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Guest lenakeem

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Guest 2buckytosmoke


wow i havent seen much of dongwan photos lately beside his interview I swear now it the 9th annivarsary every1 in shinhwa is looking a alot better all of a sudden LOL

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Guest cpopbaby19

:sweatingbullets: I'll try translating Wannie's 9th anniversary message from the Chinese subtitles on the video that I have... it's my first time translating so do pardon me if it seems rather incomprehensible (or inaccurate)!

"Everyone, finally on this day, 1998 March 24th

From the day we debuted

It's our 9th anniversary! *wannie claps*

It's such a meaningful day for us to celebrate!

For the past 9 years, the support that everyone has been giving us, staying by our side

I'm very very grateful

For me personally, taking the Asian tour as the base point, as the point where we return together for our activities

(didn't quite get this sentence)

The ones who have given us help

The ones who have given us love

It always appears before my eyes

When I look back, when I realize that the ones who have given me help is all of you,

I feel really happy and thankful.

Even though 9 years have passed, there will be more activites coming up this year, and there will be more time for more activites, am I right?

If everyone remains by our side and continues to support us

We will not let you all down

We will present the most charismatic and meaningful activities to you.

Thank you. *wannie bows*"

AWW~ <3 thanks for translating! such a sweet guy! :w00t:

i rememer i read somewhere that he'll have a drama project. A new drama, maybe ^^ i'm waiting 4 it. Or he'll participate in Eric's album. Both them rap really well 2gether ^^ RicDy fighting

wow~ .__. drama?? is he the lead? i hate it when andy isn't the lead~ he can pull of a 'male lead' acting.. if you know what i mean. -_-V

by the way, andy's performing with haha on xman this week.. something about being a drag hip hop queen or something? yumm.. i'm so looking forward to it.. he might turn me into a lesbian.. or not >_<

AHAHAHHA! okay~ that's gonna be my excuse to watch xman this week! xD i love him on the dodge ball game! xD hahaha!

I'm so loving this pic guys, are you? ^_^


aww. angel! xP

thanks for posting~

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Guest xmkaex

hahaheehee thanks for the translation.

M Live Works 2006,2007 Album Cover

credits to da capo + me for uploading

these pictures makes me want the album even more T_____T




I am thinking gals...

I wonder if kriza_09 will let us turn her shinhwa friendship chronicles into a video tribute ^^

We can plug in the actual audio for all the quotes she's collected...

So what do y'all think?

Especially dear kriza <3

Hmmm...we could compose just a tiny prelude for the vid too....




i think this is a great idea ^^

alright bad news: i have major trouble trying to understand the translations for dongwan's msg in ALL THREE MAJOR CHINA FORUMS ... T.T so i guess we gotta wait for someone else who understands kor/chi to translate..anyone? cos this time i really am stuck T.T

lol i don't know why but sometimes even if dongwan's post are translated i still don't understand. xD

By the way, kriza, Que Sera Sera Ep. 2 subbed is up on youtube :)

Also, for those who want to watch:

I'm accepting friend invites for the next hour and a half before class...so hurry if you aren't on my list yet.

Or you'll have to wait till tomorrow or until the hardsubs are finished uploading...

i've started to watch QSS on youtube too. ^^ ah thanks for the notice and for subbing it.

OH YEAHH! Most definately, Shinhwa will be better going down the catwalk. (; There's this video on youtube of Shinhwa modeling clothes that a student made...

It's very interesting. i'm not sure if you've seen it, but yeah. :D It's great how they don't really act like models... LOL they still look hott, but they put their own Shinhwa spin to it. (; I think I watched this towards the beginning of my Shinhwa-lovingness... but yeahh, I LOVE JunJin's look in here *___* <3 & ERIC TOO! Gahh, actually, all the guys look so nice. (: <3

puhaha shinhwa down the catwalk was too funny.

O_________O and did you see dongwan's muscles :w00t: ...haha

i thought the shirt eric was modeling was too flowery, i dunno maybe that's just me and i agree i like junjin's look here too.

thanks for the video.

haha eric so cute..RICDY love!!

if everything can go back to zero what would u think of immediately?

