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Guest lenakeem

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Guest sunnydays.

Nat - Thank you very much Nat. (: Yay. LOL. I know I prolly sound really dorky or whatever, but I enjoyed that time when we watched Dongwan's debut together. :P Anyway, the "aegyo" was SO cute! LOL in the NGs, right? When Dongwan was doing it, I immediately thought of Eric. =P Hyun Young looks so pretty nowadays. Or is it just me? ^^; haha, & as for Minwoo, I'm not sure he has an actual song out? From what I know, all he's done are performances... but then again, there has been "MV in the making" videos on youtube, so he's prolly coming out with an MV soon.

mommy alice - O__O DONGWAN HAD A GIRLFRIEND? whoaaa. If that's true, then I agree with Nat; he's very good at hiding it. Well, most Korean celebrities are good at hiding their personal relationships. (I was watching YSMM today~ :P They never reveal anyone on that show LOL) Thanks for the heads up about Dongwan on Manwon Happiness. & thanks for the translations on Dongwan's Hey! Hey! Hey! skit. :D

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Guest noona13

this is seriously FUNNY hhahahaha.... Dongwan's HOT!

thanks crystalis for the links and mommy alice for the trans!

PUAHHAHAHAA~ Everyone go watch Dongwan on Hey! Hey! Hey! His skit was hilarious. From what I got...he appears to be this young, hawt, macho man to his newly wedded wife who is older than him? But things are not what they seem XD See for yourself...don't want to ruin it ^^ I think everyone was surprised and impressed with wan wan :D

Cut 1 (intro): http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=ttyaJzqStp4$

Cut 2(Wannie's skit): http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=ogHt2JQ2_7U$

Cut 3 (skit NGs): http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=3C3s626rTWg$

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ultaego thanks for the clip! hehe they are soo cute!! wish minwoo a happy early b-day ^^ hehe

PUAHHAHAHAA~ Everyone go watch Dongwan on Hey! Hey! Hey! His skit was hilarious. From what I got...he appears to be this young, hawt, macho man to his newly wedded wife who is older than him? But things are not what they seem XD See for yourself...don't want to ruin it ^^ I think everyone was surprised and impressed with wan wan :D

Cut 1 (intro): http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=ttyaJzqStp4$

Cut 2(Wannie's skit): http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=ogHt2JQ2_7U$

Cut 3 (skit NGs): http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=3C3s626rTWg$

LMAO!! omfg!! dongwan is sooo funni!! i couldnt stop lauughing!! ahhahaha so intesne!! XD!!! AHH I WANNA BE dongwannie's wife!! ahahaha

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thank you. DW is just too cute. Every show he's been he's always smiling and laughing.

I was just surfing daum.net when i came across this clip of Dongwan. As always, he looks gorgeous and I found it cute how he was taking pictures of his fans, his orange princesses LOL Just wanted to share something with you all (:


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Guest fatcat

went through Shinhwa.biz, and found this pic of DW(i just borrow 1 pic)


is it me or i see the same necklace that Minwoo was wearing all the time before?

i was thinking that may be that necklace is M's lucky charm and since it is Wannie's first jibb, he decided to give his luchy charm to Wannie?

LOL, i know! i am being silly for such a thought but i found it pretty "touching" when members are wearing almost same outfit, accessories...

now i rest my case LOL again

by the way, Wannie's smile is "attractive". I think i am falling in love with 2 guys at the same time, M and Dongwan

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Guest kriza_09

hmm.. some people seem to be looking for kriza.

this is not her, actually.

i'm a friend of her. i just recently got into shinhwa and she let me use her account.

she's still in indonesia. she said she's busy working so she probably can't go to this forum.

anyway, kriza and another friend of mine (who's also a shinhwa fan) often came to my place and watched shinhwa videos. sometimes i would join them and i have to say, all the members are so cute and funny!!!! initially i was only interested in watching their videos. but after reading the shinhwa chronicle that kriza made, i officially became a shinhwa fan. it's so touching to know they still manage to maintain such pure friendship despite working in entertainment business as a famous artist.

well, i just want to clear up any curiosity. i guess i should make a new account for myself.

oh yeah, kriza told me she met shinhwa while she was in korea.. i was sleeping when she called me (using international rate, LOL). she sounded so happy and excited!! i'm happy for her too! she's so lucky!!! she got to play a boardgame with minwoo. i want to play a boardgame with minwoo too. lol.

ok, i should shut up and let her tell the details herself.

