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Guest lenakeem

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I was little upset when I read now it's going to be release in mid-May...I was hoping for April so I can have my boys buy it for me for my birthday but now I guess I'll have them buy it for Mother's Day. Does anyone know if it's going to be with DVD? I hate it when they release CD first and then later with DVD.


And its petty upset when I see from news that Hyesung’s 2nd jib is releasing on May.

This boy delayed the release date again. >”<

mommie alice,

hyesungstory (me) is Kris but many of them do called me Krissy or Krissie.

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I was little upset when I read now it's going to be release in mid-May...I was hoping for April so I can have my boys buy it for me for my birthday but now I guess I'll have them buy it for Mother's Day. Does anyone know if it's going to be with DVD? I hate it when they release CD first and then later with DVD.

mommie alice i doubt it will have dvd.

normally first edition dun have

only repackaged edition have..

and i am guessing he should be having repackaged edition like the first jib.

i am also upset :tears:

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Yes, can you believe our baby is going to be CEO. So proud of him to take that step. Hopefully this means more activities for him!

Dongwan is too cute with his diary. I finished his drama last week and it is very very good! I almost forgot he was member of Shinhwa because he was so good in acting. If you only finished Ep. 12, you have long way to go and it gets better. Cried so much and hated and loved DW at the same time.

Now I think I got everyone's name straight. LOL!

ahh is our baby andy going to be a CEO too!!!??? woww i'm so proud of him.. so we're gonna have 3 CEOs????

does it mean higher chance for me to get a job in korea???? i'm soo gonna take business after i graduate.. ^^

dongwan's diary -> when will people realize that shinhwa will never break up??? they should just learn to accept that fact..

poor dongwan has to calm the fans every time.. and even get scolded by eric..


oh it's just my user ID.. my real name is fenny.. and the other krizza is labingtatlo.. ^^ and now we have krissy too!! yes it's getting even more confusing.. lol..


everyone.. i recommend you watch dongwan's drama!!!! it's realllyyyyy goooodddddd... dongwan's part, that is...

i'm watching epi 12 now.. his acting is really.. o_O

you'll get to see an expression of him that you will NEVER EVER see in shinhwa videos..

but prepare yourself to watch a lot of loveletter, xman and other funny shinhwa videos after that..

i watched epi 11 yesterday and i couldn't sleep after that.. lol.. i finally was able to sleep after watching hyesung getting punished in loveletter w/ hanjihye.. ^^

No, my married last name is Kim and my maiden name is Jo.

If you don't mind asking, how old are you and where are you from?

You said, Minwoo is your favorite? How long have you been Shinhwa's fan?

I guess I kind of got used to seeing Andy as being a girl from Gold Fishery shows. LOL! He was really pretty in X-Man. It's really too bad it's being cancelled because I was so looking forward to seeing Hyesung on the show when he promotes his new album.

LOL! Yup, 100% Korean (:

Is your last name by any chance Lee LMAO

Oh, I just watched Andy's and Haha's performance in X-Man. It was so cute. Haha kind of freaked me out with his girl look but Andy looked so pretty! I see that Andy is getting out of his "shy shell" and becoming more outgoing. Glad to see that (:

He should do more of these performances often. Well not always cros dressing but like funny/cool performances. Too bad X-Man ended now. Wonder what will be the next show? Hope Andy will be a regular on it as well.

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Guest Jennie

hyesungstory: Can you believe Hyesung is doing this again? What are you going to do with him? I know you must be beyond upset right? Getting so excited and then this news pops up. What's the point of shooting the MV if you are just going to do this to us? He's going to make us love his first single of from his 2nd album and then we can't have a hold of the song until mid-May.

kriza_09: I think every step of the way, when Shinhwa are promoting things together or individually, they will have to answer the same question, "Are you guys breaking up?" I like what Dongwan did, putting the stop to the rumors before it gets any further. The first group of people Dongwan did was to confront the fans, how thoughtful of him. I'm kind actually looking forward to how the group are going to answer the break up question because everytime each of them answer it, it is really cute and assuring, as well.

mommie Alice: You own this page! You beat me by one post! Congratulation!