Eric: Andy.

Andy?? why andy?

i dunno i just thought of him

when i have nothing to do i'll think of Andy.

creditS: bestshinhwa


Pharmer your siggie is cute hahaha

awwww RICDY love xD

when i have nothing to do, i think about shinhwa...wait... i always think of shinhwa :lol:

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Guest yellowtulipx

Hi people~ I'm new and I'm also a new fan of Shinhwa. I love the six of them very much but my most favourite would be Minwoo and Eric.

I want to ask something, is it okay if I post the question here? If not, then forgive me~!

About their album Winter Story 2004-2005, I watched an MV of Shinhwa [showed the guys wearing suits beside a beach and then it changes to them wearing gloves and jackets in a skiing place at night. I'd love to know both of the title of the songs, since I don't converse in Korean.

Please? Anybody?

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Guest cpopbaby19

^as far as i could remember.. the songs are 세월의 흔족 다 버리고 (seworui heunjok da beorigo ; throwing away the memories of the past) and 천생연분 (cheonsaengyeonbun ; soulmates)


that video was so cute~ <3

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Guest yellowtulipx

^as far as i could remember.. the songs are 세월의 흔족 다 버리고 (seworui heunjok da beorigo ; throwing away the memories of the past) and 천생연분 (cheonsaengyeonbun ; soulmates)


that video was so cute~ <3

Wow~ thx! I want to download the mp3.

The video was funny and cute~ I remember the Banana Song...hahahhaa~

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Guest cpopbaby19

^i'll pm you the mp3 if you want. i have both.. but i have to upload it first. :)

PMed. :)

i was about to say the banana song too! xP i bet that was the same ski resort. LOL

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Guest kriza_09

i'm backkk.. ^^ it's 4am.. but i just can't sleep without going to soompi first.. ^^

^ Haha, it would be better to release at some event rather than a random time. Yeah, though I mentioned this, I am a bit busy at the moment ^^; *boohooo~* I thought we should just start by having people find the clips to your chronicles (unless you happen to know where they all are...I probably have them but digging through my collection would be like turning my house upside down) and we'll update people on what has been found by devoting a post on it (get the thread starter to post a link on the frontpage). After that, or during if you like, we'll have people submit shinhwa clips or info they think should be included and a reason why they think so. I suppose it's going to be a heck of a credits list if we do it this way lolz The coordinators are going to have a heck of a job :sweatingbullets: I guess coming up or voting on a more specific theme should narrow things down. I'm excited just thinking about it :D PM or Msn...I guess that's up to you :)

By the way, kriza, Que Sera Sera Ep. 2 subbed is up on youtube :)

i'm quite busy too.. i don't know if we can do it in 6 months.. but we have 3 months summer break, so probably it should be ok... umm, the chronicle might seem long.. but after you read it 20+ times, actually it's not that long.. lol.. well, i also 'happen' to know where all the clips are.. lol.. but if we want to use the clips which i take the quotes from, i think some clips are meaningless to be put in the vid.. i mean, to make sure the audience feel the emotion, it's better if we just take the audio from the clip, and for the visual, we use other clips that match the quotes.. finding those clips might be the hardest part of this project..

and i agree with you about asking people for opinions.. just thinking how a lot of ppl are willing to help already made me excited.. ^^

anyway, thnx for the qss.. i'm downloading the 1st epi now.. ^^

I like this thread and wouldn't want it closed for another one. But when that time comes, we have to have the TYPO again..we loveS shinhwa!!

i once thought it was a typo.. lol.. but since this is SHINHWA thread... of coz it's not a typo.. we ARE one.. one big family of shinhwachangjo.. ^^

how to go through korean airport check? we don't =P we go through the sea and sail to a deserted island, just for us and the shinhwa members =P of course we'll have a boat that is docked on a secret place that only we know, so they won't escape from us.. the boat will be used to go to the nearest island to buy daily supplies.. it wouldn't be good to eat sand and drink sea water would it?

i think my imagination have gone wild..

i just hope shinhwa doesn't go to soompi and read our posts..

