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Guest lenakeem

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Hello, sharing the sexy with you girls (and guys) today.  :rolleyes:

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

...I am still looking for Hye Sung's single. Will post up if I find it. :)

Credit: SHINHWA (for looking so damn fine) + Cosmopolitan (thank you thank you!) + ericmun.net + shinhwa.tumblr.com + absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

aaaaah..perfect picture before i go to bed....

but there's no Hye Sung's solo :( 

*right click* *save as*

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Guest ontheroad

I was so happy when I found out Shinhwa won #1 today... Win after 6 years... Yeah~~~~~~~~~~~~biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

This win was even more sweeter becoz everyone worked so hard for it!!!!!!!^^ I am still happy, that win just made my day... like seriously~~~~~!!!! I feel like jumping around and smiling.... what is this feeling???? hehe... it feels like as if I got first place in a competition!!!!! I have fallen deep for these men over such a short time.... I can now completely understand why so many of u hab been dedicated fans for so long!!!! love this family of Shinhwa and Shinwa Changjos....... 86% SMS vote--- that was simply incredible!!!!! the encore stage concert today gave me goosebumps wid all those fanchants!!! Shinchangs are awesome... it was so nice to see Shinchangs to sing the song when members were busy hugging and greeting each other..... that is why Shinhwa love their Shinchangs becoz they are awesome!!!!!!^^ Every time I think how Shinhwa members stood in the same stage at the same time for their comeback concert to fulfill the promise made to fans I feel proud to have discovered this group!!!! Nobody can be as cool as them.... If I was a hoobae in Korean music industry I will buy these cool sunbae food everyday and praise them 24/7 ... haha... tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif... The members so so happy to clinch the number one spot... I cud see the proudness in Eric's face when he was holding the trophy.... I think more than being happy for themselves they were happy for the fans that wanted to win that no #1 spot so bad... They sud win more of this trophies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I topped the page!!!!!!!! ANYWAY, CONGRATULATIONS TO SHINHWA AND SHINHWA CHANGJOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was always burdensome for me to say that I am a shinhwa changjo because I jus discovered them but sseeing different generations of Shinhwa changjos here I can proudly say I am a third generation shinhwa changjo....hehe...biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif.... THE MAKNAE changjo!!!!! hehe 

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I am still thrilled about them winning last night.. aaaah so happy! our efforts are all sooo worth it!

You can see in each member's eyes that they are so happy. You can see some tears of joy in their eyes.

by the way, I just drooled in those Cosmo pictures! they are all SO HOT! I need to get my hands on that issue!

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Haha I was wondering why the pages jumped 2 pages ahead. I was like "Hmm...what's up, why is everyone suddenly posting?" What do I know...SHINWHA WON :w00t: !!! I don't care if it took them 3 weeks, at least they got it! SHCJ you guys were awesome!! It really paid off!! EXCITED!!

Btw thanks for the translations for the video I posted!! I greatly appreciate it!! :D

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Haha I was wondering why the pages jumped 2 pages ahead. I was like "Hmm...what's up, why is everyone suddenly posting?" What do I know...SHINWHA WON :w00t: !!! I don't care if it took them 3 weeks, at least they got it! SHCJ you guys were awesome!! It really paid off!! EXCITED!!

Btw thanks for the translations for the video I posted!! I greatly appreciate it!! :D

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I just almost cried seeing them win >_<

I knew that I couldn't do much as an individual only being able to vote online but I know it made a difference because we were all making an effort *gah* ~I'm so happy for them and all of us fans :D


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Guest ivytwines

OMG Shinhwa won M!Countdown!!!!

I'm a new fan, and mostly a lurker on this board, but I can't believe how happy I am that Shinhwa won!!!  AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!

Most of all, I'm impressed with Shinhwa Changjo!  Based on Shinhwa's rankings last week, I thought the only way Shinhwa could win was if suddenly a ton people became Shinhwa fans overnight and bought their albums and voted, which I though was unlikely given that their ranking dropped last week.  But after seeing SHCJ leaders mobilize all fans in streaming, searching and voting -- this win is totally because of all of you!!  You're so awesome Shinhwa Changjo!!!  Way to go!!!

