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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest lunalie

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh <3

i was so confused when i was looking back and pages i saw before weren't there anymore, but so many people did a wonderful job of reposting pictures and files. thank you to everyone for sharing! and of course CONGRATULATIONS lots and lots many times to junki for his big wins! i love how happy he looked, and his new look was a little of a surprise but still very handsome! his brown color was cute after i got used to it. and the blue suit was good because it wasn't typical. though of course the black haired leejunki with the classic black suit is also breathtaking as we all know :D he also bowed so many times and so deeply. i love his humble attitude

wow wendy, you have tickets and will get to see junki live! congratulations to you too xD

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Guest hhooi1

did jun ki just left a message in his cyworld??

his title is "Bravo! My life!!!^^ You too!"

if this is really correct, then our jun ki must have know some english...^^ :D

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Guest soulrebel

yayy!! congrats to junki and the whole theme of K&C for their wins!! he looks great in those pictures...not as exhausted looking as the photoshoots ones. ^^;;

thanx annie for the files...:hugs:

wendy..hug junki for me if u got the chance at the flydaddy premier!! ^^;;

p/s: gam woo sung looks really good here!!! so yummy!! :sweatingbullets:

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I am glad to have a friend like Ms. Paek whom I corresponded by email soon after Jun Ki's fan meeting in May. She went all out to secure two tickets so that both of us can watch on 3 Aug and he will be making a stage appearance. I think our seats are quite near the stage (10th row ) and I hope to take some pics if I can. Well, it's funny that when we watch movies anywhere, we want the seats furthest away from the screen, but for Fly Daddy, everybody wants the nearest to the screen, opposite way ! :lol: Dear me, his fans are now busy scrambling for tickets at few theatres because I understand that Jun Ki will be moving around so that they can see him. He is real hardworking, isn't he ? :sweatingbullets:

Annie..thanks for the links you posted ! :D

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doesn't lee jun ki have a digital single out ?

His digital single has been out for awhile online. But MyJun is delayed until late July. Its sold out anyhow. Only sold online.

filming Magnificent Vacation??

what's that??

his new movie or drama??

who's his leading lady??

Its a new movie he's filming. He's not the main character. But his role is minor in the movie. He plays the taxi driver's brother I believe... Filming is in KwangJu. Its historical movie taking place in the 80's about the KwangJu massacre.

[07.22.06] Lee Junki, Three Awards King "Best Day", DaeJong Awards


(GoNews=Baek MinJae Reporter) Lee Junki swept up three awards at the 43rd DaeJong Movie Awards.

On the night of the 21st, at 8:40PM, Sam SungDong CoEx Convention Hall and hosted by announcer Yu JongHyun and actress Lee BoYoung, 'The King's Man' Lee Junki took the awards for 'Best New Male Actor', 'Most Popular Male Actor', and 'Most Popular Male Actor Overseas', proving himself as the best newcomer.

Lee Junki, during his thank-you speech for his 'Best New Male Actor', said, "I want to give this honor to my grandmother, in heaven", and "I want to thank my parents, who are probably watching this through TV, the staff, and the director".

He also didn't forget to thank the 1,230,000 viewers and his fans. "I'm grateful to my fans and viewers who allowed me to film this great movie. This award was given to me not because I did well, but to encourage me to do better in the future, so I will continue to work hard".

Lee Junki, who got on stage with Lee YoungAe, who took the 'Most Popular Female Actress Overseas' award, stated, "I feel unworthy. I'm just thankful for the fact that I can stand here right now with senior actress Lee YoungAe. I want to thank my overseas fans", smiling.

-credits to yahoo! korea, translations by taeyeonkat@lovejunki.net

Best Film- The King's Man

Best Male Actor- 'The King's Man' Gam WooSung

Best Director- 'The King's Man' Lee JunIk

Best Supporting Male Actor- 'The King's Man' Yu HaeJin

Best New Male Actor- 'The King's Man' Lee Junki

Most Popular Male Actor- Lee Junki

Best Scenario- 'The King's Man' Choi SukHwan

Best Filmography- 'The King's Man' Ji GilOong

Most Popular Overseas Male Actor- Lee Junki

not sure if this was posted...

The King's Man Day 2006.07.22 14:37

Our celebration..

Many of our family members attended..

I love them wholly..

Our WooSung hyung finally received his award..

It was emotional..

He says that he kept back all his tears..

Congratulations JangSaeng ah.

Our director wasn't doing so well yesterday, but now his mind probably feels great..

And I had gone to the ceremony after two sleepless nights..

It was so tiring.

It's not just us

Because you guys were happy too, right?

This is all thanks to you guys.

creds; Junki's Cyworld, seirin@lovejunki.net for finding, lovejunki.net

translation by; taeyeonkat@lovejunki.net

Subject: Thank you, everyone!! 2006.07.22 00:04

Hello, it's Junki..

I just got back.. ^^. Later, the 'The King's Man' family is going to go out for a celebration, but I felt like I should write a message before going ^^;.

