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Guest lenakeem

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Guest sunnydays.

honorary member??~!? Are you an honorary member BEFORE or AFTER you roll down that cliff? hahahah..

The Eric Clan...LOLz...

When I first read about this clan, several things came to mind..i.e. savages, wild animals, jungles, rainforests, aborigines etc etc. I wonder why I have this weird images when the word "clan" comes up...haha..

And the training is "kidnap Eric" ....LOL. How do we get trained in for this special course?

LOL. :D Hahahaha, before or after.. u__U;; let's just say after. :D OMG ME TOO! Clan sounds something so primitive-like. o__o;; but yeah, what Natz said, we're not primitive... we're modern. (; HAHAHA wtf! XD; Anywayy. To kidnap Eric, we just have to follow Shinhwa's tutorial on how to kidnap, that video that fortuneteller posted. (:

Do as our oppas do

go to Korea, seoul

Find eric

find 1 big bag

and put him in :D

By the way

Could u plz put also Dongwannie in for me :D

thanks in advance ^^

LOL THIS VIDEO! DEFINATELY, ofcourse (; the rice sacks manggg, they're so effective. HAHA!! Thanks for sharing the video. (: & ofcourse, Krizza will bring the rice sack for Dongwan, so most likely Dongwan will get kidnapped too. Well... most likely, all of the Shinhwa guys will get kidnapped eventually... :P

riz - i've never seen that video before!! that's soo cool!! actually, each of the outfit matched the personality of the member wearing it.. except.. i don't like eric's much >_< although he could pull it off well.. they're so funny on the runway.. but it's so shinhwa.. man, that fan is so luckyy!! well, i'm talking with rozzy, and she said she's gonna call linh later, because rozzy's having her spring break, but she doesn't have internet access.. hahaha masters.. like jedi [or something like that? i've never watched star wars -___-] yayy i love my co-owners too.. because we're cool like that.. and we're a unique clan..

HAHA yeahh, Eric's outfit was WEIRD. O__O;; When I said I like Eric's look, I meant like... his hair. :P ~~ But yeah, he definately can pull it off, so it doesn't matter. (: Ooh, spring break? lucky. well... I have mine next week. ^___^ Anyway, back to Shinhwa... *cough* OFCOURSE WE'RE THE JEDI >:] LOL wtfff. (; We are a unique clan. & it's even better that we are all for Shinhwaaaa!<3

LOL Krizza just said that she saw comments about rolling her down a cliff LOL..but will be back to reply hahas. Yes, you guys can be the masters LOL. Kidnapping Eric?! That full grown man?! LOL. This is like a mission for all of us, not one HAHA. Yes, all of your co-owners are awesome people, including me..? LOL.

OFCOURSE! Kidnapping Eric won't be a problem. u__u;; we're pros, after all. Haha~~ Yes awesome people, including Lynda! :D Hahaha mangg, that Shinhwa kidnapping video makes me laugh... I wanna go watch it again :P

haha eric so cute..RICDY love!!

OMGG THAT'S SO CUTE! XD;; Hahaha, I really like those two. (: Seriously, it seems like they're really brothers... haha, they tease each other (Eric hits Andy u__U;; ) & Andy really looks up to his Eric Hyung. :D & from those caps, it's so cute how Eric shows his love towards Andy~~ Teee hee. ^^ Thanks so much, XH!

[puhaha shinhwa down the catwalk was too funny.

O_________O and did you see dongwan's muscles :w00t: ...haha

i thought the shirt eric was modeling was too flowery, i dunno maybe that's just me and i agree i like junjin's look here too.

thanks for the video.

when i have nothing to do, i think about shinhwa...wait... i always think of shinhwa :lol:

Haha yeahh >:] Shinhwa boys are the best models! haha DONGWAN'S MUSCLES *___* <3 LOL... mangg, they all looked good. (; Yeah Eric's shirt WAS a bit too flowery, but he pulled it off. He looked hot. XD; Hehe, no problem, anytime. (:


I LOOOVE Shinhwa smiling pics. (: They make me smile so much~~ Gahh, thank you for sharing these pictures. Definately made my day, too <3

don't you worry XH!~ the thread didn't really anger me. it made me.. laugh? i don't know. amused? but i'm fine now. ^__^ it's her opinion, we have ours. and i edited my post here so you guys won't misunderstand me. *throws more orange confetti* LOL.

