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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest lunalie

hahaha! whenever he has bad hair though, i just think it's so cute ^^:

i don't think junki is christian? but he said his grandma was a really strong christian and he seems to honor that. i think he is personally agonistic though

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

Soompi is back again ! :D

:w00t:I have cinema ticket to Fly Daddy premiere on 3 Aug and Jun Ki will be on stage ! :wacko:

Two cute gifs of cute JK !

He's too cute for his own good ! :lol:



credit as tagged.

Edit : Annie..thanks to kitty for translation and you for sharing Jun Ki's message!

OMMMGGGG You already have your ticket for Fly daddy premiere that too with Junki present!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: I'm so happy for you Wendyyyyy. Have a lot of fun and don't forget about us.. we need the review and detailsssss! Which btw when are you going?

Those gifs are sooooo cute! :lol:

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Guest VyLeTtE

only roman catholics make the sign of the cross right? or other religions do this also? i found it so cute when junki made sign of the cross kekekekk

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Guest liu_xing_girl

Oh..so you missed catching him at the mall ? :blink: What happens if it is Jun Ki at the mall ??? :P

Er..talking about luck, sometimes it's 'fate' ? :lol: I know I cannot see JK in his management office because he hardly goes there from what I find out. So only thing is to go 'chase' him !

Hazel..you were just unlucky not being able to catch a glimpse of him when he was in the Phils. But I am sure one day he will re-visit again, maybe for another vacation ? :rolleyes:

Edit: My friend just emailed me that I could have VIP ticket for 26th preview, but too bad I cannot change my travel plan now. Talk about 'luck" !!!*crying*

yeah, i missed him. cathy & i were even talking about what if he came to that mall that day. now we both feel so frustrated :( ...and to think i'm not even a hardcore LDW fan. if Jun Ki was here in Manila & was even on the same place as i was but i wasn't able to catch him...darn! i think i'll bang my head on the wall or give myself a flying kick :P:lol:

if it's fate...then i guess it's just not meant to be. i just hope Fate gets a little bit kinder to me when my oppas come here ;)

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

I THINK this means that he doesn't care about names only--that he would buy something he liked, no matter what name was on it. A lot of people will buy stuff only if it has a famous and 'expensive' name.

Yeap I think that's what the article trying to said also. Another reason for me to love him! :D

Thank you so much again Seirin for the videos! I was busy the whole day.. but glad to be back and have all this videos of Junki to watch!

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Guest mintyjunki

That's right MythnoonA and AddiCOFFEE. My translation of 'no idea' means he does not care : )

Yesterday Soompi was down so I devoted my free time watching clips woth Lee Jun Ki.. He is so cute!! How can anyone resist him! ^^

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

I was watching Arirang Showbiz Extra last night and at the end of the show, it usually features viewers' request for MV and Jun Ki's 'Let Me Say One Word' was picked at this viewer's request from India! Seems many fans do like his songs.

He has fans in India too? :o:w00t: He really has the potential of going far! I've seen all of his three movies Hotel Venus, Flying Boys, and King and Clown.. he's definitely one of the most talented Korean actor I've come across.. Way to go Junki!

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only roman catholics make the sign of the cross right? or other religions do this also? i found it so cute when junki made sign of the cross kekekekk

hi vYleTte....


iS thaT s0..

caUZ' i'm a cHrisTian bUt i maKe a siGn oF a cr0sS...

cauz' in s0me of his pr0fiLe..

iT tellS thaT hE iS a cHrisTian.....

weLl, i dunn0....



yEsteRday afterno0n..

i caN't oPen so0mpi..

wHat's wr0ng???

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

Elisa..these are super hot photoshoot pics of JK ! :w00t::sweatingbullets: Now I know why most JunKiers prefer his black hair ! :D

What do you mean you 'just know'? :P Although I much perfer him with black hair, I though he was super cute in Flying Boys with that orangish hair also.

