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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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6 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Have you guys seen this yet? Oppa's at the airport!!!

6 hours ago, Lynn11 said:

How can anyone be so good looking..:heart:

He does improve the VIEW of the world!


5 hours ago, violina said:

I dont exactly like the outfit.I love the hairdo, glasses, jacket and jeans is good..but the white top and shoes(not so much).But he looks comfortable and he is smiling, that makes me a happy fan.

Wait...what?  You don't like a WHITE top???? :wink: 

:wub: that the top and pants actually fit him <<<aren't oversized>>> and as much as I like men in jackets, I would have loved to see him in those pants with no jacket that hid the slim figure and other key parts.  :tongue:

My other fave:  UCj5PMQ.jpgAlfalfa hair! 

5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Wait... is that shirt kind of transparent/has mesh like material? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me? 

Wait...what??? Was I staring at the Number on the shirt and not something else?  


5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

I don't want him to be a villain in a drama, though.

Why not? 


5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Maybe he is actually good guy disguised as villain and we get to know that only at the last few minutes of the movie and he gets to live happily ever after? :wink:

Like Severus Snape??? Except the living part. 


5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

We can see his pretty forehead too!! happy dancing crazy rabbit

I knew you ladies would be happy! 


So is it Jean Lee who gets to photograph JG again for this shoot?  She does a great job capturing him. 

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Today as well, don't forget to vote (10 clicks a day, for each of them): The Most Handsome Kdrama Star 2017 (currently 2nd round)


and The Best Kdrama 2017 (currently 1st round) 

Fotka uživatele Lee Joon-Gi 이준기 International Fan Club.


Fotka uživatele Lee Joon-Gi 이준기 International Fan Club.

source: https://www.instagram.com/jguoh417/

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On 19/10/2017 at 4:39 AM, violina said:

This scene was heartbreaking:dissapointed_relieved:....someone summarised it better than I ever could with the appropriate gifs to emphasize her point, so here it is:


Thank you so much for sharing! awesome take of the scene :tears:

On 19/10/2017 at 5:40 AM, violina said:

It took me right back to Gong Gil..That raw acting talent..thats not the type that you learn in college..thats in born gift..That ability to express vulnerability that can cut through your spirit(look at those eyes)

Wang So and Gong Gil are the characters that have the srtongest impact on me... You have to unlikable charaters on paper but LJG made them alive in a way that make us love them no matter what


On 19/10/2017 at 6:46 AM, glassnokamen said:

So, this is an annoucement on the Splendor Japan official Fan Site

It says that there will be Lee Jung-Ki Official Magazine vol. 3 e 4, following the one of 2016 in Hawaii, and, as we supposed, it will be make using the Okinawa photoshoot :wub::heart::wub::heart: They say that they'll given more information about the release date soon.

Great news!!!! but will i ever put my hands on them? :(


On 20/10/2017 at 1:17 AM, glassnokamen said:

Thanks for the explanations :)

Actually I think I'm the only here that like this outfit very much. Even if is sure an extra large jacket, I like this outfit because it reminds me military clothing, and I think he's very cool with amphibious boots and casual dress :wub:

me two! i like the outfit B) 

On 20/10/2017 at 9:10 AM, glassnokamen said:

@cwngf  Mission Complete!!!!!! Watch and magazine find!!!! My friend told me that there were a lot where she buy it :D:D


On 20/10/2017 at 12:00 PM, glassnokamen said:

Here I am with ep 2 review :) 

... and what about the bathroom scene, apart from the obvious view of JG naked torso ... (... at that time I didn't know it was a fleeting and very rare vision of the now famous elusive torso and I re-turned my eyes to the scene http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gif http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gif http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gif)? With just one little sigh he shows us all his fragility and the pain he felt in being rejected by his "mother" again and derided by his brother.
In the same time, in his only visible eye we can see all the despair and the fear in thinking that Hae Soo maybe saw his face without the
mask, that she has seen his horrible scar. (... by the way ... how he's able to shows like he's 17 years in that scene??? He really looks like a teenager !!!). It takes a micro second to recover and to return to being the cool killer that everyone knows and passes on threats (I confess ... that's where I started to feel admiration for JG recitative capacity. I mean ... but I had not fallen in the tunnel to the fullest, although it was missing only a little at that time even if I didn't know).