WA!~ now.. if these pics are the remedy... THEN YES, I AM ANGRY AND I NEED MORE SHINHWA PICS TO CHEER ME UP. haha. i'm lame. but yeah., i need more piccies.. and you know what that means.. MORE RICSYUNG AND WOODONG!!!!!!! and couple love....!!!! hm... RICDY and JINSYUNG TOO!!!!! i;m demandng, i know.

i'm sleepy.. i'll do individual replies tomorrow. i swear. i swear.......

*cuddles with eric*


also... please answer lynda's question as to who here likes hyesung and junjin as their MOST fave. as IN really fave. as IN you love them eternally and you are willing to kill aliens if you have to for them. i don't know where the aliens come in but i'm in an eric mode so yeah... haha.

it's important. honest. *smiles the eric alien smile*




*cuddles with Dongwan*

... *runs away & goes back to Eric because I don't like betraying my true love u__U;; *

LOL I'm loyal, Krizza. 8D you should be the same. LOLOL. jk. (:

Anyway, that thread... >__>;; It just shows how much of a fan she is. =__=;; I mean, I think we all here have hope & belief in Shinhwa, right? & they definately will be famous forever. No doubt about it, Shinhwa is the best. It's just her loss that she can't believe that. Oh well. :P Awww, I'll post some Shinhwa pics to cheer you up...

Gorgeous Eric (I love his smile<3) :


Super JunJiiiin >:] :


Beautiful Dongwan making sure he's beautiful (Haha<3) :


Andy & yummy strawberries (*drool* O__O) :


Muscle-boy Hyesung? :P :


Uhmm... monkey faced Minbongyyy <3 :




Gahh, & photobucket is being really slow, so I can't find my couples pictures. =__=;; That's all for now. LOL. sorry it's not much. x__x

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Guest sarah_luisa

i guess none of us know about it either.. all we can do is speculate for now.. but i'm thinking it's a drama.. because movies won't require him to quit 2 shows to film.. and it doesn't make sense to quit 2 shows if he's gonna join another variety show.. so i think it's gonna be a drama..

or maybe an album like eric and dongwan?

i rememer i read somewhere that he'll have a drama project. A new drama, maybe ^^ i'm waiting 4 it. Or he'll participate in Eric's album. Both them rap really well 2gether ^^ RicDy fighting

oh ok.. maybe album or drama--- i wish a lead in a drama

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Hi everyone! "wave" to everyone.

Miss me? LOL! It really sucks that I can't be on the internet at work. I try to take a peak once ina while at work but you guys posts are so loooong, I don't have time to read them all. I need to backtrack and read all the posts one day because I'm totally lost as to what you guys are talking about.

Anyway, just watched short clip of mnet news on The Person I Love drama and Dongwan said, he'll see us again in fall with new drama. WOW, our boys are really keeping themselves busy. How is he going to promote 9th album and film drama too? Do they ever sleep? LOL! DW made me cry a bucketful in his drama...I hope in next one he will make me laugh....I don't think I can handle another stressful drama with our boys.

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Guest nutzie

hi mommie!! you're back and you immediately owned a page O_o"

we miss youuu!!!! no more mommie spazzing >_<

whew, another drama for dongwan? holy crap, isn't he gonna come out with an album too? maybe they never do sleep, that's why they look like zombies.. but maybe, he's gonna do like what eric did during the asia tour? do both at the same time? did he say what kind of drama it will be?

ouch headache..

nutzie out

ps. have to prep for my friend's surprise party.. yayee!!

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Guest angel2nyt

Junjin's Special 9th Anniversary Message


XMAN Photos







Hi everyone! "wave" to everyone.

Miss me? LOL! It really sucks that I can't be on the internet at work. I try to take a peak once ina while at work but you guys posts are so loooong, I don't have time to read them all. I need to backtrack and read all the posts one day because I'm totally lost as to what you guys are talking about.