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Guest angel2nyt

Andy, Kim Dongwan, Lee Minwoo Become Independent from Good EMG

Group Shinhwa have announced their plans for Shinhwa and as individuals for 2007.

Shinhwa who successfully completed their Asia-wide tour and 8th album promotions last year, will announce their 9th album in October and are planning to hold a large scale Asia tour in approximately three countries including Korea, Japan and China.

Furthermore Shinhwa's management Good EMG announced, "the focus of our management will be Shinhwa's album production and management, while members Lee Minwoo, Kim Dongwan and Andy's individual and solo activities have been agreed between Good EMG and the members to be handled seperately with Good EMG in order to achieve a more organised and effective system. They will establish their own corporations or continue their album productions at a different management company."

Firstly, Lee Minwoo who successfully finished his Japan tour on the 28th and 31st has established a music company 'M Rising' in Korea and Japan which will not only produce his own albums but also newcomers from Good EMG as well as training and managing new composers and artists. Managing will be done by Open-World Music which is currently in collaboration with Good EMG.

Andy who is currently busy featuring on variety programs will also be establishing an independent company that will manage his acting activities as well as all his other entertainment activities.

Kim Dongwan who received acclaimed recognition for his acting in SBS Mon-Tues drama 'Oh Person I Love' will announce his 1st solo album in a different management company; H2 Entertainment which also manages Kan Mi Yun and Byul.

On the other hand, Eric who established 'Top Class Entertainment'; an acting management commissioned by Good EMG and Shin Hyesung who is slated to release his 2nd album in mid-May as well as Jun Jin who recently succesfully debuted as a solo artist, will all have their albums and activities continued to be managed by Good EMG.

On this, Good EMG's CEO Park Kwon Young announced, "Shinhwa has succeeded not only as a group but also greatly as individuals and solos. In order to keep their status as Asia's "Shinhwa (legend)" we have come to the decision that they need management that is more organised and effective and we will look forward to a management system that will fully support and add value to each of their individual entertainment contents."

credits. ShinhwaChangjo.net + orenji728 (translation) + MyDaily (source)

nb. please credit properly.


i dont think there is such a word as awesomeness

i hope someone would go for Sidus.. but of course they wouldnt

i just found out the name of andy's to-be management

if im not mistake its New Dream (ND) Entertainment

our baby is going to be a CEO!!!!!

[07.04.02] Dongwan's Diary "SHinhwa"

2007-4-3 00:20:54

dongwan is so cute..

yah you do sound greasy

but we will love you no matter what.. just NO BREAKING UP

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Guest suejinners

im not active in here

but i am a shinhwa fan<3

i just saw this and totally went 0________0



[뉴스엔 고홍주 기자]

신화의 이민우(M)가 극비리에 세계적인 프로듀서와 접촉한 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.

이민우는 지난 1월 미국 라스베가스에서 열린 팝스타 저스틴 팀버레이크의 공연을 관람한 뒤 평소 존경해온 음악 프로듀서 팀버랜드와 첫 대면을 했고, 현재 그와 물밑 접촉에 한창이다.

팀버랜드는 저스틴 팀버레이크의 ‘Sexy Back’을 포함해 넬리 퍼타도, 미시 엘리엇 등 인기 팝스타의 히트곡을 다수 배출해낸 세계적인 팝계 명물이다.

미국 프로듀서 지미 아요빈의 소개로 팀버랜드와 인사를 나눈 이민우는 당시 그로부터 음악작업을 함께 해보지 않겠냐는 제의를 받아 현재 데모테이프까지 보내놓은 상황이다.

이민우는 지난 3월 31일 일본 도쿄에서 열린 자신의 첫 단독 콘서트 현장에서 “조만간 직접 미국 땅을 밟고 팀버랜드 작곡가와 접촉할 계획이다. 그와의 곡 작업을 통해 새로운 도전을 시도해보고 싶다”고 밝혔다.

이와 함께 이민우는 아시아 인종에게 유독 인색한 팝계 현실을 언급하며 안타까움을 토로하기도 했다.

이민우는 최근 한 예능프로그램에서 박진영이 전한 열악한 미국 진출 여건을 빗대어 “(박)진영이 형이 말한 바와 같이 그쪽 업계에서 아시아를 무시하는 경향이 있는 게 사실”이라며 “아시아 인종에 관해 인색한 부분이 있기에 진영이 형처럼 무작정 찾아가는 수밖에 없을 듯하다”고 털어놨다.

