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Guest 80slitenite

Trish, you mention you're looking for someone to sub. I can help you with subbing the show, but are you looking for someone who can translate to sub the show?

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Me! ME! ME! *raises hand* I'm a girl and I'm attracted...phew~~~

Ooooo~ decent quality of the vid...

Tiffy, please tell me where I can find, so I don't have to watch pixelated Shinhwa aliens *bribes with Wannie cookies*

Man, I love 4th jib, they had so many shows!


Whoops~ Looks like I own a page...better post something :)


Umm...I guess I'll post chicken ads cuz judging from the k-celeb section, there seems to be a new wave of Chicken store Ads.

Shinhwa's Kyochon chicken shop will have some competition? :0 lol

But nah~ Cuz at Shinhwa's chicken store:



You can get it for take-out...


OR dine-in...


And they have 'LEGEND'....wait for it, wait for it.....'ARY' waiters!! XD



The doggie bag makes you smile ~ ~ ~

(probably the most 'recycled' baggie)


And Shinhwa members with fall in love with you...

...because, as they say, You are what you eat ~~~" >___<"






They even put on funny dinner shows:



The sitting arrangements may be a bit interesting.

How about a picnic~?



And in case you're thirsty :)


My conclusion is, if SHinhwa's advertising food, the chances are it's probably edible...I mean *points up* look at them chowing it down during their breaks haha~

The captions are a bit :sweatingbullets:

But I thought it would make it more interesting...

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Guest nglkt

lina26435. I think Hyesung's megapass was in their winter story 2003-2004. Their winter story 2004-2005 was a remake album where they remade popular songs of other singers like Kim Gunmo's It's raining on a sleepless night... Lee Moonsae's Red Sunset.. Solid's Matchmake in heaven etc...

Their winter story 2004-2005 MV:

The Mnet perf of them singing the songs they remade (didn't Dongwan vocals blow the audience away? HAHA LOL)


Their winter story tour perf of the remade songs


I REALLY LOVED THEIR WINTER STORIES. Especially the remake album coz it was really really good!

tiff unnie! xP I'm hoping someone could translate and sub as well... coz i use subtitle workshop to translate and sub.. *at most i'll ask nicole unnie for help... but i think she's really busy recently*

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Guest 1wawa3

Tiff! I'm 18! No need to cover my eyes!

Wooh! That definitely attracted us. LOL. *dies*

Dongwan's body is really just...Mind Blowing to say the least. He must've worked out every single chance he got.

Amy, hahaha. Love the picspam! Shinhwa's chicken shop...It's still running?

If the Shinhwa members are waiters there, I'll go to the shop every single day.

Trish, thanks for subbing the RicSyung cut!

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Guest grumpynomore

ROTFL. the chicken ads with captions *thumbs up* hahahah. do they still own that store? i so want to visit!

thank you for all the videos esp the subbed ones!

Hyesung on Shinhwa during ‘Star Night With Park Kyung Rim’

by midnightgirl13

2009 April 19


The members’ reactions after listening to Side 2

PKR: How did the Shinhwa members react? What did they say after listening to the album?

HS: Ah… Have they even listened to it? Haha… But I think they would have heard the title song, are they still human beings if they didn’t? (laughs)

PKR: When you released your album, which of the members contacted you?

HS: When the album was first released, Dongwan was the first to send me a text message.

PKR: Dongwan indeed…

HS: He always shows a lot of concern at times like these.

PKR: He cares a lot for people, and he seems to have lots of free time lately.

HS: He’s especially free these days that he’s checking on me so strictly… Makes me feel nervous… He’s annoying.

PKR: What did he say?

HS: When the album was just released, he said it was really great. Usually he would joke and say some mean things, but this time he actually complimented me, so I feel really happy. But Eric didn’t say much at all, he had nothing to say at all about the songs.

PKR: So if Eric releases an album, Hyesung won’t say anything either I suppose.

HS: Yeah, nothing at all.

PKR: Ah so you do this to each other

HS: I won’t tell him this of course, I’ll just catch him unaware when necessary.

PKR: You make calculated moves, don’t you…

HS: But in any case everyone has been really supportive so I’m really happy. Junjin has been kidding around and helping to promote my song. When I call him, he’d sing my song.