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Super thanks to Kitty for putting the effort to translate this long article :)

[interview] <Fly Daddy> Lee Junki- Dreaming To Be An Extraordinary Actor


The phrase one can most easily put next to actor Lee Junki's name is 'a man more beautiful than women'. To an actor, these words could mean poison or medicine, and Lee Junki has chosen to make it a strong point of his career. Even up to the filming of <The King's Man>, Lee Junki probably felt uneasiness towards the future of his acting days. However, <The King's Man>, which broke records in the korean movie industry, brought large changes into the life of his acting career. Lee Junki, who is now wrapped around in confidence about acting, attempts to be even more unusual with the movie <Fly Daddy>. Max Movie met actor Lee Junki, who tries to bring out the best of his characters with his brilliant looks.

#1. Walking the way of being an actor between heaven and hell

The starting point of an acting career is the desire to do it. He discovered the road he wanted to follow after being dragged to a small theatre by a friend of his who was studying theatre in the 10th grade. Lee Junki, who felt the thrill from the actor standing onstage, decided then that he wanted to be the kind of person who gave others that same feeling also. "I was envious of the looks from the audience that the actor onstage received. I was so full of admiration to that actor, who could control the audience's emotions, that he even looked like God."

Although he is a star that everyone in the nation now recognizes, the looks he used to receive from back when he first started acting were unkind. Because he had never had any acting lessons of any kind before then, people gave him scornful laughs in return for his acting. He didn't want to back out now, though he had started at a later age than others surrounded by the scornful laughter. Instead, he stepped forward one by one. He wanted to prove to everyone that there was no one to stop a person who worked hard towards their dreams from progressing. He failed at many auditions, but never once did he regret taking this certain road. "Even now, I'm still working hard to fill in the spots that I'm not good at with passion."

With difficulty, he got into a major in theatre, but the act of stepping one's first foot into society couldn't be done with just passion. "During those days, people probably only saw the negative sides of me." His naive mind to want to move another person's emotions onstage had turned into 'a mission'. "These days, I involuntarily get mad when someone says that I can't act, because my self-respect has become stronger." He says that nowadays, he goes between heaven and hell based on the general public's judgement on his acting skills.


#2. The future rests on how hard I work

"'During <The King's Man>, I wish that some other actor had done it'. I would've been really depressed if the major reaction had been this." The starting point where he began to leave a deep impression on the audiences was <The King's Man>. Lee Junki found a more mature side of him after the release of <The King's Man>. His popularity, which doesn't seem to go down even after time passes, changed his views on acting. "I'm still lacking a lot of things to be able to win the 'Best Male Actor' award. I want to go after the award when I'm in my thirties. I feel that just receiving the 'Best Newcomer' award during my twenties is a valuable start."

Good acting doesn't come naturally, and so one has to work harder than anything for it. His wanting to be a true actor instead of a shining star shows during filming. He showed us his sensible way of thinking, telling us that the immense popularity he had right now wouldn't last forever. He deals with the biased views people have of him in an intelligent way. It's been a long time since he threw away the fear of losing his popularity, which is bound to come down at some time.

In reply to the question of 'where do you think you will be in twenty years', he replied carefully, "It depends on how much hard work I put in". "I believe that I'll be either one or the other: a fallen actor, or an actor who is still doing well until then. Instead of being swept up in popularity, I want to devote myself to my work diligently. If there is one thing I want to hear when I'm that age is that I still have potential to be an actor."

An actor has to be able to do anything for his/her character. He believes that although it is not the chosen work, an actor is a 'conductor' due to the fact that they have the chance to freely move around a person's emotions. "I think that the key point is to be able to express the scenario that one has read enjoyably. I'm not someone who can perfectly pull off a role, but I want to continue my career steadily in search of a solution."

During the interview, Lee Junki kept repeating this: "I want to get out of the image of 'GongGil'." This is the reason he chose to do <Fly Daddy>. Lee Junki, who has been receiving much love from female fans with his 'cute guy' image, is learning how to live life from his acting in a renewed way. "I think he's similiar to me in the fact that he doesn't easily agree with the world. For his past that wasn't expressed in the scenario, the director and I discussed it and made it."

He knows that people will give a cold evalution of his acting. Although he buys misunderstandings because of his confidence and nonawareness of other people's bad gazes towards himself, he feels that anti's are parts of being an actor with a large amount of popularity. His actions have become careful because of the attention everyone has on his daily, personal life as well. "I feel that it's one of the things I have to accept, being a public figure."