이민우는 “아직 결정된 것은 없지만 직접 부딪쳐서라도 그들과의 작업을 추진해볼 것”이라며 미국 진출에 대한 남다른 포부를 내비쳤다.

한편, 이민우에게 팀버랜드를 소개시켜준 지미 아요빈은 푸시캣돌스, 블랙 아이드 피스, U2 등을 키워낸 못지않은 능력의 소유자로, 이민우는 지난해 지미 아요빈만을 위한 쇼케이스를 따로 선사해 음악적 재능을 인정받았다.

고홍주 becool@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

im sure somebody can translate it word for word

but Through a amercian producer Jimmy (ayobin? spelling?) he met timbaland in Jan... and recieved a proposal if they would work together. and as of now minwoo sent a demo tape

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Guest angel2nyt



how cool is that if it were to push through

im so happy for the shinhwa members

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Guest nutzie

hahaha andy's new company is called new dream?? but ND still sounds like andy O_o"

naomi - i think i would choose the cd.. because you can only stare at a poster for so long, while a cd goes longer..

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Guest justmoi

yay.. i see new faces.. ^^

justmoi & xbabii_M: welcome to the shinhwa thread.. ^^

oh uhmm.. have you seen the shinhwa chronicle???

*sorry everyone, i just have to spread the shinhwa love everywhere.. lol..*

anyway, hope you can post often here.. i'm sure we'll get along very well.. we are nice people, after all.. ^^

I did and i loved it :) Amazzzing job!! Saw it on the 24rth itself actually...it was really nice and heartwarming and i loved learning about how they felt about each other through the years! could see how hard u worked on it :) thanks!!

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Guest loving_D

i just found out the name of andy's to-be management

if im not mistake its New Dream (ND) Entertainment

our baby is going to be a CEO!!!!!

New Dream? it's so........cute! just like him.

hahaha andy's new company is called new dream?? but ND still sounds like andy O_o

now that you mention it, :lol: i guess that was the whole point. xD

baby becomes CEO. i love it.

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MINWOO AND TIMBALAND!?!?!? :o :o :o :o :o




and wow, i havent been here for 3 days... and i swear, went up another ike 8pages


too lazy to go look through...

but wut the... ANDY CEO!? am i hearing things correctly!? WOW! LOL

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Guest angelix

[07.04.02] Shinhwa, each to release solo album


Shin Hyesung, Kim Dongwan, Lee Minwoo will have a big tough battle in May when each of them will release their solo album in May


Composer L.S.R said before: he just dont understand why Eric wont release his own rap album, because he thinks Eric has the talent, in most of Shinhwa songs , Eric has he thinks up the rap,compose, wrote the lyrics and each time he records gis part is less than 5 mins. The rap feeling is just wordless. He hopes Eric will release his solo album soon. For now, Eric has start gathering and preparing for his album, everyone please look forward to it

Shin Hyesung to release his 2nd album on 29/4/07

two days ago, i saw Hyesung in the recording studio, he has finished recording his album and the company plans to stage his comback on the 29/4/07 and release his new song. Hyesung has grown his hair very long but for the sake of his album, he has lost so much weight that i almost cant recongise him. Shin Hyesung has one of the best result on his solo album among the Shinhwa members thus this album is worth to wait for.

Kim Dongwan wants to walk the "black sunglasses" way

Kim Dongwan plans to compose his solo album title track and he wants to follow Eru "Black Sunglasses" style, maybe because it was well receive among the netizens with a little bit of ballad. it can be said it gives people a feeling of olden days songs but a touch of modern songs. For his follow up song, it might be plan to release a dance song that was a similiar style to Shinhwa early days song, to let the shinhwa fans feel close.