PKR: Junjin’s a really loyal friend

HS: He’d give me strength at unexpected moments, although he usually doesn’t… but at times like these…

PKR: I feel that although the Shinhwa members may be busy with their own solo activities, but once you all get together, even if you don’t do anything you’ll already be giving each other strength.

HS: Of course. To me they’re like my home, we can’t live without our homes, can we? Where would we sleep and where would we eat?

11 years since their debut

PKR: It’s really quite incredible, it’s been 12 years since your debut?

HS: 11 years. Just a while ago on 24th March, it was our 11th anniversary. We gathered for a celebration, and though it’s hard for us to get together usually, everyone including the members serving their military duty also turned up. The 6 of us had a lot of fun together.

PKR: How does it feel to have gone through 11 years…?

HS: 11 years is a long time, and sometimes even we can’t quite believe it. It feels like time has really passed by very quickly, we’ve turned from 20 years old to 30 years old in a flash….

PKR: I personally like Shinhwa very much, and the reason why I respect Shinhwa so much is because… Many things have happened for you guys, and you all have encountered many temptations, isn’t it?

HS: Of course

PKR: But you continue to look out for each other, no matter who is enjoying success or who doesn’t quite have things going smoothly, all of you protect the name of Shinhwa without taking any personal agendas into consideration. Being able to hold on to Shinhwa for more than 10 years, that’s an amazing feat. (She couldn’t have said it better…)

HS: For this, I’m very grateful to the members, I really feel that they’re awesome, and I feel really happy.

PKR: Does Hyesung think of the members when you sing ‘Why Did You Call’?

HS: Hahahahhaha

PKR: Is that what you say when the members call?

HS: On the contrary, actually. I’d say in a reprimanding tone, ‘Why didn’t you call…’

What does Shinhwa mean to Shin Hyesung

PKR: There are lots to say about Shinhwa, so what is Shinhwa to Hyesung? What does it mean to you?

HS: I mentioned it earlier, Shinhwa is like my home, my hometown, it’s something that I cannot do without.

What are the good points and shortcomings of the Shinhwa members?

PKR: Based on Hyesung’s opinion, what are the good points of the members? Let’s start from Dongwan.

HS: Dongwan, he shows a lot of concern for people. Minwoo often spurs us on and leads us into action. As for Andy, he’s very reliable and does a solid job all the time, he doesn’t seem like the youngest at all.

PKR: What about Eric?

HS: Let’s leave Eric to the last one.

PKR: What about Junjin then?

HS: Junjin’s a great guy, he’s really kind.

PKR: So what about Eric?

HS: Let’s omit him.

PKR: Why? Omit?

HS: Ah there’s something! He’s useful.

PKR: Useful?

HS: He lives in the apartment one level below me, so if I want to eat ramyeon, he can bring some packets up. He’s useful like that. Hahahaha… Just kidding…

PKR: We’ll talk about their shortcomings then, let’s start with Dongwan.

HS: He’s very annoying.

PKR: He’s caring but annoying… What about Minwoo?

HS: He moves forward too quickly, sometimes he has to look behind him.

PKR: Andy?

HS: He always thinks he’s the big brother, I nearly got hit by him once.

PKR: We’ll leave Eric to the last, so what about Junjin?

HS: He’s a good guy, but he’s too playful and mischievous, that’s a little detestable.

PKR: He’s a good guy, but detestable, isn’t that a split personality? So what about Eric?

HS: He’s just a nuisance. Hahahahahhaa……

PKR: So today we find out through Hyesung, that all of them have split personalities.

HS: Isn’t that more realistic…

PKR: That’s to say they’re really strange people, right? Caring but annoying, a good leader but moves too quickly, reliable but thinks of himself as the big brother, a good guy but detestable because he’s too playful, and useful but a nuisance… (We already kind of knew that they’re weird folks didn’t we? LOL)

HS: Hahahahahhahahahah

PKR: It’s a special way to analyze them… I’d like to introduce a psychiatrist to you

HS: A specialist? Do I get a discount?

PKR: If you bring those 5 guys along, you’ll get free consultation… (HAHAHAHAHAHHAH OMG SHE’S TOO FUNNY)

Hyesung and the Shinhwa members

PKR: So now I’ll ask you a question and you have to quickly say the name of the member that corresponds to the question. Who among the Shinhwa members is jealous of you?

HS: Dongwan

PKR: And who are you jealous of?

