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Guest lenakeem

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Guest kriza_09
Is Krizza okay? She seems missing! Are you busy working on Shinhwa next project? If you are, looking forward to it, since I really enjoy the Chronicle of Shinhwa.

Ooh wow, I think that's going to be really hard and take long..but I'm pretty sure she'll allow it..? We'll just have to wait for her to come back and see. Maybe she took a long long rest after making the Chronicles of the Legend.

lol.. i see everyone's been looking for me.. ^^ i'm out of town (san diego) since it's spring break.. so i can't stay in front of my comp all day as usual.. lol.. lots of shinhwa vids to catch up.. but i'm going back to berkeley today!!! ^^ i can't wait to watch qss (thanx to crystalis! ^^)

I am thinking gals...

I wonder if kriza_09 will let us turn her shinhwa friendship chronicles into a video tribute ^^

We can plug in the actual audio for all the quotes she's collected...

So what do y'all think?

Especially dear kriza <3

Hmmm...we could compose just a tiny prelude for the vid too....

hmm.. actually.. i was thinking to make a video instead of just quotes and pictures coz shinhwa is better live than still..^^ but i don't know how to work with the program and there was no time to learn from the start.. i was going to learn how to do it so i can make one before they release their album.. that's my next project.. ^^ so yeah.. i'm more than happy to make it a video.. we should provide subtitles too.. oh but some of the quotes were taken from articles.. so i don't have the actual audio files.. maybe we can use their songs for that part?? ahh should we work together via pm?? do you do msn?? *i'm so excited ^^*

i know it's going to take a long time (since we're all busy) but we can make it a long term project, work on it at slow pace and have it done just a few weeks before shinhwa's 9th jib is released.. i think that would be better instead of releasing it just some random time once we're done..

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

i'm extremely sleepy already after doing so many icons in one day... >.<

so i said to myself, i'll reply here tomorrow. BUT THEN I SAW AMY'S SUGGESTION and said to myself, heck, i'll just reply to that one!~


so yes, i say we make it a vid!!! see? she already agreed!!! wow. even though this doesn't involve me, this makes me extremely excited myself!!!

what can i do to help you guys? i'm willing to help to the best of my abilities.


in between the link to this thread and the chronicle thread's link.


i read some comments about me being rolled down a cliff.


i'll reply tomorrow.

right now, i need sleep.

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^ lolz Krizza dear, go get some sleep ^^

Help? Actually the more the merrier :) I'm sure Kriza agrees with me

*watching how many z's I put into you guys's names lolz*

lol.. i see everyone's been looking for me.. ^^ i'm out of town (san diego) since it's spring break.. so i can't stay in front of my comp all day as usual.. lol.. lots of shinhwa vids to catch up.. but i'm going back to berkeley today!!! ^^ i can't wait to watch qss (thanx to crystalis! ^^)

hmm.. actually.. i was thinking to make a video instead of just quotes and pictures coz shinhwa is better live than still..^^ but i don't know how to work with the program and there was no time to learn from the start.. i was going to learn how to do it so i can make one before they release their album.. that's my next project.. ^^ so yeah.. i'm more than happy to make it a video.. we should provide subtitles too.. oh but some of the quotes were taken from articles.. so i don't have the actual audio files.. maybe we can use their songs for that part?? ahh should we work together via pm?? do you do msn?? *i'm so excited ^^*

i know it's going to take a long time (since we're all busy) but we can make it a long term project, work on it at slow pace and have it done just a few weeks before shinhwa's 9th jib is released.. i think that would be better instead of releasing it just some random time once we're done..

^ Haha, it would be better to release at some event rather than a random time. Yeah, though I mentioned this, I am a bit busy at the moment ^^; *boohooo~* I thought we should just start by having people find the clips to your chronicles (unless you happen to know where they all are...I probably have them but digging through my collection would be like turning my house upside down) and we'll update people on what has been found by devoting a post on it (get the thread starter to post a link on the frontpage). After that, or during if you like, we'll have people submit shinhwa clips or info they think should be included and a reason why they think so. I suppose it's going to be a heck of a credits list if we do it this way lolz The coordinators are going to have a heck of a job :sweatingbullets: I guess coming up or voting on a more specific theme should narrow things down. I'm excited just thinking about it :D PM or Msn...I guess that's up to you :)

By the way, kriza, Que Sera Sera Ep. 2 subbed is up on youtube :)

Also, for those who want to watch:

I'm accepting friend invites for the next hour and a half before class...so hurry if you aren't on my list yet.