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drop by to sharing Intimate Note download link


*gasp* Is this new or old? :)

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Guest rj_1905

THEY WON!! THEY WON!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

like quite a few people, i'm a new fan too! ^^ but SO HAPPY when they finally won! even happier than when my other kpop biases won :P

i actually teared up when i read the thank you tweets from them blush.gif and i was on the bus.... so embarrassing tongue.gif

anyway, here's what they said:

cr: @ShinhwaCompany


Translation: 1st place! It was made possible by everyone! Thank you!

Translation: [Eric] I know that this week everyone planned and made us number 1~ I will receive it thankfully Thank you <3

Translation: [Hyesung] I'm very very thankful for the 1st place present that everyone gave us~ Shinhwa forever

Translation: [Junjin] I could feel the members tearing up on stage. I was holding it back in too, I'm really very thankful to the fans who made us feel this way.

Translation: [Dongwan] Thank you~!!

Translation: [Andy] Thanks to everyone, we got 1st place. I'm always thankful and will show a better side of me in future. I love you.

Translation: [Minwoo] Everyone's heart, Shinhwa's heart, is the same ^^ Really thankful to all the kanji fans and will remain as everyone's Shinhwa till the end. Love you <3

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Guest sunnydays.

^ AWWW Jinnie, so emotional. :D Reminds me of the Guerilla concert. He hasn't changed at all. (:

I love the pictures, they're so cute. They definitely deserve it. SCHJ is so amazing; the love, the effort, the selfless acts they do for these six guys. Love love love!

Congrats Shinhwa!

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Shinhwa Changjo Power!!!! Yeah!!!! It's good to know that our persistence in voting works! Keep up the good work everyone!!!;

Congrats to our wonderful Six Men who are SHINHWA!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't seen Eric this happy in a looooooooong time, it was just ooooooozing out of him even tho' he tried to be cool about it!!!

To celebrate their win, I have translated You & I interview section. Again, please excuse typos, grammar, etc....was trying to type fast as I can without getting in trouble. It starts after their Eusha Eusha performance.

You & I (4-15-12)

LHR: Welcome

JJH: Welcome

LHR: Welcome, 5 princes

Members: 6 princes!

HS: From the start you are like this?

JJ: You are attacking this way?

Member: Nervous?

HS: Lee HO-RI-sshi

Member: Lee Hye-Ri (waist)

DW: Body's Lee Hye-Ri (waist) sshii

LHR: It's strange feeling to hear Shinhwa singing

JJ: We used to be active together long time ago

JJH: 14 years ago, debuted almost the same time right?

LHR: Debuted within year from each other so we were active together

Members: We should say "hello"

LHR: They introduce themselves.

Members: 1, 2, 3. Hello...we are Shinhwa!

LHR: Change your form of greeting...it's from long time ago

JJ: Should we do it this way then? (flipping his hands upside down)

JJH: Hyesung, I noticed that you were singing sitting down?

LHR: How did you get hurt?

MW: During concert, we do alot of special affects...we were doing pumping...

LHR: Oh, jumping up?

MW: Hyesung landed on with all the strength on his right leg...so he had accident

LHR: You shouldn’t be doing pumping nowadays (indicating that they are getting old)

HS: Really wanted to do good…got greedy. I did good the first day but on the second day, I was more excited and jumped too high

DW: He jumped the highest! Thought he was flying

LHR: So 10th album came out in name of Shinhwa

Members: Yes…. (all started to laugh)

JJ: Of course it would come out in name of Shinhwa....you think it'll come out as Pinkl? It’s not like it’s Pinkl’s 10th album!

Member: What is wrong with you today! (laughing)

LHR: I meant album's name

Members: It's "The Return" .

JJH: It's because LHR is overexcited...how was LHR in the past?

LHR: Don't ask about past...you said you wouldn't talk about past.

JJH: Lets talk about past just once.

LHR: So Eric personally directed the album.

HS: Wow, look at her trying to pass. She wasn’t like this in the past…she was naïve before

DW: Are you trying to pass like this?

LHR: Dongwan, do you want me to talk about your leather pants from the past?

DW: Now…Eric took charge (???) of the album….