Hi people~ I'm new and I'm also a new fan of Shinhwa. I love the six of them very much but my most favourite would be Minwoo and Eric.

welcome to the shinhwa thread!!!! so glad to have you here.. ^^

anyway.. since you're a new fan.. have you seen this??? -> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=123656 *promote promote* ^^

i think it's a good start to know more about shinhwa.. ^^

i just watched andy's samhaengshi on the new xman.. OH NOOOO!!!! what happened to our cute andy!!???? that's exactly why shinhwa should get together more often!!! don't let andy hang out with haha too muchhhh.. eric should keep an eye on andy!!!! lol.

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Guest prizzyy

Actually thats the real spellin of his name in his passport.. :rolleyes:

guess we are just 2 used to the other spelling..

i see! wow they knew! i wonder how.

i dint know!

in future may it be 10 yrs, 11 yrs, or even a 100 yrs, til' death, we will always be with everyone

the bong always says this! i remember that he said something like this in one of shinhwa's concerts before. =/

try something new bong! =DD

and thanks for the minwoo and hyesung pics <333

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Guest aindy

aindy - poor andy.. he looks tired.. come on andy, make up!! hahaha just kidding =P i think he's working on the oh-so-secret big project i guess?

im keeping my thoughts high hoping that's the reason behind his big black eyes there..

and he's so pale.. maybe the make-up artist forgot to put some lipstick or lipbalm on him.. :lol:

pharmer, how i love your siggy slogan there..

hoping for that BIG project of Andy too..

miss bella, that pic is really good.. thanks for sharing..

he's so angelic there.. :)


i see mommie alice~!! *waves*

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


this post is not important, and some may misunderstand me but please do not be affected by it or my post even, okay. *throws orange confetti* NOW LET'S PARTY!!!


i've already calmed down from the initial shock.


i don't know... but i found this thread funny....

i didn't want to hurt the feelings of the starter by saying so and so .

i'm cooling off here for the mean time.

haha. i'm sorry guys.

i'm literally shaking right now.

i mean, when i saw the thread... lol.

i don't know.

i refrained myself from replying what i wanted to reply because i know that i wouldn't be able to control my sarcasm AGAIN. i might laugh which is bad.

shinhwa fans are mature people. therefore, i must calm down here first then reply to that thread.


it's so ironic that her siggy is shinhwa too.

man, this made my day.

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Guest lexine





Kinda weird eh? Seeing how Shinhwa has been together for over 9years yet they are still so famous even though they haven't been so active in the kpop world, yet there are people who doubt their 'famousity?'

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

i know what you mean LEX, it's like, doubting the existence of your own self. like.. you're already existing for 17 years here on earth and just when you celebrate your 18th birthday you ask yourself, "is this real? will i still go on? maybe i m not really alive, but is just floating like an entity." chyeah. you must be high on crack then. i suggest your parents to bring you to a mental instituion as a gift. right, lex? man, i was really shocked.

anyways, so this won't be spam, i was wondering what you call that DVD where they say it's a personal history thingy with english subs... and how much is it in won?

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Guest devylann

hahhaa...:D i hve to sy...shinhwa are the only memebers that i see are still going strong!! real strong!! they have this infinite bond with each other!! imma soo happy!! they surely will be together forever!!! the best part is that they NEVER 4get to thank all their FANS!!! that's why we love them!!!! :D :D

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Guest cpopbaby19


i've already calmed down from the initial shock.


i don't know... but i found this thread funny....

i didn't want to hurt the feelings of the starter bysaying so so i'm cooling off here for the mean time.

i'm sorry guys.

i'm literally shaking right now.

but when i saw the thread... lol.

i don't know.

i refrained myself from replying what i wanted to reply because i know that i wouldn't be able to control my sarcasm AGAIN.

shinhwa fans are mature people.

they're not stupid.

therefore, i must calm down here first then reply to that thread.


this is said thread

it's so ironic that her siggy is shinhwa too.

man, this made my day.