HS: Hmmmm *long pause* Minwoo

PKR: Is it Minwoo? You took a long time to answer that.

HS: Minwoo has certain qualities that I’m very envious of. Although we’re both Type A but our characters are completely opposite. He’s lively, gets on well with people and he’s always surrounded by people. I’m envious of that.

PKR: Which member are you more awkward with these days?

HS: Recently it’s Minwoo. A little unbelievable actually. I feel close to the other members when we meet, but I’m just awkward with Minwoo, I don’t know why it’s like that.

PKR: Could it because you haven’t seen each other for a long time? Or is it because he has a girlfriend now?

HS: Maybe that’s why I feel awkward around him, so I dislike him a little these days. (Go get one yourself!)

PKR: I get it, so the person you dislike now isn’t Eric, but Minwoo? (!!!! *nervous*)

HS: Probably (laughs)

During the 11th anniversary celebration

HS: On the day of our gathering, something really funny happened. That day all 6 of us got together and we prepared a cake. After that we asked Junjin to be the representative to hold the cake and blow out the candles after we all congratulated ourselves. At that point, Junjin had tears in his eyes as he was holding the cake and said, “Hyung, I feel like crying.” He looked really adorable, and then we told him, “Ok, make a wish and then blow out the candles.” He blew out the candles with tears in his eyes and when he was about to sit down, his chair got pulled away….

PKR: Did Eric do that? (LOLOLOLOL most probably… but Dongwan is next on my suspect list…)

HS: I don’t know who did it… But he flipped over 3 times with tears in his eyes and we couldn’t stop laughing for 30 minutes. He had just said, “Hyung, I feel like crying”, and he went tumbling… We nearly died laughing. (LOLOLOL you dorks…. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh…)

PKR: And you didn’t record that moment on camera?

HS: If we did, it would win the Daesang for home videos.

PKR: That’s Shinhwa for you… Even when they’re moved to tears they’re still so amusing. To end this off, say something to the Shinhwa members, something cheerful.

HS: Cheerful? I’ve been picking up the tab when we meet, you guys have to pay some money too…. (laughs) what I want to say is, let’s meet up when there’s time!

Source: Blog of Japanese fan まい

Chi trans: Shinhwaの赛@Shinhwa Baidu Bar

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

big thanks for the transcirpt!

btw...does anyone have the video where 5/6 were on sgb coz i saw this bts...


i kept replaying the beginning coz 5/6 is together...so cute!

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ROTFL. the chicken ads with captions *thumbs up* hahahah. do they still own that store? i so want to visit!

thank you for all the videos esp the subbed ones!

Amy, hahaha. Love the picspam! Shinhwa's chicken shop...It's still running?

If the Shinhwa members are waiters there, I'll go to the shop every single day.

^ Haha~ totally~

Yup, it's still running :)

You often hear foreign fans' accounts about visiting the shop.

They do actually have shares in the franchise and own the shop, so they're not just advertising models ^_^

Our 6 boys all become sajang-nims that day :D


Anyways, a little Shinhwa Changjo present (recently subbed fan-vid) :



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Thank you so much for posting that transcript. Was this radio show captured on camera? Coz I know some times Kyung Lim's radio shows are on camera. Would have been fun to watch Hyesung describing Shinhwa.

PKR: How did the Shinhwa members react? What did they say after listening to the album?

HS: Ah… Have they even listened to it? Haha… But I think they would have heard the title song, are they still human beings if they didn’t? (laughs)

^ this was priceless. If they haven't heard the title song, then they're probably not human beings. [would this mean alien leader?] :D

Thank you for the vid links trish! More vids to watch. I'm sure they had lots of fun doing those winter albums. Track 6 onwards where dongwan had a ment, followed by hyesung's negapasser and then confessions..argh! I've gotta look for videos to satisfy my curiosity to find out what they're talking about!!

Oh wow! They own a fried chicken shop? Probably the korean version of Colonel Sanders? :D

I have a question. If I wanted to send letters or CDs as gifts to Shinhwa, does Good Ent have a postal address that I could send to? Will they personally receive them?

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the last part was just touching. they shouldve totally recorded it >__<

it would probably make me cry

holding the cake with tears in their eyes, in the end still being pranksters.

having heard PKL's voice in a looonnngggg time since x-man

heres the audio clip: http://absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com/2009/0...park-kyung-rim/

love his laughs

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Guest kriza_09

During the 11th anniversary celebration

LOL. You just can't expect these guys to be serious and emotional at all.