LHR: So Eric directed member’s singing?

Eric: So we are going to pass on the past stories?

LHR: Why? You have something to say about the past?

JJH: Lets talk about past just once. The way Shinhwa saw past Lee Hyo-Ri

JJ: Easy going, truthful is the same. I don’t think she hasn’t changed.

DW: Hyori when she was in high school during Jam-Won-Dong days…guys wanted to meet Hyori

JJH: Never heard of this before!

LHR: There was line (of guys)

DW: There was line, and anxious…friend told me lets meet Hyori because she will be coming to our celebration (event at high school) so I saw her but from first sight you can tell she didn’t like me because I was wearing leather pants

LHR: I was into hip-hop during that time…

DW: I didn’t like her either!

LHR: Dongwan likedd rock (at that time)

DW: She was pretty girl with hip-hop pants.

HS: Then it must be…both disappointing to each other?

LHR: He was wearing tight leather pants with bell bottom with “horse”boots?

DW: Yes. “Horse” boots

LHR: I was wearing 34-inch waist jeans

DW: Some students were carrying picture of Hyori….like celebrity picture

DW: I had one too. She had dark face with big smile

LHR: So this album with song Venus in it…heard it was foreign country song?

MW: Yes. Andrew Jackson, famous producer/songwriter from US who also producted Brittney Spears and ????…for this album we received over 300 song offers so after trimming and trimming, we decided on the song

JJH: Who wrote the lyrics?

JJ: Minwoo did

JJH: It looks like you guys all participated a lot in this album.

LHR: Minwoo originally you wrote a lot of songs right.

MW: Yes. It’s been around 11 (?) years since I started producing songs.

LHR: But no songs that “HIT”!

HS: Yes but there’s “hit” lyrics

LHR: Like what?

Members: Jewelry’s Superstar, One More Time

MW: YOU know now Hyori?!?!

LHR: Ok. I know now. Wow, you guys are great!

LHR: Really…it’s great being in 30s and you guys didn’t change member at all and still active together

LHR: Besides the point of songs being great or not just the fact you guys are together

JJH: What do you think is the reason why it’s so hard to continue together?

LHR: It’s disharmony between the members

LHR: In truth, everyone says there’s reason why they disband but there’s always disharmony between members

LHR: But with Shinhwa from the past I don’t think you had that

Eric: We had a lot of disharmony…more so

LHR: Other groups among members they don’t talk to each other and it becomes bigger but with Shinhwa, you guys fight over it right away…beat each other up…

HS: You have to say it like that? You should say, we argue and right away take care of.

LHR: I heard from member that “he” got beat up!

LHR: Who was that? Was it Dongwan who said he gets beat up?

DW: Whenever members get chance, they beat me up!

DW: There’s issue (talks) about us arguing and fighting, but Juniors shouldn’t fight just to dissolve the issue…talk it out first..then if it can’t be helped, you can end up fighting.

HS: Fighting is not the main point but discussing it out first should be the main point….communication

JJH: When talking about Shinhwa….you are “animial” idol

LHR: There’s popularity in “animal” idol right now but the original “animal” idol is Shinhwa

JJ: We were “animals”

DW: I was just going to say that! (high-five!)

JJ&DW: We were JUST animals

LHR: There wasn’t any idols with muscles and good body

JJ: Dongwan started that

DW: In truth it was started by Yoo Seung Joo

LHR: Among idol group

JJ: Not among the group….you understand what we are talking about?

LHR: Another reason why Shinhwa is so popular is because of each individual personality are grouped together

JJH: And also, you guys were the first to have solo activities…Eric as actor, DW in movie

HS: Except Hyesung everyone acted and except for me, everyone has solo album

JJ: Why are you doing with your cloth? (talking to JJH)

LHR: Are you hot?

JJ: Are you trying to seduce us?

JJH: Every member is a producer

DW: Nowadays we talk about work too much. Eric, Minwoo, Junjin…few days ago, we met to drink and after we left, 3 of them in Soon-Dae Guk restaurant, talked about business for 5 hours.

LHR: Andy is the president of Teen Top

JJH: Who is the president of Stellar?