Or you'll have to wait till tomorrow or until the hardsubs are finished uploading...

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Guest hahaheehee

:sweatingbullets: I'll try translating Wannie's 9th anniversary message from the Chinese subtitles on the video that I have... it's my first time translating so do pardon me if it seems rather incomprehensible (or inaccurate)!

"Everyone, finally on this day, 1998 March 24th

From the day we debuted

It's our 9th anniversary! *wannie claps*

It's such a meaningful day for us to celebrate!

For the past 9 years, the support that everyone has been giving us, staying by our side

I'm very very grateful

For me personally, taking the Asian tour as the base point, as the point where we return together for our activities

(didn't quite get this sentence)

The ones who have given us help

The ones who have given us love

It always appears before my eyes

When I look back, when I realize that the ones who have given me help is all of you,

I feel really happy and thankful.

Even though 9 years have passed, there will be more activites coming up this year, and there will be more time for more activites, am I right?

If everyone remains by our side and continues to support us

We will not let you all down

We will present the most charismatic and meaningful activities to you.

Thank you. *wannie bows*"

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Guest sunnydays.

Hope this is not unrelated :unsure: but I just had a REALLY WEIRD DREAM last night about Shinhwa that I just have to share.

Feel free to skip it but I just have to tell someone! :P

I dreamt that my sister and I had to go to a costume party at the company we 'supposedly' worked at.


LMAOOOOO OMGGG PUAHAHAHAHA. :D The part about JunJin made me laugh out loud! XD; That sounds like something I would do... do something loud to get the Shinhwa guys' attention, but they'd end up ignoring me & doing something else. =___=;; LMAOO! Hahaha, I have weird, random Shinhwa dreams too. :P I remember in one dream, Dongwan suddenly popped up & waved hi to me, & then walked away... you know, in his Dongwan-way. I can't describe it, but the action is very Dongwan like. XD;

Shinhwa reunite at the Fashion Show: Here is my theory: As we all know, when we think of Fashion Show, we think of good looking models walking on the catwalk. Now, Shinhwa. I think they just feel that the fans are suffering too much of their disappearance. The only way to re-energize their fans is to go to a Fashion Show, model, and have their photos taken and this will be the reaction of their fans once they get a hold of "Model Shinhwa":

AHHHH, Shinhwa, You Guys are HOT!!! AHHHHHH! Eric! Minwoo! Hyesung! Junjin! Andy! Dongwan! AHHHH. I Love You! You Guys look HOT. HOTTER Than the SUN!!

OH YEAHH! Most definately, Shinhwa will be better going down the catwalk. (; There's this video on youtube of Shinhwa modeling clothes that a student made...

It's very interesting. i'm not sure if you've seen it, but yeah. :D It's great how they don't really act like models... LOL they still look hott, but they put their own Shinhwa spin to it. (; I think I watched this towards the beginning of my Shinhwa-lovingness... but yeahh, I LOVE JunJin's look in here *___* <3 & ERIC TOO! Gahh, actually, all the guys look so nice. (: <3

riz - hahahah training =P the training is to steal eric and bring him to our apartment at the shinhwa village =P talking about the eric clan, where's linh?? i haven't seen her for soo long..

Oh yeah, Linh. =X I think she's very busy with school... or she's somewhere, I don't remember what she said before she disappeared. O__O HAHAHA YESS STEAL ERIC. >:] We're the cool Eric clan. Yeah, Krizza & Lynda can be honorary members! :D Yayy, party. LOL.