Andy will also release an album

maybe not many fans will think Andy has any interest in releasing an album but it is the opposte, Andy is slowing practising his vocals and his pitch. As also decided to release an album this year. For the style of music he will be choosing, Andy wont straight decide but instead he will take his time to train up his vocals and once he get hold of it, he will then decide which style suit him the best. And also Andy has lost weight lately, he has just finish taking pictures for a new album and straight away next week, will announce an astonishing news to everyone

Minwoo will start on his solo album once he has finished his solo japan tour and he will be in charge of producing the album

Junjin has yet to announce his plan for his next album but Junjin hopes for the next album he can release more than 10 songs. Of course it includes plans and activities in China and he will be meeting them on the 8/4/07 in Beijing

Shinhwa as a whole will be back in Setemper to release their 9th album and this year, all of them will be very busy with their own solo activites.

Credit; 马雪blog + jenny@hyesungangel + dreamhyesung @ http://shinhwa.biz

Taken from this thread --> http://shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=261


[07.04.02] Minwoo "Shinhwa will hold a big party on our 10th anniversary



"For our 10th anniversary, i wish to take out money and spend on a big celebration wtith the members"

On the 31st March 2007, Shinhwa member Lee minwoo, who is celebrating the sucess of his concert in Tokyo, Japan, said : During our 9th ani,because i have to prepare for my concert and didnt celebrate with the members, i only receive congrats message" "Wait till our 10th ani, togeher with the members, we will pool togeher with lots of money and invite all the peple whom we are thankful to and hold a big celebration party or stage a big concert to really celebrate"

He added on "On the 24th, Eric send a cheeky message "my darling members, it has been 9 years since we debute, what re you doing?" because i reply saying i am busy preparing for my concert, he said he will buy some food over but i said no need and in the end, he really didnt come, it is a pity we didnt celebrate our 9th ani" showing the regrets he felt

it has been 9 years since Shinhwa debute in 1998, 24th march on Km Music cable channel with their debute track "the solver"

Starting from the 24th, on Shinhwa company official web, GOODEMG, for 6 days the members took turns to thank their fans through videos for their support, and Kim Dongwan wrote his thoughts in his diary "The name Shinhwa on stage has gone through times when we want to give up but we didnt, arent we handsome! Shinhwa Long life!!" with tihs words to celebrate his 9th ani wtih Shinhwa

In the video, Andy talk about the past "Our first perforamnce in 1998 on Km Music cable channel, because use too much strength for our rehearsal, in the end for our real performance, didnt have to the strength to show our powerful stage and it turns to be a pity memory." he added on "We will do out best in the future"

Junjin "even though it has been 9 years since we debute, but if added in the times we live togeher and prastice together, it is 10 years" "in the next 10, 20 years there will be more interesting stuffs and we will do our best to acheive it"

Shin Hyesung "In the past each day is special, even though we went through ups and downs but to see the members mature, i feel satisfy. "9 years is a long time, because we treasure therefore it is lasting. Someone said "lets last for another 10, 20 years or more together"

For now, ERic and Minwoo has each their own company and all of them are doing solo activites. Come this Autum, Shinhwa will release their 9th album.

Credit; mydaily + ocean6 + Dreamhyesung @ http://shinhwa.biz

Taken from this thread --> http://shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=262

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Guest angel2nyt

so many news today

according to an article..

shinhwa's 9th album will be relased in october(this year) and theyre planning to have concerts in Korea, China, and Japan

and they are also planning on having another ASIAN CONCERT TOUR from october to December

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Guest miss':bella

So many gifts from SHINHWA to us! SHINHWA CHANGJO <3

Oh my gosh. TIMBALAND & MINWOO! That's just HOT!! AHHHHHHHH. Hopefully, this collaboration does come true!

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Guest angel2nyt

[07.04.02] Minwoo "Shinhwa will hold a big party on our 10th anniversary

"For our 10th anniversary, i wish to take out money and spend on a big celebration wtith the members"

eric is so :blink: these days...

just when dongwan posted that eric might say he's greasy, then i saw this article...

wannie, eric is the greasy one

that's just sad that they didnt even celebrate their 9th anniversary together.. even just for a few hours because they were so busy

i really hope they just hold a concert for the fans

a free admission concert would be the best gift


or pay MNET, or any channel to air shinhwa videos all throughout the day


my imagination

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Guest angelix

im not active in here

but i am a shinhwa fan<3

i just saw this and totally went 0________0



[뉴스엔 고홍주 기자]

신화의 이민우(M)가 극비리에 세계적인 프로듀서와 접촉한 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.