Anyway, just watched short clip of mnet news on The Person I Love drama and Dongwan said, he'll see us again in fall with new drama. WOW, our boys are really keeping themselves busy. How is he going to promote 9th album and film drama too? Do they ever sleep? LOL! DW made me cry a bucketful in his drama...I hope in next one he will make me laugh....I don't think I can handle another stressful drama with our boys.

mommie alice!!!

yes i do hope dongan chooses a drama that is very different with tpil...

that drama wasnt good for my heart..imagine having to cry in almost every episode starting from the 5th one.. being angry and all thse complicated emotions

wannie if you can read this NO MORE STRESSFUL DRAMA

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Guest samshiku


totally adore the pics you posted!!! i LOVE the eric pic^^

and yes i hope dongwan will NOT act a depressing/stressful role again

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Guest angel2nyt

can someone please translate this:

'사랑하는 사람아' 김동완이 얻은 것


[마이데일리 = 강지훈 기자] 시청률 부진으로 홍역을 앓던 SBS 월화드라마 '사랑하는 사람아'(정세호 윤류해 연출 최윤정 극본)가 27일 20회를 끝으로 막을 내렸다.

MBC 특별기획 '주몽'에 밀려 한 때 3.6%(이하 TNS 미디어코리아 집계)까지 시청률이 곤두박질쳤던 '사랑하는 사람아'는 '주몽' 종방 이후 두 자릿수 시청률을 올리며 막판 뒷심을 발휘했다. 비단 시청률에서만 보면 결코 성공작이라 평하기 어려운 '사랑하는 사람아'지만 주인공 윤석주 역을 맡은 김동완 입장에서 보면 실패작이라 말하기도 곤란하다.

가수를 그만두고 연기자로 활동하는 황정음과 달리 김동완은 여전히 '가수 겸 연기자'임을 강조해왔다. 하지만 그는 KBS 주말연속극 '슬픔이여 안녕' 등에서 결코 어설프지 않은 연기력을 보이며 입지를 다졌고 '사랑하는 사람아'를 통해 연기의 스펙트럼을 넓혔다.

시원하게 웃는 얼굴과 함께 착하고 건실한 청년 이미지가 강했던 김동완은 '사랑하는 사람아'에서 야망을 위해 사실혼 관계의 애인과 아이를 버리는 비정한 남자 역을 소화했다. 단순한 악역이 아닌 전처에 대한 애정과 어찌할 수 없는 부성애, 자신의 처지에 관한 열등감과 성공을 위한 욕망이 뒤섞인 입체적 캐릭터였고 이를 충실히 구현해냈다.

이에 대해 김동완은 "영화 '나쁜 남자'의 조재현씨의 연기를 꼼꼼히 보고 분석했고 '에비에이터' 하워즈 휴즈 역의 레오나르도 디카프리오와 '매치포인트' 크리스 역의 조나단 라이 메이어스를 참고했다"고 밝혔다. 아이돌 그룹 출신이지만 캐릭터를 공부하고 준비하는 자세는 여타 아이돌 스타와 비교가 되지 않는다.

김동완은 '사랑하는 사람아'를 통해 시청률이나 큰 인기를 얻지는 못했다. 하지만 장기적인 입장에서 연기자의 필수 덕목인 캐릭터의 스펙트럼을 넓혔다는 점에서 의미있는 작품으로 기억될 전망이다.

['사랑하는 사람아'의 가수 겸 탤런트 김동완. 사진 = 마이데일리 DB]

(강지훈 기자 jhoon@mydaily.co.kr)


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Guest s3xyminwoo

I'm so loving this pic guys, are you? ^_^


that is so HOTTTTTT!

dongwan is so handsome and cute (:

Andy Oppa, is that flower for me? or to all the SHINHWA CHANGJO'ers in the world? ^_^


cutieee ^^

looking so sophisticated and handsome

looks more like a MAN then a cute boy LOL

Gorgeous Eric (I love his smile<3) :


Super JunJiiiin >:] :


Beautiful Dongwan making sure he's beautiful (Haha<3) :


Andy & yummy strawberries (*drool* O__O) :


Muscle-boy Hyesung? :P :


Uhmm... monkey faced Minbongyyy <3 :




Gahh, & photobucket is being really slow, so I can't find my couples pictures. =__=;; That's all for now. LOL. sorry it's not much. x__x

i love the pictures of the members by themseleves

they all look so gorgeous!

i especially like minwoo's blown-up cheeks, madddddd cuteeeee (:

okay now i think im getting high on shinhwa LMAO

got to study! not drool over them!

