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Guest lenakeem

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Guest kassuma

in the mood to share my fave old clips....

My Fave Fancam of Eric & Junjin Duet Perf in Concert


040828 Fancam of Eric & Jin at fanmeeting


Pops In Seoul 316 - Shinhwa in Singapore 2004


My Favourite News Clip of Jun Jin & His Dad Charlie Park


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Guest sunnydays.

[Pics] Eric - Basso's Suncheon Sign Event Spot Sketch (04/29) (Basso Homepage)

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Credits : Credits : Basso.co.kr + Oceans six + Shinhwa.biz

Taken from this thread --> http://shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?p=3479#post3479



I haven't seen him in so long<3 Thanks so much for the pictures! Ohhh, my dear Eric. XD;

I hope he's doing okay from the breakup. x__x More importantly, I hope he & the rest of the Shinhwa members are doing great with their activities & are taking care of themseleves.

Shinhwa fighting<3

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Guest loving_D

first, the whole mix-up with minwoo and the actor lee minwoo...now junjin dropping out of his drama project. :(:tears: so much for "everyone in shinhwa is doing a drama!"

do you know where i can find junjin's pics from the SM days? like the photoshoots (with the colorful backgrounds) they used to do. i've gone to that gallery and searched but didn't find any. i only have a few, heres an example:


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Wait so it was the "other" Minwoo not our Minwoo? It was so confusing...

first, the whole mix-up with minwoo and the actor lee minwoo...now junjin dropping out of his drama project. :(:tears: so much for "everyone in shinhwa is doing a drama!"
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Guest angel2nyt

^^ yes mommie alice..

it was the other lee minwoo not our minwoo

i have no idea if junjin has really rejected the drama offer

by the way

Minwoo's company website is up although there is nothing there YET


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Guest xmkaex

Yes, mommie Alice, Junjin choice to give up his drama project and instead with work on his China promotion activities. The reason why he did this was because of at first, he thought that the drama would not complicate or clash with his promotion activities, but it end up being a problem, so he gave up the drama project. When I mean clash I mean, finding time to do both at one time.

wah?!...i was looking forward to another one of junjin's drama. :(

well i hope his promos in China do well, and hopefully he won't overwork himself becuase he has the 9th jib this year too


if junjin takes up another drama in the future, it'd be cool if it was a comic role. :lol:

^^ yes mommie alice..

it was the other lee minwoo not our minwoo

i have no idea if junjin has really rejected the drama offer

by the way

Minwoo's company website is up although there is nothing there YET


O________O minwoo's not doing a drama either? darn.

thanks for the link

haha im so slow. >< i clicked on the link and in top left corner is says "please wait...", and so i was waiting for a picture load. then realized that what it meant was that the site is still under construction. :lol:

first, the whole mix-up with minwoo and the actor lee minwoo...now junjin dropping out of his drama project. :(:tears: so much for "everyone in shinhwa is doing a drama!"

do you know where i can find junjin's pics from the SM days? like the photoshoots (with the colorful backgrounds) they used to do. i've gone to that gallery and searched but didn't find any. i only have a few, heres an example:


haha speaking of pictures, after you mentions these picture i remember seeing them so i went on a picture hunting ^_^

did you mean pictures like these?


haha i was bored so made this :D

link: http://s85.photobucket.com/albums/k76/macyhe/

then click on shinhwa

i think the ones you are looking for start on page 2

the whole album itself has so many pictures it makes you wanna go shinhwa picture hunting like i did xD

other pictures i found:




minwoo is so cute xD ORANGE!


woodong! junjin! ricsyung!


:wub: x 356473654354 ...lol



haha dongwan always has a silly pose

credits: macyhe@photobucket

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Guest kfosho

Yes, mommie Alice, Junjin choice to give up his drama project and instead with work on his China promotion activities. The reason why he did this was because of at first, he thought that the drama would not complicate or clash with his promotion activities, but it end up being a problem, so he gave up the drama project. When I mean clash I mean, finding time to do both at one time.

awww junjin chooses fan over drama and money.

it feels like junjin has been in china for a long long time.

but seeing him in a drama would be nice too.

mj - i think if i remember it correctly though, minwoo stopped his promo activities when hyesung was about to release his album, so he didn't compete with hyesung's promo activities.. if all 4 of them come out with albums in june, wouldn't that mean that they're competing with each other for album sales of whatnot? although, the idea of the 4 of them coming out in variety shows together is very tempting..

for reals?? this is why i love shinhwa soo much. their realionship and connectino with one another is amazing!!!

goodness even if they competed togeher, they both would have done good. but i'm glad they are not<< just in case.

but yah can't wait till they come out solo!!!!! when? when?when?