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Guest ultaeja

^ OHHHHHHHHH MY GOD!!! Kriza got to play a boardgame with MINWOO???? SHE'S SO LUCKY!!!!^^;; I want to play with Minwoo too :P

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d: Have you finished signing your autograph?


d: I'm asking you, have you finished signing you autograph?

m: ......

d: Look at mine~ not bad, huh?

m: ........

d: Yah! This is not autograph, it's a picture. When will you finish if you keep signing it like this?

m: This has the graffiti feeling. Aish! it has rolled to that side~~! What's the different between words and autograph? Dump...naive...something like that! hahaha

<December, 1998. Our conversation in the dorm...>

um...This seems like it just happened yesterday.. Today I've got Minwoo's autograph..

Stomp is very cool! credit: Dongwan's November21 (www.november21.co.kr), shinhwa.biz

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Guest picklypickly

I wonder if minwoo got a signed copy of dongwan's album too. haha. how cute.

some random veoh clips:


happy together: it's funny cause there's a metallica poster in the back and didn't dongwan just come out and say he used to listen to them all the time? his impromptu concert at the end is cute. but i think he sounded better singing on the spot in the sunday night show.

global chat i love his smiles here. <3 watch out for boom's imitation of junjin. haha.

Mnet countdown (070719) w/ the waterfalls


Korea & Vietnam Concert: his voice sounds deeper to me...

bonus: old heroine 6 cuts 1 & 2

old happy sunday clip

Minwoo's comeback on mnet countdown sorry, the quality's not that good...

and hyesung singin w/ S and dongwan singing w/ F4-ish at PKL's wedding

aaaand, added two more cause i miss em together. andy & junjin in old beautiful sunday show and random shinhwa mini drama.

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Guest sunnydays.

^ Oh, thank you so much! Haha... I think they exchanged albums & signed each others', too. (;

fatcat - Haha... Dongwan IS very charming. (: His smile is the best, makes me smile every single time~ :D

kriza GOT TO MEET SHINHWA?? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. NO FREAKING WAY. O___O OMGGG. I'm so jealous. LOL. Aww, I hope she comes back soon. I want to know what happened! :P Kriza's friend, thanks so much for informing us. (: It's great you became a Shinhwa fan! Haha~ I hope Kriza's doing alright. (:

strawberry_16, thank you. (: Haha... Dongwan & Minwoo are so cute<3 GRAFITTI! :P

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Guest noona13

thanks picklypickly for your links!

ok this is kind of a random question since they released the Shinhwa sneakers some time back...but does anyone know where else i can get it online other than templecode or d&shop? i wish i could read korean... :unsure:

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Guest lexine


i remember shcj was planning to do a bulk ordering of the sneakers. but i dont know if it got through cause they're really expensive. sorry i cant help.