이민우는 지난 1월 미국 라스베가스에서 열린 팝스타 저스틴 팀버레이크의 공연을 관람한 뒤 평소 존경해온 음악 프로듀서 팀버랜드와 첫 대면을 했고, 현재 그와 물밑 접촉에 한창이다.

팀버랜드는 저스틴 팀버레이크의 ‘Sexy Back’을 포함해 넬리 퍼타도, 미시 엘리엇 등 인기 팝스타의 히트곡을 다수 배출해낸 세계적인 팝계 명물이다.

미국 프로듀서 지미 아요빈의 소개로 팀버랜드와 인사를 나눈 이민우는 당시 그로부터 음악작업을 함께 해보지 않겠냐는 제의를 받아 현재 데모테이프까지 보내놓은 상황이다.

이민우는 지난 3월 31일 일본 도쿄에서 열린 자신의 첫 단독 콘서트 현장에서 “조만간 직접 미국 땅을 밟고 팀버랜드 작곡가와 접촉할 계획이다. 그와의 곡 작업을 통해 새로운 도전을 시도해보고 싶다”고 밝혔다.

이와 함께 이민우는 아시아 인종에게 유독 인색한 팝계 현실을 언급하며 안타까움을 토로하기도 했다.

이민우는 최근 한 예능프로그램에서 박진영이 전한 열악한 미국 진출 여건을 빗대어 “(박)진영이 형이 말한 바와 같이 그쪽 업계에서 아시아를 무시하는 경향이 있는 게 사실”이라며 “아시아 인종에 관해 인색한 부분이 있기에 진영이 형처럼 무작정 찾아가는 수밖에 없을 듯하다”고 털어놨다.

이민우는 “아직 결정된 것은 없지만 직접 부딪쳐서라도 그들과의 작업을 추진해볼 것”이라며 미국 진출에 대한 남다른 포부를 내비쳤다.

한편, 이민우에게 팀버랜드를 소개시켜준 지미 아요빈은 푸시캣돌스, 블랙 아이드 피스, U2 등을 키워낸 못지않은 능력의 소유자로, 이민우는 지난해 지미 아요빈만을 위한 쇼케이스를 따로 선사해 음악적 재능을 인정받았다.

고홍주 becool@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

im sure somebody can translate it word for word

but Through a amercian producer Jimmy (ayobin? spelling?) he met timbaland in Jan... and recieved a proposal if they would work together. and as of now minwoo sent a demo tape

I need to do some stuffs here, but I will briefly translate this.

Last January, Shinhwa Lee Minwoo went to Justin Timberlake's concert in Las Vegas

Lee Minwoo met the Justin Timberlake's producer 'Jimmy' who has produced richard simmons cat dolls and Black Eyed Peas's albums respectively

Timberland has suggested Lee Minwoo to work with him in music industry kindly, Lee Minwoo has took this offer and sent his demo tape over.


With this, Justin might compose a song for minwoo and might release an album in USA (just like se7en & rain).


if i have time i will properly translate this =_="ll sorry for the very brief translation

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Guest angel2nyt

I need to do some stuffs here, but I will briefly translate this.

Last January, Shinhwa Lee Minwoo went to Justin Timberlake's concert in Las Vegas

Lee Minwoo met the Justin Timberlake's producer 'Jimmy' who has produced richard simmons cat dolls and Black Eyed Peas's albums respectively

Timberland has suggested Lee Minwoo to work with him in music industry kindly, Lee Minwoo has took this offer and sent his demo tape over.


With this, Justin might compose a song for minwoo and might release an album in USA (just like se7en & rain).


if i have time i will properly translate this =_="ll sorry for the very brief translation

pussycat dolls and black eyed peas???


i really find it amusing

since both pcd and bep has filipino members and they both had a concert in the philippines a year ago(please let this be a sign)

the idea of minwoo working with timbaland (i really dont care about justin.. but he's okay) is so fantastic

and it was timbaland that suggested the offer

aaaasssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..(i feel korean..hahaha)

i feel so happy

yes i just confirmed from an article, that it really is New Dream (ND) Entertainment

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