#3. Patient of fear of heights rock-climbs

Thanks to regular exercise, there was no difficulty in acting out action scenes. However, for the filming of the rock-climbing, there were some real hardships. His body had a rejecting reaction because of the use of muscles that he didn't normally use. Watching people rock-climb on TV, he thought that, 'All I have to do is hold on to the rocks and go up', but as it turned out, it wasn't that simple. "It was hard supporting myself with the power of my finger joints. I had to work hard to make myself look like a real rock-climbing professional."

In real life, he has a fear of heights that everytime he goes somewhere high up, he starts to tremble, but in the movie, he really wanted to act the part of 'SeungSuk'. Upon first receiving the scenario, he thought that the character 'SeungSuk' had as much pain as himself. "I felt that a made-up character lacking facial wounds would lessen the spirit. I had a lot of discussions with the director about the size of the wound. If it was too big, then it might come off as unlikeable. We must've discussed these things for almost a month (laugh)."

While filming <Fly Daddy>, he felt an unspeakable fear, but didn't let it on to anyone. This was because he didn't want to make everyone around him do more hard work just for him. Lee Junki has an opinion that as an actor, he should get through his fears, and right now, he's happier than anyone could be. "I don't want to be a star who shines and then disappears. I want to be a true actor who marks his place among the crowd."


#4. I don't want to imitate someone else's acting

Lee Junki, who gained instant fame with the movie <The King's Man>, still has the mind he had as a newcomer. He says that although his surroundings have changed drastically, the 'human Lee Junki' hasn't changed at all. He hasn't forgotten about his ambition to go forward as an actor, no matter what his popularity is. This actor, who still has an endless list of things to show us, couldn't seem to contain his passion. "To succeed more, I need to pick good productions to further increase myself as an actor than do a film with a female actress. To an actor, it's a great experience to be able to do well in a film."

Coming back as a strong guy and smelling of sweat in <Fly Daddy>, he didn't read the original novel nor watch the Japanese movie based on <Fly Daddy>. He had a chance to, but he didn't. This was because he felt that it would interfere with his own making of the character of 'SeungSuk'. In the case of <The King's Man>, he did watch the play <Yi> beforehand, but it didn't help much, and only interfered with his own making of 'GongGil'. "I didn't want to copy whoever did the character first".

There are some actors who only want to emboss their own characters without thinking of the flow of the story. In opposition, there are also actors who make the story live and at the same time emboss their own characters as well. Without an explanation needed, actor Lee Junki wants to be the latter and always asks himself, 'What would I do if I were 'SeungSuk' in a situation like this?', never letting the character get out of his body.


#5. With unwavering trust in acting..

In contrast with his feminine looks, he has self-control that is almost to the point of stubbornness. He is even clear and accurate with his choosing of films. He chooses films that he can convey the emotions he himself felt while filming to the audience. To an actor, the audience's interest in one's acting is essential. Although he is in the place of a star at the moment, he wants to keep on jumping over obstacles in his career.

There are a lot of actors who can act in front of a camera, but there aren't many actors who are willing to give their trust to the audience. Lee Junki, who still is embarassed when referred to himself as a main actor, prefers to call himself a cooperation actor instead. "In the case of <The King's Man>, each and every day was filled with tension, but I think that I filmed <Fly Daddy> more enjoyably. I was even more happy because of Lee MoonShik senior, who never got annoyed or irritated in times of hard work and led me through with a relaxing mind."

Because of the uncertainty of his acting taking a step back, he doesn't even have any blank time. That's why he says that he wishes that when he does have some free time, he wants to go to an empty beach and think about himself and his actions over past events.

Lee Junki, who is standing where he is now thanks to his unwavering trust in acting, says that the one thing he wants to hear after <Fly Daddy> is that he is an actor who has completed a successful film. He says that when he met with the director after finishing up the filming of <Fly Daddy>, that his trust didn't waver a bit in the film. He says that this was because of how enjoyable it was to film it, and his belief that he has finished a film that lets out emotions about the importance of family. He didn't even seem to have any burdens about all the attention it has been getting. We are looking forward to Lee Junki, who has jumped over his reputation as a 'pretty guy' into an 'actor with acting skills'.

