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Guest lenakeem

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Guest PalmPanda

remember the pureness i talked about just a few posts ago???

there you go...

go here for more: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...p;#entry4934974

credit: ocean's six + somdary


look at the last picture!!!! i've never seen such a pure smile come out from a 27-yr-old man..

he's officially become my favorite member.. ^^

That's exactly my thought when I saw those pics! I was like are you sure you're 27 and not 17??? Even my 18 yo cousin looks older than him! In the first pic, he looks like a little boy enjoying his Christmas presents! :lol: In the second pic, I thought if he was shorter, he could probably pass for a 15 year-old. :P Then in the final pic, I just... *drool then faints then recovers to drool again* It probably has to do with that cute white sweater but then again, if someone else wears it, I doubt they would look as cute, cuddly and young as Andy. :blush:

God, I love him!

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^ I do think Yu Mi is a better choice ^^ Hope Eunhye takes care of herself though

BUT....can some tell me why Eric is so penniless in his drama roles these days? :sweatingbullets:

Yoo Mi is a good addition to the cast, at least we won't get knocked down/trampled by fanatic shippers of particular popular couples. She also has the look that gives people a good first impression. Sweet smile and gal-next-door smile.

Why is Eric so penniless in dramas? hehe..Good question!

He was penniless in I RUN, Super Rookie and Invinsible Parachute Agent. Even in WOLF, he pretends to be rich but in fact he owns all of his women's money. There is a twist to that but too bad that story never finished.

The only series he was super rich was Firebird/Bulsae. Playing the guy who has everything...

Que Sera Sera's penniless role is yet to be determined...We will see how it turns out. After all, money may not be the most important characteristic of his role.

p.s. My enthusiasm to have YEH in the series totally died off. hehe..A lot of fiasco and hanky panky I think that went behind the scenes when casting her.

Himang34 : Fiona, that article meanm eventhough battle is considered as 2nd shinhwa, but yesterday night, the managers seemed to be the 2nd shinhwa instead. and they danced to wild eyes song not battle song :)

speaking of the which, Ive updated the fancam thread again


- shinhwa managers 'WILD Eyes' Performance ( i seriously love minwoo,sungie and andy's managers!!! so adorable <333)

CLICK to d/l ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=686.0

Credits : angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Thank you again for sharing!!!

The managers are hilarious!

I am touched to see that Shinhwa and their managers get along SOOOOOOO well.

The chemistry and the bond is there! This is the best working relationship.

Just by observing them, you can see that Shinhwa's managers respects each one of them. e.g. When it is turn for each of them to perform, they discuss it and come up with a pose. hehee...I have a feeling that Shinhwa members has control over their managers and decisions over things. hehe..

ginnie - thanks for the update for the que sera sera.. i seriously have no idea who she is, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see how compatible she is with eric.. she's kinda cute.. but i've never seen her before O_o"

I don't think her face or name is a household name...so, it is not surprising that many do not know her. But, I am sure a LOT more people will know her by name and/or face after this.

The only thing about Que Sera Sera now that I kind of worry about is....only Eric and the director Kim is well known. The supporting actors look very promising based on what they did in the past but they don't have the pulling power, at least that's for now. It is early to tell...

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Guest kriza_09


p.s. My enthusiasm to have YEH in the series totally died off. hehe..A lot of fiasco and hanky panky I think that went behind the scenes when casting her.

it could be the reason behind YEH's mysterious cancellation..

The managers are hilarious!

I am touched to see that Shinhwa and their managers get along SOOOOOOO well.

The chemistry and the bond is there! This is the best working relationship.

Just by observing them, you can see that Shinhwa's managers respects each one of them. e.g. When it is turn for each of them to perform, they discuss it and come up with a pose. hehee...I have a feeling that Shinhwa members has control over their managers and decisions over things. hehe..

one thing though, minwoo's manager seem to be bullied a lot.. lol.. in a lot of events, minwoo seemed to really enjoy making fun of his manager.. hahahh..

edit: yuhuuuu... third time owning a page!! ^^

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Guest sunnydays.