And about Hyesung being jealous of Minwoo. I have a feeling that a girl is involved. -_-

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Guest hazrinaer

hahahahaha..that was fun to know more about shinhwa..I totally miss them when read hyesung interview.

they should record the prank on junjin and we can laugh together..hahhaha

they really weird..even during sad moment they still make a prank to the members..but that is shinhwa..

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Guest 80slitenite

I'm glad to see there still are a few girls that like a real sexy well built namja. kekeke

rose_liana you perv XDDD Wannie brings dangerous thoughts. XDD

1wawa3 Mind-blowing? HELL YES.

What Shinhwa aliens Amy O_O

I'll post the download links in my wordpress tomorrow. :) I really love that drama. Even tho no subs I love watching over and over AND NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF THAT DONGWAN SCENE... but that scene is very important. XDDDDD

Thanks for the chicken ads. The captions are good. XD

That's what I figured Trish. ;P Yeah I haven't heard a peep out of Nicole in awhile. o_o Make her unbusy. XP

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I miss SHINHWA :tears:

They're like my inspiration, maybe I'm a bit too late when I knew about shinhwa( I knew Junjin first, that was actually in 2004. I like action suspense series so my sis(thanks to her) recommended "The nine tailed fox" and saw Junjin, I liked him right away when I saw him, that lead me to hate the actor of that series. I'm just so inlove with Junjin's character, I cried so many times while watching him in pain because of Si Yeon ( Kim Tae Hee) my heart hurts asking why can't she love him(Junjin). Then after that my sis asked how was it, did I like the series and I said yes!, I liked Junjin's character and totally drooling over him!. She said that Junjin has a group and they are all hotties so she recommended again to watch shinhwa loveletter on youtube, that time there were no subs yet but I still watched it though I don't have an idea what they're saying etc, etc. My friends find me weird I laugh through out the loveletter episode which I don't know what they're saying, but atleast I have an idea what they're doing. From that on I became a SHINHWA fan! and will be a SHINHWA fan forever!...

As time goes on and witness SHINHWA, I adored the great friendship they had that will always be with them, the love they have for each other. SHINHWA have touched my life in the deepest way that no one will do. I love them truly and respectively. I cry when they cry, I laugh when they laugh, its like I'm part of them and they are part of me. Everytime I feel frustrated and depressed, I'll just watch SHINHWA and I'll be fine. They are like my medicine... There are one of the few reason I smile.

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Guest 1wawa3

^ Awww..I understand how you feel. I miss them terribly too!

If you ask any real Shinhwa fans about the reason they love Shinhwa, one of their answer will always be that they respect and adore the friendship between the 6. It's really different from other groups, in my opinion. Shinhwa has the magical ability to actually make me cry, smile, laugh like no one else can.


grumpynomore, thanks for posting the translation!

OMG! I miss hearing stories like that about Shinhwa. haha. Thank you Hyesung! LOL

I laughed out loud so many times reading it, people around me thought I had gone crazy. :)

Oh wow! They own a fried chicken shop? Probably the korean version of Colonel Sanders?

LMAO! hahahaha. Now that you mentioned it.... :lol:

Tiff, I think Shinhwa brings out the inner perv in us. LOL. Right, rose_liana? XD

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hello everyone..

I'm a month-old Shinhwa Changjo... :D :D :D

And I can say I'm loving them more each day..

I have a question..

Where can I watch xman Ep 57 and 58 with english subtitles where Eric,Andy.Hyesung and Dongwan are the guests???I can't really find the full parts..

thanks in advance..


Is Hyesung not that close to Eric???

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heyyyyyyyy, havent been following shinhwa lately

Where is everyone?? Are they definately getting back in 2012 when Andy's finished with military?

Who is married? Who is gay ( if one of them is.. i heard?) Does Minwoo have a long term gf yet he looked so lonely in a 06 video of his home..

LOVE SHINHWA. they're so loving but not in the sense that youd question their *ahem* orientation cos their all so sexy. and TALENTED. now who wishes they can dance to one of shinhwa's video's perfectly XDD?!

hmm what do you think they'll be like when they come back? singing a different genre of music? backstreet boy's had a comeback but it wasnt as big hmmm. hopefully they'll work that out shinhwa is so awesome started loving them when i was 12 LOL can't believe their all like 12 years my senior they dont look 30 at all but soon they're all gonna settle down you think o_O?