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Guest nutzie

awww wandy on inkigayo~~


dongwan : YA!!

andy : wae wae~~?

the magnae likes to act cute ._. tei dropped the flower!! walking arm in arm out of the stage..

aii andy's with haha again, and tablo and mithra.. yum yum~~ i can't wait for this weekend's xman.. love the blue uniform top.. *slurps*

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gosh ive been soo busy this week >.< havent even been able to reply but just reading the posts u guys write lol. HI MOMMIE ALICE!! yay ur back ^^ lol ok on with the replys...

By the way, kriza, Que Sera Sera Ep. 2 subbed is up on youtube :)

Also, for those who want to watch:

I'm accepting friend invites for the next hour and a half before class...so hurry if you aren't on my list yet.

Or you'll have to wait till tomorrow or until the hardsubs are finished uploading...

ooh thanks for telling. is it ok if i add u as a friend if i didnt already?

fortune teller lol hehe i love that clip ^^ they are sooo cute lol hehe yeah thats right put eric into a bad and mail him to me lol! XD p.s. i want andy too =P

haha eric so cute..RICDY love!!

awww thats why i love ricdy ^^ for me i will always love ricdy cuz they are just too adorable i love that picture where they share a jacket its the cutest picture of them ever!! *trys to calm down*

i love the guys they are just to cute and caring. cant wait to see the other member's responses on their 9th year anniv. thanks for all the people who gave links and translated what they were saying. really appreciated for those who cant understand korean like me lol.

p.s. i missed talking in this thread -___- can i have like a big group hug? lol i wish i could really do that in real life T___T

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Guest vietgirl604

lynda - i think we loves shinhwa is not a typo.. see, my theory is that, because shinhwa brought all of us together, so "we" in this case becomes just 1 being, and therefore, being singular, you have to add "s" on "love", and therefore, we loveS shinhwa =D

Haha I guess so..but I don't really get it. What does having the S on love have to do with us being one? Is it still not improper English? LOL. I'm lost..

Hi people~ I'm new and I'm also a new fan of Shinhwa. I love the six of them very much but my most favourite would be Minwoo and Eric.

Oohh, your two favorites are the same as mine..hmm LOL. WElcome to the thread.

also... please answer lynda's question as to who here likes hyesung and junjin as their MOST fave. as IN really fave. as IN you love them eternally and you are willing to kill aliens if you have to for them. i don't know where the aliens come in but i'm in an eric mode so yeah... haha.

it's important. honest. *smiles the eric alien smile*

Thanks for reminding everyone LOL. Kill aliens LOL yes, that's totally Eric's hobby HAHA. Eric's alien smile?! HAHA you're way too funny. I love his smile---alien or not.

OFCOURSE! Kidnapping Eric won't be a problem. u__u;; we're pros, after all. Haha~~ Yes awesome people, including Lynda! :D Hahaha mangg, that Shinhwa kidnapping video makes me laugh... I wanna go watch it again :P

Yes, we are. HAHA that video is harsh funny..so funny how Eric wouldn't let them zip it all the way LOL. Thanks for those pictures..you chose all the right ones with the right words to go along with them, making me laugh LOL. Thanks!

Hi everyone! "wave" to everyone.

Miss me? LOL! It really sucks that I can't be on the internet at work. I try to take a peak once ina while at work but you guys posts are so loooong, I don't have time to read them all. I need to backtrack and read all the posts one day because I'm totally lost as to what you guys are talking about.

Anyway, just watched short clip of mnet news on The Person I Love drama and Dongwan said, he'll see us again in fall with new drama. WOW, our boys are really keeping themselves busy. How is he going to promote 9th album and film drama too? Do they ever sleep? LOL! DW made me cry a bucketful in his drama...I hope in next one he will make me laugh....I don't think I can handle another stressful drama with our boys.