Riz... you're on the brink of insanity and i love it 8D

& you're a evil evil genuis. but that question is kinda hard....

what would to give a guy that almost has everything?



HAHAHA, & you call me almost-psycho... u__U;; LOLOL. Yeah, he does almost have everything... =\ We should strip him of all his belongings & then be the ones to give him things, so that he'll love us unconditionally forever and ever. >:] The vacation sounds awesome. & OFCOURSE,STALKERMODEWITHCAMERAS! =D HAHAHA wow, i can see a restraining order. :ph34r:

Angelix you are too awesome. (: Thanks so much for the fancams! I wanna see themm, wahhh, I bet when I watch it, i'll be like crying cuz I wasn't there. XD; But then again, i'm super happy that they were together again<3 Haha, those managers... I guess Shinhwa's craziness rubbed off on them. =P

Que Sera Sera - YAY, they found a new lead. Darnit, I thought they were gonna ask ME. u__U LOLOL jk. (: I hope she has good chemistry with Eric. I've never seen her before, but hopefully they'll be successful, hmm? (:

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Guest susymoon

my god why do some people want junjin to cut he´s hair it´s the best hair style for him and him sure he likes it,so junjin if you see this please don´t cut it just when it gets to much long ok :D wanjun sarang hamnida

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Guest 2buckytosmoke

Haha i want him to cut his hair to i Like his hair when he had the short blonde hair it was clean and good looking there haha

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Haha i want him to cut his hair to i Like his hair when he had the short blonde hair it was clean and good looking there haha

lol omg same here those old loveletter days when he had that blonde short cut hair made him soo cute and he even acted cute hehe. but now that theyre more mature the hair might not suit him anymore? i dont know just my thinking.

when they were singing "youre so beatiful" and like everyone linked hands except andy :( i wonder why. i kept staring at andy mostly through that song. i felt lonley for him cuz he wasnt linking hands and laughing like the others did.

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I thought about it too but I saw logic in it. Hyesung does alot of singing and he has his mike on his right hand and if Andy links his arm though Hyesung, Hyesung would have problem singing especially since they are singing live. (At least that's what I thinkg! LOL!) :D

EDIT: I really hope we get to see the professional film of the 8th fan meeting. Maybe they'll include it with their 9th album? It looks like one of their best fanmeeting. AGAIN, THANK YOU MAL! Love you! :blush:

when they were singing "youre so beatiful" and like everyone linked hands except andy :( i wonder why. i kept staring at andy mostly through that song. i felt lonley for him cuz he wasnt linking hands and laughing like the others did.
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Guest superstar`kiss


i was just watching them on 'Riding the Korean Wave' and they're SO funny!

Love them so much!!


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Guest tvxqsaraeng

wow. I didn't know YEH's health was bad...Well personally the other girl *forgot her name!!* seems to suit Eric better. YEH and Eric arent' that suiting for a drama^^~ But they are on gameshows^^~ keke~~

P.S-Poor Minwoo. I hope he's ok. There are so many suicides! What's up?? T.T

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Well personally the other girl *forgot her name!!* seems to suit Eric better. ~

The lead actress's name is JUNG YOO MI.

Sounds like a japanese name: ayumi.

it could be the reason behind YEH's mysterious cancellation..

one thing though, minwoo's manager seem to be bullied a lot.. lol.. in a lot of events, minwoo seemed to really enjoy making fun of his manager.. hahahh..

edit: yuhuuuu... third time owning a page!! ^^

His manager is really funny. =) I don't know when they've started to assign one manager to one member. In the past, I seriously remember seeing Minwoo's manager with Eric on the filming site of Super Rookie. I guess in 2005-he was with Eric.

Have you seen the Winter Story 2006-2007- the bullying goes on. But, Minwoo's manager looks like he lurvesssss it. heehee..They were having so much fun making fun of themselves.