LOL Maybe because rolling Krizza off really IS funny. But ooh, Eric lovers clan. Really?! I can join even though he's not my FIRST fav?! LOL..I'm so strict on sharing MinWoo with others ..what's the training?! LOL. Eric's always been my second fav..and he once tied with MinWoo..until I had to CHOOSE..cause my sister made me, then I chose MinWoo and yup :)

Hahaha, yeahh, at first Eric was tied with Dongwan & JunJin, but Eric surpassed them & I love him the best. (; LOLOL krizza rolling down the hill. o___o; oh dear... I can just imagine her, coming here & pulling a Krizza about how we shouldn't roll her off the cliff... ^^; JK KRIZZA, WE LOVE YOU. (: Haha~~ OFCOURSE, JOIN THE CLAN! Me, Natz, & Linh (& Ginnie, perhaps?) are the masters. O__O LOL. Natz is right, we're nice. (; Haha~~ The training is that you have to kidnap Eric. :P I used to be strict with Eric too, but... I think he's so awesome that he needs to be shared. (; Besides, I like my co-owners. XD;

lol.. i see everyone's been looking for me.. ^^ i'm out of town (san diego) since it's spring break.. so i can't stay in front of my comp all day as usual.. lol.. lots of shinhwa vids to catch up.. but i'm going back to berkeley today!!! ^^ i can't wait to watch qss (thanx to crystalis! ^^)

hmm.. actually.. i was thinking to make a video instead of just quotes and pictures coz shinhwa is better live than still..^^ but i don't know how to work with the program and there was no time to learn from the start.. i was going to learn how to do it so i can make one before they release their album.. that's my next project.. ^^ so yeah.. i'm more than happy to make it a video.. we should provide subtitles too.. oh but some of the quotes were taken from articles.. so i don't have the actual audio files.. maybe we can use their songs for that part?? ahh should we work together via pm?? do you do msn?? *i'm so excited ^^*

i know it's going to take a long time (since we're all busy) but we can make it a long term project, work on it at slow pace and have it done just a few weeks before shinhwa's 9th jib is released.. i think that would be better instead of releasing it just some random time once we're done..

^ lolz Krizza dear, go get some sleep ^^

Help? Actually the more the merrier :) I'm sure Kriza agrees with me

*watching how many z's I put into you guys's names lolz*

^ Haha, it would be better to release at some event rather than a random time. Yeah, though I mentioned this, I am a bit busy at the moment ^^; *boohooo~* I thought we should just start by having people find the clips to your chronicles (unless you happen to know where they all are...I probably have them but digging through my collection would be like turning my house upside down) and we'll update people on what has been found by devoting a post on it (get the thread starter to post a link on the frontpage). After that, or during if you like, we'll have people submit shinhwa clips or info they think should be included and a reason why they think so. I suppose it's going to be a heck of a credits list if we do it this way lolz The coordinators are going to have a heck of a job :sweatingbullets: I guess coming up or voting on a more specific theme should narrow things down. I'm excited just thinking about it :D PM or Msn...I guess that's up to you :)

By the way, kriza, Que Sera Sera Ep. 2 subbed is up on youtube :)

Also, for those who want to watch:

I'm accepting friend invites for the next hour and a half before class...so hurry if you aren't on my list yet.

Or you'll have to wait till tomorrow or until the hardsubs are finished uploading...


THANKS SO MUCHHH FOR UPLOADING QUE SERA SERA ON YOUTUBE! >w<;; As soon as I finish practicing for my IB Oral & studying for my physics test, I will go straight to watching. (: Thanksss!

& the Chronicles of A Legend --

I think it's a GREAT idea to turn it into a video. O__O It definately will take a long time, but yeah, we can make it a long term project. (: I think everyone should contribute, so it's less load on just one person! :P I'm not very good with finding videos, but I can put the videos & music & text together, & I can help with putting the whole video together too... Wahh, if we go through with this, the end result will be amazing! (: The process will take a lot of hard work, but I know that we can do this. Shinwha fans are amazing anyway. (; haha~~ & ONCE WE'RE DONE WE SHOULD SUBMIT TO SHINHWA & THEN THEY'LL LOVE IT SOOOOOOO MUCH THAT THEY'LL INVITE US TO HANG OUT WITH THEM. 8D ... LOL. I wish. =___=;;

:sweatingbullets: I'll try translating Wannie's 9th anniversary message from the Chinese subtitles on the video that I have... it's my first time translating so do pardon me if it seems rather incomprehensible (or inaccurate)!

"Everyone, finally on this day, 1998 March 24th

From the day we debuted

It's our 9th anniversary! *wannie claps*

It's such a meaningful day for us to celebrate!

For the past 9 years, the support that everyone has been giving us, staying by our side

I'm very very grateful

For me personally, taking the Asian tour as the base point, as the point where we return together for our activities

(didn't quite get this sentence)

The ones who have given us help

The ones who have given us love

It always appears before my eyes

When I look back, when I realize that the ones who have given me help is all of you,

I feel really happy and thankful.