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Where is everyone?? Are they definately getting back in 2012 when Andy's finished with military?

Who is married? Who is gay ( if one of them is.. i heard?) Does Minwoo have a long term gf yet he looked so lonely in a 06 video of his home..

LOVE SHINHWA. they're so loving but not in the sense that youd question their *ahem* orientation cos their all so sexy. and TALENTED. now who wishes they can dance to one of shinhwa's video's perfectly XDD?!

hmm what do you think they'll be like when they come back? singing a different genre of music? backstreet boy's had a comeback but it wasnt as big hmmm. hopefully they'll work that out shinhwa is so awesome started loving them when i was 12 LOL can't believe their all like 12 years my senior they dont look 30 at all but soon they're all gonna settle down you think o_O?

haha we're all still here, will I am at least.

No one is married, but Jun Jin's on the We Got Married show. Minwoo has a current gf, they've been going on for 3 months? And No, they are definitely NOT gay. ;)

I think that as long as there remains Shinhwa Changjo, when Shinhwa have their comback it will be the best and most anitipated!!

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Guest AMORfati


Not a new fan, but a new member here in the Shinhwa Thread! :)

I'm Korean but I live in the States!

I will leave a better intro of myself at a later time.

I'm just excited to look through all these pages of Shinhwa!

I just want to add a note.

One person wrote that she just became a one-month Shinhwa Changjo?

And I see Super Junior pictures in her signature.

Hm, is it just me or does that seem shady?

To be Shinhwa Changjo is to be dedicated to the one and only Shinhwa.

In Korea, you don't see a Shinhwa Changjo officially supporting other groups.

Like me, they are forever indebted to Shinhwa! ^^;;

Anywho, I will be back with lots of pictures and more stories of my love for Shinhwa and Shinhwa Changjo!

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^ Girl, you are fast :) It's not really newly subbed, it just got deleted from youtube, so I uploaded it again ^_^


@ izzyl18- *high five* action dramas are also my thing. Gumiho <3 Jinnie sitting there and playing the cello was such a killer scene for me lolz

He didn't look awkward like a certain KHJ playing the violin in a certain BOF drama. I'm sorry, as a violinist, it bothered me so, so much :sweatingbullets:

@ AMORfati- Welcome to the thread! Please do come back with lots of pics and stories. We need some love in here :) I don't think it's necessary to suspect fellow fans though...new or old, hardcore or not :sweatingbullets:

hello everyone..

I'm a month-old Shinhwa Changjo... :D :D :D

And I can say I'm loving them more each day..

I have a question..

Where can I watch xman Ep 57 and 58 with english subtitles where Eric,Andy.Hyesung and Dongwan are the guests???I can't really find the full parts..

thanks in advance..


Is Hyesung not that close to Eric???

^ Hi, hi! :)

Welcome to the Shinhwa world lolz

Please don't mind AMORfati's comment too much :sweatingbullets: Not entirely tactful and probably overprotective, but I believe she means well... >.<

Um...do you mean stream links for the episodes?

If so, I'll be back in a sec.

If you don't mind downloading, soompi xman's thread has it on the first page.

As for Hyesung and Eric, I think they are definitely close. They were former roommates in the Shinhwa dorms, and now they live one floor apart in the same apartment (before Eric moved, they also previously lived in the same apartment as well). Even their families are close lolz. The oil and water philosophy thingy, IMO, is really because Eric likes to go out of his way to ANNOY the Hyesung because Hyesung is easily annoyed and more uptight...you know, those people that are just asking to be bugged b/c their reactions are so over the top? lolz


Shinhwa xman 24 Ep 57

If you can use veoh: http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category...v347350mmsJ7M9P


P1: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=18JXEMZI

P2: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=38MYO9E1

P3: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=WZ7DAFNT

P4: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=JEGFQJ6L

P5: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=H1TIBL8N

Shinhwa xman 24 Ep 58




P4: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=1OW5ZZKE

P5: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=RLWORKFN

P6: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=Z6NPGOYH

eek~ it looks like parts of 58 got deleted...let me look around...

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