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first, the whole mix-up with minwoo and the actor lee minwoo...now junjin dropping out of his drama project. :(:tears: so much for "everyone in shinhwa is doing a drama!"

do you know where i can find junjin's pics from the SM days? like the photoshoots (with the colorful backgrounds) they used to do. i've gone to that gallery and searched but didn't find any. i only have a few, heres an example:


i do have those kind in orange_heaven or rathr - i ahvent uploaded yet >_<

ii added 1000 images last week and have 1000 more to go up this weekeend :)

i'll getbthose ones done as a piority :)

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Guest jhyun-se7en

i miss shinhwa so much. ):

they've been doing their solo project for so long that i've forget when was the last time i saw them.

but i'm thankful that they're getting back together for their 9th album soon. (:

i want to see them perform together again. they're the legend. <3

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OHH so it was ACTOR lee Minwoo, not our Shinhwa Minwoo. :wacko: Argh that sucks then, I was really hoping to see more of his acting skills... and Junjin dropping out too?!?! So sad... *sigh* I'll be waiting for their solo albums and their 9th then.. :ph34r:

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Guest thislove

I love Shinhwa can't wait for their new album. aww...junjin dropped his drama project but it's better than tiring himself out.

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Btw.. I read somewhere before that someone actually bashed Shinhwa when they released their 7th jib (not too sure about this one) and Eric was the one who did comment back about the bashing matter. Does anyone of you know what happened during that period of time?


No one answered yet, right? ^^

Yes, someone did bash ShinHwa's 7th jib...actually if I remember correctly, many reviewers didn't like ShinHwa's seventh very much and didn't give good ratings (though it did end up getting them the daesang and it's one of my fave albums...sure proved them wrong). I guess when a long time group like shinhwa gives the reviewers something new, it'll go either way. One is that it's admirable they're bringing something new or they say, "this doesn't sound like ShinHwa at all". Unfortunately, before the daesang, the majority of the reviews were of the later. There was one that particularly pissed Eric off. It's been a while, but I remember Eric saying that though taste in music is personal preference, the writer had no right to attack the people who work hard to make the music. And I remember clearly that Eric elluded to the writer being a coward, and if he had anything to say he could say it in front of ShinHwa. And in the postscript he reminded the author that it's not that easy to get to see ShinHwa.

There was some controversy between netizens and fans about whether Eric was justified in writing the response or immature...

I didn't save the translations, so I hope what I wrote is correct for the most part :sweatingbullets:

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Guest nutzie

amy - well i read somewhere about eric's comment, although not in whole, but i think it might be the same one [that's why i didn't reply to mj's post, because i wasn't sure if it's the right one..] is it the one where he said that everybody's got a different taste in terms of food, and likewise in terms of music.. he said something like, if you don't like the food [ie. music] that they're offering, they don't have to eat it or something like that? i don't really remember anymore.. but i think he mentions something like that..

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Actually I just bought it two days ago.

Btw.. I read somewhere before that someone actually bashed Shinhwa when they released their 7th jib (not too sure about this one) and Eric was the one who did comment back about the bashing matter. Does anyone of you know what happened during that period of time?