darn krizza. .__. im feeling shitty and i saw you post. :lol: irony. but darnnnnn. i got this feeling of......... idon'tevenwannasayit. it's just.. bad. :[ how could she say something like that? isn't that considered bashing the artist? .___.

but anyway, YOUR PM! i still haven't received it. :3





Kinda weird eh? Seeing how Shinhwa has been together for over 9years yet they are still so famous even though they haven't been so active in the kpop world, yet there are people who doubt their 'famousity?'

lol. off-topic. but... is 'lexine' really your full first name? :lol: xD my name is alexine. haha. our name is alike! :ph34r:

anyway.. i know~ i get your point too. .__. they even swore to themselves. <3 i seriously LOVE these boys. :)

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Guest fortuneteller

i just hope shinhwa doesn't go to soompi and read our posts..

i just watched andy's samhaengshi on the new xman.. OH NOOOO!!!! what happened to our cute andy!!???? that's exactly why shinhwa should get together more often!!! don't let andy hang out with haha too muchhhh.. eric should keep an eye on andy!!!! lol.

Hope they wont 'cause GOOD will have to rent more bodyguards :D

HaDY, perfect Xman team :sweatingbullets: i've just see the Xman clip on utube. so hilarious :D Oh my Andy :blush:

But i just notice that all the competitors he defeats just GIRLS rite? Oh my Andy ^^


i've already calmed down from the initial shock.


i don't know... but i found this thread funny....

i didn't want to hurt the feelings of the starter bysaying so so i'm cooling off here for the mean time.

i'm sorry guys.

i'm literally shaking right now.

but when i saw the thread... lol.

i don't know.

i refrained myself from replying what i wanted to reply because i know that i wouldn't be able to control my sarcasm AGAIN.

shinhwa fans are mature people.

they're not stupid.

therefore, i must calm down here first then reply to that thread.


this is said thread

it's so ironic that her siggy is shinhwa too.

man, this made my day.





Kinda weird eh? Seeing how Shinhwa has been together for over 9years yet they are still so famous even though they haven't been so active in the kpop world, yet there are people who doubt their 'famousity?'

This thread is really weird but i dun care. Just her view, no concern to me. Shinhwa's strong bond will keep them 2gether4ever. And we still have to support our Shinhwa juniors ^^

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Guest samshiku

ok girls let's not think abt all these unhappy stuff shall we? cos we know it and the boys know it that we will love them no matter how long^^

Some shinhwa pics to cheer krizza, alexine and all those flustered by that thread up!^^

shinhwa says "smile!"


note the 2 pple behind hyesung..jindy love


credits: bestshinhwa

btw i found VERY cute minsyung pics today^^

link--> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=5359418

shots from a fancam of the 2 of them during the mkmf ceremony in 2005...hyesung was whispering to Minwoo and then they started to take selfshots with minwoo's cell i think...its so cute cos they dunno the camera was on them hahaha and minwoo was making faces! so cute

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Guest cpopbaby19

^<3 you succeeded in making me smile! :lol: XD

seeing dongwan's cheeky smile makes me smile too! XD

thanks for the pic *hugs* :)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

don't you worry XH!~ the thread didn't really anger me. it made me.. laugh? i don't know. amused? but i'm fine now. ^__^ it's her opinion, we have ours. and i edited my post here so you guys won't misunderstand me. *throws more orange confetti* LOL.

WA!~ now.. if these pics are the remedy... THEN YES, I AM ANGRY AND I NEED MORE SHINHWA PICS TO CHEER ME UP. haha. i'm lame. but yeah., i need more piccies.. and you know what that means.. MORE RICSYUNG AND WOODONG!!!!!!! and couple love....!!!! hm... RICDY and JINSYUNG TOO!!!!! i;m demandng, i know.

i'm sleepy.. i'll do individual replies tomorrow. i swear. i swear.......

*cuddles with eric*


also... please answer lynda's question as to who here likes hyesung and junjin as their MOST fave. as IN really fave. as IN you love them eternally and you are willing to kill aliens if you have to for them. i don't know where the aliens come in but i'm in an eric mode so yeah... haha.

it's important. honest. *smiles the eric alien smile*

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