JJ: Eric

JJH: I heard that unlike in the past, in the waiting room, if there’s left over coffee, it was said over the leftover coffee that next time they should just all share coffee

MW: Dongwan said since there’s 6 of us…coffee is expensive…more expensive than the food, so if there’s going to be leftovers, just order one and share

LHR: Before you ordered whatever you wanted

Eric: When we were dorming together, we ate a lot

HS: Now that we own a company, we can see import and export expenses

LHR: Your fans are also getting older

DW: All the babies in the back

LHR: Who are you saying are young?

JJ: In the past, when we used to sing Eusha Eusha, fan would get up and dance but now , they just sit and dance from their seats

HS: You can see everything from the stage and before when we say “stand up”, they would get up right away but now it takes them 3 seconds

LHR: Heard that the reason why members stay so long is because Dongwan has their “weakness”….”horror” pictures

DW: Yes…I take their pictures regularly…

LHR: Heard these pictures are not even on the internet

(Dongwan’s Picture)

DW: This picture was taken by Dongwan

Member: That’s “real” Dongwan

MW: When clock strikes midnight, Dongwan changes like that

Eric: That’s our jacket picture

MW: If you take the picture from the top to the bottom…

DW: Don’t explain

MW: Really, when the clock strikes midnight he changes like that

LHR: Next picture

(Eric’s Picture)

MW: I also took this picture…Eric as human-mosquito!

JJH: Is this CG? Did you touch up?

LHR: Is this real? Eric show us

LHR: Looks the same as the picture

(Junjin’s Picture)

JJ: Who is that? He is not our member.

DW: He is Shrek

LHR: Your skin must have came down because you were tired

JJ: I temporarily let it down. I can let my skin down

LHR: How is the activities these days? Having fun? Meeting girl groups?

DW: Yes, we see A LOT of girl groups

LHR: Like it?

MW: When we go to broadcasting company, we see girl groups, saying hello…we feel good

Eric: Since the comeback, each comes to us with their CD and we get to see them close up so we are happy.

JJH: Heard that if something “bad” happens to member, member don’t discuss with other membesr?

JJ: When it’s personal things

DW: It’s not we had big/terrible happenings but because we all have strong pride so we hide things (like don’t want to burden others)…kind of hard to explain

JJH: I guess as you grow older, confession will be different.

JJH: It’s nice to see you guys together and in Japan there’s group SMAP… it’ll be nice if we can all grow older together

LHR: I’m envious…I think it’ll be fun if we (Pinkl) can also get together

LHR: It’ll be fun if we can both be on #1 chart nominee

LHR: It’ll be great if we can see Shinhwa together for a long time

Members: Thank you. We had fun

LHR: We’ll say good bye as we’ll continue see performance by Shinhwa

Thank you mommie Alice you're the best!!!!

Hello, sharing the sexy with you girls (and guys) today. :rolleyes:

...I am still looking for Hye Sung's single. Will post up if I find it. :)

TADA! edited w/ all better scans.

Credit: SHINHWA (for looking so damn fine) + Cosmopolitan (thank you thank you!) + Polaris + shinhwa.tumblr.com (for the first pic) + absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

Thanks so much for those yummy photos, where's Andy's single photo?

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i think i'm gonna die because of the sudden hotness that kpopchild brought to us

they are so damn gorgeous...too much hotness w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

thanks rj_1905 for sharing their pic

it's nice to see them having a relax time together :wub:

and thanks to mommie alice for ur translation

they have a good relationship with hyori <3

hyori should date eric or minbong

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HAHAHHAHA i know this is random and i should share this on the Shinhwa Broadcast forum too but just imagine the next episodes after the doco ep and other eps of they did a Shinhwa Drama/ parody HAAHHAHA it would be sooo FUNNY! any other suggestions for shinhwa broadcast episodes ti come LOL

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mommy Alice........really.......THANKYOU! Thank you for your efforts, from the bottom of my heart!! We all greatly appreciate it. Now I gotta go read it completely haha.

OrangeSHCJ: Oh haha. I didn't know they stopped airing it already. That was the one with Minwoo, Junjin and Andy huh? I wonder why they went on Intimate Note, they aren't even awkward with each other haha.

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