KRIZA PLAYED A BOARDGAME WITH M? OMG. THAT IS MAD! SHE PLAYED A BOARDGAME WITH M? i think i'd be staring at him all the way and probably asking him all about the other members!!! haahha! and i'd ask him to dance and sing for me! and ask him to call hyesung to come! hahahah! ;)

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Guest kassuma
Guest nurkeyandie

aaaccckkk, this thread has been so busy i'm having a hard time keeping up! also, more proof that i'm addicted to shinhwa: my copy of deathly hallows has remained untouched in a corner of my room. i'm too busy watching shinhwa clips and reading the latest news about them! :D

angeldreams, thanks for the minwoo clips. i couldn't make the first one work though. i did see the second one, which i think had the opposite effect on me - i got even more scared of minwoo! hahaha! no, it's just that he was "scolding" the other members a lot in that clip...but i guess that's how he messes around, by pretending to scold and boss around the others. :lol:

xh, yup, each one of them is adorkable in love letter (and i was so happy for minbong when he got chosen as perfect man!).

amy, i completely understand what you mean by being mesmerized...it's the same for me when i see a clip of hyesung. even if he's with the other members, i replay and replay his part! thanks for all the clips, btw! i still haven't gotten around to watching all of them...and dongwan as minbong's dance protege? o_O er...i guess you could say he's a good teacher... :lol:

riz, i also loved that buckaroo clip coz they were all acting crazy (except, like i said, minwoo), especially wannie, when he was playing the bongos!

mal, like i said in sungie's thread, those pics practically took my breath away! thanks!

nat, i saw those mnet perfs too and all i can say is that minwoo really shines on stage! he's just so magnetic when he's performing - you can't help but watch him!

marian, thanks for those links...it was so touching what dongwan said about shinhwa being the source of his strength... :tears:

mommie alice, i was shocked when i read that wannie had a gf nine months ago! wow! i'm so curious, i wonder who's that girl???

kriza is so lucky to have met (and played!) with shinhwa!!! how easy is it to meet shinhwa? if i go wandering about in seoul am i bound to run into them??? aacckk, i can't wait for her to tell us her story!!!

thanks, kassuma, picklypickly, naomi, ultaeja, and everyone for all the pics, links, news, and info!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


i haven't been here forever. haha.

well, blame my sister always using the computer and me, being banned from it because of certain reasons so i can't really sneak in to post here.. haha. i haven't even been on SHCJ and SS for awhile.. 1 week already?? and 2 weeks here??? gahh....

the little short times i was able to sneak past the "guards" i avoided soompi caus ei know if i set foot here, i'll be caught up in the whilrwind of backtracking and posting mile long replies...



WAAA!~ she's so damn lucky!!!!!! i wanna backtrack NOW and see what that's about..

well, i'll backtrack when my "banned" status is lifted so i can post here without feeling like a criminal.

well, the reason i came and bumped off my sister form the computer is because.....


haha, so i know that wasn't so important but i just wanna share it, cause it feels so good to watch them on the show especially with my two sisters. the youngest one was pawing the screen and giving random kisses to wan and minu, and the other one was just there, swaying her head, probably wishing it's sungie;s comeback perf already, haha.

so yeah, even though i haven't been here i've been downloading stuff, and i gotta say that wan's live singing of HANDKERCHIEF has IMPROVED A LOT. he's more confident now, and he looks so darn good onstage... ALONE without those backup violonist and pianist, who i assume are all just for his comeback stages, and since that wasn't a comeback stage, they were all... GONE!~ YEEHHHH~~~ and he was wearing BLACK!~ MAN< SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL HIM NOT TO WEAR BLACK AGAIN. it always makes me swoon and love him more. >.< he looks so gorgeous in black!~

and minu......!!!!!!!

MINU!~ minu's comeback stage on inkigayo WAS SO DAMN HOT. he sang THE M STYLE first, only the first part.. and i was deeply disappointed because i really wanted to see THE CUTE DANCE AGAIN!!!!!! PUAHHAHAH!~ but anyways, he looks so dashing in that silve,r gray whatever it was that he was wearing (stupid tvants), gah, he looks so handsome..... *dies dies dies* THEN HE SANG STOMP!!!!!! (i'm wondering what's next, there's JUMP [jump! jump!], BUMP!, and now STOMP?????) OH MAN, HE LOOKS SO EFFING HOT!!!!!! just that red stripped thing he's wearing reminds me of the blue thing he wore in BUMP, but whatever.. it would have been better if he just wore what he wore in his showcase which was.. NOTHING!~ you can see his defined abs.. and was he wearing makeup? again? just like in his showcase? wait, is he even

wearing makeup in his showcase? haha, wannie and minu.... aaaaaagga, WAN IN SCREAM and now MINU IN STOMP!!!! WOODONG!!!!!!!!! haha, sorry about that!~