Yes, someone did bash ShinHwa's 7th jib...actually if I remember correctly, many reviewers didn't like ShinHwa's seventh very much and didn't give good ratings (though it did end up getting them the daesang and it's one of my fave albums...sure proved them wrong). I guess when a long time group like shinhwa gives the reviewers something new, it'll go either way. One is that it's admirable they're bringing something new or they say, "this doesn't sound like ShinHwa at all". Unfortunately, before the daesang, the majority of the reviews were of the later. There was one that particularly pissed Eric off. It's been a while, but I remember Eric saying that though taste in music is personal preference, the writer had no right to attack the people who work hard to make the music. And I remember clearly that Eric elluded to the writer being a coward, and if he had anything to say he could say it in front of ShinHwa. And in the postscript he reminded the author that it's not that easy to get to see ShinHwa.

amy - well i read somewhere about eric's comment, although not in whole, but i think it might be the same one [that's why i didn't reply to mj's post, because i wasn't sure if it's the right one..] is it the one where he said that everybody's got a different taste in terms of food, and likewise in terms of music.. he said something like, if you don't like the food [ie. music] that they're offering, they don't have to eat it or something like that? i don't really remember anymore.. but i think he mentions something like that..

The entire post by Eric is available at shinhwachangjo.net

Here's the direct link:


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Guest nutzie

oh wow thanks ginnie!! now i can read the whole thing.. hohoho~

*goes back to reading*

okay, i'm not gonna be one of those biased fans who says "oh my God, what's wrong with this guy?? why is he saying stuff like that about the great shinhwa??" cos honestly, i don't understand what he's saying -_-" it's either i'm really retarded, or the physio lectures are taking too much space in my brain nooks.. whatever it is, i'm not gonna bother understanding whatever he's saying..

okay i'm just done reading eric's response.. and i have to say.. that i find him similar to me.. hahahaha.. i'm sorry.. it's just that, when something offends him, he's not afraid of stabbing that person with words.. although, i think he phrased his response much better than if i were to do it.. everything he said is pretty much true.. ah, i found the part that i was refering to in my previous post..

If we must say, then we aren't musicians but the public's singer. We are icons for the teens and perform to give joy to an audience. If you want a brilliant piano performance then go buy and listen to a solo piano album. If you are a critic that knows the difference between a mp3 and a CD's sound byte then go buy and listen to a CD. Just as each person has their own particular food suited to their taste from the large variety of foods, if our food does not suit your taste, eat something else. We dont cook for people who dont like our food. Luckily there are people that love the food that we work so hard to make and again we just work hard for those people.

this was what i was refering to, with the food comparison -_-" sorry, i'm not as eloquent as he is =P

Shinhwa are lucky people. When we autograph saying to go well in an exam for the fans, they come back with report cards showing that they came first. With the music and stage we perform, the audience goes wild and is happy. From those fans we gain strength and we work even harder and perform. Give happiness and gain happiness....what more do you need?

ahh i wish they can give me an autograph and the strength to excel in my studies [physio in particular.. my life's depending on it -_-"] it's so cute how he writes that we gain strength from them, and they gain strength from us.. it's like, symbiotic relationship ^^

p.s It's not that easy to meet Shinhwa. The end.

ahem, i agree even to the ps part -_-" why is it so hard to meet you, brat?

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Guest SuperMan6

it was a long long article over at SHCJ...seriously i think the writer was jus despo to hand up a piece of article abt Shinhwa...tts y he didnt do his research and jus anyhow spam wat he tot on first thought...i love eric...he's jus so mature in handling the situation..he justified wat he disagreed with the stupid writer...SHINHWA MANSEI!

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Guest kriza_09

Yes, someone did bash ShinHwa's 7th jib...actually if I remember correctly, many reviewers didn't like ShinHwa's seventh very much and didn't give good ratings (though it did end up getting them the daesang and it's one of my fave albums...sure proved them wrong). I guess when a long time group like shinhwa gives the reviewers something new, it'll go either way. One is that it's admirable they're bringing something new or they say, "this doesn't sound like ShinHwa at all". Unfortunately, before the daesang, the majority of the reviews were of the later. There was one that particularly pissed Eric off. It's been a while, but I remember Eric saying that though taste in music is personal preference, the writer had no right to attack the people who work hard to make the music. And I remember clearly that Eric elluded to the writer being a coward, and if he had anything to say he could say it in front of ShinHwa. And in the postscript he reminded the author that it's not that easy to get to see ShinHwa.