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Guest angelix

Two more fancams updated in the fancam thread :)

Shinhwa Managers With Shinhwa - Wild Dance Rehearsal Skit




^ Keke this is where we see minwoo, wannie, andy taught their managers during rehearsal (I keep cracking up at minwoo teaching his manager) LOL XD

Dongwan's Message And Being Dorky


CLICK to d/l ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=686.0

Credits : angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

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hahhaha.. i love minwoo's manager.. i'm not too familiar with the managers of the other members [even eric's =P] but i find minwoo's manager shooo cutee!! he seems so easy going, and manages to get bullied by minwoo all the time.. hahaha.. but he's so cute..

ginnie - her name sounds like instant noodle brand to me =P yoo mi.. isn't that oil and noodle in chinese? *please, i'm just guessing -___-* oily noodle?? ah nevermind me.. i'm crazy.. oh by the way, she kinda looks like han ji min.. the hair maybe?

and well, it's true que sera sera doesn't seem to have much moving power behind them anymore, since the leading female actress isn't eun hye.. but we'll see.. i think a lot of people would still watch the movie.. i for one [although i won't watch it live probably] would watch it just because eric's there =P

susymoon - i think junjin's best hairstyle is the 7th album little boy haircut.. i think he looked snuggly and cute back then =P i like his current hairstyle too actually, although i'd like it just a tad shorter.. he looks good with ponytail, the only guy so far that's acceptable [dude, it was even at the *hot* level] with a ponytail..

riz - i know what we can give him!!! a maid!! we'll smuggle you in as a present [aka the maid] and then you smuggle linh and i into the house, and we'll kidnap him together, and then go on a vacation together.. bwahahahahahahhaha!! *mumbles* i'm crazy..

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Guest vietgirl604

The female lead of QSS has been decided. She will be acting with Eric in his new series this March.

It is Jung Yu Mi.



She seems pretty cool but I think I would've preferred EunHye over her..just because I don't know her. But I'm sure she's good and the drama will turn out fantastic.

^ I do think Yu Mi is a better choice ^^ Hope Eunhye takes care of herself though

BUT....can some tell me why Eric is so penniless in his drama roles these days? :sweatingbullets:

LOL I didn't understand what you meant by penniless..but now I do LOL..maybe because he doesn't need to be RICH in the dramas, to be hot hehehe.

awwww, you're tired of eating dirt and so u want me to join u???? thats nice of you to think of me while eating dirt, all lonely by yourself! thanks for the invitation krizza, but no thanks!!!! XD

LOL!!!! see? even mommie agrees, krizza!!!! And they say 'MOTHERS KNOW BEST!'

ur gonna join us and eat dirt??? well, i think krizza can eat dirt, whereas we can eat icecream!! yum yum, i had McDonalds McFlurry (Mcdoanalds ice cream mixed with oreo, in case ur mcdonalds is different over there) before!! it was delicious. i got it on the way home from work, and was driving and eating at the same time!

u can eat dirt with krizza! me, mommie and lynda are eating McFlurry!

LOL McFlurry. Yes, they have that here too and now you make me want one! Haha, how about none of us eat dirt? See how nice and peaceful I am?

i read about the news of da bin. so sad. :( didn't know she was a label mate though.


..What's a label mate?

Haha i want him to cut his hair to i Like his hair when he had the short blonde hair it was clean and good looking there haha

I agree lols. I loved his short and blonde hair. Or just SHORT. I don't like the long hair. Not a fan of any of them having long hair lols.

Two more fancams updated in the fancam thread :)

Shinhwa Managers With Shinhwa - Wild Dance Rehearsal Skit

Dongwan's Message And Being Dorky

CLICK to d/l ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=686.0

Credits : angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Thanks for the link LOL I can't wait to watch it and MinWoo is so cute..lols.


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hahhaha.. i love minwoo's manager.. i'm not too familiar with the managers of the other members [even eric's =P] but i find minwoo's manager shooo cutee!! he seems so easy going, and manages to get bullied by minwoo all the time.. hahaha.. but he's so cute..

ginnie - her name sounds like instant noodle brand to me =P yoo mi.. isn't that oil and noodle in chinese? *please, i'm just guessing -___-* oily noodle?? ah nevermind me.. i'm crazy.. oh by the way, she kinda looks like han ji min.. the hair maybe?

and well, it's true que sera sera doesn't seem to have much moving power behind them anymore, since the leading female actress isn't eun hye.. but we'll see.. i think a lot of people would still watch the movie.. i for one [although i won't watch it live probably] would watch it just because eric's there =P

Eric's manager shares some similiarity with Eric especially now with similar hair style and length. I realized that while watching the videos that Mal posted, the one when Eric+manager performed the dorkiest pose that only Eric can think of...