Ritual scene: so beautiful, though every time I see it I always wonder: who are the other man that are dress in red? In all the practice we can see the 6 principles (So, Wook, Wo, Baek Ha, Eun and Yung) + Yo and the Crown Prince,

While during the ritual the people dressed in red are 9

... who are the other 3, who then disappear mysteriously at the time of the attack? http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/09.pnghttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/09.pnghttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/09.pnghttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/09.png

Next week I'm going on a vacation so I do not think I'll be able to review episode 3 ... but I will retrieve it the following week together with episode 4 :) :) 

He looks 17, doen´t he? i won´t ever get tired to say how much i love JG's acting on that scene... mindblowing... and lol, i never noticed the number of princes in the ritual... have a nice vacation and come with your 2 reviews the other week, pleaseeee :D


On 20/10/2017 at 1:05 PM, cedarwood said:

Wang So is so much more than Christian Grey... (hint: hate the book)


Yes, I'm not one of those who don't want to dream about LJG! Btw he showed up few times in my dreams before. One I remember - the dream was frustrating tbh. :tongue:


Worse than openly harsh and insulting Yo? :tongue:


I'm sorry for that. I was promoted >>>> had to change bookshope (for those who don't know - I work in a bookshop) >>>> had to prepare that bookshop since it's brand new one >>> 12 h per day of really hard work + 1 hour in buses to and from work >>>> after coming home I could only dreaming-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


I´ve never watched 50 shades of Gray or read the book... nor i am even tempted to do it... but i don´t have to watch/read to know that Wang So is way better because Wang So is the best thing in and out the world. lol. ohhh and you're so lucky to dream about him. i wish i could. even a frustrating dream... 

Now i have to say i like Yo... and of course Wook is the worst of them all !

Congrats for being promoted!!!!!!


On 21/10/2017 at 9:50 AM, pixelsticks said:

Psstt..  haven't seen it.  Don't know if I can handle it. <<don't know how to watch it subbed>>>

You have to watch NSGD... but let me warn you first half is all about the main girl and you wonder where is my LJG??? second half is all about JG and it is heartbreaking... in fact it has one of my favorite most heartbreaking scene ever! but it is worth every tear you will surely cry...


On 21/10/2017 at 1:09 PM, haniiiii said:

Two votings which deserve your attention (and 10 clicks a day, for each of them):


The Most Handsome Kdrama Star 2017 (currently 2nd round)


and The Best Kdrama 2017 (currently 1st round)
And a treat for your voting -> super handsome sexy lovely Hyun Jun photo :wub: 

Done!!! and thank you for the pretty pic!


On 21/10/2017 at 9:50 PM, pixelsticks said:

Hey.... @antoniaclamens WHERE is your Episode 2 re(take)?  


I posted it in page 170 or 171... 


23 hours ago, joybran said:

Can you tell I double majored in History and Literature? I'm always fascinated by how historical fiction uses the supposed known facts of history to tell dramatic stories. I say "supposed" because history itself is interpretation and conjecture as much as demonstrable events, especially the further back you go. The story makes me wonder about the history, but in this case, I'm sure the "real" Wang So wasn't nearly as fascinating or even as complex a person as Joon Gi's Wang So.

thank you for the info... love to know more about the history background of the drama ( i did some research while it was airing btw) Of course real Wang So could not be as fascinating as our Wang So, but i guess he had a very complicated life.. being a king is not an easy task and he lived long and was a great  ruler ( i read), in times where kings always ended being a puppet or being killed...