There was some controversy between netizens and fans about whether Eric was justified in writing the response or immature...

i actually started to love him after reading this post.. lol.. i mean, before he was just the weird good-for-nothing leader who loves kissing people.. lol.. i don't think his post was immature at all.. in fact, the way he put it is really mature and thoughtful (except the p.s. part).. it doesn't really show his emotion (unlike dongwan's post when junjin was criticized).. his words are sharp, but it wouldn't get him warned or banned if it were on soompi.. lol..

that post changed my perspective A LOT about fan culture and pop music (and also about him and shinhwa ^^)... i used to think idol singers aren't as 'musician' as others.. but now i always quote his post when i argue against people who look down on pop music/idol singers.. i couldn't express it any better than he did.. if you read it thoroughly, he didn't actually deny the facts pointed out by the reviewer, like how they are only public singers and how they're only lucky to have fans.. he used the same fact but saw it from different perspective.. a perspective that was new to me and changed my whole perspective..

we aren't musicians but the public's singer. We are icons for the teens and perform to give joy to an audience. Just as each person has their own particular food suited to their taste from the large variety of foods, if our food does not suit your taste, eat something else. We dont cook for people who dont like our food. Luckily there are people that love the food that we work so hard to make and again we just work hard for those people. Of course when doing music there are indeed parts that can recieve contraints. Since it's something we do as an occupation not like a garage band for fun, we do need aid from above.

We lacked a lot, but just from the attempts, each of us gained so much. And that's enough for us.

Shinhwa are lucky people. When we autograph saying to go well in an exam for the fans, they come back with report cards showing that they came first. With the music and stage we perform, the audience goes wild and is happy. From those fans we gain strength and we work even harder and perform. Give happiness and gain happiness....what more do you need?

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Guest missy2006

I just read both articles, and I must say Eric is like a deep silent river . That man has brains, and knows when to use it.

Although he is not my favorite per se, but I do admire him as a person and thinks that he earned the title of being a leader because he is capable and not because he is the oldest one.

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Guest theLEGEND


No one answered yet, right? ^^

Yes, someone did bash ShinHwa's 7th jib...actually if I remember correctly, many reviewers didn't like ShinHwa's seventh very much and didn't give good ratings (though it did end up getting them the daesang and it's one of my fave albums...sure proved them wrong). I guess when a long time group like shinhwa gives the reviewers something new, it'll go either way. One is that it's admirable they're bringing something new or they say, "this doesn't sound like ShinHwa at all". Unfortunately, before the daesang, the majority of the reviews were of the later. There was one that particularly pissed Eric off. It's been a while, but I remember Eric saying that though taste in music is personal preference, the writer had no right to attack the people who work hard to make the music. And I remember clearly that Eric elluded to the writer being a coward, and if he had anything to say he could say it in front of ShinHwa. And in the postscript he reminded the author that it's not that easy to get to see ShinHwa.

There was some controversy between netizens and fans about whether Eric was justified in writing the response or immature...

I didn't save the translations, so I hope what I wrote is correct for the most part :sweatingbullets:

amy - well i read somewhere about eric's comment, although not in whole, but i think it might be the same one [that's why i didn't reply to mj's post, because i wasn't sure if it's the right one..] is it the one where he said that everybody's got a different taste in terms of food, and likewise in terms of music.. he said something like, if you don't like the food [ie. music] that they're offering, they don't have to eat it or something like that? i don't really remember anymore.. but i think he mentions something like that..

The entire post by Eric is available at shinhwachangjo.net

Here's the direct link:


Thank you so much guys for telling me and providing the link of the article. I admit that I wasn't really understand what the man was trying to say about Shinhwa's 7th jib. I might be biased but honestly, I didn't understand what's the point. I don't even bother though. :P

After reading Eric's reply, I must say that he's really sharp with his words. He may not be very outspoken during interviews, concerts and etc but he knows when to speak up and handling the situation maturely. He is truely a great leader and I respect him very much. I wonder how the other members think about this matter. Anyone knows? The P.S part is very true though. :D

kriza_09: I know this is not a very good time to ask but may I know what did Dongwan write when JunJin was critized? Was it because he's the one who replaced KJK as Shoot Dori's coach?


saharial: Thank you for reminding me about that one. I remember it now. I thought it was because JunJin was driving while he was drunk and it was when he became the coach of Shoot Dori. The netizens were saying like he was not a good role model to the children etc etc etc. Something like that.. I'm not so sure either :unsure:

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