I wish we get to see their managers more closely. From the video, I can't really make up how Hyesung's and Junjin's manager look.

Instant noodles...hehe...I have not thought about that. In chinese it would be You Mian..not Yoo Mi dear...

I think it is the frizzy short hair that reminded us about Han Ji Min too. Maybe that's why you thought about "noodle" too? :sweatingbullets:

About QSS, yeap. If thinking about short-term, I will concern myself with ratings etc etc because YEH is the hot girl now due to Goong. But in the long term, if the series' plot is good, direction is good, and acting by all is good...I don't think it becomes much of a concern anymore. I think a lot of people are still watching it for Eric too. ME ME ME...I am one of them.

She seems pretty cool but I think I would've preferred EunHye over her..just because I don't know her. But I'm sure she's good and the drama will turn out fantastic.

I think Yoo Mi is a good choice too in the sense that she brings no baggage to the character. She is a fresh face to most of us that haven't watch her movies. She's been active only in movie industry. In this drama, we can start with a clean slate with no previous reference. Also, without strong fan base could also mean she has virtually no antis. I am also quite aware of news mentioning Eric+YEH as the singers couple. With Yoo Mi , Yoon Ji Hye, Lee Kyu Hwan --We don't need to worry that news will forus on Eric's singer-turn-actor biases. She brings a different dimension to this scenario than previously.

For anybody who is curious about Yoo Mi --You can go to QSS thread. Ericmania uploaded a clip of her winning Best Supporting Actress at the 27th Blue Dragon Awards Ceremony.

i think junjin's best hairstyle is the 7th album little boy haircut..

I like that hairstyle on Junjin too. It was hilarious when he called it "Junjin's younger brother" hairstyle.

It was cute too that he would always run his fingers through his fringe to make sure they are all covering his forehead (that bowl hair cut) .........kawaii!

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Guest angelix

All that hardwork of me concentrating on the fancams (& becoz i feel really tired after the fanmeeting) made me forgot to post this, sorry people :blush:

[MQ] 070206 Eric Modelling BASSO Mens' Wear At MBC Entertainment Plus [+YS]



CLICK to d/l ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=695.0

Credits : angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

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ginnie - right!! sorry about my absolutely fantastic chinese skills.. in singapore, noodle was "mee" and yoo sounds like "you" and thus my mixed up chinese translation =P

the only time i've seen eric's manager was in the mnet star watch thingy.. but then again, he was wearing a white tee [i think] and a hat, so i couldn't see it clearly.. but i have the feeling, i'm gonna like him too.. hahahhha.. but for now, minwoo's manager is kyooteeee~~~~

hahahah.. ginnie, i think you should join the eric lovers clan too.. =P well, let's just hope they aren't too caught up with the ratings and whatnot either, although of course, we're hoping that the rating's gonna be high.. but whether they have a good plot or whatever, i'll be too caught up looking at eric.. =P

about junjin's haircut, i love how he's so smiley all the time when he was sporting that haircut.. i'm not saying that when he changes his haircut he'll stop smiling.. but i don't know, i just associate that haircut with smiley junjin.. hahahha.. man i'm getting weirder by the second -________-

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Guest angel2nyt

11/2 [news] 6 Managers aspire to be 2nd Shinhwa

dont you just love them..


now.. i am really envious...

by the way.. minwoo went to jung dabin's wake two times.. they must have been pretty close

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Guest vignette

Mal thanks for the photos and vid links, I'm so happy seeing them have lots of fun. I was going crazy since yesterday when text messages started pouring in about the photos you shared here.

I love Hyesung's new hairdo though I think he still needs to trim it more.

I'm digging M's new haircut while Jinnie needs to have a date with his hairstylist soon.

I have no problem with their outfits, I think it looks good on them.

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