For all of you guys who posted wonderful vids/pics from the airport THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! he looks perfect to me, i love everything he's wearing (sunglasses, jeans, bouts, tshirt, jacket, hairstyle, did i miss something?), his poses, his smiles, everything!!!


19 hours ago, violina said:

I want to run my fingers through that back hair..it looks really soft.

But I will never stop being amazed at this man's skin.At 35, its still so healthy looking and young..

Agree!! Agree!!!


19 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Me too - I like coffee with milk too! hi5-smiley.gif?1292867616

But did he really grow up until the very last episodes? Jung is one of the characters who frustrated me to no end. Yes, he was immature in the beginning but i was hoping that with everything that he is going around him he would be more mature. But no, he always blamed So for everything that went wrong. I really don't understand his logic at all - he saw Yo shooting the arrow at Eun, but who does he blame for that? So! I mean, come one, is he stupid or something? Why is he so irrationally biased against So? Worse yet, he knew that Yo was alive but he never reported it. He's a general right? It is his duty to protect the king, but what did he do? head crazy rabbit*Blue tries to calm down*

Yes, snake Wook is definitely worse than Yo. Just as You mentioned Yo is harsh and insulting and everyone know what kind of person he is from the beginning itself. You don't expect good deeds from him - he gives off bad vibes. Snake Wook on the other hand, is shown as this perfect gentleman who cares about his sick wife who hasn't given him any children in a time period where it is important for the nobles and the royals to produce heirs; he is even considerate of HS who made many blunders which could have caused problems for his household; he is understanding; he is calm. He is the complete opposite of So. But underneath it all snake Wook is nothing but a self-righteous and selfish man - it's always "me" or "my" for him. He is the mastermind behind torturing and killing Moo slowly; he is the one who gave the idea to Yo that if he can keep HS under his control, he can control So; he is the one who made it impossible for So to marry Soo. So, yes, I definitely think that snake Wook is more dangerous and worse than Yo. 

:ph34r::ph34r: Hopefully I wouldn't get in trouble for posting such long paragraphs about the drama here! :ph34r::ph34r:


Also like my coffee with milk! and just have to agree with everything you said about Wook and Jung (can´t stand them:angry:)


BTW i will try to watch Episode 3 tomorrow but i´m not sure if i can post my review or comment much here this week, i´ll try anyway

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1 hour ago, antoniaclamens said:

in fact it has one of my favorite most heartbreaking scene ever! but it is worth every tear you will surely cry...

I just cried at a paper commercial that was on the TV during The Walking Dead Season Premiere...but it was worthy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mojTLSIMPBQ


1 hour ago, antoniaclamens said:

I posted it in page 170 or 171...

I'm a dork! Did you post it on the MLSHR thread??


1 hour ago, antoniaclamens said:

BTW i will try to watch Episode 3 tomorrow but i´m not sure if i can post my review or comment much here this week, i´ll try anyway

Do or Do Not...there is no try!  <<<yoda voice>>>  Just kidding...but don't leave me waiting long! 



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3 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

FM Box is on then way!!! I just receive a mail that said that it has been shipped :):):):)


Squee!! So excited for you! 

Anybody gonna email that account and see if there is a response?  hahaha <<<or should I say...who will figure out where she posted that HJ business card and go swipe it?>>>

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Today as well, don't forget to vote (10 clicks for each of them):


The Most Handsome Kdrama Star 2017 (currently 2nd round)


and The Best Kdrama 2017 (currently 1st round)
And treats for your voting -> stylish super handsome Lee Joon Gi photos published today :wub:





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18 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I just cried at a paper commercial that was on the TV during The Walking Dead Season Premiere...but it was worthy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mojTLSIMPBQ


I'm a dork! Did you post it on the MLSHR thread??


Do or Do Not...there is no try!  <<<yoda voice>>>  Just kidding...but don't leave me waiting long! 


So you are a cry baby!!! so am I!!!