Even though 9 years have passed, there will be more activites coming up this year, and there will be more time for more activites, am I right?

If everyone remains by our side and continues to support us

We will not let you all down

We will present the most charismatic and meaningful activities to you.

Thank you. *wannie bows*"

AWWW DONGWANNN. (: Thanks for the translations. Goshhh, Dongwan is so good with words, too. Very great speech-deliverer. His message puts a huge smile on my face :D I love how he always refers to his fans... gahh, he's too amazing. <3 MORE ACTIVITIES WILL DEF COME THIS YEAR! IT BETTER! XD;; & I will always remain by your side. (: I can't wait to see his video. >w<;;


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M Live Works 2006,2007 Album Cover

credits to da capo + me for uploading

I love how his album cover looks! WOW..As I scrolled down, I was having a tough time picking a favorite pic. Love the colors, light and shadows.

When will this be released?

Thank you for sharing.

i'm extremely sleepy already after doing so many icons in one day... >.<

so i said to myself, i'll reply here tomorrow. BUT THEN I SAW AMY'S SUGGESTION and said to myself, heck, i'll just reply to that one!~

LOL.i read some comments about me being rolled down a cliff.


i'll reply tomorrow.

right now, i need sleep.

Krizza, your signature is hilarious. Nice work!

honorary member??~!? Are you an honorary member BEFORE or AFTER you roll down that cliff? hahahah..

I don't remember what she said before she disappeared. O__O HAHAHA YESS STEAL ERIC. >:] We're the cool Eric clan. Yeah, Krizza & Lynda can be honorary members! :D Yayy, party. LOL.

Hahaha, yeahh, at first Eric was tied with Dongwan & JunJin, but Eric surpassed them & I love him the best. (; LOLOL krizza rolling down the hill. o___o; oh dear... I can just imagine her, coming here & pulling a Krizza about how we shouldn't roll her off the cliff... ^^; JK KRIZZA, WE LOVE YOU. (: Haha~~ OFCOURSE, JOIN THE CLAN! Me, Natz, & Linh (& Ginnie, perhaps?) are the masters. O__O LOL. Natz is right, we're nice. (; Haha~~ The training is that you have to kidnap Eric. :P I used to be strict with Eric too, but... I think he's so awesome that he needs to be shared. (;


The Eric Clan...LOLz...

When I first read about this clan, several things came to mind..i.e. savages, wild animals, jungles, rainforests, aborigines etc etc. I wonder why I have this weird images when the word "clan" comes up...haha..

And the training is "kidnap Eric" ....LOL. How do we get trained in for this special course?

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Guest fortuneteller
And the training is "kidnap Eric" ....LOL. How do we get trained in for this special course?

Do as our oppas do

go to Korea, seoul

Find eric

find 1 big bag

and put him in :D

By the way

Could u plz put also Dongwannie in for me :D

thanks in advance ^^



Andy pics


Is it him???

*nod nod nod*

Oh my Andy oppa :tears:

Plz get sleep enough and get well soon

Dun make ur princess worry much bout u anymore :tears:

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Guest s3xyminwoo

Thanks for the great translation haha I will be there fan foreverrrrrrr they dont need to worry about me LOL Ill show whyyy LOOK at what I SPENT 100 BUCKS CANADIAN DOING TO SHOW IM a BIG FAN TO REPRESENT!!!! CHECK IT OUT!! EVERYONE =) AND I THOUGHT I LOST IT TODAY 2 >.<






That t-shirt is so HOT!

I wish I had one too LOL

You are such a dedicated fan (:

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Guest nutzie

even though i'm supposed to be working on my lab prep [drosophila oogenesis.. eww!! who the hell cares about what a fly's egg's supposed to look like??] i shall procrastinate and do this, because there's a lot of stuff to reply to.. see what a bad influence you guys are?? just kidding, i'm simply lazy =P

Rgal - is it really how it's spelt in the passport?? that's soo weirdd!! i was doodling on the newspaper this morning before class, and i actually wrote "munchonghyok" out of nowhere =P out of curiousity, how did you find out?

thang - [i almost wrote your name as thank -__-] that's such a cool tee!! unfortunately, i don't have that much money to spend >_<" maybe i should put it into my birthday present list instead.. hahaha..