OH!~ i just downloaded WANNIE performing SO SICK last week AND HE WAS...................... EWUYEWWM:<IQOUWQIOWUUIWQUIW!~!!!!!!!


minu's SO SICK was so soft, so sweet, it's full of longing and suffering and.. ah!~

wan's SO SICK was full of force, well, not too much force, but it's more forceful than minu's. it showcased his very strong voice. man, i love him!~

so anyways, that was too much spamming and spazzing already.

bye bye!~

hugs to everyone!~

PS TO RIZZIESH: you edited your post for a request in the TR thread but i already memorized your form!!! PUAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!


by the way, Wannie's smile is "attractive". I think i am falling in love with 2 guys at the same time, M and Dongwan

you're not the only one. i know about 5 who feels the same way. excluding me of course. >.<so, 5 plus me plus you, makes us 7. :)








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Guest aindy

[07.07.22] [info] Vote Shinhwa As Best Idol Group

May Take Out With Proper Credits

Calling all Shinhwa fans :D~

We need all of shinhwa fans support to vote Shinhwa as best idol group (by Tuesday, 24th)

Cast as much votes as you can~!! Thank you



CAST YOUR VOTE NOW : http://mnet.mnet.com/Nprogram/pure19/vote/...&voteSN=695

Credits : M.net + shinie @ http://shinhwa.biz/forums

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Guest nurkeyandie

hey, everyone! :)

i just voted, aindy. can we only vote once? edit: oops, sorry, i just re-read your post and you said we can vote as many times as we want...

anyway, i forgot to tell you guys. i was watching shinhwa clips on youtube the other day and i saw one where dongwan's speaking in english and he said his name was BRIAN KIM?!? :lol: so his english name is brian? somehow, he doesn't look like a brian to me (i mean, he's so manly and brian's kinda like a cute name, right?). i forgot to copy the link but in it, the other members are telling him to pay the bill and he refuses and says, "my name is brian kim. i don't have a bag (~hahahaha, what's up with dongwan and bags?). i have no money." so cute! :D

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Actually you can only vote once. I don't know if it's once a day or not but when I tried to vote again, it said in korean that I already voted.

When you come across this video in youtube again, please post the link. I don't remember seeing the clip where DW said he was Brian Kim....but then my memory is not like it used to be so I may have forgotten and have to refresh my memory once in a while....LOL!

hey, everyone! :)

i just voted, aindy. can we only vote once? edit: oops, sorry, i just re-read your post and you said we can vote as many times as we want...

anyway, i forgot to tell you guys. i was watching shinhwa clips on youtube the other day and i saw one where dongwan's speaking in english and he said his name was BRIAN KIM?!? :lol: so his english name is brian? somehow, he doesn't look like a brian to me (i mean, he's so manly and brian's kinda like a cute name, right?). i forgot to copy the link but in it, the other members are telling him to pay the bill and he refuses and says, "my name is brian kim. i don't have a bag (~hahahaha, what's up with dongwan and bags?). i have no money." so cute! :D

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Guest nurkeyandie

Actually you can only vote once. I don't know if it's once a day or not but when I tried to vote again, it said in korean that I already voted.

When you come across this video in youtube again, please post the link. I don't remember seeing the clip where DW said he was Brian Kim....but then my memory is not like it used to be so I may have forgotten and have to refresh my memory once in a while....LOL!

ooh, mommie Alice,i found it:


please, if you have the time, tell us what's happening in the clip! thanks! :blush: i only understand the part where dongwan's speaking english. so funny!

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