I posted my episode 2 review in both threads!!!, gonna see episode 3 in a few hours :D, hope i can make my review tomorrow or day after tomorrow...


@haniiiii done voting!!! thank you for the daily remainder!!! and for the gorgeous pictures... the more i see him the more i love this airport style... our JG is flawless :wub: 

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On 21.10.2017 at 10:26 PM, joybran said:

It makes sense to me that the ritual would have more princes, but the practice would only show the princes who were part of the story.

Wow!!! This is incredible. Thank you for sharing that, I had no idea. I'm not good at korean or chinese history so I'm glad we have you here. :)

It was v. interesting to read. Love your post!

On 22.10.2017 at 3:21 AM, pixelsticks said:

But I don't wanna hurt!!!

It hurts in a good way. Like LJG being so handsome it hurts. :wink:

On 22.10.2017 at 4:20 AM, pixelsticks said:

I decided to check out that darn Typhoon that's headed to Tokyo...

I'm glad that nothing happened in Okinawa, but it reads Lan had big problems. :(

On 22.10.2017 at 5:17 AM, joybran said:

I'm sure the "real" Wang So wasn't nearly as fascinating or even as complex a person as Joon Gi's Wang So.

Sure he wasn't. Well... he had to be really strong person since he was an emperor for such long time but the character we love so much is Wang So from the drama, the one who LJG played so beautifully.

On 22.10.2017 at 8:43 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Have you guys seen this yet? Oppa's at the airport!!!

I'll skin that darn stylist of his!!! What are those pants?! Does he have water in a basement?! Those pants make his legs look shorter. He should fire that blind person!!! :angry:

But LJG's smile is one of a kind. :wub: And it's a pity he covered his eyes with sunglasses but I believe he had to. Bright sun and demonic stylist...

On 22.10.2017 at 10:03 AM, violina said:

Also is it just me, or it looks like he has gained a kilo or two..his face is just a tiny tiny bit fuller than the last time we saw him..(its a good thing by the way) if my eyes are not deceiving me.

I don't know, can't see that. You think so...? :w00t: :wub:

On 22.10.2017 at 10:08 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

It must be awesome to work in a bookshop - surrounded by all those books and the smell of book is simply :wub:!

It is. After 10 years of working in different bookshops I still love it. I think this is the work of my life, even if I don't get really really really big money. But since I've changed the company I'm satisfied with my payment. :)

On 22.10.2017 at 10:08 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Me too - I like coffee with milk too! hi5-smiley.gif?1292867616

The difference is that he probably uses normal milk (I mean cow milk or maybe goat milk). I use oat, almond, rice or coconut milk (but I hate coconut, it's too sweet and kills the taste of coffee). Nevertheless we have something in common.

On the other hand as an obsessive book dragon I'd love to know if he likes to read and if he does - what kind of literature he choses. But that I'll probably never learn - no one asks him this question.

On 22.10.2017 at 10:08 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

But did he really grow up until the very last episodes? Jung is one of the characters who frustrated me to no end. Yes, he was immature in the beginning but i was hoping that with everything that he is going around him he would be more mature. But no, he always blamed So for everything that went wrong. I really don't understand his logic at all - he saw Yo shooting the arrow at Eun, but who does he blame for that? So! I mean, come one, is he stupid or something? Why is he so irrationally biased against So? Worse yet, he knew that Yo was alive but he never reported it. He's a general right? It is his duty to protect the king, but what did he do? head crazy rabbit*Blue tries to calm down*

If I may - many grown up people would behave like him - too many years of being too used to hatred towards one person to just stop it. Those kind of behaviour is not seen only among kindergarten kids. Grown up people also have prejudices and they not even try to stop it. On the other hand those are not people who behave like children in every aspect of life - they have normal jobs, families, hobbies, like to go out like everybody else. I think to Jung the most important thing was that Wang So actually killed Eun. No matter what happened he killed that innocent boy - it was his hand an his sword. He probably couldn't forgive him.