You cried buckets?! OOH, I really want to watch it now. Oh yeah Mommie, you've bought stuff from annyoung.com right? Is it good? Do you remember how much you paid for shipping and handling? And how long it took to receive the things? Man, I wish you could be in this thread more like before..!!

Junjin's Special 9th Anniversary Message


mommie alice!!!

yes i do hope dongan chooses a drama that is very different with tpil...

that drama wasnt good for my heart..imagine having to cry in almost every episode starting from the 5th one.. being angry and all thse complicated emotions

wannie if you can read this NO MORE STRESSFUL DRAMA

YOU CRIED ALMOST EVERY EPISODE AFTER THE 5TH?! This is a must watch drama then..I LOVE CRYING! lmao..well, I love dramas that are tear jerkers, YAY! Must buy and watch!

p.s. i missed talking in this thread -___- can i have like a big group hug? lol i wish i could really do that in real life T___T


OOH, I can't wait for the translations for JunJin's message!

And and, anyone know if annyoung.com is good to buy stuff?

My birthday is coming up and my friends are buying me ALL the shinhwa cd's that I don't have which is Shinhwa vol 1-6, two winter stories and one summer story. YAY!!! Aren't they the greatest?! HAHA.

I can't find MinWoo's Untouchable on that site though, know where I can find it?! I need that CD..and the IF YOU one too..

I can only find the M live works..hmm.

BUT YES, who's favorite Shinhwa member is HYESUNG or JUNJIN?! I think I saw someone with JunJin all over their sig..forgot who it was..damn.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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I didn't like the beginning of the drama but it got better and got really stressful watching it. I can't remember which episode I started to cry but I cried alot throughout the drama. Alot of people are not happy with the ending because it leaves it up to you to decide the fate of Dongwan. DW's so good in this drama he almost made me forget that he's member of Shinhwa! LOL!

Yes, I bought DVD from annyoung.com couple of times. Both times I was very happy. Because they are close by me, first time it took 3 days and the second I ordered, it only took 2 days. I only paid $1.95 or $2.50 for shipping. I think if you are in US, it's faster with annyoung.com and if you are in Asia, it's faster with yesasia.com. Because I was in US, when I ordered from yesasia, it took over one week.

the right ones with the right words to go along with them, making me laugh LOL. Thanks!

You cried buckets?! OOH, I really want to watch it now. Oh yeah Mommie, you've bought stuff from annyoung.com right? Is it good? Do you remember how much you paid for shipping and handling? And how long it took to receive the things? Man, I wish you could be in this thread more like before..!!

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Guest nutzie

lynda - in the case of singular nouns [i think], except for I, you always add s right? like, she likes, he likes, it likes.. in this case, we consider "we" as singular too, and therefore, it's "we loveS shinhwa".. okay i'm not an english teacher, i don't know how to explain this -__-"

aww your friends are gonna buy you shinhwa cds?? that's soo awesomeee!! i want that too >_< too bad they would think it's just stupid >_<" my brother says he knows that i want shinhwa dvds for my birthday though.. but he doesn't know where to get it >_<" i'm dreading the day my birthday comes..

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Guest nutzie

no, it's actually the upcoming xman episode for this weekend.. anybody watching it? hohoho.. i can't waitt!! andy's performing for star battle =p~ *slurps*

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Guest robotic

angel2nyt - thank you for sharing the new xman photos..

i'm loving andy's hair..he looks so young and fresh

does he ever age? O.o

vietgirl604 - *puts hand up* jin's my favourite member ><

but sungie comes a close second..

and wannie..andy..eric..minu.. =)

heck - you love one, you love them all!

though many of us have a favourite member..

its undeniable that our love is also shared with shinhwa as a group



(^ i never get sick of this pic..sorry if you guys have seen it too many times -_-"

shinhwa look too cute & delectable in traditional clothing)

each member brings to the group his own colour, style & traits..