-credits to mentor, seirin, translations by taeyeonkat@lovejunki.net

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

Seirin you're so fast! :lol: I was about to post it but it's good that you did.. thanks. --Thank you so much once again Kitty. It's a very good article.. Junki is just amazing. I'm so glad that he doesn't copy anyone's acting. I guess that's one first thing I notice about him... and it's of the many reasons why he's so special.

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Annie..what an interesting and thought provoking interview on Jun Ki ! :P I know that the publicity for Fly Daddy is very huge and ongoing for some time that at one point, I got worried about the overplay. But now reading what is on Jun Ki's mind is reassuring in a way. People sometimes feel that when filming a movie, the less focus and news media report, the better for that so-called sense of anticipation. But I feel otherwise, whether there is much publicity or even no news or pictures leaking out from filming sites, a movie's success comes from good scripting, good acting and good directing and most important of all, how the cast play out their roles. It's uniquely timely that Fly Daddy's role of SeungSuk fell into Jun Ki's lap at the height of his popularity that followed King & Clown's Gong Gil role. It is the major opposite image of the pretty effiminate clown, SeungSuk and Gong Gil ! :P I read and hear stuff like "yeah..how long can his popularity lasts based on his pretty looks, he's so girly". It's comments like this that p***ed me off greatly because these people never look beyond his face ! :fury:

Ah...good to hear that Jun Ki will still be an actor in 20 years time, but where would I be by then ? :lol::vicx:

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Guest AddiCOFFEE

Annie..what an interesting and thought provoking interview on Jun Ki ! :P I know that the publicity for Fly Daddy is very huge and ongoing for some time that at one point, I got worried about the overplay. But now reading what is on Jun Ki's mind is reassuring in a way. People sometimes feel that when filming a movie, the less focus and news media report, the better for that so-called sense of anticipation. But I feel otherwise, whether there is much publicity or even no news or pictures leaking out from filming sites, a movie's success comes from good scripting, good acting and good directing and most important of all, how the cast play out their roles. It's uniquely timely that Fly Daddy's role of SeungSuk fell into Jun Ki's lap at the height of his popularity that followed King & Clown's Gong Gil role. It is the major opposite image of the pretty effiminate clown, SeungSuk and Gong Gil ! :P I read and hear stuff like "yeah..how long can his popularity lasts based on his pretty looks, he's so girly". It's comments like this that p***ed me off greatly because these people never look beyond his face ! :fury:

Ah...good to hear that Jun Ki will still be an actor in 20 years time, but where would I be by then ? :lol::vicx:

I agree Wendy.. I coudn't have said it any better than you. BTW don't said that.. in the next 20-30 years, you will still be here cheering for Junki with us!!!

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This is a priceless scene ^^; He was walking off backstage after the popularity award and he gets called up again for overseas popularity award ^^;


060724 Ent Talk [DaeJong awards].avi




060724 KBS Star magazine [DaeJong awards].avi




43rd DaeJong movie awards HDTV.XViD.CD1-JJAN.avi


43rd DaeJong movie awards HDTV.XViD.CD2-JJAN.avi


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Emily..thanks for your kind words ! :P

He has thousands and thousands of very young fans in Korea and needless to say, some will grow up to be adults and I sincerely hope they will stay by him all the way. But it's a fact of life that fans come and go..it's human nature to change at some point in time (like I did toward certain stars, but with good reasons.. mind you) since no one can predict what the future is like. Having said that..I really envy you guys who are decades younger than me ! :lol:

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Emily..thanks for your kind words ! :P

He has thousands and thousands of very young fans in Korea and needless to say, some will grow up to be adults and I sincerely hope they will stay by him all the way. But it's a fact of life that fans come and go..it's human nature to change at some point in time (like I did toward certain stars, but with good reasons.. mind you) since no one can predict what the future is like. Having said that..I really envy you guys who are decades younger than me ! :lol:


h0w oLd are y0u??

weLL, i'm 14...

n0t thaT oLd...........

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Guest angelvitz

yay! Soompi is back! Miss you guys!

Junki's reaction when he recieved his award are priceless!!! :w00t:

Even if he's tired, you'd see how happy he is!

His smile can stop the war in Lebanon! :sweatingbullets:

I'll try to re-post pics later... off to online meeting...

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