lynda - i think it will take us long to get to page 2000.. cos since last year [around the time that i joined, we were at 400ish], so if we keep a constant rate, this thread should last for about 2 more years or so.. not that it's a bad thing, cos i'm attached to this thread already ^^"

aindy - poor andy.. he looks tired.. come on andy, make up!! hahaha just kidding =P i think he's working on the oh-so-secret big project i guess?

amy - i would love to help!!! the project seems so much fun!! a lot of work, but a lot of fun too!! umm.. my exams are coming up though ._. but if it's a long term project, i can help a little bit here and there for 2 weeks [starting around now] and then continue after the exams.. will that be okay? if it's a really really long term project, i probably can lend my hands during the summer break *wheee*

krizza - i'll post my round 3 after replying here.. i'm practically multitasking.. hahaha.. of course, the abandoned lab manual doesn't even count.. ahem.. who rolled you down the cliff? *whistles innocently*

amy - aww qss 2 is up already? i just finished watching the 1st one a couple of days ago =D will watch it tomorrow, after my lab [oh drosophila, why have you come and bother me??] thanks!!

riz - i've never seen that video before!! that's soo cool!! actually, each of the outfit matched the personality of the member wearing it.. except.. i don't like eric's much >_< although he could pull it off well.. they're so funny on the runway.. but it's so shinhwa.. man, that fan is so luckyy!! well, i'm talking with rozzy, and she said she's gonna call linh later, because rozzy's having her spring break, but she doesn't have internet access.. hahaha masters.. like jedi [or something like that? i've never watched star wars -___-] yayy i love my co-owners too.. because we're cool like that.. and we're a unique clan..

ginnie - hahaha don't worry, we don't wear coconut cups to cover our tops, or banana leaves to cover our bottoms.. we're not a primitive clan.. we're a modern and cute one =P i.. am not sure how we got trained, but since riz and i are the original eric lovers, together with linh, and your favorite is already eric, i guess you're an instant member.. =P

fortuneteller - yeah, thanks for the link, that's exactly how we should kidnap eric.. but apparently, we need a bigger rice sack than that, but i think krizza's got it all covered.. hahha i think while krizza's doing her mission of kidnapping eric, she would subconsciously put dongwan in it too =P

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Guest 2buckytosmoke
even though i'm supposed to be working on my lab prep [drosophila oogenesis.. eww!! who the hell cares about what a fly's egg's supposed to look like??] i shall procrastinate and do this, because there's a lot of stuff to reply to.. see what a bad influence you guys are?? just kidding, i'm simply lazy =P

Rgal - is it really how it's spelt in the passport?? that's soo weirdd!! i was doodling on the newspaper this morning before class, and i actually wrote "munchonghyok" out of nowhere =P out of curiousity, how did you find out?

thang - [i almost wrote your name as thank -__-] that's such a cool tee!! unfortunately, i don't have that much money to spend >_<" maybe i should put it into my birthday present list instead.. hahaha..

lynda - i think it will take us long to get to page 2000.. cos since last year [around the time that i joined, we were at 400ish], so if we keep a constant rate, this thread should last for about 2 more years or so.. not that it's a bad thing, cos i'm attached to this thread already ^^"

aindy - poor andy.. he looks tired.. come on andy, make up!! hahaha just kidding =P i think he's working on the oh-so-secret big project i guess?

amy - i would love to help!!! the project seems so much fun!! a lot of work, but a lot of fun too!! umm.. my exams are coming up though ._. but if it's a long term project, i can help a little bit here and there for 2 weeks [starting around now] and then continue after the exams.. will that be okay? if it's a really really long term project, i probably can lend my hands during the summer break *wheee*

krizza - i'll post my round 3 after replying here.. i'm practically multitasking.. hahaha.. of course, the abandoned lab manual doesn't even count.. ahem.. who rolled you down the cliff? *whistles innocently*

amy - aww qss 2 is up already? i just finished watching the 1st one a couple of days ago =D will watch it tomorrow, after my lab [oh drosophila, why have you come and bother me??] thanks!!