bottomline is - shinhwa is unique & AWESOME! =)


shinhwa members each a perfect man

shinhwa together a perfect group s2

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Guest Jennie

nutzie: Thanks for letting us know that. That's what I thought though, I mean, didn't Haha and Andy for the first time actually team up with the Kang team together? So, now that they are back with their old new, so this must be the new ep. for X-man. Andy in Star Battle, wondering what he would be doing? I have a feeling that Haha will have something to do with this. In addition, thank you so much for posting up the link of Wandy, I have been looking all over the place for this clip, but can't find it. I saw the screen caps on Andy's website, but the link to downloaded expired, but finally can get a hold of it. While I'm at, this forum is really help, I mean I think personally, we should just have this thread as an encyclopedia to Shinhwa. Everything you need to know about Shinhwa is here. I think I learn so much about Shinhwa in just a couple of months from this thread than any other personal research that I did to get a hold of the information on Shinhwa.

angel2nyt: Thanks for the New ep. of X-man screen cap. Andy looks Hot. Is this picture before or after the picture at the fashion show he went, where he looked pale?

vietgirl604 and robotic: To join in your Q & A, my favorite Shinhwa member is Hyesung. However, although Hyesung is my favorite member and no other member can take over his place, I still enjoy being fans of Junjin, Eric, Minwoo, Dongwan, and Andy. (No particular order of favorites, just writing their name on top of my head). I mean if Hyesung is my first choice, the rest of the members are like so close to each other, I'm afraid if you were to have a recount, I'm afraid it might be the case as in U.S Presidential Election in 2000, too close to call. :blush:

mommie Alice: You cried too? I cried a lot when watching this Dongwan drama. I mean, not only was his acting was good, but everything about his life is sad, although he kind of brought it upon himself, but still, it's Dongwan, you have to support him.

robotic: Talking about how each member was the perfect man in the first season of Love Letter, correct me, was Hyesung the only one that got picked twice in the first season? I don't recall anybody mentioning about? If it is true, since Hyesung got picked on the first ep. and the third, he sure has his charming ways. I would have thought Eric would be the one that would win the most since almost all the girls in the show said that the best first impression was Eric. Poor Dongwan, he was almost always rejected, not only in X-Man, but also in Love Letter, ironically guess who picked him as the perfect man? The girl who he co-star with in "The person I Love".

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Guest nutzie

hahah if you really want to know, yes, haha will have something to do with it.. according to the xman thread, haha and andy will perform as drag queens dancing girls' hip hop or something like that.. i'm not quite sure what's that supposed to mean, but i think they're cross dressing and dancing as girls O_o" i think the xman was recorded long long time ago, so i guess it's before the fashion show?

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Gosh, I haven't visited this page in like months... very shameful :(

Been straying off here and there, but it's like a Herculean feat to


Just popping in to see what's going on. Glad that the Shinhwa love is still going strong

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Guest kriza_09

yes i do hope dongan chooses a drama that is very different with tpil...

that drama wasnt good for my heart..imagine having to cry in almost every episode starting from the 5th one.. being angry and all thse complicated emotions

wannie if you can read this NO MORE STRESSFUL DRAMA

I KNOW!!!! i cry in every episode starting from the 4th.. part of it is because his character.. and another part is because i can't stand seeing the usually dorky dongwan like that.. dongwan's acting is sooo goooooddd that i'm just afraid to continue watching the drama.. i kinda understand what hyesung felt when he watched bulsae.. it's like that person is so familiar yet so distant.. i was like 'it's not dongwann!!!! give dongwan backk!!!!' lol.

that's why i'm so glad that he was wearing Seok Joo's wedding suit in his shinhwa 9th anniversary msg.. i was like 'ahh i know him!!! it's dongwan!!! ^^'

Poor Dongwan, he was almost always rejected, not only in X-Man, but also in Love Letter, ironically guess who picked him as the perfect man? The girl who he co-star with in "The person I Love".

that loveletter episode has helped me a lot to survive watching the drama.. lol.

and about eric's que sera sera... i just watched the 1st epi.. i like it so far.. but sometimes i really want to smack eric on the head.. lol.

anyway, i don't really like the female leads..

guys.. i'm so desperate to buy the everlasting mythology concert dvd and brand new story dvd (english subbed).. can someone give me the link?? thank you..^^

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