Today was such a hectic day that my head even hurt. To be honest, I was never one to have luck in receiving awards, so I went with only half my expectations. To me, just being a runner-up in the huge award ceremony called the DaeJongSang Awards was a dream, something that I felt was a great honor.

It was an honor to have been awarded in front of all the senior actors that I respected, as well as all the other people of the movie industry.

Today was a day that I had a chance to engrave the love of my family into my heart more deeply. As a representative of my 'The King's Man' family, I want to tell you guys how overwhelmingly grateful we are.

Without getting ahead on just my joyful feelings of the moment, I will devote myself to acting with the encouragement from the award.

Especially, I bow my head in gratitude for the gift my family has given me, and also for my many family members in foreign countries.

From now on, I'll have to run even harder (note: run = work), and I won't disappoint you guys. I'll turn the honor to everyone who always share my happiness with me and who always cheer me on.

Today isn't a day about my joy, but about you guys' joy.

Thank you!

I love you!

Do I really need any more words? I'll always work hard.


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I was watching Arirang Showbiz Extra last night and at the end of the show, it usually features viewers' request for MV and Jun Ki's 'Let Me Say One Word' was picked at this viewer's request from India! Seems many fans do like his songs.

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SG JunKiers, he is in the newspapers again today, maybe the Chinese publications? Does anyone has it yet ? I don't subscribe Chinese newspapers and it's raining so can't go out to buy now ! :blink:

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Guest liu_xing_girl

Soompi is back again ! :D

:w00t:I have cinema ticket to Fly Daddy premiere on 3 Aug and Jun Ki will be on stage ! :wacko:

Two cute gifs of cute JK !

He's too cute for his own good ! :lol:



credit as tagged.

Edit : Annie..thanks to kitty for translation and you for sharing Jun Ki's message!

is junki catholic? i'm just wondering since i saw him do the sign of the cross in the first gif. these are really nice gifs. just look at his reaction after his name was called :w00t:

Wendy, you sure are one very lucky ajumma. i just wish i have your "luck" when it comes to spotting these korean celebs. i was at the same mall as LDW yesterday & i didn't even see him...arrgggghhh! :crazy::(

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Guest VyLeTtE

I was watching Arirang Showbiz Extra last night and at the end of the show, it usually features viewers' request for MV and Jun Ki's 'Let Me Say One Word' was picked at this viewer's request from India! Seems many fans do like his songs.

>>>>> eeeekkkkssss!!! i just watched k&v's part waaaah!!! and it was shown 2x yesterday!!! gotta watch replay tonite and tomorrow!!!! :)

super thanks for those who reuploaded daejong stuff... i was able to go online last sat unfortunately posts for 2days were delted :(

eonni ure super lucky :) youre so blessed hehehe seeing junki 2x this yr!!!! i dun even know if i could see him in this lifetime :)

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I was watching Arirang Showbiz Extra last night and at the end of the show, it usually features viewers' request for MV and Jun Ki's 'Let Me Say One Word' was picked at this viewer's request from India! Seems many fans do like his songs.

go0d m0rning junkiers....

well, i'm happy that thiz thread is still alive..

cauz' i th0ught it was deleted...

cauz' i always saw this thread in the first page...(sigh)

but n0w, in the 2nd page...


it'll never happen again....



i saw it....

i've watched arirang sh0wbiz extra last night...

and maybe later..

i'll watch it...

well, oppa jun is popular in many c0untries n0w..

like malaysia...

I THINK this means that he doesn't care about names only--that he would buy something he liked, no matter what name was on it. A lot of people will buy stuff only if it has a famous and 'expensive' name.

yah uR right..

he's a simple guy....

but elegant...

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is junki catholic? i'm just wondering since i saw him do the sign of the cross in the first gif. these are really nice gifs. just look at his reaction after his name was called :w00t:

Wendy, you sure are one very lucky ajumma. i just wish i have your "luck" when it comes to spotting these korean celebs. i was at the same mall as LDW yesterday & i didn't even see him...arrgggghhh! :crazy::(

Oh..so you missed catching him at the mall ? :blink: What happens if it is Jun Ki at the mall ??? :P

Er..talking about luck, sometimes it's 'fate' ? :lol: I know I cannot see JK in his management office because he hardly goes there from what I find out. So only thing is to go 'chase' him ! :sweatingbullets: :blush:

Hazel..you were just unlucky not being able to catch a glimpse of him when he was in the Phils. But I am sure one day he will re-visit again, maybe for another vacation ? :rolleyes:

Edit: My friend just emailed me that I could have VIP ticket for 26th preview, but too bad I cannot change my travel plan now. Talk about 'luck" !!!*crying*

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iF lEe jUn ki iS at thE maLl,,,???


i huG anD kiSs hiM...... :blush:

asK f0r aN aut0gRaph...


h0w luCky aM i.....

iF iT w0uLd haPpen....

(iT wiLl haPpen.... i pr0miSe :lol: )

edIt: aS faR as i kn0w... juN ki oPpa iS a cHristiaN....

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