riz - i've never seen that video before!! that's soo cool!! actually, each of the outfit matched the personality of the member wearing it.. except.. i don't like eric's much >_< although he could pull it off well.. they're so funny on the runway.. but it's so shinhwa.. man, that fan is so luckyy!! well, i'm talking with rozzy, and she said she's gonna call linh later, because rozzy's having her spring break, but she doesn't have internet access.. hahaha masters.. like jedi [or something like that? i've never watched star wars -___-] yayy i love my co-owners too.. because we're cool like that.. and we're a unique clan..

ginnie - hahaha don't worry, we don't wear coconut cups to cover our tops, or banana leaves to cover our bottoms.. we're not a primitive clan.. we're a modern and cute one =P i.. am not sure how we got trained, but since riz and i are the original eric lovers, together with linh, and your favorite is already eric, i guess you're an instant member.. =P

fortuneteller - yeah, thanks for the link, that's exactly how we should kidnap eric.. but apparently, we need a bigger rice sack than that, but i think krizza's got it all covered.. hahha i think while krizza's doing her mission of kidnapping eric, she would subconsciously put dongwan in it too =P

Haha really no worries if u were here ID get u one maybe LOL later on imma make one with shinhwa photo's on it !!

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Guest sarah_luisa

about andy oppa

i heard xman is going to end this april. so what's next for him? any drama or something?

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Guest nutzie

i guess none of us know about it either.. all we can do is speculate for now.. but i'm thinking it's a drama.. because movies won't require him to quit 2 shows to film.. and it doesn't make sense to quit 2 shows if he's gonna join another variety show.. so i think it's gonna be a drama..

or maybe an album like eric and dongwan?

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Guest vietgirl604

:sweatingbullets: I'll try translating Wannie's 9th anniversary message from the Chinese subtitles on the video that I have... it's my first time translating so do pardon me if it seems rather incomprehensible (or inaccurate)!

"Everyone, finally on this day, 1998 March 24th

From the day we debuted

It's our 9th anniversary! *wannie claps*

It's such a meaningful day for us to celebrate!

For the past 9 years, the support that everyone has been giving us, staying by our side

I'm very very grateful

For me personally, taking the Asian tour as the base point, as the point where we return together for our activities

(didn't quite get this sentence)

The ones who have given us help

The ones who have given us love

It always appears before my eyes

When I look back, when I realize that the ones who have given me help is all of you,

I feel really happy and thankful.

Even though 9 years have passed, there will be more activites coming up this year, and there will be more time for more activites, am I right?

If everyone remains by our side and continues to support us

We will not let you all down

We will present the most charismatic and meaningful activities to you.

Thank you. *wannie bows*"

Ooh, thanks for the translations. DongWan<3.

Hahaha, yeahh, at first Eric was tied with Dongwan & JunJin, but Eric surpassed them & I love him the best. (; LOLOL krizza rolling down the hill. o___o; oh dear... I can just imagine her, coming here & pulling a Krizza about how we shouldn't roll her off the cliff... ^^; JK KRIZZA, WE LOVE YOU. (: Haha~~ OFCOURSE, JOIN THE CLAN! Me, Natz, & Linh (& Ginnie, perhaps?) are the masters. O__O LOL. Natz is right, we're nice. (; Haha~~ The training is that you have to kidnap Eric. :P I used to be strict with Eric too, but... I think he's so awesome that he needs to be shared. (; Besides, I like my co-owners. XD;


LOL Krizza just said that she saw comments about rolling her down a cliff LOL..but will be back to reply hahas. Yes, you guys can be the masters LOL. Kidnapping Eric?! That full grown man?! LOL. This is like a mission for all of us, not one HAHA. Yes, all of your co-owners are awesome people, including me..? LOL.

Do as our oppas do

go to Korea, seoul

Find eric

find 1 big bag

and put him in :D

By the way

Could u plz put also Dongwannie in for me :D

thanks in advance ^^

LOL. They're so funny and I can't believe Jin can fit in that bag like that!! Eric LOL. I liked how he yelled at them when they really wanted to zip it all the way LOL..he's the oldest. he's the boss. LOL put MinWoo in there too! HAHA I'm sure he'll fit in there height/length wise..LOL but I think Jin's the most flexible.

lynda - i think it will take us long to get to page 2000.. cos since last year [around the time that i joined, we were at 400ish], so if we keep a constant rate, this thread should last for about 2 more years or so.. not that it's a bad thing, cos i'm attached to this thread already ^^"

