adding up @-@]. i feel so bad that i missed dongwan's and hyesung's birthday here, but now im come backing xD. it feels good to be posting in the shinhwa thread once again

i am so glad that the boys are gonna come out with their 9th album this year, but then again im going to be so sad when they leave for the army..asdfkljasdkfn.. T__T. hopefully before they leave they will appear on shows together.

^ thanks you guys up there for the wonderful pictures

O_____O man!

it felt like just a month a ago eric's head was shaven and now.. his hair was the same length as it was in the 8th jib days.

...you know what's werid, he gonna have to shave it again because of the army...lol it's a never ending process, haha.

...i wonder what the rest of shinhwa will look like with shaven haircuts for the army. i only know what eric and dongwan[6thjib days right?] looks like.

my school break it here!


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Guest slypatt

i always like seeing how grand the chinese princesses always welcome our cute boys at the airport :) huge banners, balloons and screams. GREAT!

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Guest ..natz..

the concert was GREAT!!!!

but the funny thing is Eric was really quiet tonight..

is he sick or somethin cos normally he would play with the other members but he was really quiet and he stood alone alot..

Junjin and Minwoo were really playful with each other..and Junjin and Andy ehhehe so cute watching them..

Battle was the guest performer and they sang Jay Chou's song..the crysanthemum song..and the opening act were these two guys..

i seriously cannot remember who they are..but the songs were really familiar heheh..

All of them did their special dances..

Hyesung did the Tell Me dance and the crab dance,

Junjin did a sexy dance, Minwoo sang Bump Bump Bump and a sexy dance,

Andy did the Heart dance and so did Dongwan..

and Eric did Samba heheheh SO CUTE!!!!

they were playing and saying hoe eric is Korea's samurai because of his hair..ahahha

gosh i miss them already..i wished it was longer..

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Guest apricot

Oh the two guys..I think they are LUG??? So great!!! They did their trademark dances..I guess they want ppl to remember them more. ^^

Now it's left with the Korea concert and the 9th jib!!! Can't wait!

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Guest Ginny Potter

Thanks for the info, natz, ^_^.... At least my waiting time has got something back...... Everytime shinhwa has a concert, I feel so hopeless as I cannot attend TT_TT........

Now I'm waiting for 9th jib and their promotion activities... hope to see all of them attend variety shows and their comebacks on stages.

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80sliteniteLOL that is sooo cute! omg after the MV came out ive been dancing too it too hahaha they are so cute. should make a shinhwa tell me dance MV version xD

picklypickly[b] woo!! fancams!! ive been in a sungie mode and now im more sungie mode XD he's so cute spraying the snow and stuff hehe thanks for the clips xD he was so energetic that day hahahaha

Finally! Fancams!

mommie alice really? well i love sungies pony tail o__o maybe its just me xD eric's hair is sooo cute!!! i wanna like poke the part of his hair that is sticking up XD warrior styleee hehehe

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Guest jerrybabie26

thanks for the articles... ^^

Shinhwa leader Eric was always known to have a very unique self spirit world, and through this press conference we manage to see his ET-ness.

lol eric's ET-ness i can almost imagine

When the member's answer were not filling enough he will add in to make the press satisfy/understand ---- throughout the whole interview Dongwan's speech was the most; And he also enlighten the whole atmosphere when it died down. Although lots of the press were sweating due to Dongwan's performance attitude in the interview, but his serious and cuteness made people feeling of his friendliness.

awww... this is nice... i thought he was quiet throughout the interview, based on the pictures... hope his not sick anymore... uncle dongwan coming out lol

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Shinhwa Forever Concert [shanghai]



























< credits >

tom.com; sohu; crionline; tungstar + shinhwa.biz/forums

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Guest lingling22

i've read fan reports and media news about the concert in china...

makes me really sad...

i wish i can go to korea,,,

the concert pics are really good..

they never fail to charm the audience...

shinhwa.. we love you so much...

come back soon!!

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lucky shanghai shinhwa fans ^^

i wish i can watch shinhwa concert before their army enlistment TT TT

everytime i read about them finishing their concert it only lead me into sadness hehehe cause i always think gosh soon they will go to army TT TT

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