I'm not saying Jung was a great character (14th prince in c-drama was really cool person! I totally loved him!) I just don't think he was v. childlish at the end.

On 22.10.2017 at 10:08 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

I was meaning to talk about this but kept forgetting. CMIIW, but i don't think that snake  Wook loved Myung Hee, it was she who pursued him, right? And if i remember correctly, the marriage was more of a political alliance, isn't it?

Well... how many politics is there? If it was totally for political reasons Myung Hee could love Wang Wook forever but she would never get him if it wasn't the best for politics. She fell in love and wanted him and she got him. Wang Wook? I think he loved her in some way - like olders sister who is sick. And he felt guilty after she died. Probably because he didn't love her the way she deserved. But look at how he behaves with Myung Hee. He's always gentle with her, never did her any harm... He cared like for being sorry he doesn't love her as much as she'd like to.

Blah, I can't explain what I'm thinking. :( 

On 22.10.2017 at 10:08 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Just as You mentioned Yo is harsh and insulting and everyone know what kind of person he is from the beginning itself. You don't expect good deeds from him - he gives off bad vibes.


And he does that because his mommy told him too and his mommy had plans so he obeyed without thinking. How he felt when he realized she only loved him as long as he obeys and is the king? And whenever he sees So he can't stop from saying something nasty. Now that's a big child. :wink: He's also a victim of queen Yoo. At the end I even felt sorry for him.

Wook, as long as he stays in his library is ok. Then he changed into the dark lord of the Sith. :wink:

Hmm... let me put it this way - would you think about Wook badly if he fought against Yo the way he fought with So? Nope. Why? Because we don't like Yo. I'm trying to guess what he was thinking exactly and that time So was his enemy - he fought with his enemy the way he knows how to. Btw he'd be good schemer if he supported So. Imagine that - with his talent to conspiracy he'd be great supporter. But the idea was probably that So should be lonely so... 

On 22.10.2017 at 10:34 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Maybe he is actually good guy disguised as villain and we get to know that only at the last few minutes of the movie and he gets to live happily ever after? :wink:

Hmmm something like Severus Snape but handsome and without killing? Yes, please. :)

On 22.10.2017 at 11:08 AM, violina said:

See stylist nim...no need to hide any part of his beautiful face..he is gorgeous..

Yup stylist-nim showed his forehead but covered his beautiful eyes with sunglasses.  -_-

On 22.10.2017 at 11:57 AM, willenette said:

HI cedarwood, you dreamt of him a lot because you think of him all the time a lot, too - hahaha :tongue:

Not "a lot" but I had few dreams where he showed up for a second or two. One was v. frustrating because in my dream I was a director of drama he played in. In that dream I was so into a convo with screenwriter I didn't paid attention on LJG with his female lead doing the part from the script and later I was watching news in tv saying that the drama had the most scandalous kissing scene in a history. And. I. Haven't. Seen. That. Becasue. Of. Some. Scriptwriter!!! I didn't even look at LJG so I knew he was there but never seen him. ARRRRRGHHHHH!!!

On 22.10.2017 at 3:57 PM, pixelsticks said:

Like Severus Snape??? Except the living part. 

HAHAHAHHAAHHAHA!!! Great minds think alike. :wink:

On 22.10.2017 at 5:54 PM, Lynn11 said:

Did he just touch the fan/girl head?  

Yes! The redhead girl! :D 

On 23.10.2017 at 10:50 AM, glassnokamen said:

FM Box is on then way!!! I just receive a mail that said that it has been shipped :):):):)

Great! Oh... you'll show us how does it look inside, right? ^_^

5 hours ago, haniiiii said:

Namoo actors posted three pictures from Okinawa :wub:

Yesssss!!! I love the third one the most but I'd love to see the bigger version. :D

5 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

And there are also those two more pictures :wub::wub:

Woah! I want that 2nd one!!! Sooo badly!!! :w00t:

Oh hell... I want them all!!!


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