Yeah, I think it'll take long too. No wait, it's been a little over one year and we're at 900 something..so I think another year and a half or so. But I like this thread and wouldn't want it closed for another one. But when that time comes, we have to have the TYPO again..we loveS shinhwa!!

and I think it's a drama too Nat. OOH, I can't wait for it!!!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest fortuneteller
about andy oppa

i heard xman is going to end this april. so what's next for him? any drama or something?

i rememer i read somewhere that he'll have a drama project. A new drama, maybe ^^ i'm waiting 4 it. Or he'll participate in Eric's album. Both them rap really well 2gether ^^ RicDy fighting

LOL Krizza just said that she saw comments about rolling her down a cliff LOL..but will be back to reply hahas. Yes, you guys can be the masters LOL. Kidnapping Eric?! That full grown man?! LOL. This is like a mission for all of us, not one HAHA. Yes, all of your co-owners are awesome people, including me..? LOL.

LOL. They're so funny and I can't believe Jin can fit in that bag like that!! Eric LOL. I liked how he yelled at them when they really wanted to zip it all the way LOL..he's the oldest. he's the boss. LOL put MinWoo in there too! HAHA I'm sure he'll fit in there height/length wise..LOL but I think Jin's the most flexible.

Yeah, I think it'll take long too. No wait, it's been a little over one year and we're at 900 something..so I think another year and a half or so. But I like this thread and wouldn't want it closed for another one. But when that time comes, we have to have the TYPO again..we loveS shinhwa!!

and I think it's a drama too Nat. OOH, I can't wait for it!!!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

It seems to be that kizza have more and more supporters that wanna do this kidnapping project. Me, too. Kizza, I'm always ready to help u if u need. We have Eric in the top of the list, then Wannie and now Minbong ^^ so who's the next ^^

I think we'll have a larger bag or 6 bags ^^

uhm uhm uhm, i'm thinking how we'll go through checking at Korean airport ^^

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Guest nutzie

how to go through korean airport check? we don't =P we go through the sea and sail to a deserted island, just for us and the shinhwa members =P of course we'll have a boat that is docked on a secret place that only we know, so they won't escape from us.. the boat will be used to go to the nearest island to buy daily supplies.. it wouldn't be good to eat sand and drink sea water would it?

i think my imagination have gone wild..

lynda - i think we loves shinhwa is not a typo.. see, my theory is that, because shinhwa brought all of us together, so "we" in this case becomes just 1 being, and therefore, being singular, you have to add "s" on "love", and therefore, we loveS shinhwa =D

by the way, andy's performing with haha on xman this week.. something about being a drag hip hop queen or something? yumm.. i'm so looking forward to it.. he might turn me into a lesbian.. or not >_<

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Guest pharmer

by the way, andy's performing with haha on xman this week.. something about being a drag hip hop queen or something? yumm.. i'm so looking forward to it.. he might turn me into a lesbian.. or not >_<

lolz!! I cracked up laughing soo hard when you said that! turn into a lesbian!! haha

I can't believe it's been 9 years for them and still growing strong. I can't think of another asian group that can beat this longevity except for Japan's SMAP! Plus it seems like we have so much to look forward to or currently enjoying. M's single, Eric's drama/ DW's album/ HS's album/JJ's singles/ Andy's mystery project <<i'm especially waiting on his!!

W/o a doubt i'm sure Eric's album will feature Andy in it. Whenever it comes out.

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Guest samshiku

haha eric so cute..RICDY love!!

if everything can go back to zero what would u think of immediately?

Eric: Andy.


Andy?? why andy?


i dunno i just thought of him


when i have nothing to do i'll think of Andy.


creditS: bestshinhwa


Pharmer your siggie is cute hahaha

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Guest nutzie

pharmer - hahaha i made you laugh =P

xh - awww random ricdy love~ the big alien is thinking about the small kiwi when he has nothing to do.. that's soo cutee!! no wonder andy always chooses eric if he has to choose between the members.. i've just finished que sera sera ep 2 too [thanks amy!! but i can't comment on it, cos youtube's down for maintenance] so i'm on a concentrated eric mode.. eric in white is soo yummy..

miss':bella - that picture is soo cool!! it took me a few seconds to realize that it actually changes color.. or maybe i'm slow -__- i wonder who made it...

i see saharial!! hie hie~~

ugh, i think i'm high after qss.. *hyperventilates*

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